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Final Fantasy XI Notorious Monsters (NM) Hunting Guide

What They Are - Notorious Monsters are the boss mobs in Final Fantasy XI, who provide extra challenges and the possibility of greater rewards in comparison to regular monsters. They are monsters that many players enjoy defeating, for the items that can drop as well as the prestige of fighting them. This guide lists the major NMs throughout FFXI, along with other interesting mobs that are worth hunting.

The Terms - The abbreviation NM is used to refer to Notorious Monsters. The actual term may be Named Monsters or Notorious Monsters; we use the Notorious Monsters wording throughout the site, for consistency's sake. Technically, an NM is any monster that brings up the response of Impossible to Gauge when the Check command is used in FFXI. Another term often used in referring to NMs is HNM, which refers to the most powerful of the NMs. The HNM term is not clearly defined, but it generally refers to high level NMs that are difficult if not impossible to solo, even at level 75. These HNM often provide a title to anyone who defeats them. Much debate revolves around whether a specific NM is or is not an HNM. For practical purposes, the easiest HNMs are generally considered to be the "baby HNM" trio of Roc, King Arthro, and Simurgh. Like most HNMs, these mobs are much more powerful than their respective levels would indicate. (Note that there is also debate about whether the H in HNM stands for Hyper, Honorific, or simply High-Level.) A Linkshell of high level characters who focus much of their attention on killing HNMs is referred to as an HNMLS.

NM Spawns - Most monsters in FFXI spawn a fixed number of minutes after the previous copy was killed. NMs can spawn like that, but there are often other factors at work. There are various ways that NMs can spawn, and specific terms about them that are listed in the Mob Database:
  • Timed Spawns: Most NMs respawn within a certain number of hours. The NM Simurgh is a good example; every 21-24 Earth hours after it was last killed, it will respawn. Since this is based on the last death of the NM, it becomes very important to know the Time of Death (abbreviated as ToD) for these types of NMs. Knowing that allows a party to arrive shortly before an NM should respawn, providing a chance to kill it.
  • Lottery Spawns: Another type of NM spawn is a lottery spawn, where an NM spawns instead of a lower level mob that would be respawning at that time. This can be seen with the NM Ose, who is a lottery spawn from the Torama. The Torama mobs respawn every 16 minutes; occasionally, Ose will spawn instead of one of the Torama. Ose will stay spawned until it is killed, at which point the process starts again. For most lottery spawn NMs, if there isn't a time specified, it is as least a couple of hours from the NM's time of death until it can possibly respawn again.
  • Spawn Restrictions: Like regular mobs, some NMs have other requirements that must be met before they can spawn. This can be seen with many undead NMs in Outdoor areas, who will only spawn at night. One such NM is Xolotl, who only spawns every 21-24 Earth hours, but also only spawns at nighttime in Vana'diel. Other restrictions are can be seen on an NM like Odqan, who is a lottery spawn of Bombs that only spawn in the Fog. It can be a long time between the respawn of these types of NMs, because of their extra restrictions.
  • Forced Spawns: A number of NMs are forced spawns, which means that a character must do a specific action to make the NM load. This usually involves a character trading an item from their inventory to a triple question mark ??? at a specific spot in FFXI. The item is used up when traded, and a specific NM will spawn, claimed and aggressive to the character who spawned it. One of the easiest forced spawned NMs is Bubbly Bernie; to spawn it, a character trades Quus is traded to a ??? in Gustaberg South. Many NMs are spawned this way, up to powerful HNMs such as Kirin, who is the final forced spawn mob of a long chain of NMs. Once a forced spawn mob is spawned, the ??? or other spawn point selection disappears; for almost all forced spawned mobs, the spawn point will reappear 15 minutes after the mob is killed. In this way, most forced spawned NMs can be killed multiple times in a row, if the group of characters has multiple copies of the item required to spawn the NM. All forced spawn NMs are listed below, and information is provided on each NM mob page, with details on how to spawn it.
  • Shared Spawns: A handful of NMs share spawns with each other; when the proper time is up, either one or the other NM will spawn. The most well-known of these are the Three King HNMs, which are a more powerful version of an already difficult HNM that respawns every 21-24 hours. The more powerful of these spawns are referred to as a HQ HNM, in a reference to the way crafting in FFXI works. These sets of mobs are: Fafnir & Nidhogg; Behemoth & King Behemoth; Adamantoise & Aspidochelone. Other sets of NMs share spawns, and are listed as such in the mob database.
  • Total Spawn Points: Every mob in the Mob Database lists the Total Spawn Points for that monster. For standard mobs, this refers to the total copies of the mob that can be loaded at once. This is true for most NMs as well, which is why most of them show Total Spawn Points of 1; only one copy can ever be loaded. (There are a few notable exceptions to this rule, since some NMs load multiple copies at once, such as Padfoot and Carmine Dobsonfly; these are all marked clearly in the database.) A handful of NMs only spawn one at a time, but can load in multiple locations very far apart; for these NMs, the number of Total Spawn Points refers to the places where they can load, not the amount that can load at once. An example of this type of NM is Ixtab, which can load on two different floors in Delkfutt's Upper Tower.
  • Title Obtained: Many NMs provide a specific title to every character that defeats them. These titles are listed in the mob database for such NMs.

The NM List - The following list is made up of useful NMs, along with other interesting mobs in FFXI that aren't technically NMs. They are listed alphabetically by zone, with basic information provided about each one. The NMs listed are those that seem most interesting on their own, primarily designated by what they drop. NMs that spawn from missions or quests are not listed here, although a few regularly spawning mobs that relate to missions are included. There are a handful of non-NMs in this list, primarily mobs that also drop items of value for their level. All items that can drop from a mob are listed, as well as some of the items obtained with the Thief Steal Job Ability.

  • Select any zone name for maps of that zone.
  • Select a mob name to see full details about the mob, including special attacks, respawn rates, and NM maps.

Altepa Eastern Desert
Name Level Family Drops
Cactrot Rapido 80-81 Sabotender Arco De Velocidad, Arete Del Sol, Cactuar Needle, Cactuar Root, Cactus Arm, Cactus Stems
Centurio XII-I 56-56 Antica Intruder Earring
Dune Widow 45-47 Spider Spider Torque, Spider Web
Steal: Spider Web
Altepa Western Desert
Name Level Family Drops
Cactuar Cantautor 56-56 Sabotender Cactuar Needle, Cactus Stems, Kung Fu Shoes
Celphie 47-48 Dhalmel Dhalmel Whistle
King Vinegarroon Unknown Scorpion Ace's Helm, Heavy Shell, Venomous Claw
Attohwa Chasm
Name Level Family Drops
Alastor Antlion Unknown Antlion Rostrum Pumps
Ambusher Antlion 70-70 Antlion Archer's Jupon
Citipati 67-70 Corse Corse Bracelet, Druid's Slops, Harpe
Tiamat 95-95 Dragon Adaman Ingot, Beetle Blood, Behemoth Hide, Damascene Cloth, Damascus Ingot, Divine Log, Dragon Blood, Dragon Heart, Dragon Meat, Dragon Talon, Herald's Gaiters, Malboro Fiber, Noritsune Kote, Oxblood, Siren's Hair, Wyrm Horn
Xolotl 80-81 Corse Bandomusha Kote, Perseus's Harpe, Zoolater Hat
Batallia Downs
Name Level Family Drops
Ahtu 51-52 Treant Dryad Root, Engraved Key, Mistletoe
Lumber Jack 55-55 Beetle Beetle Blood, Beetle Jaw, Beetle Shell, Bloodsword, Hi-Reraiser, Lightning Mantle, Reraiser, Vile Elixir
Tottering Toby 27-28 Sapling Stumbling Sandals, Treant Bulb
Name Level Family Drops
Bi'Gho Headtaker 25-25 Quadav Plantbane, Power Crossbow, Quadav Helm
Da'Dha Hundredmask 30-30 Quadav Mithran Scimitar, Parrying Knife
De'Vyu Headhunter 45-45 Quadav Beadeaux Chest Key, Quadav Charm
Ga'Bhu Unvanquished 47-48 Quadav Duel Rapier, Valkyrie's Mask
Ge'Dha Evileye 30-30 Quadav Faerie Tunic, Holy Phial, Scroll of Deodorize, Scroll of Invisible, Scroll of Sneak
Go'Bhu Gascon 41-42 Quadav Beadeaux Chest Key, Quadav Augury Shell
Mythril Quadav 53-57 Quadav Mythril Breastplate
Steal: Mythril Beastcoin
Ooze 28-30 Slime Dodge Earring, Slime Oil
Zo'Khu Blackcloud 36-38 Quadav Faerie Shield, Marine Hat
Beaucedine Glacier
Name Level Family Drops
Gargantua 47-48 Golem Elemental Charm, Mythril Ore
Kirata 41-41 Tiger Black Tiger Fang, Boreas Cesti, Tiger Hide
Nue 41-42 Tiger Black Tiger Fang, Nue Fang, Tiger Hide
Steal: Land Crab Meat
Behemoth's Dominion
Name Level Family Drops
Behemoth Unknown Behemoth Behemoth Hide, Behemoth Tongue, Comet Tail, Reraiser, Thundercloud, Vile Elixir
King Behemoth 85-85 Behemoth Aquarian Abjuration: Feet, Behemoth Hide, Behemoth Horn, Behemoth Tongue, Defending Ring, Earthen Abjuration: Legs, Martial Abjuration: Legs, Pixie Earring, Shining Cloth, Wyrmal Abjuration: Head
Bibiki Bay
Name Level Family Drops
Intulo 46-47 Eft Curaga Earring, Eft Skin, Magic Slacks
Bibiki Bay - Purgonorgo Isle
Name Level Family Drops
Serra Unknown Pugil Pugil Scales, Volans Greaves
Shen 84-86 Uragnite Reverend Mail
Bostaunieux Oubliette
Name Level Family Drops
Arioch Unknown Giant Bat Arioch Fang, Bat Fang, Fiend Blood
Bloodsucker 71-71 Leech Beastman Blood, Bloodbead Ring, Fiend Blood, Pigeon's Blood Ruby
Drexerion the Condemned 72-73 Shadow Flagellant's Crossbow, Shadow Mask
Manes 72-72 Ghost Taffeta Cloth
Phanduron the Condemned 72-73 Shadow Ascalon, Shadow Mask
Sewer Syrup 64-65 Slime Jelly Ring, Slime Oil
Shii 70-70 Hound Sukesada
Boyahda Tree
Name Level Family Drops
Ancient Goobbue 78-80 Goobbue Boyahda Moss, Dahlia, Daihannya, Great Boyahda Moss, Sukesada, Tree Cuttings
Aquarius 69-71 Crab Crab Shell, Fransisca, Land Crab Meat
Ellyllon 66-66 Funguar King Truffle, Mushroom Helm, Reishi Mushroom, Sleepshroom
Leshonki 79-81 Sapling Fruit Seeds, Leshonki Bulb, Treant Bulb
Unut 72-72 Rabbit Hare Meat, Luna Subligar, Rabbit Hide
Voluptuous Vivian 85-85 Morbol Black Ribbon, Malboro Fiber, Malboro Vine, Vivian Ring
Buburimu Peninsula
Name Level Family Drops
Boburimboo 30-31 Pugil Buburimu Gorget
Helldiver 29-30 Bird Bird Feather, Wingedge
Cape Teriggan
Name Level Family Drops
Frostmane Unknown Manticore Lockheart, Manticore Fang, Manticore Hair, Manticore Hide
Kreutzet 79-79 Greater Bird Giant Bird Feather, Giant Bird Plume, Sirocco Kukri
Carpenters' Landing
Name Level Family Drops
Hercules Beetle 34-34 Beetle Beetle Jaw, Black Hose, Insect Wing
Mycophile 35-35 Funguar Mycophile Cuffs
Orctrap 37-39 Flytrap Flytrap Leaf, Hojutsu Belt, Nikkariaoe
Castle Oztroja
Name Level Family Drops
Mee Deggi the Punisher 35-36 Yagudo Impact Knuckles, Ochimusha Kote
Moo Ouzi the Swiftblade 30-30 Yagudo Barbarian's Sword, Demonic Sword
Ooze 38-40 Slime Bull Earring, Slime Oil
Quu Domi the Gallant 35-36 Yagudo Sarutobi Kyahan, Strider Sword
Tzee Xicu the Manifest 85-85 Yagudo Astral Signa, Damascene Cloth, Daylight Dagger, Mahogany Log, Malboro Fiber, Mythril Ore, Petrified Log, Philosopher's Stone, Phoenix Feather, Platinum Beastcoin, Platinum Ore, Ram Horn, Raxa, Summoner's Testimony
Yaa Haqa the Profane 42-43 Yagudo Earth Doublet, Frost Robe
Yagudo Avatar 75-75 Yagudo Air Spirit Pact, Oak Staff, Platinum Beastcoin, Summoner's Testimony, Walrus Staff
Yagudo High Priest 72-74 Yagudo Scroll of Cure V, Scroll of Raise II, Scroll of Regen III, Scroll of Reraise III, Scroll of Shellra IV, White Mage's Testimony
Yagudo Templar 72-74 Yagudo Samurai's Testimony
Castle Zvahl Baileys
Name Level Family Drops
Blood Demon 64-66 Demon Demon Horn, Demon Pen, Samurai's Testimony, Warrior's Testimony, Yagudo Freezer, Zvahl Coffer Key
Duke Haborym 76-76 Demon Barbarian's Scythe, Demon Horn, Demon Skull, Scroll of Absorb-DEX
Gore Demon 71-73 Demon Demon Horn, Samurai's Testimony, Yagudo Freezer
Grand Duke Batym 76-76 Demon Demon Horn, Demon Skull, Demonslicer
Judicator Demon 71-73 Demon Demon Horn, Scroll of Absorb-INT, Shellbuster
Marquis Allocen 76-76 Demon Corsair's Knife, Demon Horn, Demon Skull
Marquis Amon 76-76 Demon Demon Horn, Demon Skull, Lion Crossbow, Scroll of Firaga III, Scroll of Fire III
Stygian Demon 71-73 Demon Demon Horn, Ice Spirit Pact, Orc Piercer
Castle Zvahl Keep
Name Level Family Drops
Baron Vapula 68-68 Demon Demon Horn, Scroll of Aeroga III, Scroll of Thundaga II
Baronet Romwe 68-68 Demon Demon Horn, Demon's Axe
Count Bifrons 68-68 Demon Demon Horn, Goshisho's Scythe, Scroll of Absorb-DEX
Viscount Morax 68-68 Demon Dark Spirit Pact, Demon Horn, Demon Skull
Crawlers' Nest
Name Level Family Drops
Awd Goggie 68-68 Crawler Crawler Egg, Royal Jelly, Silk Thread
Demonic Tiphia 60-60 Bee Royal Jelly, Tiphia Sting
Drone Crawler 50-50 Crawler Crawler Egg, Rolanberry 874, Silk Thread
Drone Crawler 55-55 Crawler Crawler Egg, Rolanberry 874, Silk Thread
Guardian Crawler 45-45 Crawler Crawler Egg, Rolanberry 881, Silk Thread
Guardian Crawler 50-50 Crawler Crawler Egg, Rolanberry 881, Silk Thread
Matron Crawler 64-64 Crawler Crawler Egg, Rolanberry 864, Silk Thread
Puroboros 45-45 Bomb Bomb Arm, Bomb Ash, Oracle's Belt
Queen Crawler 64-64 Crawler Rolanberry 864
Dangruf Wadi
Name Level Family Drops
Chocoboleech 24-25 Leech Gassan
Geyser Lizard 28-30 Lizard Lizard Egg, Steam Scale Mail
Giant Grub 9-12 Worm Copper Ore, Flint Stone, Hermit's Ring, Sulfur, Zinc Ore
Name Level Family Drops
Blubbery Bulge 45-47 Slime Slime Oil
Dirtyhanded Gochakzuk 71-71 Orc Curse Wand
Hawkeyed Dnatbat 26-28 Orc Archer's Knife, Assassin's Bow
Morbol 37-39 Morbol Ice Brand, Malboro Vine
Orcish Firebelcher 39-42 Warmachine Davoi Chest Key, Long Boomerang, Serpentine Gun
Poisonhand Gnadgad 39-40 Orc Jujitsu Gi, Jujitsu Sitabaki
Steelbiter Gudrud 33-34 Orc Lizard Piercer, Sentinel's Mantle
Tigerbane Bakdak 31-32 Orc Scroll of Absorb-VIT, Tigerhunter, Warrior's Axe
Delkfutt's Lower Tower
Name Level Family Drops
Epialtes 28-32 Gigas Gigas Bracelets, Gigas Necklace, Gigas Socks, Maple Shield
Eurymedon 30-34 Gigas Gigas Bracelets, Gigas Socks, Maple Shield
Hippolytos 28-32 Gigas Gigas Bracelets, Gigas Socks, Maple Shield
Delkfutt's Middle Tower
Name Level Family Drops
Eurytos Unknown Gigas Gigas Bracelets, Gigas Necklace, Gigas Socks, Maple Shield
Ogygos Unknown Gigas Gigas Necklace, Gigas Socks, Maple Shield, Ogygos's Bracelets
Ophion Unknown Gigas Gigas Necklace, Gigas Socks, Maple Shield
Polybotes Unknown Gigas Gigas Bracelets, Gigas Necklace, Gigas Socks, Maple Shield
Rhoikos Unknown Gigas Gigas Necklace, Gigas Socks, Maple Shield
Rhoitos Unknown Gigas Gigas Necklace, Gigas Socks, Maple Shield
Delkfutt's Upper Tower
Name Level Family Drops
Alkyoneus 75-75 Gigas Alkyoneus's Bracelets, Gigas Socks
Enkelados Unknown Gigas Enkelados's Bracelets, Gigas Necklace, Gigas Socks, Mahogany Shield
Ixtab 71-71 Ghost Cheviot Cloth
Mimas 36-36 Gigas Gigas Necklace, Gigas Socks, Huge Moth Axe
Pallas 72-72 Gigas Gigas Necklace, Gigas Socks, Pallas's Bracelets
Porphyrion 36-36 Gigas Delkfutt Key
Den of Rancor
Name Level Family Drops
Bistre-Hearted Malberry Unknown Tonberry Dried Mugwort, Scroll of Flood, Scroll of Water III, Scroll of Water IV, Scroll of Waterga II, Scroll of Waterga III, Skirnir's Wand, Tonberry Coat
Carmine-tailed Janberry 66-67 Tonberry Asklepios, Light Spirit Pact, Tonberry Coat, Water Spirit Pact
Celeste-eyed Tozberry Unknown Tonberry Kitsutsuki, Tonberry Coat
Friar Rush 70-70 Bomb Bomb Arm, Bomb Ash, Bomb Core
Hakutaku 85-85 Hecteyes Hi-Reraiser, Optical Hat, Scroll of Firaga III, Scroll of Fire III, Scroll of Fire IV, Scroll of Flare, Vile Elixir, Vile Elixir +1
Ogama Unknown Doomed Amanojaku, Undead Skin
Sozu Bliberry 65-65 Tonberry Scroll of Water IV, Scroll of Waterga III, Tonberry Board, Tonberry Coat, Tonberry Lantern
Tawny-fingered Mugberry Unknown Tonberry Uggalepih Necklace
Tonberry Decapitator 72-74 Tonberry Fudo, Scroll of Hojo: Ni, Scroll of Tonko: Ni, Tonberry Coat, Tonberry Lantern
Tonberry Pontifex 75-75 Tonberry Dried Mugwort, Scroll of Water III, Scroll of Water IV, Tonberry Coat, Tonberry Lantern
Tonberry Tracker 72-74 Tonberry Thief's Kote, Tonberry Coat, Tonberry Lantern
Dragon's Aery
Name Level Family Drops
Fafnir 88-90 Dragon Aegishjalmr, Andvaranauts, Aquarian Abjuration: Feet, Aquarian Abjuration: Hands, Balmung, Dragon Blood, Dragon Heart, Dragon Meat, Dragon Scales, Dragon Talon, Earthen Abjuration: Hands, Hrotti, Neptunal Abjuration: Head, Ridill, Wyrm Beard
Nidhogg 90-90 Dragon Aquarian Abjuration: Body, Dragon Blood, Dragon Heart, Dragon Meat, Dragon Scales, Dragon Talon, Earthen Abjuration: Body, Martial Abjuration: Body, Neptunal Abjuration: Legs, Nidhogg's Scales, Wyrm Beard
Eldieme Necropolis
Name Level Family Drops
Anemone 45-46 Morbol Avenger's Earring, Malboro Vine
Cwn Cyrff 68-68 Hound Swan Bilbo
Skull of Envy 60-60 Skeleton Envy Spear, Jadeite
Skull of Gluttony 60-60 Skeleton Chrysoberyl, Gluttony Sword
Skull of Greed 60-60 Skeleton Fluorite, Greed Scimitar
Skull of Lust 60-60 Skeleton Lust Dagger, Painite
Skull of Pride 60-60 Skeleton Aquamarine, Pride Staff
Skull of Sloth 60-60 Skeleton Sloth Wand, Zircon
Skull of Wrath 60-60 Skeleton Sunstone, Wrath Tabar
Name Level Family Drops
Capricious Cassie 70-70 Morbol Aiming Bracelets, Amity Cape, Cassie Earring, Hi-Reraiser, Malboro Fiber, Reraiser, Vile Elixir, Vile Elixir +1
Eastern Shadow 63-63 Shadow Revival Tree Root, Vali's Bow
Goliath 62-62 Golem Golem Shard, Granite, Mythril Ore
Northern Shadow 63-63 Shadow Executioner, Revival Tree Root
Southern Shadow 63-63 Shadow Master Shield, Revival Tree Root
Western Shadow 63-63 Shadow Retaliators, Revival Tree Root
Ferry Between Mhaura & Selbina
Name Level Family Drops
Blackbeard 67-68 Skeleton Sea Robber Cudgel
Crossbones 28-31 Skeleton Bone Chip, Sand Charm
Crossbones 28-31 Skeleton Bone Chip, Sand Charm
Sea Horror 60-62 Sea Monk Monsoon Kyahan, Shall Shell
Silverhook 70-72 Skeleton Seawolf Cudgel
Fort Ghelsba
Name Level Family Drops
Chariotbuster Byakzak Unknown Orc Auriga Xiphos
Hundredscar Hajwaj 11-13 Orc Coarse Leggings, Wild Cudgel
Garlaige Citadel
Name Level Family Drops
Old Two-Wings 52-52 Giant Bat Bat Cape, Fiend Blood
Serket 70-70 Scorpion Hi-Reraiser, Reraiser, Scorpion Claw, Scorpion Shell, Serket Ring, Serket Shield, Triple Dagger, Venomous Claw, Vile Elixir, Vile Elixir +1
Skewer Sam 54-54 Cockatrice Cockatrice Skin, Wind Spear
Ghelsba Outpost
Name Level Family Drops
Orcish Barricader 17-18 Warmachine Lantern Shield
Orcish Stonelauncher 8-10 Warmachine Hakenbuechse
Orcish Wallbreacher 15-16 Warmachine Strike Baghnakhs
Thousandarm Deshuglesh 11-13 Orc Obelisk, Plate Belt
Name Level Family Drops
Eyy Mon the Ironbreaker 16-16 Yagudo Aspir Knife
Hoo Mjuu the Torrent 16-17 Yagudo Monster Signa, Scroll of Deodorize, Zealot's Mitts
Juu Duzu the Whirlwind 13-13 Yagudo Hunter's Longbow, Light Soleas
Vuu Puqu the Beguiler 21-22 Yagudo Bird Whistle, Bonze's Circlet
Zhuu Buxu the Silent 16-16 Yagudo Parana Shield
Gusgen Mines
Name Level Family Drops
Aroma Fly 40-40 Fly Attar Sachet, Balm Sachet, Black Drop, Blue Drop, Civet Sachet, Clear Drop, Green Drop, Millefleurs Sachet, Musk Sachet, Olibanum Sachet, Purple Drop, Red Drop, Sweet Sachet, White Drop, Yellow Drop
Asphyxiated Amsel 36-43 Ghost Cotton Cloth, Malgust Ring
Burned Bergman 36-41 Ghost Cotton Cloth, Malflame Ring
Crushed Krause 36-38 Ghost Cotton Cloth, Maldust Ring
Foul Meat 43-45 Doomed Clay Amulet, Undead Skin
Juggler Hecatomb 46-48 Evil Weapon Heavy Halberd
Pulverized Pfeffer 36-40 Ghost Cotton Cloth, Malfrost Ring
Smothered Schmidt 36-38 Ghost Cotton Cloth, Malflood Ring
Wounded Wurfel 36-42 Ghost Cotton Cloth, Malflash Ring
Gustaberg North
Name Level Family Drops
Black Wolf 5-8 Hound Dog Collar, Revival Tree Root, Wolf Hide
Maighdean Uaine 11-11 Sapling Optical Earring
Stinging Sophie 9-10 Bee Beehive Chip, Beestinger, Honey, Insect Wing
Gustaberg South
Name Level Family Drops
Bubbly Bernie 9-10 Crab Steam Clock
Carnero 11-12 Sheep Katayama Ichimonji
Leaping Lizzy 10-11 Lizard Bounding Boots, Lizard Skin, Lizard Tail
Gustav Tunnel
Name Level Family Drops
Amikiri 91-91 Scorpion High-Quality Scorpion Shell, Kamewari, Scorpion Claw, Scorpion Shell, Venomous Claw
Baobhan Sith 77-81 Ghost Cheviot Cloth
Bune 80-80 Wyvern Enhancing Sword, Wyvern Scales, Wyvern Skin, Wyvern Wing
Goblinsaviour Heronox 55-59 Goblin Eisentaenzer, Goblin Helm, Goblin Mail, Gold Beastcoin
Taxim 78-79 Skeleton Bone Chip, Cocytus Pole, Scroll of Blizzaga II, Scroll of Blizzaga III, Scroll of Blizzard III, Scroll of Blizzard IV, Scroll of Freeze, Scroll of Ice Spikes
Ungur Unknown Wyvern Ungur Boomerang, Wyvern Scales, Wyvern Skin, Wyvern Wing
Wyvernpoacher Drachlox 70-75 Goblin Goblin Armor, Goblin Mask, Gold Beastcoin, Othinus' Bow
Horutoto Inner Ruins
Name Level Family Drops
Balloon 8-10 Bomb Asbestos Mitts, Bomb Arm, Bomb Ash
Magicked Bones 6-8 Skeleton Bone Chip, Ceremonial Dagger
Maltha Unknown Slime Slime Oil, Trailer's Tunica
Wendigo 25-28 Skeleton Bone Chip, Rusty Dagger
Wendigo 25-28 Skeleton Bone Chip, Scroll of Gravity, Test Answers
Horutoto Outer Ruins
Name Level Family Drops
Balloon 8-10 Bomb Bomb Arm, Bomb Ash, Coarse Boomerang
Bomb King 16-18 Bomb Bomb Arm, Bomb Ash, Bomb Ring
Doppelganger Dio 23-25 Shadow Cruel Scythe, Revival Tree Root
Doppelganger Gog 23-25 Shadow Cruel Spear, Revival Tree Root
Ifrit's Cauldron
Name Level Family Drops
Ash Dragon Unknown Dragon Dragon Blood, Dragon Heart, Dragon Scales, Dragon Talon, Murasame
Bomb Queen 80-81 Bomb Avengers, Bomb Arm, Bomb Ash, Bomb Queen Ring
Foreseer Oramix 71-72 Goblin Goblin Armor, Goblin Mask, Power Staff, Scroll of Curaga IV, Scroll of Cure V, Scroll of Regen III, Scroll of Shell IV
Lindwurm 74-76 Raptor Lindwurm Skin, Valiant Knife
Tarasque 72-74 Lizard Ascention, Tarasque Skin
Tyrannic Tunnok 73-76 Scorpion Lohar, Scorpion Claw, Scorpion Shell, Venomous Claw
Vouivre 79-80 Wyvern Gae Bolg, Wyvern Scales, Wyvern Skin, Wyvern Wing
Jugner Forest
Name Level Family Drops
Fradubio 58-58 Treant Bellicose Mantle, Ebony Log, Mahogany Log, Petrified Log, Rosewood Log
Fraelissa 33-35 Treant Almogavar Bow, Ebony Log, Mahogany Log, Petrified Log, Rosewood Log
King Arthro 55-55 Crab Crab Shell, Damascene Cloth, Land Crab Meat, Magic Cuisses, Reraiser, Velocious Belt, Vile Elixir
Meteormauler Zhagtegg Unknown Orc Garde Pick
Panzer Percival 25-26 Beetle Beetle Jaw, Beetle Shell, Insect Wing, Neckchopper
King Ranperre's Tomb
Name Level Family Drops
Cemetery Cherry 72-73 Treant Divine Log, Ebony Log, Living Rod, Mahogany Log, Petrified Log, Rosewood Log
Crypt Ghost 20-21 Ghost Cotton Cloth, Luminicloth, Martial Slacks, Ranperre Chest Key, Revival Tree Root
Goblin Gruel 18-20 Slime Ranperre Chest Key, Valor Earring
Rock Eater 14-16 Worm Ascetic's Ring, Copper Ore, Flint Stone, Ranperre Chest Key, Silver Ore, Zinc Ore
Spook 11-13 Ghost Cotton Cloth, Luminicloth, Revival Tree Root, Traveler's Mantle
Vrtra 95-95 Dragon Beetle Blood, Cashmere Thread, Cashmere Wool, Damascene Cloth, Damascus Ingot, Dragon Blood, Dragon Meat, Dragon Talon, Reviler's Helm, Siren's Hair, Wyrm Horn
Konschtat Highlands
Name Level Family Drops
Bendigeit Vran 14-14 Shadow Rogetsurin
Goblin Archaeologist 30-75 Goblin Arrowwood Lumber, Broken Willow Rod, Carnation, Chocobo Feather, Copper Ore, Goblin Chocolate, Goblin Helm, Gold Beastcoin, Moko Grass, Rabbit Hide, Rock Salt, Rusty Bolt Case
Haty Unknown Hound Rogetsurin
Rampaging Ram 27-28 Ram Ram Horn, Ram Skin, Rampaging Horn
Steelfleece Baldarich 55-56 Ram Ram Horn, Ram Skin, Rampaging Horn, Viking Shield
Stray Mary 19-20 Sheep Giant Sheep Meat, Mary's Horn, Mary's Milk, Selbina Milk, Sheepskin
Korroloka Tunnel
Name Level Family Drops
Cargo Crab Colin 35-37 Crab Crab Shell, Land Crab Meat, Nadrs
Dame Blanche Unknown Ghost Sarcenet Cloth
Falcatus Aranei Unknown Spider Spider Web, Webcutter
Morion Worm 30-32 Worm Copper Ore, Darksteel Ore, Iron Ore, Morion Tathlum, Tin Ore
Kuftal Tunnel
Name Level Family Drops
Amemet 66-66 Lizard Amemet Skin, Lizard Egg, Lizard Skin, Lizard Tail
Arachne 69-69 Spider Arachne Web
Bloodthirster Madkix 69-72 Goblin Acha d'Armas, Goblin Helm, Goblin Mail, Gold Beastcoin
Cancer 65-65 Crab Arondight, Crab Shell, Land Crab Meat, Rock Salt
Guivre 82-83 Wyvern Guivre's Skull, Wyvern Scales, Wyvern Skin, Wyvern Wing
Pelican 80-81 Cockatrice Astral Aspis, Cockatrice Meat, Cockatrice Skin
Phantom Worm 70-72 Worm Adaman Ore, Darksteel Ore, Phantom Tathlum, Silver Ore
Sabotender Mariachi 68-70 Sabotender Bano Del Sol, Cactuar Needle, Cactuar Root, Cactus Stems
Yowie 69-71 Raptor Raptor Skin, Yowie Skin
La Theine Plateau
Name Level Family Drops
Bloodtear Baldurf 55-56 Ram Lumbering Horn, Ram Horn, Ram Skin, Viking Shield
Goblin Archaeologist 30-75 Goblin Arrowwood Lumber, Broken Willow Rod, Carnation, Chocobo Feather, Copper Ore, Goblin Chocolate, Goblin Helm, Gold Beastcoin, Moko Grass, Rabbit Hide, Rock Salt, Rusty Bolt Case
Lumbering Lambert 27-28 Ram Lumbering Horn, Ram Horn, Ram Skin
Nihniknoovi Unknown Bird Van Pendant
Tumbling Truffle 19-20 Funguar Fungus Hat, Sleepshroom
Labyrinth of Onzozo
Name Level Family Drops
Hellion 66-66 Doomed A l'Outrance, Revival Tree Root, Undead Skin
Lord of Onzozo 74-77 Sea Monk Octave Club, Shall Shell
Mysticmaker Profblix 50-52 Goblin Goblin Armor, Goblin Mask, Moldavite Earring, Scroll of Burst, Scroll of Thundaga III, Scroll of Thunder III, Scroll of Thunder IV
Narasimha 75-77 Manticore Manticore Fang, Manticore Hair, Manticore Hide, Narasimha Hide
Ose 74-76 Coeurl Assault Jerkin, High-Quality Coeurl Hide, Ose Whisker
Peg Powler 61-61 Sea Monk Pearl, Schwarz Axt, Shall Shell
Soulstealer Skullnix 69-71 Goblin Goblin Armor, Goblin Mask, Gold Beastcoin, Kard
Lufaise Meadows
Name Level Family Drops
Amaltheia Unknown Ram Amaltheia Hide, Lanolin Cube, Ram Horn, Ram Skin
Colorful Leshy 56-58 Treant Ebony Log, Harvest Earring, Mahogany Log, Petrified Log, Rosewood Log
Defoliate Leshy Unknown Treant
Kurrea 84-84 Bugard Galliard Trousers
Megalobugard Unknown Bugard Caitiff's Socks, Hercules' Ring, High-Quality Bugard Skin, Megalobugard Tusk
Padfoot 45-46 Sheep Assailant's Ring, Astral Earring, Lanolin Cube, Sheepskin
Name Level Family Drops
Cyclopean Conch Unknown Uragnite Uragnite Shell
Harajnite Unknown Uragnite Harajnite Shell, Uragnite Shell
Zoredonite 62-62 Uragnite Healing Mace, Kosshin, Nebimonite Belt, Zoredonite Ring
Maze of Shakhrami
Name Level Family Drops
Argus 36-37 Hecteyes Hecteyes Eye, Mercury, Peacock Amulet
Aroma Crawler 40-40 Crawler Attar Sachet, Balm Sachet, Black Drop, Blue Drop, Civet Sachet, Clear Drop, Green Drop, Millefleurs Sachet, Musk Sachet, Olibanum Sachet, Purple Drop, Red Drop, Sweet Sachet, White Drop, Yellow Drop
Leech King 35-36 Leech Bloodbead Earring
Meriphataud Mountains
Name Level Family Drops
Coo Keja the Unseen 37-37 Yagudo Ajase Beads
Daggerclaw Dracos 27-28 Raptor Raptor Skin, Sonic Knuckles
Hill Lizard 19-22 Lizard Lizard Egg, Lizard Skin, Lizard Tail, Twinstone Earring
Waraxe Beak 55-56 Cockatrice Cockatrice Meat, Cockatrice Skin, Monsoon Tekko
Misareaux Coast
Name Level Family Drops
Gration Unknown Gigas Tatami Shield
Odqan 50-51 Cluster Atlaua's Ring, Bravo's Subligar, Cluster Core
Orcish Stonelauncher 37-40 Warmachine Long Boomerang
Upyri Unknown Giant Bat Vampire Boots, Vampire Cloak, Vampire Earring, Vampire Mask
Ziphius 55-56 Pugil Hospitaler Earring
Monastic Cavern
Name Level Family Drops
Orcish Hexspinner 72-74 Orc Black Mage's Testimony, Scroll of Quake, Scroll of Stone IV, Scroll of Stonega II, Scroll of Stonega III
Orcish Overlord 75-75 Orc Glorious Sword, Gold Orcmask, Paladin's Testimony, Platinum Beastcoin
Orcish Warlord 72-74 Orc Dark Knight's Testimony, Scroll of Quake, Scroll of Stone III, Scroll of Stonega II, Scroll of Stonega III, Scroll of Stun
Overlord Bakgodek 85-85 Orc Beetle Blood, Damascus Ingot, Darksteel Ore, Ebony Log, Highlander's Targe, Juggernaut, Mahogany Log, Malboro Fiber, Nightmare Sword, Paladin's Testimony, Petrified Log, Philosopher's Stone, Phoenix Feather, Ram Horn, Raxa
Newton Movalpolos
Name Level Family Drops
Bugbear Matman Unknown Bugbear Bugbear Mask, Kopparnickel Ore, Rutter Sabatons, Sylvan Stone
Goblin Collector Unknown Goblin Barbarian Mittens
Swashstox Beadblinker Unknown Goblin Darksteel Codpiece, Pachamac's Collar
Oldton Movalpolos
Name Level Family Drops
Bugbear Strongman 50-52 Bugbear Aikido Koshita, Bugbear Mask, Shinimusha Haidate
Goblin Wolfman 50-55 Moblin Goblin Helm, Goblin Mail, Parade Gorget
Moblin Gurneyman 46-47 Moblin Moblin Armor, Moblin Helm, Moblin Hotrok, Moblin Mail, Moblin Mask
Ordelle's Caves
Name Level Family Drops
Aroma Leech 38-38 Leech Attar Sachet, Balm Sachet, Black Drop, Blue Drop, Civet Sachet, Clear Drop, Green Drop, Millefleurs Sachet, Musk Sachet, Olibanum Sachet, Purple Drop, Red Drop, Sweet Sachet, White Drop, Yellow Drop
Morbolger 42-44 Morbol Malboro Vine, Morbolger Vine
Steal: Malboro Vine
Napalm 31-33 Bomb Bomb Arm, Bomb Ash, Flame Degen, Ordelle Chest Key
Slash Pine 27-29 Sapling Dolphin Staff, Grain Seeds, Herb Seeds, Treant Bulb
Steal: Vegetable Seeds
Stroper 31-34 Morbol Malboro Vine, Ordelle Chest Key, Shield Pendant
Stroper Chyme 33-35 Slime Ordelle Chest Key, Shikaree Ring, Slime Oil
Palborough Mines
Name Level Family Drops
Bu'Ghi Howlblade 12-12 Quadav Marine Shield, Quadav Helm, Scale Gorget
Greater Quadav 11-18 Quadav Fetich Arms, Fetich Head, Fetich Legs, Fetich Torso, Silver Name Tag
Mine Scorpion 14-16 Scorpion Palborough Chest Key, Plantreaper, Scorpion Claw, Scorpion Shell
No'Mho Crimsonarmor 22-23 Quadav Bonze's Circlet, Pixie Mace, Quadav Helm
Scimitar Scorpion 19-21 Scorpion Palborough Chest Key, Plantreaper, Scorpion Claw, Scorpion Shell
Zi'Ghi Boneeater 15-16 Quadav Braveheart, Coarse Gauntlets, Coarse Leggings, Quadav Helm
Pashhow Marshlands
Name Level Family Drops
Bloodpool Vorax 24-25 Leech Beastman Blood, Bloodbead Amulet, Carbuncle's Ruby, Fiend Blood
Bo'Who Warmonger Unknown Quadav Tortoise Shield
Jolly Green 27-28 Goobbue Boyahda Moss, Dahlia, Shaman's Belt, Tree Cuttings
Malboro 25-28 Morbol Dodge Headband, Malboro Vine
Phanauet Channel
Name Level Family Drops
Stubborn Dredvodd 37-38 Orc Carect Ring, Gargoyle Boots, Tathlum Belt
Vodyanoi 45-47 Doomed Nokizaru Hakama, War Hose
Phomiuna Aqueducts
Name Level Family Drops
Eba 48-48 Fomor Fomor Tunic
Fomor Bard 41-48 Fomor Libra Subligar
Fomor Beastmaster 41-48 Fomor Bronze Key, Ophiuchus Subligar
Fomor Black Mage 41-48 Fomor Aries Subligar
Fomor Dark Knight 41-48 Fomor Bronze Key, Revival Tree Root, Sagittarius Subligar
Fomor Dragoon 41-48 Fomor Bronze Key, Leo Subligar
Fomor Monk 41-48 Fomor Aquarius Subligar
Fomor Ninja 41-48 Fomor Bronze Key, Shakudo Ingot, Taurus Subligar
Fomor Paladin 41-48 Fomor Pisces Subligar
Fomor Ranger 41-48 Fomor Balloon Cloth, Revival Tree Root, Virgo Subligar
Fomor Red Mage 41-48 Fomor Scorpius Subligar
Fomor Samurai 41-48 Fomor Bronze Key, Cancer Subligar, Shakudo Ingot
Fomor Summoner 41-48 Fomor Capricornus Subligar
Fomor Thief 41-48 Fomor Balloon Cloth, Bronze Key, Gemini Subligar
Mahisha Unknown Taurus Sinister Mask
Tres Duendes Unknown Bats Chiroptera Dagger, Niokiyotsuna, Vampiric Claws
Promyvion - Dem
Name Level Family Drops
Satiator 38-38 Gorger Beryl Memosphere, Satiator Remnant
Promyvion - Holla
Name Level Family Drops
Cerebrator 38-38 Thinker Cerebrator Remnant, Teal Memosphere
Promyvion - Mea
Name Level Family Drops
Coveter 38-38 Craver Coveter Remnant, Indigo Memosphere
Promyvion - Vahzl
Name Level Family Drops
Deviator Unknown Wanderer Recollection of Suffering, White Memosphere
Provoker Unknown Seether Recollection of Anxiety, White Memosphere
Wailer Unknown Weeper Recollection of Animosity, White Memosphere
Name Level Family Drops
Golden-Tongued Culberry 84-85 Tonberry Uggalepih Pendant
Gyre-Carlin Unknown Diremite Concealing Cuffs, Rikonodo
Qufim Island
Name Level Family Drops
Dancing Weapon 28-30 Evil Weapon Kaiser Sword
Dancing Weapon 28-30 Evil Weapon Kaiser Sword
Dosetsu Tree Unknown Treant Raikiri
Trickster Kinetix 35-36 Evil Weapon Tabar
Quicksand Caves
Name Level Family Drops
Antican Consul 75-75 Antica Antican Pauldron, Berserker's Axe, Darksteel Ore, Warrior's Testimony
Steal: Platinum Beastcoin
Antican Legatus 72-74 Antica Antican Pauldron, Company Sword, Darksteel Ore, Paladin's Testimony
Steal: Gold Beastcoin
Antican Magister 66-66 Antica Antican Pauldron, Arcanabane, Mythril Ore
Antican Praefectus 65-65 Antica Antican Pauldron, Mythril Ore, Save the Queen
Antican Praetor 72-74 Antica Antican Robe, Black Mage's Testimony, Darksteel Ore, Iron Ore, Scroll of Stone IV, Scroll of Stonega III
Antican Proconsul 65-65 Antica Antican Robe, Elder Staff, Mythril Ore, Scroll of Stone IV, Scroll of Stonega III
Antican Tribunus 72-74 Antica Antican Robe, Mythril Ore, Pharaoh's Bow
Centurio X-I 56-58 Antica Adaman Ore, Antican Robe, Darksteel Ore, Iron Ore, Mythril Ore, Scroll of Quake, Scroll of Stone III, Scroll of Stone IV, Scroll of Stonega II, Scroll of Stonega III, Shaman's Cloak
Diamond Daig 70-70 Beetle Beetle Jaw, Beetle Shell, Insect Wing, Protecting Bangles
Hastatus XI-XII 65-68 Antica Xhifhut Head
Nussknacker 60-60 Lizard Lizard Egg, Lizard Skin, Lizard Tail, Sand Gloves
Proconsul XII 72-72 Antica Adaman Ore, Antican Pauldron, Dainslaif, Darksteel Ore, Iron Ore, Mythril Ore
Sabotender Bailarin Unknown Sabotender Bailathorn, Cactuar Needle, Cactuar Root, Cactus Stems
Sabotender Bailarina 80-82 Sabotender Cactuar Needle, Cactuar Root, Cactus Stems, Dune Boots
Sagittarius X-XIII 57-58 Antica Adaman Ore, Antican Robe, Darksteel Ore, Iron Ore, Loxley Bow, Mythril Ore
Triarius X-XV 72-74 Antica Adaman Ore, Antican Pauldron, Darksteel Ore, Iron Ore, Mythril Ore, Pendragon Axe
Tribunus VII-I 60-62 Antica Adaman Ore, Antican Pauldron, Darksteel Ore, Iron Ore, Mythril Ore, Tungi
Qulun Dome
Name Level Family Drops
Adaman Quadav 72-74 Quadav Dark Knight's Testimony, Quadav Helm
Steal: Gold Beastcoin
Diamond Quadav 75-75 Quadav Diamond, Dodge Cape, Quadav Helm, Scroll of Raise II, Scroll of Shellra IV, White Mage's Testimony
Steal: Gold Beastcoin
Ruby Quadav 72-74 Quadav Quadav Helm, Red Mage's Testimony, Ruby, Scroll of Shell IV
Za'Dha Adamantking 85-85 Quadav Beetle Blood, Damascene Cloth, Demon Horn, Ebony Log, Mahogany Log, Mistilteinn, Philosopher's Stone, Phoenix Feather, Platinum Beastcoin, Platinum Ore, Quadav Helm, Raxa, Reraiser, Scroll of Raise III, White Mage's Testimony, Wool Cloth, Wyvern Scales
Ranguemont Pass
Name Level Family Drops
Bat Eye 42-44 Ahriman Ahriman Lens, Ahriman Tears, Storm Axe
Cave Scorpion 30-33 Scorpion Frostreaper, Scorpion Claw, Scorpion Shell
Giant Scorpion 38-40 Scorpion Harvester, Scorpion Claw, Scorpion Shell
Taisaijin 60-60 Hecteyes Hecteyes Eye, Mercury, Scroll of Refresh, Spelunker's Hat
Riverne - Site #A01
Name Level Family Drops
Aiatar Unknown Wyvern Falconer's Hose, Sable Cuisses
Carmine Dobsonfly Unknown Fly Dobson Bandanna, Jaeger Ring, Voyager Sallet
Heliodromos Unknown Hippogryph Mountain Gaiters
Shieldtrap Unknown Flytrap Flytrap Leaf, Sennight Bangles
Riverne - Site #B01
Name Level Family Drops
Boroka Unknown Hippogryph Auditory Torque, Boroka Earring, Horomusha Kote, Skulker's Cape
Imdugud Unknown Hippogryph Heavy Lance, Knightly Earring
Unstable Cluster 56-57 Cluster Cluster Ash, Cluster Core, Soboro Sukehiro
Name Level Family Drops
Nightmare Vase 76-78 Magic Pot Magic Pot Shard, Mercury, Philosopher's Stone, Shinogi
Shikigami Weapon 78-78 Evil Weapon Yinyang Robe
Rolanberry Fields
Name Level Family Drops
Black Triple Stars 26-27 Bats Bat Fang, Bat Wing, Beastman Blood
Drooling Daisy 39-40 Morbol Dodge Headband, Malboro Vine
Steal: Malboro Vine
Garnet Quadav 30-36 Quadav Scroll of Barblind, Scroll of Barparalyze, Scroll of Deodorize, Scroll of Invisible, Scroll of Silence, Scroll of Sneak
Steal: Silver Beastcoin
Ochu 34-37 Morbol Dodge Headband, Malboro Vine, Naphille Pochette
Steal: Malboro Vine
Silk Caterpillar 28-30 Crawler Silk Thread, Silkworm Egg
Simurgh 58-58 Greater Bird Arcana Breaker, Damascus Ingot, Reraiser, Trotter Boots, Vile Elixir
Ronfaure East
Name Level Family Drops
Bigmouth Billy 9-10 Worm Black Rock, Iron Ore, Mythril Ore, Translucent Rock, White Rock
Steal: Gold Ore
Swamfisk 10-11 Pugil Gelong Staff
Ronfaure West
Name Level Family Drops
Fungus Beetle 9-10 Beetle Clipeus, Insect Wing
Jaggedy-Eared Jack 9-10 Rabbit Hare Meat, Rabbit Charm, Rabbit Hide
Ru'Aun Gardens
Name Level Family Drops
Byakko 88-90 Tiger Aquarian Abjuration: Head, Beetle Blood, Behemoth Hide, Byakko's Axe, Byakko's Haidate, Damascus Ingot, Divine Log, Dryadic Abjuration: Legs, Earthen Abjuration: Feet, Malboro Fiber, Neptunal Abjuration: Hands, Oxblood, Seal of Byakko, Zephyr
Despot 80-82 Doll Gem of the West, Oblation Abjuration, Scarecrow Scythe
Genbu 88-90 Adamantoise Adaman Ingot, Adamantoise Shell, Aquarian Abjuration: Hands, Aquarian Abjuration: Head, Arctic Wind, Beetle Blood, Divine Log, Genbu's Kabuto, Genbu's Shield, Martial Abjuration: Hands, Oxblood, Seal of Genbu, Venomous Claw, Wyrmal Abjuration: Feet
Seiryu 88-90 Dragon Angel Skin, Aquarian Abjuration: Legs, Beetle Blood, Divine Log, Dragon Blood, Dragon Heart, Dragon Meat, Dragon Talon, Dryadic Abjuration: Head, East Wind, Malboro Fiber, Martial Abjuration: Head, Oxblood, Seal of Seiryu, Seiryu's Kote, Seiryu's Sword, Wyrmal Abjuration: Hands
Suzaku 88-90 Greater Bird Antarctic Wind, Aquarian Abjuration: Legs, Beetle Blood, Damascene Cloth, Dryadic Abjuration: Hands, Earthen Abjuration: Head, Neptunal Abjuration: Feet, Orichalcum Ingot, Seal of Suzaku, Shining Cloth, Siren's Hair, Suzaku's Scythe, Suzaku's Sune-Ate, Venomous Claw
Name Level Family Drops
Balor 59-59 Fomor Swift Belt
Caithleann 59-59 Fomor Swift Belt
Elel Unknown Corse Corse Bracelet, Frenzy Sallet, Magical Mitts
Fomor Bard 54-58 Fomor Coral Crest Key, Libra Subligar, Sacrarium Chest Key
Fomor Beastmaster 54-58 Fomor Coral Crest Key, Ophiuchus Subligar, Sacrarium Chest Key
Fomor Black Mage 54-58 Fomor Aries Subligar, Coral Crest Key, Revival Tree Root, Sacrarium Chest Key
Fomor Dark Knight 54-58 Fomor Coral Crest Key, Sacrarium Chest Key, Sagittarius Subligar
Fomor Dragoon 54-58 Fomor Coral Crest Key, Leo Subligar, Sacrarium Chest Key
Fomor Monk 54-58 Fomor Aquarius Subligar, Coral Crest Key, Revival Tree Root, Sacrarium Chest Key
Fomor Ninja 54-58 Fomor Coral Crest Key, Sacrarium Chest Key, Shakudo Ingot, Taurus Subligar
Fomor Paladin 54-58 Fomor Coral Crest Key, Pisces Subligar, Sacrarium Chest Key
Fomor Ranger 54-58 Fomor Balloon Cloth, Coral Crest Key, Sacrarium Chest Key, Virgo Subligar
Fomor Red Mage 54-58 Fomor Coral Crest Key, Sacrarium Chest Key, Scorpius Subligar
Fomor Samurai 54-58 Fomor Cancer Subligar, Coral Crest Key, Sacrarium Chest Key, Shakudo Ingot
Fomor Summoner 54-58 Fomor Capricornus Subligar, Coral Crest Key, Sacrarium Chest Key
Fomor Thief 54-58 Fomor Balloon Cloth, Coral Crest Key, Gemini Subligar, Sacrarium Chest Key
Fomor Warrior 54-58 Fomor Coral Crest Key, Revival Tree Root, Sacrarium Chest Key
Indich 59-59 Fomor Swift Belt
Keremet 56-58 Corse Sealion Crest Key
Lobais 59-59 Fomor Swift Belt
Luaith 59-59 Fomor Swift Belt
Sanctuary of Zi'Tah
Name Level Family Drops
Keeper of Halidom 56-57 Goobbue Boyahda Moss, Daihannya, Tree Cuttings
Noble Mold 50-50 Funguar Rain Hat
Sarutabaruta East
Name Level Family Drops
Sharp-Eared Ropipi 11-11 Rabbit Entrancing Ribbon
Spiny Spipi 9-10 Crawler Mist Silk Cape, Silk Thread
Sarutabaruta West
Name Level Family Drops
Nunyenunc 12-12 Bird Pilgrim's Wand
Tom Tit Tat 9-10 Mandragora Four-Leaf Mandragora Bud, Fruit Punches, Saruta Cotton, Two-Leaf Mandragora Bud
Steal: Four-Leaf Mandragora Bud
Sauromugue Champaign
Name Level Family Drops
Deadly Dodo 39-40 Cockatrice Cockatrice Meat, Cockatrice Skin, Dodo Skin, Giant Bird Feather
Steal: Giant Bird Feather
Roc 55-55 Greater Bird Crimson Blade, Damascus Ingot, Dryad Staff, Reraiser, Vile Elixir
Sea Serpent Grotto
Name Level Family Drops
Abyss Sahagin 72-74 Sahagin Bard's Testimony, Bastore Sardine, Cobalt Jellyfish, Pamtam Kelp, Scroll of Bewitching Etude, Scroll of Chocobo Mazurka, Scroll of Foe Requiem VI, Scroll of Goddess's Hymnus, Scroll of Herculean Etude, Scroll of Maiden's Virelai, Scroll of Sage Etude, Scroll of Swift Etude, Scroll of Uncanny Etude, Scroll of Valor Minuet IV, Scroll of Victory March, Scroll of Vital Etude, Scroll of Warding Round, Seashell, Shall Shell
Charybdis 80-81 Sea Monk Joyeuse, Oxblood, Pearl, Shall Shell
Coral Sahagin 72-74 Sahagin Bastore Sardine, Pamtam Kelp, Scroll of Cure V, Scroll of Raise II, Scroll of Regen III, Scroll of Shellra IV, White Mage's Testimony
Denn the Orcavoiced 64-65 Sahagin Bard's Testimony, Pamtam Kelp, Scroll of Valor Minuet IV, Seashell
Fyuu the Seabellow 48-48 Sahagin Bastore Sardine, Cobalt Jellyfish, Frog Trousers, Pamtam Kelp, Quus
Masan 39-39 Leech Beastman Blood, Carbuncle's Ruby, Fiend Blood, Pigeon's Blood Ruby
Mouu the Waverider 64-66 Sahagin Monsoon Spear, Pamtam Kelp, Quus, Shall Shell
Namtar 40-41 Skeleton Bone Chip, Namtar Bone, Revival Tree Root
Novv the Whitehearted 66-66 Sahagin Bastore Sardine, Minstrel's Coat, Pamtam Kelp, Scroll of Regen III, Scroll of Shellra IV, Siren's Hair
Ocean Sahagin 75-75 Sahagin Colossal Lance, Dragoon's Testimony, Shall Shell
Steal: Platinum Beastcoin
Pahh the Gullcaller 57-57 Sahagin Calamar, Pamtam Kelp, Seashell
Qull the Shellbuster 49-51 Sahagin Cobalt Jellyfish, Exocets, Pamtam Kelp
Sea Hog 62-62 Pugil Pugil Scales, Shall Shell, Southern Pearl
Seww the Squidlimbed 48-48 Sahagin Mermaid Tail
Voll the Sharkfinned 64-66 Sahagin Monsoon Jinpachi, Shall Shell
Steal: Gold Beastcoin
Worr the Clawfisted 61-61 Sahagin Pagures, Shall Shell
Wuur the Sandcomber 48-50 Sahagin Bastore Sardine, Holy Ampulla, Pamtam Kelp, Quus
Yarr the Pearleyed 64-66 Sahagin Bastore Sardine, Pamtam Kelp, Scroll of Reraise III, White Mage's Testimony
Zuug the Shoreleaper 70-70 Sahagin Cobalt Jellyfish, Narval, Quus
Shrine of Ru'Avitau
Name Level Family Drops
Faust 83-85 Doll Oblation Abjuration, Summerstone, Tonbo-Giri
Kirin 92-92 Manticore Damascus Ingot, Dryadic Abjuration: Body, Kirin's Osode, Kirin's Pole, Neptunal Abjuration: Body, Orichalcum Ingot, Scroll of Quake, Scroll of Raise III, Shining Cloth, Wyrmal Abjuration: Legs
Mother Globe Unknown Detector Libation Abjuration, Oblation Abjuration, Shiranui, Springstone
Olla Grande 85-85 Magic Pot Freya's Tear, Libation Abjuration, Skofnung, Winterstone
Ullikummi 85-87 Golem Autumnstone, Oblation Abjuration, Ulfhedinn Axe
Tahrongi Canyon
Name Level Family Drops
Goblin Archaeologist 30-75 Goblin Arrowwood Lumber, Broken Willow Rod, Carnation, Chocobo Feather, Copper Ore, Goblin Chocolate, Goblin Helm, Gold Beastcoin, Moko Grass, Rabbit Hide, Rock Salt, Rusty Bolt Case
Serpopard Ishtar 19-20 Dhalmel Cerulean Pendant, Dhalmel Hide, Giant Femur
Yara Ma Yha Who 14-14 Sapling Fasting Ring
Temple of Uggalepih
Name Level Family Drops
Beryl-footed Molberry Unknown Tonberry Dried Mugwort, Hototogisu, Tonberry Coat, Tonberry Lantern
Bonze Marberry 66-66 Tonberry Cursed Key, Tonberry Coat, Tonberry Lantern
Crimson-toothed Pawberry 70-70 Tonberry Carbuncle Mitts, Dried Mugwort, Light Spirit Pact, Tonberry Coat, Tonberry Lantern
Death from Above 62-62 Bee Honey, Hornetneedle, Royal Jelly
Flauros 59-60 Coeurl Coeurl Hide, Coeurl Meat, Coeurl Whisker, Flauros Whisker, High-Quality Coeurl Hide
Habetrot 57-59 Crawler Crawler Egg, Silk Thread, Twincoon
Manipulator Unknown Doll Doll Shard, Hard Shield, Mercury
Steal: Doll Gizmo
Sacrificial Goblet 66-68 Magic Pot Charging Shield, Mercury
Steal: Mana Barrel
Sozu Rogberry 65-66 Tonberry Dried Mugwort, Thief's Knife, Tonberry Coat, Tonberry Lantern
Steal: Gold Beastcoin
Sozu Sarberry 66-66 Tonberry Dried Mugwort, Fuma Shuriken, Hocho, Manji Shuriken, Scroll of Hojo: Ni, Scroll of Kurayami: Ni, Scroll of Tonko: Ni, Tonberry Board, Tonberry Coat, Tonberry Lantern
Steal: Gold Beastcoin
Sozu Terberry 65-65 Tonberry Dried Mugwort, Light Spirit Pact, Tonberry Coat, Tonberry Lantern
Steal: Gold Beastcoin
Tonberry Kinq 65-65 Tonberry Dried Mugwort, Tonberry Coat, Tonberry Lantern
Toraimarai Canal
Name Level Family Drops
Girtab 58-60 Scorpion Scorpion Claw, Scorpion Shell, Toraimarai Coffer Key, Viking Axe
Oni Carcass 68-70 Doomed Onikiri, Undead Skin
Uleguerand Range
Name Level Family Drops
Black Coney 70-72 Rabbit Frost Turnip, Hare Meat, Selene's Bow
Bonnacon 69-69 Buffalo Buffalo Hide, Buffalo Meat, Cure Clogs, Tredecim Scythe
Father Frost 74-75 Snoll Purgatory Collar, Snoll Arm
Geush Urvan Unknown Buffalo Toreador's Cape
Jormungand 95-95 Dragon Adaman Ingot, Beetle Blood, Behemoth Hide, Damascene Cloth, Divine Log, Dragon Blood, Dragon Heart, Dragon Meat, Dragon Talon, Mercurial Pole, Molybdenum Ore, Oxblood, Wyrm Horn
Mountain Worm 73-73 Worm Heavy Gauntlets, Zincite
Snow Maiden 71-72 Snoll Purgatory Collar, Snoll Arm
White Coney 70-72 Rabbit Frost Turnip, Hare Meat, Selene's Bow
Valkurm Dunes
Name Level Family Drops
Golden Bat 26-27 Giant Bat Bat Wing, Fiend Blood, Night Cape
Valkurm Emperor 29-30 Fly Empress Hairpin, Insect Wing
Valley of Sorrows
Name Level Family Drops
Adamantoise 72-74 Adamantoise Adaman Ore, Adamantoise Egg, Adamantoise Shell, Heavy Cuirass, Sipar
Aspidochelone 85-88 Adamantoise Adaman Ingot, Adaman Ore, Adamantoise Egg, Adamantoise Shell, Aquarian Abjuration: Body, Dryadic Abjuration: Feet, Heavy Cuirass, Martial Abjuration: Feet, Neptunal Abjuration: Body, Sipar, Wyrmal Abjuration: Body
Ve'Lugannon Palace
Name Level Family Drops
Brigandish Blade Unknown Evil Weapon Gem of the South, Libation Abjuration
Steal: Buccaneer's Knife
Steam Cleaner 82-82 Magic Pot Freya's Tear, Gem of the East, Indra Katars, Libation Abjuration
Zipacna 83-85 Golem Gem of the North, Oblation Abjuration, Ushikirimaru
Name Level Family Drops
Biast 70-70 Dragon Patroclus's Helm
Ereshkigal Unknown Ghost Cotton Cloth, Lucent Cape
Shadow Dragon 52-53 Dragon
Shadow Eye 48-49 Ahriman Ahriman Lens, Ahriman Tears, Moon Amulet
Yhoator Jungle
Name Level Family Drops
Bisque-heeled Sunberry 58-58 Tonberry Rancor Handle
Bright-handed Kunberry 55-56 Tonberry Resentment Cape
Edacious Opo-opo 55-61 Opo-opo Nanban Kariginu, Pamamas
Woodland Sage 60-61 Treant Ebony Log, Mahogany Log, Petrified Log, Rosewood Log, Sunlight Pole
Yughott Grotto
Name Level Family Drops
Ashmaker Gotblut 17-18 Orc Hermit's Wand, Priest's Robe
Yuhtunga Jungle
Name Level Family Drops
Meww the Turtlerider 47-47 Sahagin Oliphant
Mischievous Micholas 53-55 Opo-opo Kazham Pineapple, Kidney Dagger, Pamamas, Pebble, Thundermelon, Wild Pamamas
Rose Garden Unknown Morbol Lacquer Tree Log, Malboro Vine, Vilma's Ring, Wild Pineapple

Last Updated: April 15, 2006

Order: Final Fantasy XI Online: Wings of the Goddess Expansion Pack (PC)(PS2)(XBOX 360)
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