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Final Fantasy XI Advanced Item Search

Name Effect Positive Effects Only
Item Slot Weapon Type Type
Races Job Level Min
Level Max

AH Category

Rare:Only Exclude IncludeExclusive:Only Exclude Include
Temporary:Only Exclude IncludeLatent:Only Exclude Include
Enchantment:Only Exclude IncludeDispensing:Only Exclude Include

Advanced Item Database Search Options

All item search fields restrict the amount of results in some way:
  • Name: Limits the search to items with the text in the item name.
  • Effect: Limits the search to items with the text in one of the item's effects. Put a + in front of the effect text to limit the results to items with effects that exactly match the phrase entered. Example: Attack versus +Attack.
  • Positive Effects Only: Only applicable if text is entered in the Effect field, limits the seach to items that only have a positive value for the effect. Example: Enmity versus Enmity (Positive Effects Only).
  • Item Slot: Limits the search to items of a specific slot. These follow the various slots that an item can be worn or used on a character, plus three others: Mog House for all furniture items, Key Item for all key items, and Inventory for all other items.
  • Weapon Type: Limits the search to a specific weapon skill. These are based on the weapon skill in game that is raised by using the weapon, except for Throwing items: Throwing (Ranged) lists throwing weapons in the Ranged slot, and Throwing (Ammo) lists throwing weapons in the Ammo slot.
  • Type: Limits the search to a specific item type. For armor items this is a broad category and generally based on how an item looks; many other items are specific to a certain type. See the Armor Lists and Weapons Lists for some of the most useful lists by type.
  • Races: Limits the search to items that can be used by a specific race. This can be restricted to all items usable by a certain race, or items usable only by the race. Example: Body armor usable by Galka versus Galka only body armor.
  • Job: Limits the search to items that can be used by a specific job. This can be restricted to all items usable by a certain job, or items usable only by the job. Example: Body armor usable by Bards versus Bard only body armor.
  • Level Min and Level Max: Limits the search to items of a specific level. Items that cannot be equipped are level 0, so setting the Level Min to 1 will exclude them.
  • AH Category: Limits the search to items that are sold in a specific Auction House category. This limitation will include items that cannot be sold at the Auction House, if they otherwise fit in that category.
  • Item Flags: Limits the search based on the flag or special type of designation on an item. The default position of Include allows all such items to show up in the search results. Select Exclude to keep such items out of the results; select Only to limit the search to only those items. For the last four designations, a search can be done that returns only those items; the Rare and Exclusive limitations must be part of a more specific search.
    • Rare: Items with the Rare flag.
    • Exclusive: Items with the Exclusive flag.
    • Temporary: Items that are Temporary.
    • Latent: Items that have a Latent effect.
    • Enchantment: Items that provide an Enchantment.
    • Dispensing: Items that Dispense another item.
  • The last drop-down box can restrict the item search list to broad categories:
    • The default is All Items, which causes no restriction.
    • Equippable Only limits the search to all items that can be equipped, including any Ammo slot items.
    • Armor & Weapons Only limits the search further, to only armor and weapons.
    • Armor Only limits the search to items equipped in the eleven Armor slots.
    • Weapons Only limits the search to Weapons.

Order: Final Fantasy XI Online: Wings of the Goddess Expansion Pack (PC)(PS2)(XBOX 360)
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