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Final Fantasy XI Abjuration Items Guide
Abjuration Index
Oblation Abjuration
Libation Abjuration
Aquarian Abjuration
Dryadic Abjuration
Earthen Abjuration
Martial Abjuration
Neptunal Abjuration
Wyrmal Abjuration
In the world of Vana'diel there are powerful items created through a set of simple but difficult actions. The idea behind this equipment involves cursed items that can only be utilized by finding a corresponding abjuration to remove the curse and transform it into usable equipment. The final equipment is often referred to as "abjuration armor", because of the process involved in creating it. There are six different sets of abjuration armor, which each contain pieces for five armor slots: head, body, hands, legs and feet. All of the abjuration armor has a few characteristics in common: it is all
, it can only be used by a level 73 or higher character, and it is all limited in the jobs that can wear it. There are positive and negative effects on abjuration armor; wearing all five pieces from a single set gives large bonuses to certain stats, along with counterbalancing penalties to others. Apart from the six sets of armor, there are two abjuration items used to create consumable food and drink items.
Three steps are needed to create a usable uncursed item: obtaining an abjuration item, obtaining the crafted cursed item that matches it, and taking them to the priest
Alphollon C Meriard
to create the final, usable item.
1) Obtaining an Abjuration Item -
Abjuration items are dropped from some of the hardest monsters across Vana'diel, making this a difficult task indeed. Alliances of characters level 70+ are required to take down the guardians, Gods, and other powerful opponents that provide abjuration items. Each of these monsters only drop a handful of the many different abjuration items. The armor abjuration items are all
, while the abjurations used to create consumables are
, but not
; this limits the availability of abjuration items to those characters who are personally involved in defeating these dangerous foes. When an abjuration item drops, it is usually given to one of the characters in the alliance who has a job that can utilize the final level 73 armor. An armor abjuration item can be used with either the standard or high quality version of its respective cursed piece.
2) Obtaining a Crafted Cursed Item -
A cursed piece is a crafted item that cannot be worn or utilized by itself. All cursed items require very high level crafting skills to create: skill above 90 is needed in the primary crafting guild, and some pieces also require a secondary crafting skill of 50-60. These cursed items are not
, and can be sold in the Auction House under the
Others / Cursed Items
category. The ingredients required to create a cursed item are often expensive on their own, causing many of the cursed items to cost hundreds of thousands or even millions of gil if purchased at the Auction House. All of the cursed items that can be turned into armor also have a high quality version. These high quality cursed items are notated with a -1 after the name, which is then turned into the high quality +1 armor. For example, the standard item to use with the
Aquarian Abjuration: Head
is the
Cursed Crown
, which creates a
Zenith Crown
. If the abjuration item is instead used with the high quality
Cursed Crown -1
, it becomes the more powerful
Zenith Crown +1
when it is uncursed.
3) Removing the Curse -
After the difficult process of obtaining the abjuration item and the cursed piece, this is rather easy. Go to the cathedral in San d'Oria North and talk with the NPC
Alphollon C Meriard
. He will offer to perform a ceremony to purify any cursed item you have; trade him both the abjuration item and the appropriate cursed item to receive the usable armor or consumable item. For example, a character who had an Oblation Abjuration and a crafted Cursed Soup would trade both of those to the priest, and obtain an Ambrosia in return.
There is no restriction on how many items a character can have from the abjuration sets, although since the armor is all
, only one copy of each piece of armor can be obtained. The abjuration food, drink, and armor sets are listed below, grouped together by the abjuration type required to create them. Click on any of the items to see more information, including where they drop or the recipes for crafting them.
Oblation Abjuration
The Oblation Abjuration is used to create one item, a food of Ambrosia.
Ambrosia can be used at any level and by any job.
Abjuration Required
Cursed Item
Final Item
Oblation Abjuration
Cursed Soup
Duration of
4 hours
HP +7, MP +7, Strength +7, Dexterity +7, Agility +7, Vitality +7, Intelligence +7, Mind +7, Charisma +7, HP Regeneration While Healing +7, MP Regeneration While Healing +7, Evasion +7, Accuracy +7, Defense +7, Attack +7
Libation Abjuration
The Libation Abjuration is used to create one item, a drink of Amrita.
Amrita can be used at any level and by any job.
Abjuration Required
Cursed Item
Final Item
Libation Abjuration
Cursed Beverage
Duration of
5 minutes
HP Regeneration Over Time +5 for 500 HP total,
MP Regeneration Over Time +5 for 500 MP total
Aquarian Abjuration
The Aquarian Abjuration armor set is caster equipment with a heavy emphasis on mana. Bonuses are provided to the main casting attributes, as well as Refresh on the body piece, but the primary benefit on all the pieces is the conversion of hit points into mana points. This set of armor also has high defense, for caster equipment.
The Aquarian Abjuration armor is level 73 equipment that can be used by the following jobs: Bard, Black Mage, Red Mage, Summoner, White Mage.
Abjuration Required
Cursed Item
Final Item
Aquarian Abjuration: Head
Cursed Crown
Zenith Crown
Intelligence +3, Mind +3, Enhances 'Resist Silence' Effect, Convert HP to MP 50
Cursed Crown -1
Zenith Crown +1
Intelligence +4, Mind +4, Enhances 'Resist Silence' Effect, Convert HP to MP 55
Aquarian Abjuration: Body
Cursed Dalmatica
Magic Defense Bonus +5, Adds 'Refresh' Effect, Enhances 'Resist Paralyze' Effect, Convert HP to MP 50
Cursed Dalmatica -1
Dalmatica +1
Magic Defense Bonus +6, Adds 'Refresh' Effect, Enhances 'Resist Paralyze' Effect, Convert HP to MP 55
Aquarian Abjuration: Hands
Cursed Mitts
Zenith Mittens
Magic Attack Bonus +5, Convert HP to MP 50
Cursed Mitts -1
Zenith Mittens +1
Magic Attack Bonus +6, Convert HP to MP 55
Aquarian Abjuration: Legs
Cursed Slacks
Zenith Slacks
Mind +4, Charisma +4, Evasion -3, Convert HP to MP 50
Cursed Slacks -1
Zenith Slacks +1
Mind +5, Charisma +5, Evasion -4, Convert HP to MP 55
Aquarian Abjuration: Feet
Cursed Pumps
Zenith Pumps
Intelligence +2, Charisma +2, Convert HP to MP 50
Cursed Pumps -1
Zenith Pumps +1
Intelligence +3, Charisma +3, Convert HP to MP 55
Dryadic Abjuration
The Dryadic Abjuration armor set is all about boosting melee damage. At the expense of hit points and low defense, this armor set provides accuracy and attack bonuses across all the items.
The Dryadic Abjuration armor is level 73 equipment that can be used by the following jobs: Monk, Ninja, Samurai.
Abjuration Required
Cursed Item
Final Item
Dryadic Abjuration: Head
Cursed Kabuto
Shura Zunari Kabuto
HP -25, Strength +5, Accuracy +5
Cursed Kabuto -1
Shura Zunari Kabuto +1
HP -30, Strength +6, Accuracy +6
Dryadic Abjuration: Body
Cursed Togi
Shura Togi
HP -50, Accuracy +10, Attack +20
Cursed Togi -1
Shura Togi +1
HP -55, Accuracy +11, Attack +22
Dryadic Abjuration: Hands
Cursed Kote
Shura Kote
HP -20, Accuracy +4, Enhances 'Resist Paralyze' Effect
Cursed Kote -1
Shura Kote +1
HP -25, Accuracy +5, Enhances 'Resist Paralyze' Effect
Dryadic Abjuration: Legs
Cursed Haidate
Shura Haidate
HP -35, Strength +5, Accuracy +7
Cursed Haidate -1
Shura Haidate +1
HP -40, Strength +6, Accuracy +8
Dryadic Abjuration: Feet
Cursed Sune-Ate
Shura Sune-Ate
HP -20, Accuracy +4, Enhances 'Resist Gravity' Effect
Cursed Sune-Ate -1
Shura Sune-Ate +1
HP -25, Accuracy +5, Enhances 'Resist Gravity' Effect
Earthen Abjuration
The Earthen Abjuration armor set increases melee damage with boosts to a wide range of attributes. Both defensive and casting attributes are lowered as balancing factors on this set of armor.
The Earthen Abjuration armor is level 73 equipment that can be used by the following jobs: Beastmaster, Dark Knight, Warrior.
Abjuration Required
Cursed Item
Final Item
Earthen Abjuration: Head
Cursed Celata
Adaman Celata
HP -20, Accuracy +5, Attack +8, Evasion -8
Cursed Celata -1
Armada Celata
HP -21, Accuracy +6, Attack +9, Evasion -9
Earthen Abjuration: Body
Cursed Hauberk
Adaman Hauberk
Strength +10, Dexterity +10, Accuracy +15, Attack +15, Evasion -10
Cursed Hauberk -1
Armada Hauberk
Strength +11, Dexterity +11, Accuracy +16, Attack +16, Evasion -11
Earthen Abjuration: Hands
Cursed Mufflers
Adaman Mufflers
Accuracy +4, Attack +10, Evasion -4, Intelligence -10
Cursed Mufflers -1
Armada Mufflers
Accuracy +5, Attack +11, Evasion -5, Intelligence -11
Earthen Abjuration: Legs
Cursed Breeches
Adaman Breeches
Accuracy +6, Attack +6, Evasion -6, MP -20, Vitality -10
Cursed Breeches -1
Armada Breeches
Accuracy +7, Attack +7, Evasion -7, MP -21, Vitality -11
Earthen Abjuration: Feet
Cursed Sollerets
Adaman Sollerets
Accuracy +3, Attack +5, Evasion -3, Mind -10
Cursed Sollerets -1
Armada Sollerets
Accuracy +4, Attack +6, Evasion -4, Mind -11
Martial Abjuration
The Martial Abjuration armor set is purely defensive in nature. High defense is combined with large boosts in hit points and vitality, along with corresponding reductions in strength and dexterity, to provide equipment designed specifically for tanking.
The Martial Abjuration armor is level 73 equipment that can be used by the following jobs: Paladin, Warrior.
Abjuration Required
Cursed Item
Final Item
Martial Abjuration: Head
Cursed Schaller
Koenig Schaller
HP +30, Strength -5, Dexterity -5, Vitality +10, Charisma +10, Shield Skill +5
Cursed Schaller -1
Kaiser Schaller
HP +32, Strength -6, Dexterity -6, Vitality +11, Charisma +11, Shield Skill +6
Martial Abjuration: Body
Cursed Cuirass
Koenig Cuirass
HP +60, Strength -10, Dexterity -10, Vitality +20, Charisma +20
Cursed Cuirass -1
Kaiser Cuirass
HP +62, Strength -11, Dexterity -11, Vitality +21, Charisma +21
Martial Abjuration: Hands
Cursed Handschuhs
Koenig Handschuhs
HP +20, Strength -5, Dexterity -5, Vitality +10, Charisma +10, Enhances 'Resist Sleep' Effect
Cursed Handschuhs -1
Kaiser Handschuhs
HP +22, Strength -6, Dexterity -6, Vitality +11, Charisma +11, Enhances 'Resist Sleep' Effect
Martial Abjuration: Legs
Cursed Diechlings
Koenig Diechlings
HP +40, Strength -5, Dexterity -5, Vitality +10, Charisma +10, Evasion +10
Cursed Diechlings -1
Kaiser Diechlings
HP +42, Strength -6, Dexterity -6, Vitality +11, Charisma +11, Evasion +11
Martial Abjuration: Feet
Cursed Schuhs
Koenig Schuhs
HP +20, Strength -5, Dexterity -5, Vitality +10, Charisma +10, Enhances 'Resist Paralyze' Effect
Cursed Schuhs -1
Kaiser Schuhs
HP +22, Strength -6, Dexterity -6, Vitality +11, Charisma +11, Enhances 'Resist Paralyze' Effect
Neptunal Abjuration
The Neptunal Abjuration armor set provides attack attribute bonuses, along with a singular drawback. Boosts in hit points, strength and dexterity are balanced on this equipment with a unique penalty not found on any other equipment in the game: a slow attribute that slows down the speed of melee swings, just as haste speeds them up.
The Neptunal Abjuration armor is level 73 equipment that can be used by the following jobs: Bard, Beastmaster, Dark Knight, Dragoon, Paladin, Thief, Warrior.
Abjuration Required
Cursed Item
Final Item
Neptunal Abjuration: Head
Cursed Cap
Hecatomb Cap
HP +12, Strength +11, Dexterity +5, Slow +9%
Cursed Cap -1
Hecatomb Cap +1
HP +14, Strength +12, Dexterity +6, Slow +11%
Neptunal Abjuration: Body
Cursed Harness
Hecatomb Harness
HP +16, Strength +12, Accuracy +10, Slow +13%
Cursed Harness -1
Hecatomb Harness +1
HP +18, Strength +13, Accuracy +11, Slow +15%
Neptunal Abjuration: Hands
Cursed Gloves
Hecatomb Mittens
HP +8, Strength +7, Dexterity +4, Slow +5%
Cursed Gloves -1
Hecatomb Mittens +1
HP +10, Strength +8, Dexterity +5, Slow +7%
Neptunal Abjuration: Legs
Cursed Subligar
Hecatomb Subligar
HP +15, Dexterity +8, Attack +20, Slow +12%
Cursed Subligar -1
Hecatomb Subligar +1
HP +17, Dexterity +9, Attack +22, Slow +14%
Neptunal Abjuration: Feet
Cursed Leggings
Hecatomb Leggings
HP +7, Strength +6, Dexterity +3, Slow +4%
Cursed Leggings -1
Hecatomb Leggings +1
HP +9, Strength +7, Dexterity +4, Slow +6%
Wyrmal Abjuration
The Wyrmal Abjuration armor set is unlike the rest of the abjuration armor, in that it does not have any negative attributes listed on it. There is a hidden negative effect, however: all the Wyrmal Abjuration items cause the wearer to be listed as a Dragon in relation to the
Dragon Killer
effect. This means that Dragoon monsters and characters, Demon and Wyvern monsters, or characters using
equipment with the effect
can cause the character wearing Wyrmal Abjuration equipment to be intimidated. (This can also be a problem when working with tanks who are using items like the
Tatami Shield
, which also provides a small
Dragon Killer
effect; if a character wearing Wyrmal Abjuratuion armor tries to cast spells such as cures on the tank, the caster can be intimidated.) Bonuses on the armor are provided in a wide range of areas, with something useful for each of the various jobs that can utilize this equipment. The cuisses are especially notable, as there are only a handful of other items available that can
increase movement speed
The Wyrmal Abjuration armor is level 73 equipment that can be used by the following jobs: Blue Mage, Corsair, Dark Knight, Dragoon, Paladin, Ranger, Red Mage.
Abjuration Required
Cursed Item
Final Item
Wyrmal Abjuration: Head
Cursed Mask
Crimson Mask
HP +20, MP +20, Enfeebling Magic Skill +10, Adds 'Regen' Effect
Cursed Mask -1
Blood Mask
HP +22, MP +22, Enfeebling Magic Skill +11, Adds 'Regen' Effect
Wyrmal Abjuration: Body
Cursed Mail
Crimson Scale Mail
HP +40, MP +40, Intelligence +10, Mind +10, Breath Damage Taken -10%
Cursed Mail -1
Blood Scale Mail
HP +42, MP +42, Intelligence +11, Mind +11, Breath Damage Taken -11%
Wyrmal Abjuration: Hands
Cursed Finger Gauntlets
Crimson Finger Gauntlets
HP +20, MP +20, Ranged Accuracy +10, Ranged Attack +10, Dark Magic Skill +10
Cursed Finger Gauntlets -1
Blood Finger Gauntlets
HP +22, MP +22, Ranged Accuracy +11, Ranged Attack +11, Dark Magic Skill +11
Wyrmal Abjuration: Legs
Cursed Cuisses
Crimson Cuisses
HP +25, MP +25, Resist vs. Fire +20, Resist vs. Lightning +20, Resist vs. Water +20, Resist vs. Dark +20, Movement Speed +12%
Cursed Cuisses -1
Blood Cuisses
HP +27, MP +27, Resist vs. Fire +21, Resist vs. Lightning +21, Resist vs. Water +21, Resist vs. Dark +21, Movement Speed +12%
Wyrmal Abjuration: Feet
Cursed Greaves
Crimson Greaves
HP +15, MP +15, Dexterity +3, Agility +3, Resist vs. Ice +20, Resist vs. Wind +20, Resist vs. Earth +20, Resist vs. Light +20
Cursed Greaves -1
Blood Greaves
HP +17, MP +17, Dexterity +4, Agility +4, Resist vs. Ice +21, Resist vs. Wind +21, Resist vs. Earth +21, Resist vs. Light +21
Last Updated: July 12, 2006
Final Fantasy XI Online: Wings of the Goddess Expansion Pack (PC)
(XBOX 360)
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