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Final Fantasy XI Furniture and Moghancement Guide

Mirriam With Egg Furniture

Furniture Overview

Furniture items have a special place in Final Fantasy XI, and provide bonuses not found anywhere else. These furnishings items are only useful when placed into a character's Mog House. There are three benefits from having furnishings in your Mog House:
  1. Furniture items are displayed when placed in the Mog House, providing a customizable area within FFXI.
  2. Extra Storage is provided by furniture, providing extra space to hold rarely-used items.
  3. Special key items called Moghancements are provided by having furniture in your Mog House. Many of these Moghancements give bonuses not available from anything else in FFXI.
The first two benefits listed above are only available to a character who is in his home town; neither the display of furniture or items in Storage can be accessed from a Rent-a-Room or Nomad Moogles. Since most characters level 20+ spend the majority of their time based in Jeuno, this limits the usefulness of furnishings to primarily being based on the Moghancement that they provide. (Note that furniture is also required for gardening in FFXI; details about this can be found in the Final Fantasy XI Gardening Guide.)

Mog House Options Furniture items are utilized by putting them into the safe in a character's home city Mog House. Once a furniture item is in the safe, the Layout option on the Mog House menu can be selected to arrange the furniture pieces inside the Mog House. This provides a top-down view of the Mog House, with a grid provided to allow easy arrangement of the furniture items. There are a total of 336 floor spaces where furniture can be placed, along with 5 wall tapestry spots. The wall furnishings are hung up, and do not take any regular floor spaces. The size of furniture is displayed in the list of furniture items at the bottom of this guide, providing information how many spaces each piece takes. Some furniture items can be stacked on each other, as listed in the Placement field; the furniture marked Top can be put on the items listed as Bottom.

Furniture Item Fields

Cupboard Furniture Item Furniture items have fields that designate properties specific to furnishings. The fields are detailed below as filled in for the Cupboard furniture item, shown on the right. The Cupboard is one of a handful of furniture items that can only be obtained by purchasing it from an NPC merchant.

Description - The text description of the piece of furniture is listed here, as shown on the item in FFXI.
Storage - This field lists how many items can be placed into Storage inside the furniture item, when it is displayed in the Mog House. Since every piece of furniture takes up 1 space inside the Mog House safe, only furniture pieces with 2 or higher Storage actually provide a gain of space. The Storage amount can be seen on the furniture item, listed as STG -- the Cupboard can be seen to have 2 storage in the picture above.
Slot - All furniture items are listed under the Mog House item slot on this website.
Type - The Furnishing type is used to designate all furniture items.
Rare/Exclusive - Like all other items, furniture pieces can be Rare and/or Exclusive. The Exclusive furniture pieces are obtained through quests, missions, NPC merchants, or as rewards for crafting Guild Points.
Element - Every furniture item is based on one of the eight elements in FFXI: Dark, Earth, Fire, Ice, Light, Lightning, Water, or Wind. The Elements section below details information about the use of elements in furniture.
Element Strength - The Element Strength controls which element is dominant in the Mog House, as well as the exact Moghancement provided when there are multiple furniture items to choose from. This is detailed in the Elements and Moghancements sections below.
Dimensions - The size of the piece of furniture is listed here, in how many squares it will take up when placed on display in the Mog House. Wall Furnishings hang in one of the five wall slots, instead of taking up floor space.
Placement - There are three options for this field: Top, Bottom, or None. This designates whether a furniture item can be stacked; the Top furnishings are generally smaller items or flowerpots, and can be stacked on the Bottom furniture item. This saves space in the layout of furniture items. Items marked None in this field cannot be stacked upon, or stacked themselves on other furniture items.
Moghancement: This field designates the Moghancement provided by the furniture item, as outlined below.
Auction House Category: All furniture items that are sold can be found in the Furnishings Auction House Category.

Furniture Elements

All furniture items are connected to one of the eight elemental energies found throughout the world of Vana'diel: Dark, Earth, Fire, Ice, Light, Lightning, Water, and Wind. It is easy to see which element a furniture has by looking at the icon on it; the Cabinet shown above is a Fire element piece of furniture. The furniture list below is sorted by element, making it easy to see all furniture pieces that have the same element.

While it is easy to see what element a furniture item is based on, the Element Strength is not obvious; the only way to find out is by comparing a new piece of furniture to one whose strength is already known. The more furniture items you have displayed that are of the same element, the stronger that element will be in your Mog House. Furniture items have widely differing strength levels in their element. When you place many different furniture pieces in your Mog House that all have the same element, the power of the element will grow; your Moogle will give you a message accordingly:
  • Having 1-50 of an element provides faint elemental energy.
  • Having 51-100 of an element will give a powerful elemental energy.
  • With 101+ of an element, your Mog House will be aglow with overwhelming elemental energy.
The Mog House elemental energy is important because when you have a powerful energy in your Mog House, many of the Moghancements you can get become more powerful as well. Note that having multiple pieces of furniture that each provide a different element will make competing energies. To receive a Moghancement, you must have furniture in your Mog House that makes one element stronger than all the rest; the dominant energy from the furniture placed in the Mog House is what matters. The Moghancement given is based on the strongest Element Strength furniture item of the dominant element, as explained below.


So what is the good of all this furniture and elemental energy? Furniture provides a Moghancement which gives a specific bonus to your character. Moghancements are special key items that are only obtained by placing furniture into your Mog House. You can only have one Moghancement at a time. Which Moghancement you receive is entirely based on the furniture on display in your Mog House, and the dominant energy that it provides. Looking again at the Cupboard shows us that this furniture item will provide the Fire moghancement when placed on display in the Mog House. It also has the Fire element on it. So, if a character places just this piece of furniture in his Mog House, he will get a message from his Moogle that the Mog House has "faint fire energy"; he will also receive the Fire Moghancement key item. As long as the furniture is not changed, the character will always have that Moghancement on him, no matter where he goes. Removing the Cupboard will remove the Moghancement as well, of course.

If the character keeps the Cupboard in his Mog House but adds other furniture, the element and Moghancement can change. Let's say that he gets 3 Armor Box and displays them in his Mog House as well. They each provide 2 strength of Water element, which means that there would be 6 Water and 6 Fire element in his Mog House. When there is no dominant element, it's too confusing to obtain anything; the character wouldn't receive any Moghancement at all, since there isn't a dominant element. If he added one more Armor Box, for a total of 4 Armor Boxes and 1 Cupboard, there would now be a dominant Water element (8 Water and 6 Fire element total.) The Armor Box provides the Fishing Moghancement, so the character would now receive that instead of the Moghancement: Fire.

When a character has different pieces of furniture that are based on the same element but provide different Moghancements, the Moghancement given is based on the furniture item that has the largest Element Strength. For example, if a character has 5 Tarutaru Stool items placed in his Mog House, he will receive the Desynthesis Moghancement. If a single Tableware Set is added, the Moghancement will change to Lightning. This is because the Tableware Set has 3 Element Strength, and each of the Tarutaru Stools only have 2. No matter how many more Tarutaru Stools are placed in the Mog House, the Lightning Moghancement will always be provided by the Tableware Set, since it has a higher Element Strength.

Since the Moghancement given is based on the most powerful furniture's Element Strength, this can be utilized to make at Moghancement that is at least to the second level of power (51+ of a specific element, which makes powerful energy in the Mog House.) This is achieved by placing a number of cheap furniture items with low Element Strength into the Mog House to boost the overall element, along with a single piece of powerful Element Strength furniture of the same element that creates the desired Moghancement. For crafters who work with expensive ingredients, it can be worth the gil to put enough furniture items in their Mog House to have overwhelming energy, of the type of crystal that they use the most, and that element's Moghancement. For example, a craftsman who is skilling up Goldsmithing will often have overwhelming Moghancement: Fire in his Mog House, to reduce the chance of expensive ingredients being lost when a synthesis fails.

Only certain Moghancements become more useful by having a more powerful element in the Mog House. The following Moghancements are known to be more effective when their elemental power is increased: Fire, Ice, Wind, Earth, Lightning or Water synthesis assistance; Gardening; Fishing; Desynthesis. The Experience Moghancement does not become more effective when the Mog House element is increased, but reduces the experience lost on death by a fixed amount. It is unknown whether the rest of the Moghancements become more useful when their Mog House elemental power is raised.

All the possible Moghancements are listed below. The Skill Moghancements are obtained from furniture items that are purchased with Guild Points from the respective crafting guilds. Moghancements that provide Conquest bonuses for the three starting cities are granted when a character reaches Rank 10 in that city. The rest of the Moghancements can be obtained through items that come from quests, crafting, or NPC merchants.

Moghancement Description
Moghancement: Fire Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Reduces the chances of losing materials when synthesis attempts utilizing a fire crystal have failed.
Moghancement: Ice Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Reduces the chances of losing materials when synthesis attempts utilizing an ice crystal have failed.
Moghancement: Wind Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Reduces the chances of losing materials when synthesis attempts utilizing a wind crystal have failed.
Moghancement: Earth Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Reduces the chances of losing materials when synthesis attempts utilizing an earth crystal have failed.
Moghancement: Lightning Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Reduces the chances of losing materials when synthesis attempts utilizing a lightning crystal have failed.
Moghancement: Water Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Reduces the chances of losing materials when synthesis attempts utilizing a water crystal have failed.
Moghancement: Light Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Reduces the chances of losing materials when synthesis attempts utilizing a light crystal have failed.
Moghancement: Dark Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Reduces the chances of losing materials when synthesis attempts utilizing a dark crystal have failed.
Moghancement: Experience Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Reduces the amount of experience lost when KO'd.
Moghancement: Gardening Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Reduces the chances of plants withering when gardening.
Moghancement: Desynthesis Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Increases the chance of success when attempting desynthesis.
Moghancement: Fishing Skill Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Increases your fishing skill.
Moghancement: Woodworking Skill Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Increases your woodworking skill.
Moghancement: Smithing Skill Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Increases your smithing skill.
Moghancement: Goldsmithing Skill Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Increases your goldsmithing skill.
Moghancement: Clothcraft Skill Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Increases your clothcraft skill.
Moghancement: Leathercraft Skill Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Increases your leathercraft skill.
Moghancement: Bonecraft Skill Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Increases your bonecraft skill.
Moghancement: Alchemy Skill Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Increases your alchemy skill.
Moghancement: Cooking Skill Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Increases your cooking skill.
Moghancement: Conquest Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Increases the number of individual conquest points received.
Moghancement: Region Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Increases the number of region points awarded to your nation when participating in conquest.
Moghancement: Fishing Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Increases the chances of finding items when fishing.
Moghancement: San d'Oria Conquest Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Increases the number of individual conquest points received for San d'Orian adventurers only.
Moghancement: Bastok Conquest Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Increases the number of individual conquest points received for Bastokan adventurers only.
Moghancement: Windurst Conquest Moogle-powered assistance from your Mog House. Increases the number of individual conquest points received for Windurstian adventurers only.
Moghancement Description

Furniture List by Element

Dark Element Furniture
Furniture Storage Element & Strength Moghancement Size Placement Rare & Exclusive
Acolyte's Grief 1 Dark 4 Desynthesis Wall Furnishing None
Ancient Blood 1 Dark 3 Desynthesis Wall Furnishing None
Autumn's End 1 Dark 5 Dark Wall Furnishing None
Ballista Banner 1 Dark Unknown Unknown Wall Furnishing None
Black VCS Plaque 1 Dark 1 Dark 1x1 Top Ex
Chocobo Bedding 1 Dark 2 Experience 5x5 None Ex
Drogaroga's Fang 1 Dark 9 Bonecraft Skill 2x2 Top Rare/Ex
Lines and Space 1 Dark 5 Desynthesis Wall Furnishing None Ex
Millionaire Desk 1 Dark 2 Conquest 2x5 Bottom
Royal Bed 2 Dark 24 Experience 4x6 None
Star Globe 1 Dark 10 Region 3x3 Top
Timepiece 1 Dark 5 Dark 1x1 Top Rare/Ex
Walahra Burner 3 Dark 4 Desynthesis 2x2 Top
Furniture Storage Element & Strength Moghancement Size Placement Rare & Exclusive

Earth Element Furniture
Furniture Storage Element & Strength Moghancement Size Placement Rare & Exclusive
Arcane Flowerpot 1 Earth 4 Fishing 1x1 Top
Brass Flowerpot 1 Earth 1 Fishing 1x1 Top
Bureau 2 Earth 3 Earth 3x2 None
Caisson 3 Earth 3 Earth 2x5 None
Ceramic Flowerpot 1 Earth 1 Fishing 1x1 Top
Coffee Table 1 Earth 7 Region 3x5 Bottom
Drawing Desk 1 Earth 9 Woodworking Skill 2x3 None Rare/Ex
Earthen Flowerpot 1 Earth 1 Fishing 1x1 Top
Flower Egg 1 Earth 2 Earth 1x1 Top Rare
Gilt Tapestry 1 Earth 9 Clothcraft Skill Wall Furnishing None Rare/Ex
Kadomatsu 1 Earth 1 Fishing 3x2 None
Lamp Egg 1 Earth 2 Earth 1x1 Top Rare
Maple Table 1 Earth 8 Gardening 5x3 Bottom
Oak Table 1 Earth 10 Gardening 4x3 Bottom
Porcelain Flowerpot 1 Earth 2 Fishing 1x1 Top
Secretaire 1 Earth 2 Region 4x3 Bottom
Shield Plaque 1 Earth 3 Region Wall Furnishing None
Tarutaru Desk 2 Earth 4 Gardening 4x2 None
Wing Egg 1 Earth 2 Earth 1x1 Top Rare
Wooden Flowerpot 1 Earth 2 Fishing 1x1 Top
Workbench 1 Earth 6 Gardening 7x3 Bottom
Yellow Jar 1 Earth 2 Earth 1x1 Top
Yellow VCS Plaque 1 Earth 1 Earth 1x1 Top Ex
Furniture Storage Element & Strength Moghancement Size Placement Rare & Exclusive

Fire Element Furniture
Furniture Storage Element & Strength Moghancement Size Placement Rare & Exclusive
Bomb Lantern 1 Fire 2 Fire 1x1 Top Rare/Ex
Bookshelf 4 Fire 8 Fire 5x2 Bottom
Cupboard 2 Fire 6 Fire 3x2 None Ex
Gold Bed 1 Fire Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Ex
Elshimo Palm 1 Fire 2 Gardening 3x3 Top
Imperial Tapestry 2 Fire 3 Region Wall Furnishing None
Mandra Lantern 1 Fire 2 Fire 1x1 Top Rare/Ex
Marble Bed 1 Fire 16 Experience 4x6 None
Mastersmith Anvil 1 Fire 9 Smithing Skill 3x3 Top Rare/Ex
Pumpkin Lantern 1 Fire 2 Fire 1x1 Top Rare/Ex
Red Jar 2 Fire 5 Fire 2x2 Top Ex
Red VCS Plaque 1 Fire 1 Fire 1x1 Top Ex
San d'Orian Flag 1 Fire 9 San d'Oria Conquest Wall Furnishing None Rare/Ex
Furniture Storage Element & Strength Moghancement Size Placement Rare & Exclusive

Ice Element Furniture
Furniture Storage Element & Strength Moghancement Size Placement Rare & Exclusive
Bastokan Tree 1 Ice 1 Gardening 3x3 None Rare
Blue VCS Plaque 1 Ice 1 Ice 1x1 Top Ex
Bronze Bed 1 Ice 6 Experience 4x6 None
Buckler Plaque 1 Ice 4 Region Wall Furnishing None
Golden Fleece 1 Ice 9 Leathercraft Skill Wall Furnishing None Rare/Ex
Kaiserin Cosmetics 1 Ice 1 Ice 1x2 Top Ex
San d'Orian Tree 1 Ice 1 Gardening 3x3 None Rare
Sky Pot 2 Ice 5 Ice 2x2 Top Ex
Stationery Set 1 Ice 3 Ice 3x2 Top Ex
Tarutaru Folding Screen 1 Ice 3 Ice 7x1 None
Windurstian Tree 1 Ice 1 Gardening 3x3 None Rare
Furniture Storage Element & Strength Moghancement Size Placement Rare & Exclusive

Light Element Furniture
Furniture Storage Element & Strength Moghancement Size Placement Rare & Exclusive
Adventuring Certificate 1 Light 3 Light Wall Furnishing None Rare/Ex
Book Holder 1 Light 1 Desynthesis 1x1 None
Dresser 2 Light 4 Light 2x1 None
Elvaan F Mannequin 7 Light 6 Light 4x4 None Rare/Ex
Elvaan M Mannequin 7 Light 6 Light 4x4 None Rare/Ex
Fool's Gold 1 Light 9 Goldsmithing Skill 1x3 Top Rare/Ex
Galka Mannequin 7 Light 6 Light 4x4 None Rare/Ex
Hume F Mannequin 7 Light 6 Light 4x4 None Rare/Ex
Hume M Mannequin 7 Light 6 Light 4x4 None Rare/Ex
Mahogany Bed 1 Light 10 Experience 3x6 None
Miniature Airship 1 Light 10 Experience 2x3 Top Rare/Ex
Mithra Mannequin 7 Light 6 Light 4x4 None Rare/Ex
Scimitar Cactus 1 Light 1 Gardening 3x3 Top
Tarutaru F Mannequin 7 Light 6 Light 4x4 None Rare/Ex
Tarutaru M Mannequin 7 Light 6 Light 4x4 None Rare/Ex
White Jar 2 Light 5 Light 2x2 Top
Furniture Storage Element & Strength Moghancement Size Placement Rare & Exclusive

Lightning Element Furniture
Furniture Storage Element & Strength Moghancement Size Placement Rare & Exclusive
Bastokan Flag 1 Lightning 9 Bastok Conquest Wall Furnishing None Rare/Ex
Emeralda 1 Lightning 9 Alchemy Skill 3x3 Top Rare/Ex
Flower Stand 1 Lightning 2 Lightning 1x1 Bottom
My First Magic Kit 1 Lightning 2 Lightning 2x2 None Ex
Noble's Bed 1 Lightning 12 Experience 4x6 None
Tableware Set 1 Lightning 3 Lightning 3x2 Top
Tarutaru Stool 1 Lightning 2 Desynthesis 2x2 None
Tsahyan Mask 1 Lightning 3 Desynthesis Wall Furnishing None
Wastebasket 2 Lightning 2 Desynthesis 2x2 None Ex
Furniture Storage Element & Strength Moghancement Size Placement Rare & Exclusive

Water Element Furniture
Furniture Storage Element & Strength Moghancement Size Placement Rare & Exclusive
Armoire 5 Water 16 Fishing 3x2 Bottom
Armor Box 3 Water 2 Fishing 2x2 None
Bay Aquarium 1 Water 5 Water 1x3 Top
Beverage Barrel 1 Water 4 Gardening 2x3 None
Blue Pitcher 1 Water 2 Water 1x1 Top
Cabinet 4 Water 12 Fishing 3x2 Bottom
Chest 2 Water 4 Fishing 3x1 Bottom
Chiffonier 3 Water 8 Water 2x2 Bottom
Coffer 3 Water 4 Fishing 4x2 Bottom
Commode 4 Water 16 Fishing 3x2 Bottom
Fighting Fish Tank 1 Water 2 Water 1x2 Top
Fishing Hole Map 1 Water 9 Fishing Skill Wall Furnishing None Rare/Ex
Freshwater Aquarium 1 Water 5 Gardening 1x3 Top Rare
Goldfish Bowl 1 Water 2 Water 1x1 Top Rare
Reef Aquarium 1 Water 5 Water 1x3 Top
River Aquarium 1 Water 5 Gardening 1x3 Top
Rusty Bucket 1 Water 1 Fishing 1x1 Top
Saltwater Aquarium 1 Water 5 Water 1x3 Top Rare
Simple Bed 1 Water 3 Experience 4x6 None
Tea Set 1 Water 3 Water 3x2 Top
The Big One 1 Water 5 Fishing Skill Wall Furnishing None
Water Barrel 2 Water 4 Water 2x2 None
Water Cask 1 Water 2 Gardening 1x1 None
Water Jug 2 Water 3 Water 2x2 Top
Furniture Storage Element & Strength Moghancement Size Placement Rare & Exclusive

Wind Element Furniture
Furniture Storage Element & Strength Moghancement Size Placement Rare & Exclusive
Cordon Bleu Set 1 Wind 9 Cooking Skill 2x3 Top Rare/Ex
Desk 1 Wind 5 Region 3x3 Bottom
Green VCS Plaque 1 Wind 1 Wind 1x1 Top Ex
Oak Bed 1 Wind 5 Experience 4x6 None
Royal Bookshelf 1 Wind 4 Wind 2x3 Bottom
Wicker Box 2 Wind 2 Wind 2x2 Bottom
Windurstian Flag 1 Wind 9 Windurst Conquest Wall Furnishing None Rare/Ex
Furniture Storage Element & Strength Moghancement Size Placement Rare & Exclusive

Last Updated: October 25, 2006

Order: Final Fantasy XI Online: Wings of the Goddess Expansion Pack (PC)(PS2)(XBOX 360)
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