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Dec 2004 FFXI Patch Compilation of Info
Posted by: Cuer - Wed Dec 08th, 2004 09:34 pm EST
The bi-monthly patches in Final Fantasy XI are notable for the large amount of content added and changed throughout the game. This bulletin will compile patch information to make it easier to track all of it. This covers the December 8, 2004 and December 14, 2004 FFXI patches. (To view the info about the previous major patches, see the News Highlights.) All new and updated mobs, items, NPCs, BCNMs and quests will eventually be detailed below.

Original Post: Dec 8, 2004
Last Updated: Monday, April 17, 2006

Latest Additions: Updated with the latest information; as more info is available regarding the additions in this patch, it will be added.



Any NPC additions and changes are listed here.


New Mobs

Apart from the new BCNMs, a handful of other new mobs went into the game.

Changed Mobs

As mentioned vaguely in the patch notes, "The conditions for certain notorious monsters to appear, as well as the drop rates for the items they carry, have been adjusted." If you have details about mob spawn or drop changes, be sure to leave feedback and let us know the specifics.
  • The Stroper Chyme now can spawn up to 4 at once, and appear to have changed spawn points and times.
  • The drop rate for the Emperor Hairpin from the Valkurm Emperor appears to have been reduced.
  • The spawn location for Mee Deggi the Punisher has been extended to the entire courtyard, instead of just the column where he used to spawn.
  • As mentioned in the patch notes, "A new reward for completing the quest "Tuning Out" has been added." This is the new Cache-nez head item.

Obtaining Items

When patches first come out, a lot of rumors fly around about exactly where new items can be found. It appears that this happened with the drops for the items required for the new Gobbiebag quest. The information on those drops has been corrected, in the database and the table below. As always, if you have specific information on a drop that you have seen which is not in our database, please leave feedback and let us know the details.

Item Drops Changed & Added in the Patch
  • The Astral Ring load has been moved from the Castle Oztroja Coffer into the Treasure and Tribulations BCNM. The Oztroja coffer now loads the new Safeguard Ring, instead.
  • A number of drops found elsewhere, most notably the Venomous Claw, are now dropping in the new BCNMs. This has necessarily sent the price of the Scorpion Harness plummeting.
  • Other high level crafting ingredients were added as drops in new BCNMs. These include: Orichalcum Ingot, Damascene Cloth, Damascus Ingot, Lacquer Tree Log, Divine Log.
  • A new set of Rare/Exclusive weapons went in, with Latent Affects that have high damage and a Critical Hit Rate boost. These Exclusive weapons seem to be available only in the new BCNMs, marking a change in the type of items regularly available from BCNMs.
  • Many of the new items for quests are dropping from mobs that were already in the game, primarily in the Chains of Promathia zones. Scroll down to see the drops for items that are known, so far.

New Items

This list details the items that were added into the data files. It is important to note that just because an item shows up here, that does not automatically mean that it is actually available in the game; sometimes items are added to the files but not made available in FFXI. As much as possible, the only items we put into the DB here are ones that look feasible to be in the game. Information about how an item is obtained will be added as it is known. This is a constant work in progress, and we are looking for useful information to help fill in the information here; if you have info about how an item is obtained, be sure to leave feedback and let us know the specifics.

Item Lvl Dam Delay Stats Jobs Obtained Notes
Anubis's Knife 65 22 212 Rare
  • Enchantment: Poison
    <Max Charges: 50 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 30m>
  • Poison: Critical Hit Rate +7%
Obtained from the following BCNMs: Dagger
Chiroptera Dagger 38 13 192 Rare/Ex
  • Ranged Accuracy +12
Dropped from Mobs: Dagger
Coffinmaker 72 27 600 Rare/Ex
  • Ranged Accuracy +9
  • Latent Effect: Damage 40
COR/NIN/RNG/THF Obtained from the following BCNMs: Gun
Deluxe Carbine 46 32 600 COR/NIN/RNG/THF Reward from Quest: Gun
Destroyers 73 5 48 Rare/Ex
  • Latent Effect: Damage 18
  • Latent Effect: Critical Hit Rate +6%
Obtained from the following BCNMs: Hand-to-Hand
Dia Wand 40 11 216 Rare/Ex
  • Enhances 'Cure' Potency
  • Enhances 'Dia' Effect
WHM Reward from Quest: Club
Dissector 72 23 231 Rare/Ex
  • Latent Effect: Damage 36
  • Latent Effect: Critical Hit Rate +6%
Obtained from the following BCNMs: Sword
Durandal 71 40 240
  • Vitality +7
  • Enmity +1
PLD Obtained from the following BCNMs: Sword
Expunger 72 26 360 Rare/Ex
  • Ranged Accuracy +9
  • Latent Effect: Damage 39
Obtained from the following BCNMs: Bow
Gondo-Shizunori 72 72 480 Rare/Ex
  • Latent Effect: Damage 85
  • Latent Effect: Critical Hit Rate +6%
DRG/SAM/WAR Obtained from the following BCNMs: Polearm
Gravedigger 73 74 490 Rare/Ex
  • Latent Effect: Damage 87
  • Latent Effect: Critical Hit Rate +6%
BLM/BST/DRK/WAR Obtained from the following BCNMs: Scythe
Hamayumi 30 42 524 Rare/Ex
  • Additional Effect vs Empty: Ranged Accuracy +10
  • Additional Effect vs Empty: Ranged Attack +10%
Reward from Quest: Bow
Heart Snatcher 73 11 205 Rare/Ex
  • Latent Effect: Damage 24
  • Latent Effect: Critical Hit Rate +6%
Obtained from the following BCNMs: Dagger
Hoplites Harpe 68 27 210 THF/WAR Obtained from the following BCNMs: Dagger
Michishiba 72 65 420 Rare/Ex
  • Latent Effect: Damage 78
  • Latent Effect: Critical Hit Rate +6%
NIN/SAM Obtained from the following BCNMs: Great Katana
Morgenstern 72 27 310 Rare/Ex
  • Latent Effect: Damage 40
  • Latent Effect: Critical Hit Rate +6%
PLD/WHM Obtained from the following BCNMs: Club
Niokiyotsuna 38 19 227 Rare/Ex
  • Double Attack +1%
NIN Dropped from Mobs: Katana
Nursemaid's Harp 60 0 0
  • Lullaby +2
BRD Obtained from the following BCNMs: Instrument
Rampager 72 74 504 Rare/Ex
  • Latent Effect: Damage 87
  • Latent Effect: Critical Hit Rate +6%
DRK/WAR Obtained from the following BCNMs: Great Axe
Retributor 72 33 312 Rare/Ex
  • Latent Effect: Damage 46
  • Latent Effect: Critical Hit Rate +6%
BST/DRK/RNG/WAR Obtained from the following BCNMs: Axe
Senjuinrikio 72 25 227 Rare/Ex
  • Latent Effect: Damage 38
  • Latent Effect: Critical Hit Rate +6%
NIN Obtained from the following BCNMs: Katana
Sorrowful Harp 70 0 0
  • Threnody +3
BRD Obtained from the following BCNMs: Instrument
Subduer 72 72 444 Rare/Ex
  • Latent Effect: Damage 85
  • Latent Effect: Critical Hit Rate +6%
DRK/PLD/WAR Obtained from the following BCNMs: Great Sword
Thyrsusstab 73 52 402 Rare/Ex
  • Latent Effect: Damage 65
  • Latent Effect: Critical Hit Rate +6%
Obtained from the following BCNMs: Staff
Trailer's Kukri 61 19 195
  • Ranged Accuracy +14
Obtained from the following BCNMs: Dagger
Vampiric Claws 39 8 60 Rare/Ex
  • Additional Effect: HP Drain
Dropped from Mobs: Hand-to-Hand

Item Lvl Def Stats Jobs Body Slot Obtained
Palmerin's Shield 72 20
  • Damage Taken -2%
PLD Shield Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Absorbing Shield 71 18 Rare
  • HP +16
  • Vitality +2
  • Enchantment: Contagion Transfer
    <Max Charges: 20 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1h>
Shield Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Memento Muffler 37 4 Rare
  • Enchantment: Vitality +7
    <Max Charges: 20 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1m>
All Neck Reward from Quest:
Willpower Torque 30 0
  • Spell Interruption Rate -5%
All Neck Reward from Quest:
Ajari Necklace 58 0
  • Agility +2
  • Mind +6
SMN/WHM Neck Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Philomath Stole 61 0
  • Intelligence +3
BLM/BRD/BLU/PUP/RDM Neck Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Stone Gorget 39 4 Rare/Ex
  • Enhances 'Stoneskin' Effect
All Neck Reward from Quest:
Auditory Torque 47 5 Rare/Ex
  • Latent Effect: Strength +4
  • Latent Effect: Vitality +4
All Neck Dropped from Mobs:
Kingdom Stables Collar 15 0 Rare/Ex
  • Enchantment: Teleport (San d'Oria Chocobo Stables)
    <Max Charges: 10 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1d>
All Neck From the 2004-2005 New Year Rivalry Event.
Republican Stables Medal 15 0 Rare/Ex
  • Enchantment: Teleport (Bastok Chocobo Stables)
    <Max Charges: 10 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1d>
All Neck From the 2004-2005 New Year Rivalry Event.
Federation Stables Scarf 15 0 Rare/Ex
  • Enchantment: Teleport (Windurst Chocobo Stables)
    <Max Charges: 10 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1d>
All Neck From the 2004-2005 New Year Rivalry Event.
Oscar Scarf 71 0 Rare
  • Charisma -9
  • Enchantment: Slightly Bad Breath
    <Max Charges: 50 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 15m>
All Neck Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Jaguar Mantle 47 4
  • Attack +3
  • Evasion +1
Back Reward from Quest:
Sapient Cape 60 4
  • Intelligence +2
  • Mind +2
  • Enmity -2
Back Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Hi-Potion Tank 55 0
  • Dispense: Hi-Potion
    <Max Charges: 20 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1m>
All Back Obtained from the following BCNMs:Used in Recipe:
Hi-Ether Tank 55 0
  • Dispense: Hi-Ether
    <Max Charges: 20 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1m>
All Back Obtained from the following BCNMs:Used in Recipe:
Knightly Mantle 60 12
  • Vitality +4
PLD/WAR Back Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Skulker's Cape 50 4
  • Enhances 'Invisible' Effect
  • Enhances 'Sneak' Effect
BLM/BLU/RDM/SMN/WHM Back Dropped from Mobs:
Aries Mantle 70 6 Rare/Ex
  • Enchantment: Sleep
    <Max Charges: 20 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 30m>
  • Sleep: Adds 'Regen' and 'Refresh' Effect
All Back Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Duende Cotehardie 50 26 Rare/Ex
  • Conserve MP +4
  • Dark Spirit Perpetuation Cost -1
BLM/SMN Body Reward from Quest:
Nokizaru Gi 50 31 Rare/Ex
  • Agility +4
  • Enmity +1
NIN Body Reward from Quest:
Rapparee Harness 50 32 Rare/Ex
  • Ranged Accuracy +2
  • Haste +4%
THF Body Reward from Quest:
Shinimusha Hara-Ate 50 37 Rare/Ex
  • Store TP +9
SAM Body Reward from Quest:
Wyvern Mail 50 36 Rare/Ex
  • Wyvern: HP +65
  • HP Regeneration While Healing +1
DRG Body Reward from Quest:
Shikaree Aketon 50 29 Rare/Ex
  • Ranged Attack +7
  • Enmity -1
RNG Body Reward from Quest:
Cerise Doublet 50 28 Rare/Ex
  • Accuracy +3
  • Attack +3
BRD/BLU/RDM Body Reward from Quest:
Glamor Jupon 50 27 Rare/Ex
  • Enhancing Magic Skill +3
  • Enfeebling Magic Skill +3
  • Elemental Magic Skill +3
  • Dark Magic Skill +3
RDM Body Reward from Quest:
Gloom Breastplate 50 33 Rare/Ex
  • Enhances Souleater Effect
DRK Body Reward from Quest:
Nimbus Doublet 50 26 Rare/Ex
  • Adds 'Regen' Effect
  • Light Spirit Perpetuation Cost -1
SMN/WHM Body Reward from Quest:
Aikido Gi 50 33 Rare/Ex
  • Vitality +4
  • Agility +2
MNK Body Reward from Quest:
Parade Cuirass 50 38 Rare/Ex
  • HP +28
  • Enmity +2
PLD/WAR Body Reward from Quest:
Gaudy Harness 50 27 Rare/Ex
  • Charisma +3
  • Latent Effect: Adds 'Refresh' Effect
BRD/BST Body Reward from Quest:
Venerer Ring 34 0 Rare
  • Accuracy +3
All Finger Reward from Quest:
Bowyer Ring 29 0 Rare
  • Ranged Accuracy +3
  • Ranged Attack +3
All Finger Reward from Quest:
Holla Ring 65 0
  • Enchantment: Teleport-Holla
    <Max Charges: 10 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1d>
All Finger Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Dem Ring 65 0
  • Enchantment: Teleport-Dem
    <Max Charges: 10 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1d>
All Finger Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Mea Ring 65 0
  • Enchantment: Teleport-Mea
    <Max Charges: 10 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1d>
All Finger Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Vahzl Ring 65 0
  • Enchantment: Teleport-Vahzl
    <Max Charges: 10 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1d>
All Finger Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Yhoat Ring 65 0
  • Enchantment: Teleport-Yhoat
    <Max Charges: 10 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1d>
All Finger Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Altep Ring 65 0
  • Enchantment: Teleport-Altep
    <Max Charges: 10 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1d>
All Finger Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Zoredonite Ring 56 0 Rare/Ex
  • MP +20
  • Intelligence +1
All Finger Dropped from Mobs:
Jaeger Ring 35 0 Rare/Ex
  • Accuracy +4
  • Ranged Accuracy +4
All Finger Dropped from Mobs:
Safeguard Ring 10 2 All Finger Castle Oztroja Coffer
Cunning Earring 29 0
  • Intelligence +1
All Ear Reward from Quest:
Elusive Earring 60 1
  • Evasion +5
All Ear Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Attila's Earring 70 0
  • Store TP +1
Ear Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Boroka Earring 49 0 Rare/Ex
  • Intelligence +1
  • MP Regeneration While Healing +1
All Ear Dropped from Mobs:
Titanis Earring 61 0 Rare
  • Vitality +1
  • Agility +1
  • Minne: Enmity +4
All Ear Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Minuet Earring 61 0 Rare
  • Strength +1
  • Dexterity +1
  • Minuet: Accuracy +3
All Ear Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Trainer's Wristbands 60 14
  • Dexterity +4
  • Charisma +4
BST Hands Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Trainer's Gloves 70 22
  • HP +20
  • MP +20
  • Charisma +5
  • Enmity -2
BST Hands Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Ostreger Mitts 74 24
  • Vitality +4
  • Wyvern: HP +10
BST/DRG/RNG/SAM/WAR Hands Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Bandomusha Kote 73 21 Rare/Ex
  • HP +3%
  • Resist vs. Fire -5
  • Resist vs. Ice +5
  • Resist vs. Wind -5
  • Resist vs. Earth +5
  • Resist vs. Lightning -5
  • Resist vs. Water +5
  • Resist vs. Light -5
  • Resist vs. Dark +5
  • Attack +22
  • Evasion -10
MNK/NIN/SAM Hands Dropped from Mobs:
Horomusha Kote 34 7 Rare
  • Attack +15
MNK/NIN/SAM Hands Dropped from Mobs:
Dream Hat 1 1 Rare/Ex All Head From the 2004 Starlight Celebration Event.
Dream Hat +1 1 1 Rare/Ex
  • Dispense: Ginger Cookie
    <Max Charges: 1 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1d>
All Head From the 2004 Starlight Celebration Event.
Cache-nez 1 2
  • Enmity +2
All Head Reward from Quest:
Pineal Hat 71 18
  • Accuracy +2
  • Attack +2
  • Evasion +2
Head Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Zoolater Hat 73 19 Rare/Ex
  • Enchantment: Pet Gains Effect of 'Meditate'
    <Max Charges: 50 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 30m>
BST Head Dropped from Mobs:
Dobson Bandanna 39 0 Rare/Ex
  • Agility +3
  • Evasion +5
  • Enhances Resist Poison Effect
All Head Dropped from Mobs:
Voyager Sallet 41 0 Rare/Ex
  • Strength +3
  • Dexterity +4
All Head Dropped from Mobs:
Walkure Mask 43 11
  • HP +15
  • Attack +6
Head Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Trump Crown 20 10 Rare
  • HP +14
  • MP +14
  • Charisma +2
All Head Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Penitent's Rope 60 4
  • HP -20
  • Intelligence +5
  • Mind +5
  • Enmity -3
Waist Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Gleeman's Belt 60 5
  • Charisma +6
  • Accuracy +8
BRD Waist Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Warwolf Belt 71 6
  • Strength +5
  • Dexterity +5
  • Vitality +5
  • Enmity +3
Waist Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Hierarch Belt 71 3
  • MP +48
  • HP Regeneration While Healing +2
  • MP Regeneration While Healing +2
Waist Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Rabbit Belt 1 0 Rare/Ex
  • Enchantment: Costume
    <Max Charges: 1 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1d>
All Waist From the 2004-2005 New Year Rivalry Event.
Worm Belt 1 0 Rare/Ex
  • Enchantment: Costume
    <Max Charges: 1 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1d>
All Waist From the 2004-2005 New Year Rivalry Event.
Mandragora Belt 1 0 Rare/Ex
  • Enchantment: Costume
    <Max Charges: 1 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1d>
All Waist From the 2004-2005 New Year Rivalry Event.
Nebimonite Belt 56 5 Rare/Ex
  • Dispense: Nebimonite
    <Max Charges: 50 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1d>
All Waist Dropped from Mobs:
Evoker's Boots 71 11 Rare/Ex
  • MP +20
  • Mind +2
  • Enmity -2
SMN Feet Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Fuma Sune-Ate 72 21 Rare
  • HP +12
  • Agility +3
  • Haste +3%
MNK/NIN/SAM Feet Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Root Sabots 69 18 Rare
  • HP +35
  • Enchantment: Bind
    <Max Charges: 50 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 30m>
  • Bind: Adds 'Regen' Effect
Feet Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Tracker's Kecks 70 32
  • Attack +6
  • Ranged Accuracy +4
  • Ranged Attack +6
BST/DRK/WAR Legs Obtained from the following BCNMs:
Aries Subligar 50 23 Rare/Ex
  • Conserve MP +1
BLM/SMN Legs Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Taurus Subligar 50 23 Rare/Ex
  • Agility +1
NIN Legs Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Gemini Subligar 50 23 Rare/Ex
  • Ranged Accuracy +1
THF Legs Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Cancer Subligar 50 23 Rare/Ex
  • Store TP +1
SAM Legs Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Leo Subligar 50 23 Rare/Ex
  • Wyvern: HP Regeneration While Healing +1
DRG Legs Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Virgo Subligar 50 23 Rare/Ex
  • Ranged Attack +1
RNG Legs Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Libra Subligar 50 23 Rare/Ex
  • MP Regeneration While Healing +1
BRD/BLU/RDM Legs Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Scorpius Subligar 50 23 Rare/Ex
  • MP +10
RDM Legs Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Sagittarius Subligar 50 23 Rare/Ex
  • Attack +1
DRK Legs Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Capricornus Subligar 50 23 Rare/Ex
  • HP Regeneration While Healing +1
SMN/WHM Legs Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Aquarius Subligar 50 23 Rare/Ex
  • Vitality +1
MNK Legs Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Pisces Subligar 50 24 Rare/Ex
  • HP +10
PLD/WAR Legs Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Ophiuchus Subligar 50 23 Rare/Ex
  • Charisma +1
BRD/BST Legs Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Vir Subligar 51 30 Male Only
  • Resist vs. Light +9
All Legs Sold at the Tavnazian Safehold once enough CoP missions are completed, for 8 million gil.
Femina Subligar 51 30 Female Only
  • Resist vs. Light +9
All Legs Sold at the Tavnazian Safehold once enough CoP missions are completed, for 8 million gil.

The slew of new ammunition (arrows, bullets and bolts) here comes from using the new quiver-type items obtained with the Ranger Scavenge Job Ability. It is all sub-par, designed to hold over a Ranger until he can get back to town and purchase standard ammo.
Item Lvl Dam Delay Stats Jobs Obtained
Goblin Grenade 55 26 300
  • Strength +1
DRK/NIN/THF/WAR Reward from Quest:
Antique Bullet 22 42 249
  • Ranged Accuracy -4
Antique Bullet +1 42 61 249
  • Ranged Accuracy -6
Crude Arrow 7 7 126
  • Ranged Accuracy -3
Crude Arrow +1 15 12 126
  • Ranged Accuracy -4
Crude Arrow +2 24 14 126
  • Ranged Accuracy -4
Crude Arrow +3 29 15 126
  • Ranged Accuracy -5
Crude Arrow +4 40 20 126
  • Ranged Accuracy -5
Crude Arrow +5 45 23 126
  • Ranged Accuracy -6
Crude Arrow +6 50 26 126
  • Ranged Accuracy -6
Crude Arrow +7 60 30 126
  • Ranged Accuracy -7
Dogbolt 10 16 200
  • Ranged Accuracy -3
Dogbolt +1 21 18 200
  • Ranged Accuracy -4
Dogbolt +2 25 25 200
  • Ranged Accuracy -5
Dogbolt +3 30 28 200
  • Ranged Accuracy -5
Dogbolt +4 40 36 200
  • Ranged Accuracy -6
Dogbolt +5 52 45 200
  • Ranged Accuracy -7

All the new items used in quests and missions are found below, along with other Inventory and Furnishing items. There are a number of new items that are used in, or rewards from, the Starlight Celebration Event.
Item Stats Description Obtained
Bastokan Tree Rare A festive tree decorated in the Bastokan fashion. From the 2004 Starlight Celebration Event.
Windurstian Tree Rare A festive tree decorated in the Windurstian fashion. From the 2004 Starlight Celebration Event.
San d'Orian Tree Rare A festive tree decorated in the San d'Orian fashion. From the 2004 Starlight Celebration Event.
Kadomatsu A festive bamboo display popular in the Far East. From the 2004-2005 New Year Rivalry Event.
Ballista Banner This banner is presented only to those who have earned the title of Banneret.
Shakudo Ingot This variety of blood-red copper is found in the Far East. Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Balloon Cloth This sturdy variety of cotton cloth was once used in Bastok when building hot-air balloons. Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Iolite A blue jewel. Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
High-Quality Eft Skin This eft skin is in perfect condition. Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Demon Pen Rare/Ex This magical pen is made from the finger of a Demon. When placed on a piece of parchment, it will write one's diary for him. Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Misareaux Garlic Rare/Ex This variety of garlic, known for its pungent odor and high level of nutrition, is only found on the Tavnazian Archipelago. Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Cathedral Tapestry Rare/Ex Said to have been used by a former saint, this tapestry has been recognized by the San d'Orian Cathedral as an authentic relic. Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Arnica Root When ground into a powder and served with hot water, the root of the arnica has the ability to cure various ailments. Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Eastern Gem These flat, round jade stones are treasured in lands to the Far East. Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Copper Key Rare/Ex A tiny key made of pure copper. Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Treasury Gold Rare/Ex The Kingdom of San d'Oria stores these ingots in the heavily guarded royal treasury. The mark of the griffon is imbedded in the center of each bar. Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Attohwa Ginseng Rare/Ex This medicinal root only grows in the arid soil of the Attohwa Chasm. Its rarity makes it quite expensive. Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Polar Flowerpot Rare/Ex This pot is specially designed to slow the growth of the polar fir. From the 2004 Starlight Celebration Event.
Polar Fir Sapling Rare/Ex This northern fir is known for its rapid growth. From the 2004 Starlight Celebration Event.
Knightsbell Rare/Ex The knights of early San d'Oria used to attach these tiny bells to their chocobo saddles. From the 2004 Starlight Celebration Event.
Rimed Sapling Rare/Ex This tiny tree has been covered in a beautiful layer of ice. From the 2004 Starlight Celebration Event.
Ice Bauble Rare/Ex Ice carved into a perfect sphere. From the 2004 Starlight Celebration Event.
Blue Bandeau Rare/Ex A sparkling blue band of velvet. From the 2004 Starlight Celebration Event.
Khue Pie Rare/Ex A meat pie made by the world-famous ranger Khue Ronchab. While delicious when hot, its flavor is comparable to a sweaty mocassin when cool. From the 2004 Starlight Celebration Event.
Mehiruru Pop Rare/Ex A tasty frozen snack invented by the black mage Mehiruru. Unfortunately, it melts at a very low temperature. From the 2004 Starlight Celebration Event.
Jade Bauble Rare/Ex Jade carved into a perfect sphere. From the 2004 Starlight Celebration Event.
Kiddie Present Ex The quickest way to a child's heart. From the 2004 Starlight Celebration Event.
Special Present Rare/Ex This beautifully wrapped box was found under the holiday tree in your Mog House. From the 2004 Starlight Celebration Event.
Thankful Letter Rare/Ex This letter, written by a child, is addressed to a "smilebringer." From the 2004 Starlight Celebration Event.
Grateful Letter Rare/Ex This letter, written by a child, is addressed to a "smilebringer." From the 2004 Starlight Celebration Event.
Joyful Letter Rare/Ex This letter, written by a child, is addressed to a "smilebringer." From the 2004 Starlight Celebration Event.
Ebisu Card Rare/Ex A trading card sold by the Tenshodo. On one side is a ranger reeling in a pugil. From the 2004-2005 New Year Rivalry Event.
Bishamon Card Rare/Ex A trading card sold by the Tenshodo. On one side is a fierce warrior clad in Far Eastern armor. From the 2004-2005 New Year Rivalry Event.
Hotei Card Rare/Ex A trading card sold by the Tenshodo. On one side is a plump monk wearing fancy Far Eastern garments. From the 2004-2005 New Year Rivalry Event.
Benten Card Rare/Ex A trading card sold by the Tenshodo. On one side is a voluptuous bard. From the 2004-2005 New Year Rivalry Event.
Daikoku Card Rare/Ex A trading card sold by the Tenshodo. On one side is a hefty white mage carrying a massive hammer. From the 2004-2005 New Year Rivalry Event.
Jurojin Card Rare/Ex A trading card sold by the Tenshodo. On one side is an aged beastmaster and his pet sheep. From the 2004-2005 New Year Rivalry Event.
Fukurokuju Card Rare/Ex A trading card sold by the Tenshodo. On one side is a long-faced summoner carrying a staff. From the 2004-2005 New Year Rivalry Event.
Cerebrator Remnant Rare/Ex Ethereal residue from the body of a cerebrator. Dropped from Mobs:
Coveter Remnant Rare/Ex Ethereal residue from the body of a coveter. Dropped from Mobs:
Satiator Remnant Rare/Ex Ethereal residue from the body of a satiator. Dropped from Mobs:
Recollection of Suffering Rare/Ex A fully suspended memory from one of the Empty. Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Recollection of Animosity Rare/Ex A fully suspended memory from one of the Empty. Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
Recollection of Anxiety Rare/Ex A fully suspended memory from one of the Empty. Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest:
CCB Polymer Rare This liquid was developed by Cid to combat biotechnological weapons. It works by coagulating a machine's hydraulic fluids. Reward from Quest:
Old Quiver Ex This leather arrow quiver is moldy and rotting. It still contains some crude arrows. From the Ranger Scavenge Job Ability
Old Bolt Box Ex This bronze carrying case is green with age. It still contains some dogbolts. From the Ranger Scavenge Job Ability
Old Bullet Box Ex This bronze carrying case is green with age. It still contains some antique bullets. From the Ranger Scavenge Job Ability

A number of items were in the data files previously, but only made available with this patch. They are medicines that provide specific buffs, and are only available and usable in the Ballista PVP matches. All these items are flagged with the new Temporary flag, and so they have been changed accordingly.
Item Flags Description
Revitalizer Ex/Tmp This potion instantly resets the recast time for all job abilities.
Body Boost Ex/Tmp
  • Temporarily Increases Maximum HP
This medicine temporarily increases maximum HP.
Mana Boost Rare/Ex
  • Temporarily Increases Maximum MP
This medicine temporarily increases maximum MP.
Giant's Drink Rare/Ex/Tmp This drink temporarily boosts maximum HP.
Wizard's Drink Rare/Ex/Tmp This drink temporarily boosts maximum MP.
Carnal Incense Rare/Ex/Tmp The scent of this incense temporarily protects the body from all physical attacks.
Spiritual Incense Rare/Ex/Tmp The scent of this incense temporarily protects the body from all magical attacks.
Celestial Incense Rare/Ex/Tmp The scent of this incense temporarily protects the body from all ranged attacks.
Drachenessence Rare/Ex/Tmp This medicine instantly restores a wyvern's HP.
Barfire Ointment Rare/Ex/Tmp When applied, this ointment temporarily raises the body's resistance to fire.
Barblizzard Ointment Rare/Ex When applied, this ointment temporarily raises the body's resistance to ice.
Baraero Ointment Rare/Ex/Tmp When applied, this ointment temporarily raises the body's resistance to wind.
Barstone Ointment Rare/Ex When applied, this ointment temporarily raises the body's resistance to earth.
Barthunder Ointment Rare/Ex When applied, this ointment temporarily raises the body's resistance to lightning.
Barwater Ointment Rare/Ex/Tmp When applied, this ointment temporarily raises the body's resistance to water.

Updated Items

These list details the items that were updated in some way. Many items are regularly changed in patches, often for only cosmetic reasons. If you have information about how an item has changed that isn't listed here, be sure to leave feedback with those changes.

Items with no discernable changes, or cosmetic changes only
Newly Available Items
These items were all updated with this patch; they had been in the data files from a previous patch, but weren't actually available in the game. The only change made was that the Rare flag was removed. This was apparently done when making the items available; they all drop from at least one of the new BCNMs. Apart from these items, the Perseus's Harpe listed below was also made available.

Items With Changed Stats
Item Lvl Dam Delay Stats Jobs Obtained Notes
Perseus's Harpe 73 31 210 Rare/Ex
  • Enhances Resist Petrification Effect
THF/WAR Dropped from Mobs: Change: Stats, & now available.
Ether Tank 1 0 0
  • Dispense: Ether
    <Max Charges: 5 / Equip Delay: 1m / Reuse Timer: 30s>
All Crafted:
  • Alchemy (54) Leathercraft (?)
Used in Desynthesis Recipe:
  • Alchemy (Skill Cap at Synth Level)
Change: Armor slot changed from Waist to Back.
Water Tank 1 0 0
  • Dispense: Distilled Water
    <Max Charges: 40 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1m>
All Crafted:
  • Alchemy (6) Leathercraft (1)
  • Alchemy (6) Leathercraft (?)
Used in Recipes: Used in Desynthesis Recipe:
  • Alchemy (Skill Cap at Synth Level)
Change: Armor slot changed from Waist to Back.
Potion Tank 1 0 0
  • Dispense: Potion
    <Max Charges: 11 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 1m>
All Crafted:
  • Alchemy (44) Leathercraft (1)
Change: Armor slot changed from Waist to Back.
Hippogryph Tailfeather -- 0 0
This feather grows on the tail of a hippogryph.
All Dropped from Mobs:Used in Quest: Change: Exclusive flag removed.
Mistmelt -- 0 0 Ex
This fabled gem from the Far East is said to have the power to melt away clouds and pull dragons from the skies.
All Reward from Quest: Change: Rare flag removed.

New Quests

Many of the new items that went in are involved in various new quests. Most of these quests either require the Chains of Promathia expansion to start, or require items from those areas. All of these quests are listed in the main Quest Database.

Bastok Quests
Bastok quest Brygid the Stylist Returns is listed in the main Quest Database. See the Brygid the Stylist Returns quest details for full information about the quest.

San d'Oria Quests
Two San d'Oria quests were added with this patch: Signed in Blood and Tea With a Tonberry?. Full information about each of these is available in their respective entries in the Quest Database.

Jeuno Quests
The Jeuno quest The Gobbiebag Part VI was added with this patch. Full information about it is available in the Quest Database.

Other Quests
Five Other quests were added with this patch: Missionary Moblin, For the Birds, Better the Demon You Know, The Call of the Sea, and Return to the Depths. Full information about each of these is available in their respective entries in the Quest Database.

Outland Quests
The Outland quest Chasing Dreams was added with this patch. Full information about it is available in the Quest Database.


There were 17 new BCNMs added to the game with these patches. The table below is a quick way to view the list, and see which of them have information so far on this site. If you have information about the new BCNMs that is not contained here, please leave feedback with the specifics.
BCNM Restriction Mob Info Drops Notes
Eye of the Tiger Level 50, 15 minutes, 3 members Yes Yes Many of the newly available hand, head, back and neck items.
The Final Bout Level 50, 3 minutes, 3 members Yes Yes Newly available armor, high level ingredients.
Rapid Raptors Level 50, 15 minutes, 3 members Yes Yes Newly available armor.
An Awful Autopsy Level 50, 15 minutes, 3 members Yes No
Shots in the Dark Level 60, 15 minutes, 3 members Yes Yes Teleport rings, cape, wristbands.
Up in Arms Level 60, 15 minutes, 3 members Yes Yes Neckwear, teleport rings, masks.
Wild Wild Whiskers Level 60, 15 minutes, 3 members Yes Yes Belts, teleport rings, masks.
Celery Level 60, 15 minutes, 3 members Yes Yes Dispensing items, teleport rings, earring, instrument, mask, consumable abjuration.
Contaminated Colosseum No Level Restriction, 30 minutes, 6 members Yes Yes New Rare/Ex weapons; scarf, boots, hat.
Prehistoric Pigeons No Level Restriction, 30 minutes, 6 members Yes Yes New Rare/Ex weapons; hat, boots, earring, high level ingredients.
Moa Constrictors No Level Restriction, 30 minutes, 6 members Yes Yes New Rare/Ex weapons; shield, kecks, high level ingredients.
Today's Horoscope No Level Restriction, 30 minutes, 6 members Yes Yes New Rare/Ex weapons; belts, high level ingredients.
Operation Desert Swarm No Level Restriction, 30 minutes, 6 members Yes Yes New Rare/Ex weapons; belts, shield, high level ingredients.
Royale Ramble No Level Restriction, 30 minutes, 6 members Yes Yes New Rare/Ex weapons; crown, high level ingredients.
Double Dragonian No Level Restriction, 30 minutes, 6 members Yes Yes New Rare/Ex weapons; instruments, earrings, high level ingredients.
Copycat No Level Restriction, 30 minutes, 6 members Yes Yes New Rare/Ex weapons; other weapons, instrument, earrings, high level ingredients.
Seasons Greetings No Level Restriction, 30 minutes, 6 members Yes Yes New Rare/Ex weapons; sabots, instrument, high level ingredients.

Food Effects Revamp

The food system in Final Fantasy XI was revamped dramatically with the December patches. This included adjustment to crafting recipes, food effects and duration, among other changes. The major changes to the food system are outlined below; the latest info on the food effects and system can be found in the Final Fantasy XI Food Effects Guide.

Food Variety

The overall food revamp was done in such a way to encourage players to use many different types of food over the course of their character leveling. Before the change, there were two types of food (kabobs and pies) that 95% of the players used on a regular basis. That is changing -- for a character to be the most efficient and get the most power from their food, they will want to switch between various foods depending on the level and base stats of the character. This necessarily makes a much broader market for Culinary crafters, as well as the players who gather and fish the ingredients needed for this crafted food.

Food Effect Changes

Most of the food items in the game had their effects tweaked at least a little; some of them have been entirely revamped. Interestingly, the most commonly available foods (those sold by NPCs in stores, or the very popular pies and mithkabobs) had their effects changed very little. The less-known food items were adjusted in a much more dramatic fashion.

With these changes, there are now more powerful food items for almost every possible status than were in the game previously. For example, food that increases MP has been expanded to many other options beyond fruit pies. There are multiple foods for high level casters that will increase MP over 70: ones that are inexpensive to make, like Orange Kuchen; stackable ones like the Gelato; high-powered ones that give substantial other boosts, such as Crimson Jelly. Tanking jobs have foods that raise Defense much farther than before at low levels, as well as powerful high-end items to munch on: food such as Shallops Tropicale, Seafood Stew, and the awe-inspiring Tavnazian Salad provide bonuses not seen on previous food. On the offensive side, melee damage jobs have a plethora of food that increases Attack, along with some other new food that raise Accuracy, such as the sushi line.

One change of note to Rangers and Ninjas is the split that was made between melee and ranged statuses. Foods that raise Attack no longer automatically raise Ranged Attack; likewise, foods that raise Accuracy do not automatically raise Ranged Accuracy. Many of the more powerful foods do raise both melee and ranged statuses; over time, the specifics of which food raises what statuses will become clearer, making it easier to find the best food for each job.

Effect Caps

The most important change to make note of is the way that certain "statuses" are now capped when increased by food. A percentage increase in any of the following statuses by a food item is usually capped: Attack, Ranged Attack, Defense, Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, HP, MP. The way these caps work is that there is a percentage increase to the status, a capped amount that the status increase will not go beyond, and a calculated level at which it isn't efficient to use that food.

An example of the food caps can be seen by looking at Boiled Crayfish, which only has one effect:
  • Defense +30% (Cap: 25@83 Base Defense)
This food boosts the Defense of whoever uses it. The first number, Defense +30%, signifies that the Defense of the character is increased by 30% when the food is eaten. The next set of numbers tells us the limit of this percentage increase. Cap: 25 means that the food will raise Defense by a maximum of 25 points. The @83 Base Defense is a simple calculation to show that if a character has 83 or more base Defense (including armor and buffs) before they eat the food, they will hit that cap of 25 Defense from the food. So, if a low level paladin with 70 base Defense wants to get food to help him tank, this would be great food for him. Once he gets more levels and has a base Defense much above 83, however, he'll want to eat food with a higher Defense cap.

This setup is used on the percentage increase food effects; a status is increased by a certain percent, and is also capped to keep it from becoming too powerful. This encourages players to use different food instead of the exact same kind through all their character's leveling. Note that many of the effects on the food items in the database do not have caps listed for them right now; that's because they just haven't been discovered yet. It seems likely that all foods effects outlined above that are increased by a percentage amount do have a hard cap on them.

Food Duration

All food was given standard duration, based on the type of item that it is. The changes are as follows:
  • 3 Minutes - The new Snack Food detailed below has a 3 minute duration, for the Normal Quality crafted versions. This is an entirely new duration of food; no standard food had this short of a duration previously.
  • 5 Minutes - The High Quality version of Snack Food lasts for 5 minutes, as well as all raw food: raw fish, raw meat, all vegetables. This reduces further any meager usefulness that raw food had, as well as the small bonus that Mithra and Galka races had by being able to eat raw fish and meat, respectively; presumably, characters are being encouraged to eat crafted food.
  • 30 Minutes - This the duration for Normal Quality crafted food that stacks to 12. Most of that type of food already had a 30 minute duration, so this didn't change many foods of that type.
  • 60 Minutes - This is the duration for High Quality crafted food that stacks to 12. Most of that food had this duration previously, so little of that was changed. There were a handful of HQ food items that did not stack previously that were changed to 12-stackable, to give them this standard duration.
  • 3 Hours - All non-stackable crafted Normal Quality food now has a 3 hour duration. This is a huge change from the previous duration of this food; most of it used to last 60 minutes.
  • 4 Hours - All non-stackable crafted High Quality food now has a 4 hour duration. Since most of it had a 90 minute duration previously, this is also a substantial increase.
The most substantial changes in duration are found in the non-stackable food; with it's multi-hour duration, a character can use one for a standard experience party, or two for a long one. A standard approach when joining a pickup party now is to keep a stack of NQ food to use when the party starts; after that 30 minute food wears off, if the party looks like it will be going for many hours, use the more powerful non-stackable food.

Other Food Changes
  • The Rice Ball type of food used primarily by Samurai was changed, with regard to their extra effects. All Rice Balls have standard effects when used, just like regular food. They also have extra effects that activate if an item is worn with the Enhances Effects of Rice Balls effect on it, when the rice ball is eaten. The equipment with that special effect is the Samurai Artifact armor Myochin Kote, or a level 71 head item Roshi Jinpachi. The extra effects will kick if either of these two items is worn when a rice ball is eaten. If both pieces of equipment are used when a rice ball is eaten, the extra effects are doubled. With this change, a Samurai equipped with both of these pieces of armor can get tremendous effects out of rice balls both offensively and defensively. (Note that at this time the exact "Double Attack" increase given by an enhanced Tonosama Rice Ball or Shogun Rice Ball is not known, although it is still there.)
  • The curry food items seem to have some variable stats built in to them. Previously, the change in stats was based entirely on the race of the character eating them. They now seem to have stats that change based on other variables besides race, perhaps including time, day of the week, or moon phase. The stats we have should be approximate boosts from curry food, but you may see some variability from the stats listed.

Snack Food

A new Snack Food type of item was added that can be used instead of standard food. These items stack to 99, and the recipe results are in increments of 33. The snack food only lasts for a short time; 3 minutes for the Normal Quality version, or 5 minutes for the High Quality version. The primary effects from most of this type of food are regen bonuses while resting; some also provide Killer effects. The full details of this, along with the rest of the information about the current food setup in FFXI, can be found in the Final Fantasy XI Food Effects Guide.

Other Changes & Additions

Other changes that don't fit in the catagories above are listed here.
  • All the tools for Ninja spells had their icons changed.
  • All the Pet Food items had the amount of HP that they restore raised. The new "base amount" appears to be around 50% higher than the previous stats; it seems that the Mind of a Beastmaster helps raise the HP restore amount more than before. (The previous issue with Pet Food Gamma was fixed in the Dec 14 Patch.)

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