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Magicite (San d'Oria)
Starting Info for
Magicite (San d'Oria)
Two NM Fights
Mission Order:
San d'Oria 4
San d'Oria
Starting Zone:
Ru'Lude Gardens
Starting NPC:
This Mission Is Not Repeatable.
Related Missions
Missions in This Series:
(San d'Oria 1-1)
Smash the Orcish Scouts
(San d'Oria 1-2)
Bat Hunt
(San d'Oria 1-3)
Save the Children
(San d'Oria 2-1)
The Rescue Drill
(San d'Oria 2-2)
The Davoi Report
(San d'Oria 2-3)
Journey Abroad
(San d'Oria 3-1)
Infiltrate Davoi
(San d'Oria 3-2)
The Crystal Spring
(San d'Oria 3-3)
Appointment to Jeuno
(San d'Oria 4 )
Magicite (San d'Oria)
(San d'Oria 5-1)
The Ruins of Fei'Yin
(San d'Oria 5-2)
The Shadow Lord
(San d'Oria 6-1)
Leaute's Last Wishes
(San d'Oria 6-2)
Ranperre's Final Rest
(San d'Oria 7-1)
Prestige of the Papaque
(San d'Oria 7-2)
The Secret Weapon
(San d'Oria 8-1)
Coming of Age
(San d'Oria 8-2)
(San d'Oria 9-1)
Breaking Barriers
(San d'Oria 9-2)
The Heir to the Light
Allows Activation of Quests:
Tenshodo Membership
Mysteries of Beadeaux I
Mysteries of Beadeaux II
Crest of Davoi
NPCs Used
Jeuno Lower
Zones Used
Jeuno Lower
Castle Oztroja
Items Used
AH Catagory
Archducal Audience Permit
Key Item
Not Auction House Sellable
Black Matinee Necklace
Key Item
Not Auction House Sellable
Coruscant Rosary
Key Item
Not Auction House Sellable
Crest of Davoi
Key Item
Not Auction House Sellable
Letter to Aldo
Key Item
Not Auction House Sellable
Magicite: Aurastone
Key Item
Not Auction House Sellable
Magicite: Optistone
Key Item
Not Auction House Sellable
Magicite: Orastone
Key Item
Not Auction House Sellable
Silver Bell
Key Item
Not Auction House Sellable
Yagudo Torch
Key Item
Not Auction House Sellable
Rewards From
Magicite (San d'Oria)
Gil Reward:
Title Obtained:
Have Wings, Will Fly
Reward Details:
San d'Oria Rank 5
Item Reward:
Airship Pass
Key Item
Message to Jeuno (San d'Oria)
Key Item
Game Details for
Magicite (San d'Oria)
Seize the three types of magicite from Davoi, Beadeaux, and Castle Oztroja to prevent the Shadow Lord's return.
Walkthrough for
Magicite (San d'Oria)
Extra Rank Points are required to accept this mission; turning in three stacks of crystals allows activation. Note that unlike all the missions so far, this mission is activated in Jeuno, not in San d'Oria. You will need to go back to San d'Oria to turn in the crystals, and then go to Ru'Lude Gardens to start the mission. This single, long mission is the only Rank 4 mission.
Shared Mission:
The majority of this mission is shared with adventurers from Bastok and Windurst who are also on the Rank 4 mission. All characters on these missions will need to go through the quests and steps listed below, through Davoi, Beadeaux, and Castle Oztroja.
Talk to Nelcabrit in the San d'Orian Embassy in Ru'Lude Gardens; if you have enough Rank Points to start the mission, he will tell you to proceed to talk to the Ambassador.
Go through the side
San d'Orian Emb.
door, and select the second door for a cut-scene that starts the mission, and provides the
Archducal Audience Permit
key item.
Go to the Grand Duke Palace in Ru'Lude Gardens and go up the stairs to the
Audience Chamber
door at H-6. Select the door for a cut-scene, that provides the
Letter to Aldo
key item.
(Tenshodo Membership quest here.)
Go to Jeuno Lower and go in to the Neptune's Spire, and select the
Neptune's Spire
door in the back. Go through three more doors into Aldo's room and talk to him for a cut-scene, to deliver the
Letter to Aldo
(Other quests here.)
Go to Davoi and make your way to G-7 where the
Wall of Dark Arts
blocks entrance to the Monastic Cavern. You may need to kill the Orcish Bowshooter and Orcish Gladiator in front of the wall, to have easy access to it. Select the wall, and the Orcish Crest will allow you to pass through. Enter the Monastic Cavern and head within it to the
at F-6. Select the
for a cut-scene, which provides the
Magicite: Optistone
key item.
Return to Beadeaux and head down to the underground section, at H-7. At the underground intersection at H-7, go east to enter Qulun Dome. Follow the path through Qulun Dome to the
at G-8; select the
three times, for the
Silver Bell
Coruscant Rosary
, and
Black Matinee Necklace
to all activate and move you through the doorway. Proceed to the
at F-8 and select it for a cut-scene, which provides the
Magicite: Aurastone
key item.
Castle Oztroja:
Go to Castle Oztroja; through the first door at I-8 (have someone who can Escape try to Handle to get the right one) and to the second map. On the second map, take the northward path to G-7, which takes you to the courtyard map. Once out in the courtyard, carefully walk north to exit this map at I-7, making sure you don't fall off the side as you go. On the next map, head right (west) at the G-8 intersection (Bulwark Bat, Drummer, Interogator, Prior, Zealot) and essentially stay on the right wall down to the
Brass Door
at H-9. Select one of the
on either side of the door; your
Yagudo Torch
allows you to pass through. Head west at the H-10 intersection and go through the
Brass Door
at G-10. Just beyond the door you will zone into Altar Room. Follow the path in Altar Room to G-8 and select the
there for a cut-scene, which provides the
Magicite: Orastone
key item.
Return to Jeuno and go to Ru'Lude Gardens to the
Audience Chamber
door again; select it for a cut-scene, that provides the Airship Pass. If you already have an Airship Pass, you will receive 20,000 gil instead.
Return to the San d'Orian Embassy and talk to Nelcabrit to complete the mission; you will receive Rank 5, 10,000 gil, and the
Message to Jeuno
key item.
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Posted by: Ravahan,
You can turn crystals into the conquest NPC in Ru'lude Gardens (I think his name is Morelpeche or something). If you're coming from Upper Jeuno, he's the first NPC on the left I believe.
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