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Journey Abroad
Starting Info for
Journey Abroad
BCNM Fight
Mission Order:
San d'Oria 2-3
San d'Oria
Starting Zone:
City of San d'Oria
Starting NPC:
San d'Oria Mission Starter
This Mission Is Not Repeatable.
Related Missions
Missions in This Series:
(San d'Oria 1-1)
Smash the Orcish Scouts
(San d'Oria 1-2)
Bat Hunt
(San d'Oria 1-3)
Save the Children
(San d'Oria 2-1)
The Rescue Drill
(San d'Oria 2-2)
The Davoi Report
(San d'Oria 2-3)
Journey Abroad
(San d'Oria 3-1)
Infiltrate Davoi
(San d'Oria 3-2)
The Crystal Spring
(San d'Oria 3-3)
Appointment to Jeuno
(San d'Oria 4 )
Magicite (San d'Oria)
(San d'Oria 5-1)
The Ruins of Fei'Yin
(San d'Oria 5-2)
The Shadow Lord
(San d'Oria 6-1)
Leaute's Last Wishes
(San d'Oria 6-2)
Ranperre's Final Rest
(San d'Oria 7-1)
Prestige of the Papaque
(San d'Oria 7-2)
The Secret Weapon
(San d'Oria 8-1)
Coming of Age
(San d'Oria 8-2)
(San d'Oria 9-1)
Breaking Barriers
(San d'Oria 9-2)
The Heir to the Light
NPCs Used
Chateau d'Oraguille
Windurst Woods
Heavens Tower
Uu Zhoumo
Savae E Paleade
Mobs Used
Zhuu Buxu the Silent
Mobs Spawned
Dark Dragon
Black Dragon
Zones Used
Chateau d'Oraguille
Windurst Woods
Heavens Tower
Palborough Mines
Waughroon Shrine
Balga's Dais
Items Used
AH Catagory
Dark Key
Key Item
Not Auction House Sellable
Kindred Crest
Key Item
Not Auction House Sellable
Kindred Report
Key Item
Not Auction House Sellable
Letter to the Consuls (San d'Oria)
Key Item
Not Auction House Sellable
Mine Gravel
Others / Misc.
Mythril Sand
Not Auction House Sellable
Parana Shield
Armor / Shields
Others / Misc.
Shield Offering
Key Item
Not Auction House Sellable
Rewards From
Journey Abroad
Gil Reward:
Title Obtained:
Certified Adventurer
Reward Details:
San d'Oria Rank 3
Item Reward:
Adventurer's Certificate
Key Item
Game Details for
Journey Abroad
Visit the faraway nations of Bastok and Windurst and receive official recognition as an adventurer.
While going through the mission, the in-game text will change twice, as listed below.
Game Text for Windurst -> Bastok
Game Text for Bastok -> Windurst
Journey to Windurst
Bring an offering (a shield) from Heavens Tower in Windurst to the Yagudo treasure room in Giddeus. To uphold the honor of San d'Oria, claim two of the same shields from the Yagudo on your return.
Journey to Bastok
Reports indicate that the Quadav who inhabit the deepest levels of Palborough Mines are up to something. An official named Pius will instruct you further.
Journey to Bastok
Survey Bastokan mining technology, and bring some mythril sand out of Palborough Mines. An official named Pius will instruct you further.
Journey to Windurst
Oust the giant monster that dwells deep inside the Yagudo realm of Giddeus.
Walkthrough for
Journey Abroad
Extra Rank Points are required to accept this mission; turning in one stack of crystals allows activation.
Shared Mission:
The BCNM battle in this mission is shared with mission 2-3 in the other starting nation missions: Bastok (
The Emissary
,) and Windurst (
The Three Kingdoms
.) Depending on which direction you take, you will end up fighting in a BCNM at either Waughroon Shrine or Balga's Dais. That fight can be shared with other characters who are ready for it or have completed it, from the Windurstian or Bastokan 2-3 mission, respectively.
Talk to a San d'Oria Mission Starter for a cut-scene to start the mission.
Go to Chateau d'Oraguille and talk to Halver for a cut-scene that provides the
Letter to the Consuls (San d'Oria)
key item.
From here you have a choice on how to proceed: either by going through the line that leads first through Windurst, or through the line that goes to Bastok first. Your choice is made simply by which of the Consulates you talk to first; if you talk to Mourices in Windurst first you are placed on the Windurst line, and if you talk to Savae E Paleade in Bastok first you are put on the Bastok line. Once you select one of the mission lines, you must complete the mission through that line; you cannot change in the middle. You will go to both Windurst and Bastok regardless of which line you choose, but the events and order will be different.
Mission Order Via Windurst -> Bastok
Mission Order Via Bastok -> Windurst
Go to Windurst and head to to the San d'Orian Consul at G-10 in Windurst Woods. Talk to the Consul, Mourices, in the back room for a cut-scene.
Go to Heavens Tower via the portal at H-7 in Windurst Walls; a cut-scene is seen upon entry.
In Heavens Tower, go across the room through the
Clerical Chamber
door and talk to Kupipi, to obtain the
Shield Offering
key item.
Go to Giddeus, and head through F-8 or J-8 to the second map. On that map, go to F-6 and talk to the NPC Uu Zhoumo to deliver the
Shield Offering
Stay on the second map and go to H-7 to find the NM Zhuu Buxu the Silent, who spawns on the east side of H-7. Defeat Zhuu Buxu twice for the Parana Shield it drops; one shield is dropped each time it is defeated, and it respawns every 15 minutes. Each character on this mission needs two copies of the shield, so if you have multiple people who are doing this part of the mission together, it could take a while.
Return to Windurst Woods and trade both Parana Shields at the same time to Mourices, for a cut-scene that completes the Windurst section of the mission.
Go to Bastok and head to the San d'Orian Consul at I-9 in the Metalworks. Talk to the Consul, Savae E Paleade, for a cut-scene.
Go to the President's Office at J-8 in the Metalworks, and talk to Pius for a cut-scene.
Go to the Craftsmen's Eatery at H-9 in the Metalworks, and talk to Grohm for a cut-scene.
Go to Palborough Mines and head to H-10 on the third floor, to enter Waughroon Shrine. Enter
The Rank 2 Final Mission
BCNM; this is a level 25 capped fight, and buffs are not removed if cast before entering the BCNM.
Fight Specifics:
The battle has two NMs: an Ahriman (Seeker) who casts Black Mage spells, and a Dark Dragon with breath attacks. The usual order is to have two tanking characters; take out the weaker Ahriman first with the majority of the party, while the other tank keeps the Dragon away. Then, using the TP from the Ahriman, take down the Dragon as quickly as possible.
After defeating the Dark Dragon and the Seeker NMs, you will see a cut-scene and receive the
Kindred Seal
key item.
Return to Bastok and talk to Savae E Paleade in the San d'Orian Consul again, to see a cut-scene and obtain the
Kindred Report
key item.
Return to San d'Oria and talk to a San d'Oria Mission Starter for a cut-scene.
Return to Chateau d'Oraguille and talk to Halver, which delivers the
Kindred Report
. This completes the mission, providing rewards of an
Adventurer's Certificate
key item, 3000 gil, and Rank 3.
Go to Bastok and head to the San d'Orian Consul at I-9 in the Metalworks. Talk to the Consul, Savae E Paleade, for a cut-scene.
Go to the President's Office at J-8 in the Metalworks, and talk to Pius for a cut-scene.
[Optional Step]: Obtain a Mine Gravel item by purchasing it from the Auction House. If the Mine Gravel is bought, you can skip the next two steps, since you don't need to mine it up.
Go to the Craftsmen's Eatery at H-9 in the Metalworks, and talk to Grohm for a cut-scene, where you will obtain three Pickaxe items. You may need more than three pickaxes to mine the gravel, depending on your luck, which you can purchase in town before you head out.
Go to Palborough Mines and head to J-8 on the first floor. Use the Pickaxes on the
Mythril Seam
there until you obtain the Mine Gravel item.
However the Mine Gravel is obtained, take it to the third level of Palborough Mines, and trade it to the Refiner at I-7. Go to the second floor and pull the
at the Refiner there, to obtain the Mythril Sand item.
Return to Bastok; you can take the boat on the third floor of Palborough to get there quickly. Go to the Metalworks and trade the Mythril Sand to Savae E Paleade for a cut-scene that completes the Bastok section of the mission.
Go to Windurst and head to to the San d'Orian Consul at G-10 in Windurst Woods. Talk to Mourices in the back room for a cut-scene.
Go to Heavens Tower via the portal at H-7 in Windurst Walls. Go across the room through the
Clerical Chamber
door and talk to Kupipi, to obtain the
Dark Key
key item.
Go to Giddeus and head to G-12 to enter Balga's Dais. Enter
The Rank 2 Final Mission
BCNM; this is a six person level 25 capped fight, and buffs are not removed if cast before entering the BCNM.
Fight Specifics:
The battle has two NMs: an Ahriman (Searcher) who casts Black Mage spells, and a Black Dragon with breath attacks. The usual order is to have two tanking characters along; take out the weaker Ahriman first with the majority of the party, while the other tank keeps the Dragon away. Then, using the TP from the Ahriman, take down the Dragon as quickly as possible.
After defeating the Black Dragon and the Searcher NMs, you will see a cut-scene and receive the
Kindred Seal
key item.
Return to Windurst and talk to Mourices in the San d'Orian Consul again, to see a cut-scene and obtain the
Kindred Report
key item.
Return to San d'Oria and talk to a San d'Oria Mission Starter for a cut-scene.
Return to Chateau d'Oraguille and talk to Halver, which delivers the
Kindred Report
. This completes the mission, providing rewards of an
Adventurer's Certificate
key item, 3000 gil, and Rank 3.
Titles Given:
Black Dragon Slayer - awarded after killing the Black Dragon.
Dark Dragon Slayer - awarded after killing the Dark Dragon.
Certified Adventurer - awarded after completing the mission and returning to San d'Oria for Rank 3.
Recommended Level for
Journey Abroad
Most of this mission can be done solo at level 25. A full group at level 25 is recommended to complete the BCNM, for characters going through the missions for the first time. The fight isn't extremely difficult, for a BCNM fight; three to four experienced characters can defeat the NMs easily.
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