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Chocobo Raising

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From: Kyprinia

Posted: 2006-09-10 19:41:15
Quote from: cassie

before the day19 you didn t find anything sayin its black? all chocos are yellow when born...?
mine s yellow,, any chance of change?

All chocobos hatch yellow as chicks, but when they reach adolescent stage at day 19, they start to have some color around their wingtips and their tails. For yellow chocobos, it's sort of a dirty white, but the black ones are quite strikingly different. If your chocobo isn't showing color at 19 days of age (like mine), it's just going to be a plain old yellow.

My chocobo was patient, ideal for carrying packages, when it grew, but no it's yellow and back to no personality. I did find a link between location and the story you learn though. Both my San d'Orian birds made friends with Air and learned the story of the impatient chocobo. My Windurst bird made friends with Spring and learned the story of a youthful chocobo.
From: Raydemort
Registered User

Posted: 2006-09-11 02:20:11
My chocobo is "enigmatic, making it hard to know what the animal is thinking", and it got the white tailfeathers. My girlfriends chocobo has no personality, and it has black tailfeathers.

Also, we're both raising in Windurst, and we both got the story of a youthful chocobo.
From: Guest

Posted: 2006-09-11 06:18:16
so if you want to get your handes on a different story, youll have to raise your chocobo in another city
From: Rowena

Posted: 2006-09-11 08:54:33
My Chocobo is from sandy and was hatched from a bit egg from the mithra in jeuno. I've had no problems in raising him (azureshadow) and he reached his adolescent stage on day 19. The only attribute that changed while he was a chick was his personality which is "ill-tempered and suited for military use" but he is not a black choco. He is a yellow.

I met someone on my first regular walk and now compete against others is an option available to me when I care for him.

So far I'm really enjoying this choco raising and I can't wait until he starts showing some increases in attributes!

From: VashTS

Posted: 2006-09-11 10:57:58
Hello Im from the Fenrir server
my chocobo is now 20 days old and mine is yellow with white tail fethers so my chocobo is going to be a normal one ;_; can i hatch a nother one? i realy want a black one cuz im a drk lol and one no wich egg is a black one or what i have to do to get black? or blue? if ur on the fenrir server mesage me at Vashts im on alot when im not working so please tell me
From: Donovan

Posted: 2006-09-11 11:56:12
Day 19...it's growing!

After your chocobo get to adolescent phase, more option are avaible, and more cutscenes too.
First, the option to walk your chocobo out is split in "short" and "regular". Independently if you got or no the "tellable story" CS (my wife didnt get this yet) you can get the "pedantic 3 guys" CS when you first take your choco to a regular walk. This unlocks the option "compete against others", that, by SE, "can entertain a bored chocobo" and boost resistance, but inflinges stress or something.
Me and my wife feeded our chocobos strictly with carrot paste and zegham carrots, with 2 different eggs, and both chocobos have now dark-colored feathers on their back.
About personality, it seems that shifts from day to day based on care, plan and food. In my case, it shifted between "ill-tempered" and "patient", but now is more on the "patient" one. My wife, because her choco is ver lazy (sleep about 30% of time), didnt got any personality 'till yesterday, when her choco got "ill-tempered". I think it may be because i put my chocobo under a more strict plan, but who knows.
Now i made a plan based on strenght: 1 day "carry packages", 1 day "train alone", 1 day "rest", 2 days "carry packages". Guess it will boost his strength, but maybe will make him somewhat stupid.
Others options help improve bonds, usefull when you put your chocobo under high-stress/high-fatigue plans. I'm guessing that "telling a story" help in this. If you dont have any tales, only option left is "chit-chat", but i dont know if it helps. I told him the "impatient chocobo" story, it took about 20% of his hp-bar.
Now im watching if my wife can get the story using short-walks.

So, more experimental info in some more days...
From: Guest

Posted: 2006-09-11 14:54:03
Are the black chocobo's only comming from eggs dropped in the ISNM, or are people getting black choco's from the bought eggs in Ru'Lude and the upper jeuno quest?
From: Gladari

Posted: 2006-09-11 16:04:57
Quote from: Guest
so if you want to get your handes on a different story, youll have to raise your chocobo in another city

I think getting different cities stories might be possible. My Windy pc was on a "Normal Walk" with her Chocobo GoodFortune when they met the NPC from Sandy and his Chocobo Air. They became friends. So, GoodFortune now has the Windy friend Spring and the Windy story of a youthful chocobo, plus friends with Air. Hopefully, this will lead to getting the Sandy story as well.

Gladari of Plenum
Raising LadyDiana
Garuda Server
From: CleverBs

Posted: 2006-09-11 17:41:36
I got a black chocobo from the mith in jeuno.
From: Carb

Posted: 2006-09-11 18:03:44
Quote from: Guest
Are the black chocobo's only comming from eggs dropped in the ISNM, or are people getting black choco's from the bought eggs in Ru'Lude and the upper jeuno quest?

Maybe from the ISNM drops, but mine has the black highlights on a yellow base from an egg bought from the little girl in Jeuno. So far from what I have seen, it is determined by it's personality as a chick. Once it grows larger, it seems to show the traits it exhibited during the growth period.

This is my theory as it stands:

Each food offers a tiny bit of increases to some attribute. The more care you give your choco, the more hungry it is after it replenishes its energy the next day. There by increasing the amount of food you need to give it to become full. But if you over feed it (description states your choco is "quite full"), the next day it is ill and needs topo wildgrass (whatever the name is) to make it feel better. That reduces the amount of food it can have in one day by a single serving which reduces the optimal amount of increases per day. At 19 days of this, it might have a huge effect. As I said... this is only theory as it stands.
From: Lexington

Posted: 2006-09-11 18:31:49
everyones first chocobo will be yellow. They are still testing chocobo raising, they might have implemented the colors, but at the bottum of their website on the last chocobo update, they said this..

"It was stated in the June 19 Topics that a chocobo’s appearance would change along with its attributes. Due to an extension of the testing period, these changes will now be implemented in a following version update."
From: maiby

Posted: 2006-09-11 18:42:35
If you dint know this by now once you race youre choco a cople of times and win you get story of a happy choco and by the way i am sandorian PS. my choco looks kinda golden silver :}
From: guest

Posted: 2006-09-11 19:20:07
By the looks of it...it seems like there are only two colors...the dark feathers and the light feathers...is that supposed to be it? don't u think it's a coincidence that on both the walks u can meet one with light feathers and one with dark feathers.
From: pixie

Posted: 2006-09-11 22:03:22
ok. so i am getting angry with the hole you tell your choco to rest for one day and it goes into a coma! i have had sevral friends tell me that their care schedual does not say rest yet the bird still sleeps. One friend said his slept for 7days before it woke up, and iv have so many more friends tell me theirs has been sleeping for several days too. Mine just hit day 19 and is bigger but after i set him to one days rest he fell asleep. Now i only see him awake durring his care schedual events and thats all. He has been asleep for 3 days. Is this more trial run glitchs or what?? I have been spoiling mine everyday and now he sleeps and i cant play with him..T-T
From: Jonde

Posted: 2006-09-11 22:03:51
Okay day 19 mine is I'll tempered and i am going to try and keep it that way I am a taru drk 55, So i want a black one it has gray feathers around it head a drity white on it tial. Is it deceied for sure what color your chocobo once it hits day 19 or can it still change? All attributes are still poor.
From: Dracon

Posted: 2006-09-12 08:09:56
OK. I haven't yet posted in any of these choco-raising forums, but have been reading them all from day one. As for the color thing, this is how I see it. Some people have dug around in the .dat files and found pics of several colors of chocos. If you've been checking around, you've most likely seen these pics. Anyway, there are 4 young adults, one being an entirely different color and the others having different color tips. Someone proposed the idea that the dark young adult version is a place holder, and that got me thinking. My theory is that, since SE actually said there are only 3 colors to be had at this time (Yellow/Black/Blue), the odd young adult was never meant to be made, at least not now.

As for the adults, the white tipped one will be yellow (everyone just needs to get out of denial about this and move on), the black tipped one will be black, and the blue/purple tipped one will be the blue/purple adult. The other black one and blue one, just like the red and green, are the prototype models. They are just one solid color and lack all the detail of the others, that's what makes me come to this conclusion. Now, I could be wrong, but taking in everything we currently know (which isn't that much) this seems like the most likely case.
From: Dracon

Posted: 2006-09-12 08:20:25
As for my chocobo, I lucked out and got the purple/blue tipped one (might be why I find it easier to accept that the white tipped one is yellow :P)

Anyway, the egg I used was the bit warm one from the mithra girl in Jeuno. Since this was my first one, instead of fucusing exclusively on strength, I tried to keep her fairly balanced. I had her do all the care plans once, even the ones that counter-acted each other, and then just had her do Taking a Walk for 1 day and Basic Care 1 day. I did put her to rest once early on and she slept for 2-3 days longer than she should have thanks to the glitch, but she woke up right when she became starving, so everything worked out.

I also fed her mostly paste while she was a chick, with the occasional carrot here and there. She got sick once and a single Toko grass cleared it up by the next day. I did the handkerchief thing as well. Also, on one of the days that I was told she would be receptive to anything I gave her, I tried a Parasite Worm. Didn't seem to do much except that she happened to become Very Patient the following day. Could just be a coincidence though.

As for now, she is on day 20, all stats are poor, she thinks of me as her parent, she's still Very Patient, and everything else is the same as it always has been. I got the story from the Sandy guy, met Blood during a regular walk once, and met the racing guys as well as beat them on my first and only race so far. Now that I've posted, I will try to keep you updated with any further developments. Good luck to all :)

Oh...and my Choco's name is Lunar Breeze being raised in the Sandy stables on the Remora server. If you want to contact me in game, my character's name is the same as the name I used here...
From: Rowena

Posted: 2006-09-12 08:40:39
Quote from: Lexington
everyones first chocobo will be yellow. They are still testing chocobo raising, they might have implemented the colors, but at the bottum of their website on the last chocobo update, they said this..

"It was stated in the June 19 Topics that a chocobo’s appearance would change along with its attributes. Due to an extension of the testing period, these changes will now be implemented in a following version update."

I believe that this is referring to minor physical apperance changes like beak and things like that. As it was orignally mentioned that those things would change. So that doesn't necessarily referr to color.

If they are taking a 'realistic' approach to things the only way to get a colored choco is predetermined by who it's parents are not your care schedule. Again I have an ill-tempered choco and it's yellow.

~rowena (bismarck)
From: Optimist Prime

Posted: 2006-09-12 11:34:26
After seeing a datamined pic of chocos in all stages and colors, i noticed that there are two kinds of black chocobos, one with black tail feathers and one with white tail feathers. *Pic*

So for us that may have been dissapointed in not getting a chocobo with black tail feathers, there might still be hope for a black chocobo with the white tail feathers. Just speculation. Also, notice there are young chocos with blue-ish tail feathers as well a brown chocobo with yellow feathers. Anyone get either of those yet?
From: Donovan

Posted: 2006-09-12 11:57:26
Day 20...more experimental info

First, "Compete against others": i tried this yesterday when my choco was at 100% hp, my wife did it too. My choco won the race easily, i think it's because i put him almost always to walk when he was a chick. On the other hand, my wife had a catatonic female chocobo, who sleeped a lot of days. So, she lost at the race. I didn't got any new tale, but my chocobo changed strenght from "Poor" to "Subnormal". So, it seems that racing helps improving phisical attributes.

Second, Colors: after carefully watching my choco, and comparing it with my wife's choco, I saw 3 tail-feathers colors: the black one (like the "pedantic trio" has during the race), the white one (like mine), and the "somewhat blue" one (my wife's choco). Someone said that the color is higly dependant on how you feed and care the choco when he/she is a chick. I agree on this, because we both used the same diet (exactly the same), but with differents care rates and differents plans. Seems that the eggs change the base percentage to obtain male /female and color, but dont assures it.

Third, Food: after you chick grow to adolescent, you'll need to change his diet, because paste don't satisfy them. It takes a lot of paste to get a starving choco to "not hungry or full", but with 2 vomp carrots (those ones used in carrot paste) will fill them properly. I didn't tried yet with greens (sharug and azouph) because i dont want to spoil the strict "carrot based" diet. If someone is feeding his/her choco with those greens, i'll appreciate some info about.
Now my choco eats carrot "in one gulp", but only "eat" paste. So, no more paste for my adolescent chocobo.
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