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News Item: PlayOnline: Trick or Treat?

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From: Grencye

Posted: 2005-10-22 02:29:24
I'm having trouble, I am a resident of San d'Oria and was celebrating the event at my hometown, since I feel most comfortable there. I have acquired every single item except for the Pitchfork +1. I followed the instructions accordingly but the Trick Wight only turns me and my partner (also a San d'Orian resident) into Orcs. I was told by a Windurstian come to get her +1 fork that you can't do it in your hometown. Is this true?
From: Hellfire

Posted: 2005-10-22 02:57:16
please can someone help me out, I've been tring to get the Trick staff II and only seam to get changed into a mob every time I trade ANY sweet to a costumed NPC. then after I cant get them to give me anything else. does a costume from an npc count as a "treat" making it so I cant get items the rest of the day?
From: IsadoraShiva

Posted: 2005-10-22 06:36:08
*Only for Windy citizens* (How to obtain Pitchfork+1)

This is an duplicate of my post from another forum.

Step 1: NQ Pitchfork
a) Partner with another player - preferably from windy too.

b) Go to Windurst woods: ask your partner to run to the npc disguised as a shade (you'll find it when running from moghouse exit to the dhamel farm, on the right side).

c) ..while you run to the npc near the gate to ronfaure exit.

d) Trading one cookie (of any kind - ginger cookie worked for me) will turn your team into a Shade and Ghost respectively.

e) Both of you run to decoration with the moogles (location near exit to port windurst, after the fountain thingy)

EDIT: if there's nothing there, run back north a bit to the decoration found near the west side of the manustery (or, if that does not work too, run to the hut near the dhamel farm within windy woods and circle the decorations a few times).

Pitchfork obtained. Equip it^^

Final step: Pitchfork +1
a) Travel to South sandy. Find a npc named Machielle (G-9, Norcallen region merchant).

b) Both your partner and yourself must equip the Pitchfork BEFORE trading a cookie to the npc.

c) If it is on the same day, you need to trade a different type of cookie from the one you used in windy. Otherwise, trading the same type of cookie should be np. Aside from that, the time of the day does not matter.

d) Once goblin costume is obtained, run west-wards to a decoration without any moogles (should be hidden behind a foyer NWish of south sandy, E7 area).

If nothing is obtained after running a few rounds around the decoration, do not panic - just visit the other decorations in the same zone.

Pitchfork +1 obtained ^^

Just a few notes i thought to add:
1) I am not sure what happens if your partner is from another nation. Because so far I've only done a few runs with friends and my brother - which are all from windurst.

2) If you get an item instead of a costume, just trade a cookie or sweet of another type to get the costume.

3) If your partner already has a Pitchfork+1, he will need to equip the NQ Pitchfork, so that he can turn into a goblin too when in san'doria.
The reward for your partner will then become a Jack o'lantern (non-stackable food item) instead of Pitchfork +1.
From: IsadoraShiva

Posted: 2005-10-22 06:44:54
*Only for sandy citizen* (How to get Pitchfork+1)

Pitchfork (South San d'Oria):
1) party up - need two people for this, again preferably both sandy citizens.

2) one goes to Coura (G-9) and trades a sweet to get a costume (we got skeleton)

3) one goes to Phamelise (K-9) and trades a sweet to get a costume (we got ghost)

4) both run thru Halloween decoration up by residential area (no clicking necessary).

5) Equip the Pitchfork. This is important :p

Pitchfork +1 : windurst woods
a) Go to above the AH. There should be a npc disguised as a skelly.

b) Trade any sweet to the skelly npc.
However, if it is on the same game day, and (as an example) you have already traded a goblin chocolate to the npc in south sandy, then you have to use another type - such as ginger cookie - to trade to the npc in windurst woods.

Yep, it will turn you both into goblins. Then run to one of the following decorations within windurst woods:

1- near the dhamels in NW section;
2- west side of manustery (near moghouse exit); or
3-the decoration with the moogles near the fountain.

This method works 100% if both your partner and yourself are sand'oria citizens.
From: Qoh

Posted: 2005-10-22 07:45:25
Not sure if you need to be both from same nation or not to get pitchfork +1 but this is what happened to me.... Me (sandy) and a friend (windy) got our NQ ones in sandy. Then we heard you had to go to a diff nation for HQ so we went to windy. Had some issues finding help on which npc she needed to get gob costume but some said you can not get +1 in hometown so we then traveled to bastok the one nation that wasnt either ones home. Well we found the npcs we each needed to get gob costume and began running through decorations and finally found it but only I got the +1. She only obtained a jack-o-latern. We tried again and went to the last decoration in the zone we hadnt tried and nothing happened. By then we kinda gave up... I wish she coulda got her +1 as well.

Any ideas?
From: ~*~Towa*~*

Posted: 2005-10-22 12:55:42
Quote from: Takakoa
Quote from: *~*Towa*~*
I'm having problems... I've handed about 500 ginger cookies along with other sweets and i still can't obtain the trick staff 2. i'm so very upset. I recieved all of the pumpkin heads, and 2 bat staffs. Now it seems like i can't recieve anything else. Can anyone further explain how to get the last few items? Do i have to wait a certain amount of time or something... Please help... ;.; o, btw i have the pitchfork if this helps... >_>

Imagine how people feel who never get items and only costumes. Like me. Giving up, it's not worth the money that needs to be put into it.

Well what i did was, see which nation is first in region info. In my case it was sandy. Sandy is always first (majority of the time in garuda server). I used my mule to locate the traveling bards. the leader sells ginger cookies 10-12g each. i stacked up, sent to my main. My taru was in bastok atm. I started to spam ginger cookies on all the dressed up NPCS. Eventually after alot of "thank you". I Started to recieve my treat items. i've just haven't been able to get the trick staff2, the one with 10 warps. My mules and my hume was abe to reieve one but not my lil taru! >_<

lol I have 3 mules and three main characters. I do all of these festival things on all of them.... i know i'm nuts, but i like them to be all equal. LOL!~
So if you just try to get your hands on those cheap ginger cookies, you might be able to get some of the items. O and btw even though the ginger cookies are cheap, it takes some time to recieve an item from the npc but they work.

And another thing i've noticed, is that you have a greater chance of getting items useing various sweets. I used my mule in sandy with about 6 different types of sweets. To turn into a monster just give a npc a sweet you have not given it that game day. Every new game day you can turn into a monster. But after you turn into a monster, you cant turn back into one for that day with that sweet. Thats when i spammed the ginger cookie method. lol I hoped this helped...
From: Nusakan

Posted: 2005-10-22 13:13:03
I hae a question.

I have all the II items... but can't seem to get the original items from them... do i have to like get rid of the II items to get the original items?
From: robc

Posted: 2005-10-22 13:18:05
I do not know what I am doing wrong, but I have spent over 3 hours doing this event in Windurst and San d'Oria now, and have traded over 3 stacks of different Cookies. All I ever get is a costume and upon subsequent trades to the same NPC, nothing but 'Thank you's. I tried 1 NPC and got a costume, then traded almost 50 cookies and nothing but 'Thank you'. Trying to trade other sweets gives me a costume the first time, then noting but 'Thank you's. Am I doing something wrong or what? I mean 3 hours for noting and everyone else seems to have almost every item in less than 2. Geez.
From: Chantel

Posted: 2005-10-22 14:02:05
Just as a side note but FFXI should have posted more info on the event then they did. There's alot of confusion with no info posted or very little about it. There are people who were around for last years halloween event but didn't play it. You guys should make an effert to post alot more info in the Playonline section about this event to clear up this confusion. I've seen alot of annoyance and flareups from seasoned players because alot have no idea what to do and people keep bombarding them with questions. You guys posted very good into about the event last year. Whats up this year?
From: Squirtapis

Posted: 2005-10-22 15:12:33
I am a citizen of Windurst (Carbuncle) and I got my NQ Pitchfork in Bastok. I got my Pitchfork +1 in Windurst. My partner was a citizen of San d'Oria, who also got NQ Pitchfork in Bastok and Pitchfork +1 in Windurst.

I was changed into a Goblin by Nya Labiccio, the Gustaberg regional merchant in the tent at (H-11). My partner was changed into a Goblin by Millerovieunet, the Qufim regional merchant above the AH at (J-12). [Incidentally, my roommate is a citizen of Bastok who got his NQ Pitchfork in Bastok, and I can confirm that he was changed into a Goblin by Wije Tiren, the standard merchant at (I-8).]

We had to repeat twice because our costumes wore off the first time. We were not restricted to the hours of 20:00 to 4:00 as I've read in other posts. We also were not restricted to certain types of sweets; we both used a variety of sweets. And of course, remember to have your NQ Pitchfork equipped to be changed into a Goblin.

Hope this helps!^^
From: Jinho

Posted: 2005-10-22 17:21:30
Here's what I found that works. Me and My partner were both Bastokians, and got out pitchfork in Bastok Markets. I traded a ginger cookie to the Shade NPC in Goldsmiths Guild(turned me into a Hound) and he traded a ginger cookie to Trick Bones(turned him into a Ghost). We went to the Balloon Canopy near the Bard Store and recieved out Pitchforks. We then travelled to Northern Sandoria and with pitchforks equipped traded a ginger cookie to the Trick Specter, we both got changed into Goblins and went tot he Balloon Canopy near the West Ronfaure gate where we recieved out Pitchforks +1. I don't think the NPC's matter, as long as you get the right costumes. I've also by trading various pies and nonstackable type sweets in Bastok Markets was able to get Trick Staff, Treat Staff, Pumpkin Head II(I already had the Pumpkin Head from last year), and Horror Head II. Took me 2 game days to get them all. Not sure if the type of treat mattered, but as far as I know the items are random, so it may take 100 times to get one or 2 times. Maybe I was just lucky. Hope this helps!!! Jinho -Cerberus
From: Bastokan_mm
Registered User

Posted: 2005-10-22 17:30:28
I just know this is begining to piss me off. Someone earlyer in the forum said SE should of released more infomation on this enent and they are totally right. I've been using 8 diffrent types of sweets and getting nothing but costumes. Has anyone seen ANY kind of pattern or even a hunch would do at this moment. I just want the items... /pout
From: Dynelven
Registered User

Posted: 2005-10-22 18:23:41
Why does everyone want this item so bad when according to every post ive seen, it sucks and really has no point whatsoever
From: Storm

Posted: 2005-10-22 18:30:42
Quote from: Jinho
Here's what I found that works. Me and My partner were both Bastokians, and got out pitchfork in Bastok Markets. I traded a ginger cookie to the Shade NPC in Goldsmiths Guild(turned me into a Hound) and he traded a ginger cookie to Trick Bones(turned him into a Ghost). We went to the Balloon Canopy near the Bard Store and recieved out Pitchforks. We then travelled to Northern Sandoria and with pitchforks equipped traded a ginger cookie to the Trick Specter, we both got changed into Goblins and went tot he Balloon Canopy near the West Ronfaure gate where we recieved out Pitchforks +1. I don't think the NPC's matter, as long as you get the right costumes. I've also by trading various pies and nonstackable type sweets in Bastok Markets was able to get Trick Staff, Treat Staff, Pumpkin Head II(I already had the Pumpkin Head from last year), and Horror Head II. Took me 2 game days to get them all. Not sure if the type of treat mattered, but as far as I know the items are random, so it may take 100 times to get one or 2 times. Maybe I was just lucky. Hope this helps!!! Jinho -Cerberus

Hmmm odd. I got EXACTLY the same items from bastok as this quy and im also bastokian. Maybe different treats in different citys? Ive tried loads in Sandy North north but no luck ... just costumes.
From: Kimbo

Posted: 2005-10-22 18:53:10
I see people posting that they have gotten all Items already. I have received my +1 fork, but what I really want now are the staffs and Horror Heads. I have both Trick staffs but no Treat staff and I cant seem to get Horror Head II.. any pattern to this or something I am missing. People state they have received all the items.. how?
From: IsadoraShiva

Posted: 2005-10-22 19:04:00
Well, i wanted the pitchfork because it looks nice, and since my main job is ninja, i cannot normally cannot wield a polearm.

Besides, its fun to solve every event quest that SquareEnix can throw at me and my friends ^^

A few things i've noticed during this event:

a) spamming stuff on the same npc will never work. Load up on a stack of those cheap sweets (i bought ginger cookie from the circus, cinna-cookie and acorn cookie in a shop in windurst waters).

Yep, its possible to buy up as many types of sweets as you can afford to - however, the costumed npc will accept at most one of each type of sweets though every game day.

I tried giving the same sweet to a npc in different town with the same result - i.e. if you have given a ginger cookie to a npc in south sandy, then you will only get a "Thank you" if you trade another ginger cookie to a npc in bastok mines in the same game day.

I traded one of each 3 types of sweets (that i had bought) to a different npc each day. Eventually i collected the Trick Staff, Trick Staff II, Treat Staff 2, Pumpkin Head and Pumpkin Head 2 over a period of 1 game week, in Windurst woods alone.

Decided to stop since i have no use for the others (Treat staff 1 is latent effect warp, while horror head and horror head +1's conditions to activate is like 1 in a million LOL - 'sides i'll end up throwing away my pumpkin head after the event anyway) :p

b) YES it is possible to get the Pitchfork +1 in your home nation - this is provided that you have obtained your NQ Pitchfork ELSEWHERE (i.e. windurst citizen obtained the normal pitchfork in either san d'oria or bastok).

I say this with certainty because i was chatting with a japanese player:

he was puzzled as to why he kept turning into a yagudo only at south sandy.. he's a windurst citizen too - only that he had obtained the pitchfork in north sandy. He obtained his pitchfork +1 in windurst waters (when he found a npc that normally turns him into a yagudo) ^^
From: karst

Posted: 2005-10-22 19:43:00
just wondering who turns you into an orc in windurst so i can get the +1 pitchfork
From: Johnny

Posted: 2005-10-22 21:26:41
I need the exact same things, I did all my item hunting in Windy Waters. I also know another person that needs these items that did his item hunting in Windy Waters too....
From: Cerial

Posted: 2005-10-23 00:52:37
I got Trick Staff II and Pumpkin Head II from the NPC near the Bastok Markets AH, the trick staff II with ginger cookies nad hte pumpkin head II with cinna-cookies
From: Pint

Posted: 2005-10-23 02:13:31
Ive traded hundreds of treats so far and have received all but 1 item. the Treat staff II. also got Pitchfork in south sandi and pitchfork +1 in windy woods.
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