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Final Fantasy XI Discussion BoardDiscussion Boards -> Site Comments, Updates, and Corrections

July 19 Patch - New NM/BCNM

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From: Guest

Posted: 2005-08-01 17:35:23
Anyone Find any Info more on the NM, "Noble Mold?" like pop time?
From: Valyana

Posted: 2005-08-02 11:51:42
Apparently the Jailer of Hope in Al'Taieu drops the Fifth Virtue and the Hope Staff.


Faranim also says that Ix'Aern in the Grand Palace (spawned with an HQ Aern organ) drops Deed of Placidity and Vice of Antipathy.

He also has a chart of the NM tree for sea gods, though it's not complete yet.
From: Qoh

Posted: 2005-08-02 12:25:24
I ran across Meww the Turtlerider the other day and thought i would post what i found out. First off it seems like he spawns or spawns with a few other Sahagins. I cant say for sure on that but he had 4 around him and no matter how long i waited they would not split up. two of the 4 seemed to even move in perfect sequence with him >.> I am lvl 62 drk and I do pretty well soloing stuff most ppl my lvl cant. He was low enough lvl to not agro me so i decided why not i will go for it. two words... bad idea. My regular swings were doing less than 100 dmg so he has a pretty good protect on him. My mp became a prob but luckily someone passing by helped with the links for me since i couldnt sleep them anymore. I got to the point where i was spamming bloody bolts and my hp bounced between 20 and 90 lol. Well the passer by (75rng/nin) joined me and saved my butt at the very moment i ran outta bolts (thx Kilu lol). took us a few but we killed him and got the drop. I honestly think i "could" solo him but everything would have to magicly work in my favor lol so i am in no rush to try. Well hope there was some usefull info in my lil story here ^^
From: Kuggo

Posted: 2005-08-05 09:33:07
New nm at Yhoator Jungle its a tonberry NM called "Bright-handed Kunberry" at I-9 I was in my low level job just wondering around yhoator in choco and saw it didnt kill it so i dont know drop
From: Nynja
Registered User

Posted: 2005-08-05 15:14:26
Quote from: Kuggo
New nm at Yhoator Jungle its a tonberry NM called "Bright-handed Kunberry" at I-9 I was in my low level job just wondering around yhoator in choco and saw it didnt kill it so i dont know drop

From: Tinuviel
Registered User

Posted: 2005-08-06 05:45:20
Posting information about Fomor NM Luaith.

For all the triggered Fomor, you trade a Fomor Codex not to the ??? in the desk (which is a CoP mission), but to the Stale Draft. Also, Fomor hate is required.

First message, I assume with 0-1 Fomor hate, is "You feel goosebumps" when you examine the Stale Draft. The second message is "Your heart is racing." You must keep killing Fomor until the Draft says "Your common sense tells you to leave as quickly as possible" or something to that effect. However, the final status is not permanent. You can kill the NM, wait 15 minutes, and your hate can be set back to "heart is racing." You must kill even MORE Fomor to get that status back. Your hate could be maxed according to Resauchamet, but you could still get the second message.

Luaithe himself is a THF type. He does all the standard Fomor things, but attacks very, very fast. 6-8 people can kill can kill. We had a NIN tank assisted by stuns. He of course, does Perfect Dodge as well. Swift Belt drop is possible from him.

Interesting note, the room where Luaithe spawns (the Elvaan version) is full of Fomor rng, war, and thf, which are all Elvaan.
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-08-06 16:50:32
Thanks for the info, folks. The Bright-handed Kunberry has been added.

Luaith has been updated with all the details mentioned by Tinuviel, and the other Fomor NM have been updated with the basic spawn data. A couple more questions: what's the drop rate on the items -- do the RSE ammo items drop more than the belt; what type of messages do you get when trying to spawn the NM? There are a handful of other text messages in the data files that seem to relate to this, either when trying to spawn the NM, or when it does actually spawn:

  • You feel no evil presence here.
  • Something is lacking.
  • Nothing happens.
  • Something seems out of place.
  • An evil presence fills the room!
  • You feel as if a burden has been lifted from you.

Details on when these messages show up would be good to specify.
From: Tinuviel
Registered User

Posted: 2005-08-06 19:23:39
RE: Luaith

I did not spawn the NM myself, since we wanted an Elvaan male to do it. Unsure if needs correct race to pop it at that pos, so we decided to take no chances since we were aiming for Elv M bag. So, I don't know what message you get if any, when you pop the NM.

However, I know if you don't have enough hate to pop NM, you will get the message "Something is lacking."

We are 1/3 on the Swift Belt, but no RSE ammo yet. Going to try a few more runs later this week.

The hate requirement is an odd thing. I had the message "Your common sense tells you..." after we killed the NM, but 30minutes later (er, that's just an estimate, just to give you an idea of the time), it told me "your heart is racing." So I assume the final hate status is something that goes down over time, just to force you to fight Fomor right before popping the NM.

However, the person who pops the NM gets their hate level set back to "You feel goosebumps."

Oh, and we camped on the stairs leading on the room, if anyone is interested. Very safe there, don't go past the bottom of the steps or you might get aggro.
From: Tinuviel
Registered User

Posted: 2005-08-06 19:25:08
Er, I mean, when you don't have enough hate to pop the NM and you try trading a Fomor Codex to the draft you will get the message "Something is lacking."
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-08-08 03:34:02
Great details there; the New Notorious Monsters section of the Compilation of Info now reflects specifics on all those new Fomor NMs. We still need the jobs and fighting specials of a few of them, but otherwise they look to be figured out.
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-08-09 01:32:13
For those who read it, the main NM Hunting Guide has been updated with the 70 new NMs from the July patch. It will continue to be updated as more details on them become available.

Since the "fix-it" patch this month, these new NMs now give xp. If you kill any of them and get experience from them, please post here with specifics (how much xp you got, how many people were in the group, the level of the people in the group, etc.) If we get some of that xp info, we can start narrowing down the exact levels for all the new NMs.

From: Possible Correction

Posted: 2005-08-09 16:35:49
Just killed Bendigeit Vran, detected on widescan at 01:00 on New Moon (5%) Watersday. Seems that Bendigeit Vran spawns on New Moon and Haty Spawns during Full Moon.
From: Kaibelf

Posted: 2005-08-10 16:57:15
Been monitoring Noble Mold for 2 days now. Last camp was myself or lookouts and lasted 14 hours. This mob does not appear to be a lottery of the funguars there, and MAY be a 21-24. Also, many many MANY placeholders were killed during rainy weather (extremely common there), and nothing, so I'm not sure if it's weather-related, or a combination of 24-hour and rain (similar to King V).
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-08-11 00:50:34
Thanks for the info, folks; keep posting any details you find, and the NMs will be updated accordingly.
From: Skits
Registered User

Posted: 2005-08-18 02:42:34
My ls member and I killed the Serra two times. First time no drop killed the Jagil's for two hours and Serra popped again, this time we got the drop. It is around every two hours spawn time. I was lev 60 BLM and my ls member was Lev 58 PLD. I cast Freeze on him that took a good amount of the NM's HP fairley easy to us. I was told that it could pop on the other beech but not tested if thats right yet. I was just happy we got the NM and drop.
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-08-20 22:41:34
Thanks for the info! Glad to hear you got the drop; if the NM shows up elsewhere, that info would be good to know.
From: Muadib

Posted: 2005-08-22 13:45:58
Does not pop on the eastern shore. Been there killing Jagil for 4 hours. Yes, we camped on the wrong beach for 4 hours cause we got the wrong info. It sucked.

From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-08-22 14:30:46
Quote from: Muadib
Does not pop on the eastern shore. Been there killing Jagil for 4 hours. Yes, we camped on the wrong beach for 4 hours cause we got the wrong info. It sucked.

Oof, that's never fun. We have the exact location listed for Serra, so hopefully no one else will have the same problem.
From: Sclera

Posted: 2005-08-30 00:09:10
At ANY of the times you've seen this spawn did you note any conditions such as day, weather, or moon phase?
From: Delrico

Posted: 2005-09-07 01:25:04
Killed both new NM's in carpenters landing as 40 RDM/NIN Mycophile gave 43 exp (twice) and Hercules Beetle gave 39 exp. No drop on either.
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