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Final Fantasy XI Discussion BoardDiscussion Boards -> Site Comments, Updates, and Corrections

July 19 Patch - New NM/BCNM

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From: Nynja
Registered User

Posted: 2005-07-25 14:32:43
I read on alla that Shieldtrap's special attacks are based on the day of the week it is spawned.

The same bst who reported that its attacks were blink / choke / aero said its attacks changed to various water spells (waterga, aquaveil, drown) when it was spawned on watersday.
From: Kaibelf

Posted: 2005-07-26 02:55:32
Quote from: More on the Opo Opo
I traded 84 Pamamas before I ran out. Never popped. Kept asking for more.

Ok just got this. The ??? ONLY allows you to trade one at a time, so /item "Pamamas" <t> REALLY speeds this up if you set a quick macro. Also, it's totally random as to the # of pamamas needed. When you're lucky, it'll say that a starving Opo attacks.

The thing is faster than you think, and hits harder than you'd expect for a mob that drops lvl 30 armor. I was able to duo as 75brd/nin with a WHM buddy without issues, but before the WHM arrived I was taking it in the chin pretty hard.

Also, the NM is very susceptible to lullaby. AFTER you defeat him, you will be unable to trade pamamas to the ??? when it pops again in 15 mins. ("There is nothing out of the ordinary here" is the message you get when you try to trade.) This leads me to believe you get one chance perhaps each earth day to attempt this and fight the NM.
From: Mooni

Posted: 2005-07-26 05:30:17
Ok just wanted to give a little added info on Alastar Antilion.

First, the amount of executioner's that can spawn from the feeler antilion can be more than 8. We watch 13 pop before Alastar finally showed his head.

Second, it would appear that the Feeler Antilion's summoning is based on his tp. So to control the amount of Executioner's summoned by Feeler, we had our tank disengage as not to feed him extra tp.

Third, once Alastar makes his appearance drop Feeler fast. The ls we were helping had 4 spawn from Feeler right after Alastar popped, needless to say things got very nasty.

Fourth, the Tracker Antilions that frequent that spot do not aggro but they will link to the Executioners and to Alastar. There are approximately 4 spawns in that little area that you pop him in.
From: Ankusaaoufhnsoufnsei

Posted: 2005-07-26 17:42:52
I saw this Rabbit Footprint in Uleguand Range when i checked it these 1 was called White Colley... My bro spawned a Black Coley before too
From: Kaibelf

Posted: 2005-07-27 01:36:37
Have been aware of via LS and/or participated in Biast for the last 3 days. It does appear to be a 21-24 hour window spawn, and does in fact spawn from the remains of a Shadow Dragon 10 seconds after kill.
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-07-27 05:00:42
Thanks for the info, everyone; the NMs have been updated accordingly. The Lumoria ones will be added in the near future; further info on any of those is appreciated. There are a lot of known NMs that are still missing info, so keep it coming.

Quote from: Ankusaaoufhnsoufnsei
I saw this Rabbit Footprint in Uleguand Range when i checked it these 1 was called White Colley... My bro spawned a Black Coley before too

These NMs have been added to the New NMs section, and at least one drops one of the new items. Any further info would be helpful here; where did you see the "Rabbit Footprint", and were you able to kill the Coneys that spawned?
From: Blacklotus

Posted: 2005-07-27 09:32:03
Just killed that sapling thing in North Gusta, optical earring is Rare/Ex
From: Annisarr

Posted: 2005-07-27 21:18:43
called Maighene Uaine
From: Kaibelf

Posted: 2005-07-28 00:39:01
New Biast update - killed again today (4th day in a row I've been monitoring), but this time is didn't spawn within 21-24 hour window, and we missed NO placeholders except one, which we watched others kill. The NM popped, in fact, 3.5 hours AFTER the 24-hour window expired, which leads me to believe it's not 21-24, but in fact maybe 21+ hours between pops. Again, this popped from the Shadow Dragon's remains, and finally dropped the helm. 7 hour camp... orz
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-07-28 15:33:34
Thanks for the info; the Optical Earring, and Biast, have been updated.
From: Kuggo

Posted: 2005-07-30 09:11:05
Theres this nm at Ranguemount Pass names Taisaijin my friend and i fought it and got the title Byebye, Taisai. its a hecteyes
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-07-30 13:05:39
Quote from: Kuggo
Theres this nm at Ranguemount Pass names Taisaijin my friend and i fought it and got the title Byebye, Taisai. its a hecteyes

Thanks for the info. Do you have any more specifics, like where it was located, how it spawned, and what it dropped? This has been a difficult NM to pin down.
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-07-31 03:14:06
With the latest update to the New NM list, five new NMs were added, in Sacrarium. They're all forced spawn Fomor types, and drop the new level 30 RSE ammo.

The exact names/jobs of each of them is unknown; if they are killed, please post specifics here.
From: Skits
Registered User

Posted: 2005-07-31 04:01:37
Yara Ma Yha Who NM A ls member and I tried for hours to work out how to get this NM to spawn, infact took 6 hours but this is what we did. Fed it one water and we got this Mesage " The sprout looks much better " so about every hour I fed the sprout a water and on the 6th feed it spawned by clicking on the ??? " Something horrible apears from the ground " Yay at last ! I was lev 56 BLM and Diveria was 50 Thief we killed it in three hits very very easy NM. So it was 6 waters not three :) also it only spawns to the feeder so no chance of any one takeing your NM Hope this help forgive me if I posted mes in wrong placeand bad spelling
From: ,Kuggo

Posted: 2005-07-31 11:13:39
Quote from: Skits
Yara Ma Yha Who NM A ls member and I tried for hours to work out how to get this NM to spawn, infact took 6 hours but this is what we did. Fed it one water and we got this Mesage " The sprout looks much better " so about every hour I fed the sprout a water and on the 6th feed it spawned by clicking on the ??? " Something horrible apears from the ground " Yay at last ! I was lev 56 BLM and Diveria was 50 Thief we killed it in three hits very very easy NM. So it was 6 waters not three :) also it only spawns to the feeder so no chance of any one takeing your NM Hope this help forgive me if I posted mes in wrong placeand bad spelling

I traded in like 11 alrdy and no spawn yet its boring ; ;
From: Kuggo

Posted: 2005-07-31 11:15:03
0h yeah Taisaijin we saw it at zone to the snowy area... someone must have zoned it in widescan theres these monsters called Taisai... they maybe its spawner
no drop from the nm too
From: Purrsia

Posted: 2005-07-31 12:31:04
No, the NM in Tahrongi Canyon is 3 Distilled Waters. It doesn't count if you don't get the message "It is looking better." If you get the message "It doesn't need any water right now." or something like that, you have to wait to feed it. If you look in your inventory, I don't think it'll even trade the water without the right message. I only had to use 3.
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-08-01 01:08:02
Thanks for the info, everyone. The info for the Yara Ma Yha Who NM has been updated, with the info known so far.

Basic info has been added about the new NM Taisaijin, although there is little still known. It's not a standard lottery, and people have camped it for days on end without a spawn. Any further info from someone who actually can get it to spawn, is greatly appreciated.
From: Mooni

Posted: 2005-08-01 03:38:22
Ok just wanted to give some detailed info on what I have observed with Dosetsu Tree.

Killed him on server up 4 days ago. The first kill the gkt dropped. Assuming he was 21/24 respawn I went back the next day. He has popped consistently the past 3 days at the 23 hour 45 min mark. Infact yesterday thunder element disappeared at 23 hours and 44 mins from last kill, at exactly 23 hours 45 mins thunder element reappeared and within seconds the tree had spawned.

Not sure if this next part is coincidental or not...but he also alternated between the two main spawn grids. By this I mean:

Day 1 = I-7
Day 2 = G-8
Day 3 = I-7
Day 4 = G-8

His drop rate so far has been 1 gkt in the 4 kills so far.
From: >_<

Posted: 2005-08-01 08:57:58
Quote from: Purrsia
No, the NM in Tahrongi Canyon is 3 Distilled Waters. It doesn't count if you don't get the message "It is looking better." If you get the message "It doesn't need any water right now." or something like that, you have to wait to feed it. If you look in your inventory, I don't think it'll even trade the water without the right message. I only had to use 3.

Not to me I traded all my distilled water to it then it just said "The Sprout is Looking better"
From: Blacklotus

Posted: 2005-08-01 17:27:04
thats probably because you traded it all at once not in seperate intervalls like it sais you should
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