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Site Updates - December 10, 2004
Posted by: Cuer - Fri Dec 10th, 2004 11:13 pm EST
The crew of tamed opo-opo have been busy again here at the vast underground Somepage.com headquarters, both with the new changes, and trying to find and catagorize more information out in the world of Vana'diel. Here's what they've been working on lately:
  • The many additions and changes from the December 8th patch are being regularly updated in the Dec. 2004 FFXI Patch Compilation of Info. This was a hefty patch as far as game changes go, especially with the full revamping of food effects, so it will take a bit longer than normal to get it all up to date; keep checking back for more details.
  • The zone display was given a massive overhaul, to make it possible to list specifics about each zone. Each zone in the zone database now has exit information to the surrounding zones, a list of the weather NPCs that have information for it, Escape locations, and more! On a related note, there have been some questions about new zones in the Chains of Promathia expansion that aren't listed here. There are some zone maps in the data files that appear to be for zones which aren't actually in the game yet. Once we have definite, credible information about new zones, they'll show up here.
  • Every BCNM has been added, with basic information about the mobs and item drops. Specifics about the fights will be added in the future; in the short-term, information should be showing up soon about the 15 new BCNMs that went in with the last patch.
  • As always, we're looking for more information to make the site as accurate as possible. Our thanks go out to everyone who has provided this so far; keep it coming! Especially with the addition of data such as the exit locations in every zone, we have a lot of info to find, and the opo-opo can only move so fast; don't hesitate to leave feedback with any specific info that isn't filled in yet.

Items Added: Old Bullet Box, Old Bolt Box, Old Quiver, Special Present, CCB Polymer, Kadomatsu, San d'Orian Tree, Polar Fir Sapling, Varistor Banner, Recollection of Anxiety, Recollection of Animosity, Recollection of Suffering, Satiator Remnant, Coveter Remnant, Cerebrator Remnant, Fukurokuju Card, Jurojin Card, Daikoku Card, Benten Card, Hotei Card, Bishamon Card, Ebisu Card, Joyful Letter, Grateful Letter, Thankful Letter, Kiddie Present, High Quality Eft Skin, Iolite, Balloon Cloth, Shakudo Ingot, Jade Bauble, Mehiruru Pop, Khue Pie, Blue Bandeau, Ice Bauble, Rimed Sapling, Knightsbell, Polar Flowerpot, Attohwa Ginseng, Treasury Gold, Copper Key, Eastern Gem, Arnica Root, Cathedral Tapestry, Misareaux Garlic, Demon Pen, Windurstian Tree, Bastokan Tree, Dogbolt +5, Dogbolt +4, Dogbolt +3, Dogbolt +2, Dogbolt +1, Dogbolt, Crude Arrow +7, Crude Arrow +6, Crude Arrow +5, Crude Arrow +4, Crude Arrow +3, Crude Arrow +2, Crude Arrow +1, Crude Arrow, Goblin Grenade, Antique Bullet +1, Antique Bullet, Femina Subligar, Vir Subligar, Ophiuchus Subligar, Tracker's Kecks, Pisces Subligar, Aquarius Subligar, Capricornus Subligar, Sagittarius Subligar, Scorpius Subligar, Libra Subligar, Virgo Subligar, Leo Subligar, Cancer Subligar, Gemini Subligar, Taurus Subligar, Aries Subligar, Root Sabots, Fuma Sune-Ate, Evoker's Boots, Nebimonite Belt, Mandragora Belt, Worm Belt, Rabbit Belt, Hiearch Belt, Warwolf Belt, Gleeman's Belt, Penitent's Rope, Trump Crown, Walkure Mask, Voyager Sallet, Dobson Bandana, Zoolater Hat, Pineal Hat, Cache-nez, Dream Hat +1, Dream Cap, Horomusha Kote, Bandomusha Kote, Ostreger Mitts, Trainer's Gloves, Trainer's Wristbands, Titanis Earring, Minuet Earring, Boroka Earring, Attila's Earring, Elusive Earring, Cunning Earring, Safeguard Ring, Jaeger Ring, Zoredonite Ring, Altep Ring, Yhoat Ring, Vahzl Ring, Mea Ring, Dem Ring, Holla Ring, Bowyer Ring, Venerer Ring, Gaudy Harness, Parade Cuirass, Aikido Gi, Nimbus Doublet, Gloom Breastplate, Glamor Jupon, Cerise Doublet, Shikaree Aketon, Wyvern Mail, Shinimusha Hara-Ate, Rapparee Harness, Nokizaru Gi, Duende Cotehardie, Aries Mantle, Skulker's Cape, Knightly Mantle, Hi-Ether Tank, Hi-Potion Tank, Sapient Cape, Jaeger Mantle, Oscar Scarf, Federation Stable Scarf, Republican Stable Medal, Kingdom Stable Collar, Auditory Torque, Stone Gorget, Philomath Stole, Ajari Necklace, Willpower Torque, Memento Muffler, Absorbing Shield, Palmerin's Shield, Subduer, Rampager, Gondo-Shizunori, Gravedigger, Chiroptera Dagger, Hoplites Harpe, Heart Snatcher, Trailer's Kukri, Retributor, Sorrowful Harp, Nursemaid's Harp, Michishiba, Niokiyotsuna, Senjuinrikio, Durandal, Dissector, Anubis's Knife, Thyrsusstab, Vampiric Claws, Destroyers, Dia Wand, Morgenstern, Coffinmaker, Deluxe Carbine, Hamayumi, Expunger

Items Updated: Mistmelt, Barwater Ointment, Barthunder Ointment, Barstone Ointment, Baraero Ointment, Barblizzard Ointment, Barfire Ointment, Drachenessence, Celestial Incense, Spiritual Incense, Carnal Incense, Wizard's Drink, Giant's Drink, Mana Boost, Body Boost, Revitalizer, Hippogryph Tailfeather, Earthen Abjuration: Head, Elvaan Gauntlets, Super Ribbon, Shock Mask, Rival Ribbon, Mana Circlet, Sly Gauntlets, Rush Gloves, Spiked Finger Gauntlets, Ivory Mitts, Potion Tank, Water Tank, Ether Tank, Templar's Mantle, Sniper's Mantle, Esoteric Mantle, Heavy Mantle, Benign Necklace, Intellect Torque, Storm Gorget, Hateful Collar, Perseus' Harpe

NPCs Added: Parike-Poranke

Recipes Updated: Cursed Mail

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