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Final Fantasy XI Discussion Board
Discussion Boards
April 2006 Compilation of Info
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From: Donnydanger
Registered User
Posted: 2006-04-20 21:57:44
The person who used to make quivers is the same person who makes bullet pouches and quivers bolts. Just take all the ammo u want to stack and a bunch of Carnations (flower sold in upper Jeuno Market) to the Mithra NPC who hangs around by the Carnival (city who is in first place in conquest) She can be found in South Sandy, Windy Woods and Port Bastok (depending who is in first on your server)
From: Aerroenu
Posted: 2006-04-21 06:31:51
Yo. It's Aerroenu, again. Sorry for not being "genki". I've been tiring out easily. ><; But! not enough to be unable to snag these! (xD)
Merchants in Aht Urhgan Whitegate
Kulh Amariyo @ (I-10)
Crayfish @ 38
Yilanbaligi @ 1,200
Sazanbaligi @ 1,800
Kayabaligi @ 4,650
Alabaligi @ 130
Mazween @ (G-7)
Sleepga @ 11,200
Sleep 11 @ 18,720
Poison II @ 25,200
Bio II @ 14,000
Poisonga @ 5,160
Stone III @ 19,932
Water III @ 22,682
Aero III @ 27,744
Fire III @ 33,306
Blizzard III @ 39,368
Thunder III @ 45,930
Dwago @ (I-6)
Lugworm @ 12
Little Worm @ 4
Pet Food Alpha @ 12
Pet Food Beta @ 90
Bug Broth @ 756
Merchants in Al Zahbi
Allard @ (J-7)
Red Cape @ 20,000
Gambison @ 32,500
Bracers @ 16,900
Hose @ 24,500
Socks @ 16,000
Kahah Hobichai @ (J-7)
Rusty Bucket @ 200
Pickaxe @ 200
Sickle @ 300
Hatchet @ 500
Bronze Knife @ 164
Knife @ 2,425
Zafif @ (J-8)
Cure IV @ 23,400
Curaga II @ 11,200
Curaga III @ 19,932
Protect III @ 32,000
Protect IV @ 91,116
Protectra IV @ 85,500
Holy @ 35,000
Banishga II @ 20,000
Silena @ 2,330
Stona @ 19,200
Viruna @ 13,300
Cursna @ 8,586
Dispel @ 77,600
Flash @ 27,000
Reraise III @ 99,375
Chayaya @ (J-8)
Dart @ 10
Hawkeye @ 60
Grenade @ 1,204
Iron Arrow @ 8
Warrior Die @ 68,000
Monk Die @ 22,400
White Mage die @ 5,000
Black Made Die @ 108,000
Red Mage Die @ 62,000
Thief Die @ 50,400
Paladin Die @ 90,750
Dark Knight Die @ 2,205
Beastmaster Die @ 26,600
Bard Die @ 12,780
Ranger Die @ 1,300
Merchants in Nashmau
Wata Khamazon @ (H-9)
Shortbow @ 44
Self Bow @ 536
Wrapped Bow @ 7,920
Longbow @ 492
Great Bow @ 21,812
Wooden Arrow @ 4
Iron Arrow @ 8
Silver Arrow @ 18
Fire Arrow @ 140
Crossbow Bolt @ 6
Mamaroon @ (H-7)
Stun @ 27,000
Enfire @ 5,160
Enblizzard @ 4,098
Enaero @ 2,500
Enstone @ 2,030
Enthunder @ 1,515
Enwater @ 7,074
Shock Spikes @ 9,000
Yoyoroon @ (G-6)
Tension Spring @ 4,940
Loudspeaker @ 4,940
Accelerator @ 4,940
Armor Plate @ 4,940
Stabilizer @ 4,940
Mana Jammer @ 4,940
Auto-Repair Kit @ 4,940
Mana Tank @ 4,940
Inhibitor @ 9,925
Mana Booster @ 9,925
Scope @ 9,925
Shock Absorber @ 9,925
volt Gun @ 9,925
Stealth Scren @ 9,925
Damage Gauge @ 9,925
Mana Conserver @ 9,925
Jajaroon @ (G-7)
Fire Card @ 48
Ice Card @ 48
Wind Card @ 48
Earth Card @ 48
Thunder Card @ 48
Water Card @ 48
Light Card @ 48
Dark Card @ 48
Samurai Die @ 35,200
Ninja Die @ 600
Dragoon Die @ 82,500
Summoner Die @ 40,000
Blue Mage Die @ 3,525
Corsair Die @ 316
Puppetmaster Die @ 9,216
Poporoon @ (G-7)
Leather Highboots @ 226
Lizard Ledelsens @ 3,438
Studded Boots @ 11,172
Cuir Highboots @ 20,832
Pipiroon @ (H-6)
Grenade @ 1,204
Riot Grenade @ 6,000
Bomb Ash @ 515
From: Devious
Posted: 2006-04-21 11:53:59
The parts of the puppets are under Others / Misc in the Auction House.
From: Guy Manperson
Posted: 2006-04-21 13:57:21
What about all those job changes SE promised? When are we going to see the rest of those?
From: guest
Posted: 2006-04-21 15:02:58
Your information on the new chip synthesis is wrong.. I Just got a HQ, not sure if it was hq2 or hq3 but I got 5 beeswax.
From: Doetje
Posted: 2006-04-21 19:26:36
Algol dropped from Cerberus on Ragnarok today. Got killed just a few minutes ago.
From: Flashman
Posted: 2006-04-21 23:09:51
Mamool Ja Helmet is a Smithing Desynthesis.
I have smithing 52.8 and I broke my first crystal on one, then HQ'd it with a second crystal and got a Steel Ingot.
From: Cuer
Posted: 2006-04-22 06:16:19
Thanks for the info, everyone. The Compilation of Info was updated further, to reflect a lot of changes and additions. The items and recipes have all been updated; additions such as the NPCs and mobs will be coming as we can get them in. Keep that info coming!
Last Updated: Saturday, April 22, 2006 at 6:05AM EDT
Latest Update Details:
A number of new recipes were added, most notably many of the new Cooking recipes, and others recipes were updated with further details and corrections. Many of the new recipes added to the game are not showing up in the recipe lists given at the guilds, and have to be figured out manually; if you have further information about any of the new recipes, be sure to post it in the
New Recipes
Corsair Items
were updated with all the "dice" scrolls that provide the Phantom Roll abilities for the job. This completes the items added with this patch.
A new
Updated Items
section was added to detail the handful of changes made to items already in the game, with this patch.
New Zones
section was added, that lists all the newly added zones, and some others that may be in soon if they aren't already.
From: Chrxs
Posted: 2006-04-22 09:23:14
seems to me they didn't add too much stuff for clothcrafters, if that's your only craft you better start lvling something else.
From: Firetop
Posted: 2006-04-22 13:24:35
You can buy the cards for 48gil each on the ship from either Mhuara to Whitegate, or Whitegate to Nashuma. They sell in stacks of 99 on that ship. Sorry I can't remember which one ; ;
From: Enterdestiny (Sylph)
Posted: 2006-04-22 13:44:19
I compiled a list of quest with walkthrus that have been confirmed accurate by me.
Delivering the Goods
Client: Fochacha (Serpentking Square, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
Fochacha's cooking supplies have
been stolen! Her son has gone to
retrieve them, but how is he faring?
You might try looking for him at
Shararat's Teahouse, where gourmet
aficionados are known to reside...
after CS with Fochacha, go to CS with Qutiba (K-12)
Then back to Fochaha for final CS
reward 3 bronze pieces
Got it all
Start the quest in F-8, by talking to the Elvaan and the Mithra standing next to the post there, the Mithra will ask for "Luminous Water" (I think, going off memory here). This is your cue to go talk to the mithra in H-6, by the dock. You DON'T want the cutscene with the Elvaan rolling dice, talk to her again to get a CS where she says she thinks the "ornamented Elvaan" is cute. Go back and talk to the Elvaan, then go talk to the dock mithra again. Then, once again, return to the pigtail mithra by the post in F-8. Speak to her (and maybe the elvaan) until she tells you about an old woman who's making her a potion. You may have to talk to her or her elvaan friend again after this, the text you want to see is "I wonder how that old woman is coming along with my potion."
Run to the lower level of J-10, as you pass the elvaan in the Errant coat you should trigger a cutscene. After this CS, run back to the post in F-8 and talk to the Elvaan/Mithra again. After CS, you should be getting text-only answers from all three NPCs. To activate the next CS, you must wait until the server resets. Then talk to the pigtailed mithra in F-8. She'll tell you about her trip and give you a reward.
NOTE: If for some reason I'm missing a step, the key thing to remember is aside from the bridge at J-10, the whole quest is 3 NPCs. Just rotate between them until you get a CS.
Bibiki Seashell (rare/ex) (ammo)
DMG: 1 Delay: 999 VIT+4 Water+3
Enhances "Aquan Killer Effect"
Lvl. 60 All Jobs
Fear of the Dark II
Client: Suldiran (Galeserpent Square, Al Zahbi)
Bring Suldiran two imp wings.
The Die Is Cast
Client: Ratihb (Shararat Teahouse, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
Yadhiwa cheated Balajaha out of
a large sum of money. Help him
get back the gold he lost to her
crafty devices.
- Talk to the COR job quest dude a second time. CS.
- Go to the North Dock and talk to the Mithra by the water. CS.
- Go to Nashmau and talk to the rat (Jijiloon by the oxens. CS.
- Go to Arrapago Reef
-Go past where the ??? for corsair was on the boat, and take a right after all the plank bridges. Touch the ??? for a quick cs where that chick with the /random hax is talking to an Imp.
-After the cs, touch it again and the Imp will pop (easy fight).
-After imp is dead, touch the ???, and recieve the key item "bag of gold coins."
-Go back to the original starting NPC for corsair in the teahouse
Reward-Random Ring (Enchantment: Dex 1~8)
Arts and Crafts (Borrowed from AKZ)
At F-10 speak to Hadahda. You will get a cutscene and he will ask you to find 7 letters. 2 D's, 2 A's, M, U, and a T. You have to ask all over town for these letters. These are the ones that gave me them:
Matifa (H-9) D
Balakaf (I-5) D
Mathlouq (F-5) U
Ekhn Pesshyadha (H-6) A
Zabahf (F-8)T
Mhasbaf (J-8) M
Qutiba (K-12) A
After you find all of them, speak to Hadahda again for another cutscene. After that, you will get a bowl of sutlac, give it to Hadahda and he will give you an Imperial bronze piece
Give Peace a Chance
Client: Mishhar (Serpentking Square, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
Mishhar wants you to find out what
Isween is doing out in the Wajaom
Woodlands at night.
Once it's night, walk out to the Woodlands and look for a ??? near K-7 (I walked the whole zone and then found out it was right near the entrance >_>). You should get a CS. Go back to the Mishhar and he'll tell you that you now need to go to Mamook. Zone into Mamook at E-12 in the Woodlands. Once you walk ahead a little you should see a ???. Click it for a CS (;'_'. Now go back to Whitegate, speak with Mishhar, and get your reward - A silver piece.
The Prankster
Client: Ahaadah (Philosopher's Alley,
Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
Alcander and Ahaadah want you
to help Tinga-Matonga become a
respectable citizen.
Ahaadah will tell you to go find Tinga. Head to Port Al Zabi to J-11 walk up to the wall on the dock into the corner to receive a cs. Next go up the stairs and around back into J-11 and walk to the end of the Balcony to receive 2nd cs.
Go to Port Ephramad and zone into Bahflan Thicket through the gate. (G-7). Take the path to the right heading NW. Around the bend a short distance from the zone as you start to head up there will be some bushes. (I-8) There you will find your ???.
Click the ???. Once you defeat the NM check the ??? again for final cs and obtain the Caedarva Mire Map.
Recomended Party for NM
3+ members 75+ Tank and hearler suggested.
It does not hit hard, but hits rappidly.
submitted by: Bediyla
Client: Dkhaaya (G-9)(Balrahn Way, Aht Urhgan Whitegate)
Dkhaaya wants you to bring him an
artifact of the Olduum civilization.
He gives you a key item "Dkhaaya's Research Journal" which I haven't looked at yet.
Description: A journal filled with years of Dkhaaya's research notes on the Olduum civilization. The pages are covered in incomprehensible drawings accompanied by Dkhaaya's scribbled musings.
head to Aydeewa Subterrane via Bhaflau Thickets (I-7)
once at Subterrane take 1st right and fall off the ledge, hug the left wall and take it all the way down to (H-9) use a pick axe and mine the excavation points there and get Key Item: locomotive (Key item seems to be random)
go back to Dkhaaya in Whitegate and he will give you rare/ex thunder band and call you a monkey and tell you that you can figure out what to do with it.
take it to Leypoint (G-8) in Wajaom Woodlands. trade the ring to it, get struck by lightning, and congrats!
Client: Tsetseroon (Junk Seller, Nashmau)
Tsetseroon needs a cobalt jellyfish
and a chunk of tin ore to make his
special stew.
Go to Nashmau and talk to Tsetseroon. He's to the left of the northernmost exit to Caedarva Mire. Talking to him triggers a cutscene, which wraps up by him asking you for a Tin Ore and a Cobalt Jellyfish. Walk to the docks and buy these items. Should be in stock, no problem. Once you give them to him you'll receive key item: Pot of Tsetseroon's Stew (or something like that)
Zone into Aydeewa Subterrane from E-10 of Wajaom Woodlands and make your way to G-10. There you will find two ??? points, one of which is at the top of a long staircase. You will get a CS when you approach the staircase. After CS, head to Nashmau and speak to Tsetseroon (the quest now appears in your log). Trade him a Cobalt Jellyfish and a Tin Ore and he will give you a key item. Return to the staircase in Aydeewa and climb it, examine the ??? at the top. During the CS you will have the option to select "Yes" or "I am no thief". I chose Yes and got the map, unknown if you can still get it from the second option. Return to Tsetseroon to finish the quest. He will give you an Imperial Bronze Piece. Based on the dialog, it looks as though if you don't steal the map he gives it to you either instead of or in addition to the coin.
Obtained: Map of Aydeewa Subterrane
Obtained: Imperial Bronze Piece
From: Macrose
Posted: 2006-04-22 14:56:45
Has anyone else noticed that when your automaton uses dia on a monster it doesnt claim the monster? the monster stays unclaimed until your automaton actually attacks the monster physically which can result in, especialy in crowded areas, someone stealing your monster AFTER its been attacked and therefore neither person gets any exp for it... its happened to me on more then one occasion
From: Aerroenu
Posted: 2006-04-22 18:21:51
In Aht Urhgan Whitegate
Khaf Jhifanm @ (H-11)
Dried Date @ 200
Ayran @ 800
Balik Sandvici @ 3,750
Fayeewah @ (K-12)
Chai @ 68
Irmik Helvasi @ 2,075
Yafaaf @ (J-12)
Sutlac @ 1,500
Imperial Coffee @ 450
I'll look into compiling where Appraisers are and the NPC who converts Imperial currency in Nashmau today before my static.
From: Amele
Posted: 2006-04-23 17:49:58
information on Sis kebabi in this news item is incorrect;
stats when I consumed one were
att+20% (I got +56 at 280 attack; +3 att from str+6 for +59)
cap is 70@350 (tested on a warrior friend to determine exact cap)
I didn't notice a vit mod, but it's possible, we were more concerned with the str and att mods.. I happened to notice the int because I didn't have any other mods at the time.
From: Cuer
Posted: 2006-04-24 03:05:58
Another round of updates to the
Compilation of Info
, mainly focused on recipes:
Last Updated: Monday, April 24, 2006 at 3:05AM EDT
Latest Update Details:
A number of further updates to the recipes were put in, correcting and adding new information. There's still a lot to gather for this, since so many of the new recipes are not on the recipe lists given at the guilds. If you have further information about any of the new recipes, be sure to post it in the
New Recipes
Alternate Recipes
section was added, to highlight the handful of older items that were given new recipes in the patch.
The first sales from NPCs in Aht Urhgan are listed, with (many!) more to come.
From: Orobon
Posted: 2006-04-24 19:10:57
New NM named 'Orobon' spawns in zones:
-Ferry Between Mhaura & Al Zahbi
-Ferry Between Mhaura & Selbina
-Ferry Between Al Zahbi & Nashmau
Can only be fished up.
Confirmed Drops:
-Orobon Meat http://ffxi.somepage.com/itemdb/8521
-Orobon Lure http://ffxi.somepage.com/itemdb/8340
From: Yurim
Posted: 2006-04-25 21:18:10
Mamool Ja Dog Collar HQ1 I got 2x wamoura thread
From: Aerroenu
Posted: 2006-04-25 21:19:06
Lamp Marimo as a Food/Fish flag on the AH.
From: Corrderio
Posted: 2006-04-29 15:34:16
No, it means that there's a 3% chance that you'll use triple attack.
From: Cuer
Posted: 2006-05-02 04:20:04
Thanks for the feedback, everyone.
With the latest update to the Compilation of Info, all of the new NPCs are in, or at least all of them that I could find! If you locate more NPCs, outside of the city or wherever, please leave feedback detailing them.
The recipes were updated further, as always; there seems to be no end to the data there.
Later on this week, we'll move on to some of the more interesting aspects of the expansion, including the new quests.
From: K_D
Posted: 2006-05-03 20:17:26
as a War/nin there are 2 pieces of equipment in particular I fell in love with from the stats.
Potent Rope
Chivalrous Torque
Just wondering if anyone knows how to obtain either of these uber DD items yet?
Many thanks
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