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Final Fantasy XI Discussion BoardDiscussion Boards -> General

Oct. 2005 FFXI Compilation of Info

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From: katlady

Posted: 2005-10-11 04:09:44
Quote from: inais
salmon eggs
lighting crystal
1x cheval salmon

result 3 salmon eggs

HQ1 6
HQ2 9
HQ3 12
thats all i was able to come up with , no +1 at cooking lvl 99
From: katlady

Posted: 2005-10-11 05:10:49
salmon roe
Crystal: Dark
Ingredients: Rock Salt,Salmon eggs

Result: salmon roe x3
HQ: none
I did HQ it a couple times and still got 3
From: katlady

Posted: 2005-10-11 05:45:11
Ikra Gunkan
Crystal: Earth
Ingredients: Tarutaru Rice, Rice Vinegar, Distilled Water, Pamtam Kelp, Salmon roe
Result: Ikra Gunkan x1
HQ #1: Ikra Gunkan +1 x1
From: Beaux

Posted: 2005-10-11 08:13:09
Quote from: Kyl'Sekai
Also, although AF1+1 would be nice for pre-AF2 usage, I'm wondering how exactly AF+1 stacks up against AF2.

Neither one is better than the other. They're both good for different purposes. Even some normal AF is better than AF2 for some purposes. I have most my AF2 but I still use my normal AF a lot, because it's better in some ways.
I do believe (though I'm not sure) that all the AF+1 has everything the normal AF has, so I don't think there would be a reason to use the normal AF after getting AF+1 except for lvl 60 cap stuff.
From: Edgah

Posted: 2005-10-11 12:02:54
Quote from: Schlitzohr
Gun is so gimped for THF and NIN already theres still no point in them.

And if you didn't see the AF+1 already for THF, check it out. It gives +r.acc. Then there's that mantle that gives +20 r.acc, rings, etc. You basically have your new SAM/RNG but for guns instead of bows.. Use guns for TP gain and do fricken damage for once! Then switch gear for WS's! This is great!
From: Kxpuc

Posted: 2005-10-11 12:40:38
the date's are wrong on the site it's saying

Original Post: October 19, 2005
Last Updated: October 20, 2005 at 5:05AM EDT

which is imppossible since today is only the 11th
From: Joker

Posted: 2005-10-11 12:58:08
I HQ'd and got a salmon eggsx6 possibly, HQ1 or 2

From: Guest

Posted: 2005-10-11 13:54:00
Has anyone tried the charts yet? My fishing is only lvl 6 so I'm unable to activate "Inside the Belly" yet.
From: Nynja
Registered User

Posted: 2005-10-11 13:57:08
Quote from: Edgah
Quote from: Schlitzohr
Gun is so gimped for THF and NIN already theres still no point in them.

And if you didn't see the AF+1 already for THF, check it out. It gives +r.acc. Then there's that mantle that gives +20 r.acc, rings, etc. You basically have your new SAM/RNG but for guns instead of bows.. Use guns for TP gain and do fricken damage for once! Then switch gear for WS's! This is great!

too bad SE broke thf/rng...
From: Kuponut
Registered User

Posted: 2005-10-11 14:08:42
Quote from: Edgah
Quote from: Schlitzohr
Gun is so gimped for THF and NIN already theres still no point in them.

And if you didn't see the AF+1 already for THF, check it out. It gives +r.acc. Then there's that mantle that gives +20 r.acc, rings, etc. You basically have your new SAM/RNG but for guns instead of bows.. Use guns for TP gain and do fricken damage for once! Then switch gear for WS's! This is great!

Thief has better gear available for Ranged Accuracy... like Optical Hat instead of THF AF+1 Hat... and using a gun on Thief would be best with Ranger Subjob at least is what I heart, so that Weapon Skills could be used with the gun, but if you used Ranged Weapon skills, you wouldn't really benefit from Sneak Attack or Trick Attack at all, which in my Opinion is Thief's greatest asset to Experience Parties and such. Even Rangers with lots of Ranged Accuracy who use guns still miss often since the Update that changed Ranged Attacks.

Also.. guns have a very high delay, using a gun on a Thief to get TP would waste yet another great asset of Thieves, Triple Attack, which if you have merits into, and Assassin's Poullaines, can go off quite often. Also.. that remark "Use guns for TP gain and do fricken damage for once!" Isn't nice at all, Thief may not have the highest damage per single melee hit, but NIN is often subbed, we also have Triple Attack, not to mention a Thief's great Critical Hit rate already... (SA and TA as well) So Thief does great Damage, you had no reason to say that
From: guest

Posted: 2005-10-11 14:30:34
any news on the new crafting recipies?
From: Kevles

Posted: 2005-10-11 14:44:48
Not quite true according to the NPC when you get the item. It costs you 1000 CP to initially get the ring, and there are only 7 charges, but when you use it up you can recharge it for only 100 CP.

I think they were made to help people out who like to solo, or just don't have huge blocks of hours to play at a time.

50% exp gained up to 1000 exp doesn't seem like that much, but if you only have a few hours per day to play and getting in a PT is not really an option, these work pretty well. Busting out EP for a few hours to get roughly 2000 exp, plus the extra 1000 exp is 3k all together.

The other ring is for even shorter sessions.

75% exp bonus up to 500 exp.

From: Gord

Posted: 2005-10-11 16:25:54
Not quite true according to the NPC when you get the item. It costs you 1000 CP to initially get the ring, and there are only 7 charges, but when you use it up you can recharge it for only 100 CP.

I think they were made to help people out who like to solo, or just don't have huge blocks of hours to play at a time.

50% exp gained up to 1000 exp doesn't seem like that much, but if you only have a few hours per day to play and getting in a PT is not really an option, these work pretty well. Busting out EP for a few hours to get roughly 2000 exp, plus the extra 1000 exp is 3k all together.

The other ring is for even shorter sessions.

75% exp bonus up to 500 exp.

That's 100 CP per charge recharged
From: Aerroenu
Registered User

Posted: 2005-10-11 19:36:49
Salmon Eggs and Melanzane were listed in the Novice section of Cooking. Also, it was listed as the first item on the list, and if you compare the list to MysteryTour's Cooking List, Salmon Eggs caps @ 31 or 32. The NPC was listing them as...

- Serving of Salmon Eggs
- Roast Trout
- Acorn Cookies
- Nebimonite Bakes
- Loaves of Black Bread
- Loaves of Iron Bread
- Bowls of Mushroom Soup
- Windurst Salad
- Strips of Buffalo Jerky
- Jugs of Fish Brother
- Meat Mithkabobs
- Pet Food Delta Biscuits
- Bottles of Melon Juice
- Dishes of Melanzane
- Bottles of Apple Vinegar
- Windurst Taco

In addition, Melanzane Recipe:
Cooking 40-41
Crystal: Fire Crystal
Key Item: Noodle Kneading
- Kazham Peppers x1
- Mhaura Garlic x1
- Olive Oil x1
- Rock Salt x1
- Spaghetti x1
- Wild Onion x1
- Eggplant x1
- Pomodoro Sauce
From: Aerroenu
Registered User

Posted: 2005-10-11 20:16:47
Ok, now that I have the time to shark through ALL of the cooking list on my mule, I've got all this written out. This will be reposted on KillingIfrit.com and sent to Allakhzama.com.

"My Cooking Mule is currently @ Cooking 83, and when I decided to goof off and look at the new "recipe list" feature, I went up and fished not only the new recipes, but also deduced the new recipe's cooking caps. For anyone else who looked at the list, compare the order they appear on the list versus MysteryTour's Cooking List, and you should understand my reasonings to believe the level caps are at whatever levels. And, yes, some recipes were listed twice at different levels. Again, refer to the previous link, and you'll see that the same item can be made two different ways at different levels.

"The new ingredients (in alphabetical order):
Blood Broth (Cooking 73 - Minimum)
Crystal: Water Crystal
Ingredients: Beastman Blood x1
Leech Saliva x1
Lizard Blood x1
Bird Blood x1
Beast Blood x1

Grasshopper Broth (Cooking 51 - Minimum)
Crystal: Water Crystal
Ingredients: Skull Locust x2
King Locust x1
Mushroom Locust x1
La Theine Cabbage x1
Gysahl Greens x1

Ikra Gunkan (Cooking 67 - Minimum)
Crystal: Earth Crystal
Key Item: Raw Fish Handling
Ingredients: Tarutaru Rice x1
Pamtam Kelp x1
Rice Vinegar x1
Distilled Water x1
Salmon Roe x1

Melanzane (Cooking 40 - Minimum)
Crystal: Fire Crystal
Key Item: Noodle Kneading
Ingredients: Kazham Peppers x1
Mhaura Garlic x1
Olive Oil x1
Rock Salt x1
Spaghetti x1
Wild Onion x1
Eggplant x1
Pomodoro Sauce x1

Mole Broth (Cooking 63 - Minimum)
Crystal: Water Crystal
Ingredients: Snapping Moles x2
Helmet Mole x1
Loam x1
Little Worm x1
Shell Bug x1

Salmon Eggs (Cooking 30 - Minimum)
Crystal: Lightning Crystal
Ingredients: Cheval Salmon x1

Salmon Roe (Cooking 41 - Minimum)
Crystal: Dark Crystal
Ingredients: Rock Salt x1
Salmon Eggs x1

Tentacle Sushi (Cooking 58 - Minimum)
Crystal: Earth Crystal
Key Item: Raw Fish Handling
Ingredients: Ginger Root x1
Tarutaru Rice x1
Rice Vinegar x1
Distilled Water x1
Cone Calamary x1

"Reasoning for the Cooking Levels...

"When looking through the list...
... (Initiate Area)
Pineapple Juice (Cooking 30)
Salmon Eggs
Roast Trout (Cooking 32)
Melon Juice (Cooking 40)
Apple Vinegar (Cooking 41)
Windurst Taco (Cooking 41)
Salmon Roe
Pie Dough (Cooking 42)
Orange au Lait (Cooking 51)
Grasshopper Broth
Bretzels (Cooking 53)
Ginger Cookies (Cooking 58)
Tentacle Sushi
Dried Mugwort (Cooking 59)
Sausages (Cooking 63)
Mole Broth
Blackened Frogs (Cooking 64)
Raisin Bread (Cooking 67)
Ikra Gunkan
Colored Egg (Cooking 68)
Salmon Meuniere (Cooking 73)
Blood Broth
Mushroom Risotto (Cooking 74)"
From: Shadida

Posted: 2005-10-11 22:25:44
Hunter's Cotton

-- Earth Crystal --
3 x Cotton Thread
1 x Distilled Water
1 x Carapace Powder

Clothcraft ???

Carapace Powder

-- Wind Crystal --
2 x Beetle Shell

Bonecraft ???
From: Djevik

Posted: 2005-10-11 23:38:56
Tentacle Sushi

NQ: 1 Tentacle Sushi
HQ1: 2 Tentacle Sushi
HQ2: 1 Tentacle Sushi +1
HQ3: Unknown
From: Celesyna

Posted: 2005-10-12 01:19:20
Quote from: Guest
Has anyone tried the charts yet? My fishing is only lvl 6 so I'm unable to activate "Inside the Belly" yet.

I did this earlier with pirate's chart. Here is the information I collected

Pirate's chart is obtained by inside the belly quest. I got mine by gutting bhufmel marlin. After I got this chart I traded it to a ??? at whitebone sands in valkurm dunes. This will allow you, and two others to proceed with the event, your lvls capped at 20. You are given a choice to continue or not. If you continue, a ghostlike taru nm will appear and rush you to fish towards a sparkling dot in the ocean. He hurries you to keep going until 3 nms kill him. These nms are:

Hieke Crab(crab nm)
Beach Monk(pugil nm)
Houu the Shoulwader(sahagin nm)

Don't know what reward is for killing these, however before I was killed (I tried this solo to get information about it) I managed to fish up a mithra snare, haven't determined what it's used for yet though. Anyways I hope this information helps out, I plan to do this on ramuh soon with party and preparation to get more information on rewards ^^
From: Aerroenu
Registered User

Posted: 2005-10-12 04:03:16
More recipe ransacking, this time from my own Bonecraft 53 and Woodworking 60.

Carapace Powder (Bonecraft 21 - Minimum)
Crystal: Wind Crystal
Crab Shell x2

Healing Harness (Bonecraft 30 – Minimum)
Crystal: Earth Crystal
Vivio Femur x1
Bone Harness x1

High Healing Harness (Bonecraft 53 – Minimum)
Crystal: Earth Crystal
Vivio Crab Shell x1
Carapace Harness x1

Steel Walnut Lumber (Woodworking 19 - Minimum)
Crystal: Wind Crystal
Key Item: Wood Ensorcellment
Walnut Log x1
Earth Anima x2
Dark Anima x1

Vivio Crab Shell (Bonecraft 41 - Minimum)
Crystal: Wind Crystal
Key Item: Bone Purification
Crab Shell x1
Wind Anima x1
Water Anima x1
Light Anima x1

Vivio Femur (Bonecraft 15 - Minimum)
Crystal: Wind Crystal
Key Item: Bone Purification
Giant Femur x1
Wind Anima x1
Water Anima x1
Light Anima x1

Vivio Scorpion Claw (Bonecraft 50 - Minimum)
Crystal: Wind Crystal
Key Item: Bone Purification
Scorpion Claw x1
Wind Anima x1
Water Anima x1
Light Anima x1
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-10-12 05:42:20
Thanks for the info, everyone. The recipes (along with the Compilation of Info) have all be added/updated with the info left here, and other new info will be added down the road. Keep posting whatever you find here, and I'll keep updating it!

Quote from: Aerroenu
Carapace Powder (Bonecraft 21 - Minimum)
Crystal: Wind Crystal
Crab Shell x2

One question here: are there two recipes for this Carapace Powder, and if so do they both seem to cap at 21 Bonecraft? I have that recipe as using 2 Beetle Shells, which fits the description. Was the recipe given with 2 Crab Shells, as well? I don't want to add another recipe if they aren't both listed... any further digging into this would be appreciated.
From: katlady

Posted: 2005-10-12 05:59:17
salmon eggs
lighting crystal
1x cheval salmon

result: x3
HQ #1: x6
HQ #2: x9
HQ #3: x12
thats all i was able to come up with , no +1 at cooking lvl 99

the info is incorrect for what i had gotten..
ffxi.somepage.com/itemdb/7734]Salmon Eggs
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