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Site Updates - November 22, 2004
Posted by: Cuer - Mon Nov 22nd, 2004 04:03 am EST
More mob additions, price updates on sold items, a new Conquest Points guide, and more!

A new Conquest Points Items Guide was added, providing information about how they're obtained and spent.

Mobs were added to the Chains of Promathia zone: Phomiuna Aqueducts

Items Added: Chanson de Liberte

Items Updated: Tsar's Egg, Imperial Egg, L'Ephemere, L'Ancienne, Un Moment, Galka Mannequin, Mithra Mannequin, Tarutaru F Mannequin, Tarutaru M Mannequin, Elvaan F Mannequin, Elvaan M Mannequin, Hume F Mannequin, Hume M Mannequin, Royal Bookshelf, Arcane Flowerpot, Water Cask, Harajnite Shell, Goblin Die, Oak Table, Friture Misareaux, Fish & Chips, Ogre Ledelsens +1, Ogre Ledelsens

NPC Sale Prices Updated: Galkan Sandals, Galkan Braguette, Galkan Bracers, Galkan Surcoat, Hume F Boots, Hume M Boots, Hume Pants, Hume Slacks, Hume F Gloves, Hume M Gloves, Hume Vest, Hume Tunic, Swordbelt, Iron Mittens, Padded Armor, Padded Cap, Buckler, Targe, Lizard Ledelsens, Leggings, Lizard Trousers, Iron Subligar, Pickled Herring, Eggplant, Sulfur, Roast Mutton, Pumpernickel, Silver Obi, Cotton Kyahan, Cotton Sitabaki, Cotton Tekko, Cotton Dogi, Pineapple Juice, Melon Juice, Egg Soup, Hard-Boiled Egg, Sausage, Baked Popoto, Sausage Roll, Bretzel, Iron Bread, Bomb Ash, Arquebus, Bomb Arm, Buburimu Grape, Casablanca, Dhalmel Meat, Yagudo Cherry, Mhaura Garlic, Light Opal, Onyx, Clear Topaz, Lapis Lazuli, Amber, Amethyst, Sardonyx, Tourmaline, Silver Earring, Silver Ring, Brass Ring, Copper Ring, Scroll of Uncanny Etude, Scroll of Herculean Etude, Scroll of Bewitching Etude, Scroll of Logical Etude, Scroll of Sage Etude, Scroll of Swift Etude, Scroll of Vital Etude, Maple Harp, Cornette, Gemshorn, Scroll of Valor Minuet III, Scroll of Valor Minuet II, Scroll of Army's Paeon IV, Scroll of Army's Paeon III, Scroll of Army's Paeon II, Scroll of Army's Paeon, Scroll of Foe Requiem IV, Scroll of Foe Requiem III, Scroll of Foe Requiem II, Scroll of Foe Requiem, Tathlum, Zamburak, Crossbow, Warhammer, Brass Hammer, Bronze Hammer, Greataxe, Butterfly Axe, Battleaxe, Brass Axe, Metal Knuckles, Brass Knuckles, Bronze Knuckles, Falchion, Scimitar, Sapara, Tuck, Degen, Mythril Sword, Kukri, Gorget, Mythril Leggings, Plate Leggings, Brass Greaves, Scale Greaves, Mythril Cuisses, Cuisses, Brass Cuisses, Scale Cuisses, Brass Finger Gauntlets, Breastplate, Brass Scale Mail, Scale Mail, Mythril Sallet, Sallet, Brass Mask, Faceguard, Scroll of Ice Threnody, Scroll of Dark Threnody

Mobs Added: Vampire Bat, Thunder Elemental, Taurus, Stegotaur, Oil Spill, Minotaur, Makara, Hell Bat, Gloop, Foul Meat, Fomor's Wyvern, Fomor Warrior, Fomor Thief, Fomor's Elemental, Fomor Summoner, Fomor Samurai, Fomor Red Mage, Fomor Ranger, Fomor Paladin, Fomor Ninja, Fomor Monk, Fomor Dragoon, Fomor Dark Knight, Fomor Black Mage, Fomor's Bat, Fomor Beastmaster, Fomor Bard, Diremite, Dark Elemental, Canal Bats, Big Jaw, Air Elemental, Addled Tumor

Spells Updated: Blink

Desynthesis Recipes Added: Longbow, Fastwater Fishing Rod

Recipes Updated: Shinobi Gi, Snoll Gelato

Desynthesis Recipes Updated: Ash Clogs

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