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Site Updates - March 31, 2005
Posted by: Cuer - Thu Mar 31st, 2005 07:02 pm EST
A wide range of updates have been keeping the opo-opo busy:
  • The rest of the equipment from the Feb. 23 patch that didn't have drop or crafting info now has information on how to obtain them. All items from the patch are now accounted for, whether a drop from an ENM, a new NM, or crafted. They can all be seen with full drop info in the Feb. 2005 FFXI Patch Compilation of Info.
  • The ENM Guide has been updated further, with full info on the Vision and Image items that are dropped in ENMs, and can be exchanged for useful items. More drop info and directions were added to the individual ENM guides. Many of the items that are obtained through the ENM Reward Exchange were updated specifically with details on how to obtain them.
  • The recent changes to the Shield skill are now detailed in a new Shield Skill Revamp section of the Feb. 2005 FFXI Patch Compilation of Info. All shield items now have their new Shield Size listed on them.
  • A number of recipes were updated or added, to keep the recipe information as accurate as possible.
  • All of the zones were updated with more complete exit info, as well as full weather patterns.

Items Updated: Popoto, Safety Mantle, Toreador's Ring, Astral Rope, Snide Vision, Tenuous Vision, Impetuous Vision, Dark Scales, Super Cermet, Oversized Fang, Rheiyoh Leather, Tiger Eye, Habu Skin, Virgin Image, Ancient Image, Valorous Image, Beatific Image, Grave Image, Pristine Vision, Venerable Vision, Endearing Vision, Malicious Vision, Brilliant Vision, Vivid Vision, Pretentious Vision, Timorous Vision, Valiant Vision, Painful Vision, Audacious Vision, Solemn Vision, Violent Vision, Punctilious Vision, Vernal Vision, Wind Earring, String Earring, Singing Earring, Ninjutsu Earring, Summoning Earring, Healing Earring, Elemental Earring, Enfeebling Earring, Augmenting Earring, Dark Earring, Divine Earring, Guarding Earring, Buckler Earring, Parrying Earring, Evasion Earring, Elshimo Palm, Acheron Shield, Acheron Shield +1, Demon's Shield, Koenig Shield, Kaiser Shield, Ice Shield, Ice Shield +1, Palmerin's Shield, Ritter Shield, Ritter Shield +1, General's Shield, Admiral's Shield, Diamond Shield, Diamond Shield +1, Charging Shield, Darksteel Shield, Darksteel Shield +1, Royal Guard's Shield, Royal Knight Army Shield +1, Royal Knight Army Shield +2, Temple Knight Army Shield +1, Temple Knight Army Shield +2, Royal Knight Army Shield, Temple Knight Army Shield, Holy Shield, Divine Shield, Hard Shield, Heater Shield, Heater Shield +1, Flame Eater, Jennet Shield, Kite Shield, Kite Shield +1, Tower Shield, Tower Shield +1, Scutum, Scutum +1, War Shield, Thunder Shield, Absorbing Shield, Round Shield, Round Shield +1, Patriarch Protector's Shield, Astral Shield, Master Shield, Leather Shield, Leather Shield +1, Viking Shield, Royal Squire's Shield +1, Royal Squire's Shield +2, Royal Squire's Shield, Strike Shield, Nymph Shield, Nymph Shield +1, Oak Shield, Oak Shield +1, Coated Shield, Healer's Shield, Wizard's Shield, Warlock's Shield, Singer's Shield, Magician's Shield, Faerie Shield, Frost Shield, Mahogany Shield, Strong Shield, Tropical Shield, Fish Scale Shield, Elm Shield, Elm Shield +1, Parana Shield, Maple Shield, Maple Shield +1, Orcish Shield, Ogre Shield, Lauan Shield, Lauan Shield +1, Genbu's Shield, Sipar, Highlander's Targe, Astral Aspis, Gold Buckler, Gilt Buckler, Darksteel Buckler, Spiked Buckler, Musketeer Commander's Shield, Serket Shield, Buckler, Buckler +1, Balance Buckler, Elegant Shield, Flame Shield, Targe, Targe +1, Mercenary's Targe, Wrestler's Aspis, Pilferer's Aspis, Varlet's Targe, Killer Targe, Trimmer's Aspis, Beater's Aspis, Ashigaru Targe, Genin Aspis, Wyvern Targe, Bastokan Targe, Republic Targe, Turtle Shield, Turtle Shield +1, Decurion's Shield, Lantern Shield, Small Shield, Aspis, Aspis +1, Shell Shield, Marine Shield, Brimsand, Gilt Tapestry, Chocobo Ticket, Happy Egg, Fortune Egg, Purple Drop, Yellow Drop, Green Drop, Clear Drop, Blue Drop, Red Drop, White Drop, Black Drop, Lamp Egg, Wing Egg, Flower Egg, Dominus Shield, Numinous Shield +1, Numinous Shield, Light Crossbow +1, Rimilala Stripeshell, Warrior's Belt +1, Warrior's Belt

NPCs Updated: Baehu-Faehu

Mobs Added: Teine Sith, Dalham

Mobs Updated: Jagil, Stubborn Dredvodd, Yallery Brown, Baronial Bat, Charybdis, Tunnel Worm, Narasimha, Hobgoblin Alastor, Hobgoblin Animalier, Goblin's Rarab, Hobgoblin Toreador, Hobgoblin Blagger, Padfoot

Zones Updated: Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi, Al'Taieu, Promyvion - Vahzl, Promyvion - Mea, Promyvion - Holla, Promyvion - Dem, Attohwa Chasm, Newton Movalpolos, Oldton Movalpolos, Riverne - Site #B01, Riverne - Site #A01, Monarch Linn, Sacrarium, Phomiuna Aqueducts, Tavnazian Safehold, Misareaux Coast, Lufaise Meadows, Phanauet Channel, Carpenters' Landing, Pso'Xja, Uleguerand Range, Ferry Between Mhaura & Selbina, Ro'Maeve, Dragon's Aery, Boyahda Tree, Hall of the Gods, Sanctuary of Zi'Tah, Windurst Port, Windurst Waters, Gusgen Mines, Konschtat Highlands, Ordelle's Caves, Valkurm Dunes, La Theine Plateau, Valley of Sorrows, Cape Teriggan, Gustav Tunnel, Kuftal Tunnel, Xarcabard, Castle Zvahl Keep, Castle Zvahl Baileys, Horutoto Outer Ruins, Horutoto Inner Ruins, Fort Ghelsba, Yughott Grotto, King Ranperre's Tomb, Balga's Dais, Bostaunieux Oubliette, Ronfaure West, Ronfaure East, Delkfutt's Upper Tower, Delkfutt's Middle Tower, Delkfutt's Lower Tower, Behemoth's Dominion, Qufim Island, Eldieme Necropolis, Monastic Cavern, Davoi, Batallia Downs, Jugner Forest, Ru'Aun Gardens, Ve'Lugannon Palace, Shrine of Ru'Avitau, Altepa Western Desert, Altepa Eastern Desert, Quicksand Caves, Full Moon Fountain, Labyrinth of Onzozo, Toraimarai Canal, Maze of Shakhrami, Buburimu Peninsula, Tahrongi Canyon, Jeuno Port, Korroloka Tunnel, Dangruf Wadi, Palborough Mines, Cloister of Frost, Fei'Yin, Ranguemont Pass, Beaucedine Glacier, Temple of Uggalepih, Den of Rancor, Yhoator Jungle, Ifrit's Cauldron, Sea Serpent Grotto, Yuhtunga Jungle, Norg, Beadeaux, Crawlers' Nest, Rolanberry Fields, Pashhow Marshlands, Bastok Port, Altar Room, Castle Oztroja, Garlaige Citadel, Sauromugue Champaign, Meriphataud Mountains, Zeruhn Mines

Spells Updated: Thunderspark, Ecliptic Howl

Recipes Added: Brimsand

Desynthesis Recipes Added: Gust Claymore, Cythara Anglica, Darksteel Nodowa, Panzer Mask, Behemoth Mantle, War Bow, Ice Lance, Velvet Hat, Velvet Slops, Shellbuster, Oak Cudgel

Recipes Updated: Kilo Battery, Riot Grenade, Grenade, Sparkling Hand, Leucous Voulge, Prominence Sword, Prominence Axe, Vulcan Claymore, Vulcan Blade, Adargas, Tavnazian Taco, Breeze Ring, Snow Ring, Dark Ring, Thunder Ring, Soil Ring, Aqua Ring, Light Ring, Flame Ring, Hachiman Jinpachi, Brimsand, Raisin Bread, Herb Crawler Eggs, Hachiman Sune-Ate, Bretzel, Beverage Barrel, Sanctified Lumber, Yasha Hakama, Numinous Shield, Yasha Samue, Seito, Hushed Baghnakhs, Hushed Dagger, Muting Potion, Bone Arrowheads, Dragon Leggings, Dragon Subligar, Dragon Mittens, Dark Scales, Airborne, Iron Subligar

Desynthesis Recipes Updated: Padded Cap, Yew Fishing Rod

Items Drops Added: Damascene Cloth, Carect Ring, Gargoyle Boots, Scroll of Fire III, Shall Shell, Carbuncle's Ruby, Bomb Ash, Pebble, Taurus Horn, Ahriman Wing, Goblin Helm, Scroll of Raise II, Gold Beastcoin, Demon Horn, Onzozo Chest Key

ENMs Updated: Simulant, You Are What You Eat, Playing Host, Pulling the Plug, Bad Seed, Test Your Mite, Bionic Bug, Sheep in Antlion's Clothing, Holy Cow, Brothers, When Hell Freezes Over, Follow the White Rabbit

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Order: Final Fantasy XI Online: Wings of the Goddess Expansion Pack (PC)(PS2)(XBOX 360)
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