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News Item: Adventurer Appreciation
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From: Nikuru
Posted: 2006-05-13 01:52:33
It seems to be that the gift is totally random. I logged onto my main and chose "wait," but I logged onto my mule and he got a Bronze Moogle Belt. So, let's not get ahead of ourselves and assume that everyone will get the same exact item under similar circumstances.
I'm just hoping for a silver, or possibly gold belt for my lower level jobs.
From: Cantoncomic
Registered User
Posted: 2006-05-13 08:40:47
The Mule I used was a lvl 5 rdm - no quests completed
and city is Sandy.
I didnt receive the choco ticket because my inventory was full I went back and checked with mog again after I cleared my inventory and this time I took the Wait option. I will try again tonight with this mule and see what I get.
From: draven
Posted: 2006-05-13 10:36:30
it appears that this runs in real time days, the day after the one u recieve your present u may recieve another or decide to wait, so there is the potential for many many items ^^
From: Dominuse of Ragnarok
Posted: 2006-05-13 13:58:40
MAIN - Rank 6 —> waited twice(still waiting)
Ex-Main - Rank 3 —> waited 1 day, got Homing ring
Mule w/ some lvls, no sub job - Rank 1 —> didn't wait, got 1 Cracker Firework
Mule w/ some lvls, no sub job - Rank 1 —> waited 1 day, got adventuring certificate
Mule w/ some lvls, no sub job - Rank 1 —> didn't wait, got 1 free chocopass
Mule with no lvls, no sub job - Rank 1 —> didn't wait got adventuring certificate
i'm gonna go with random goodies, then again maybe waiting determines the quality of the item you recieve
~ex. waited 1 day got bronze moogle belt
~ex. waited 3 days got gold moogle belt
…or maybe its completely random…
From: Peanut
Posted: 2006-05-14 01:13:58
I Got A Return Ring Without Waiting
From: Miraglyth
Posted: 2006-05-14 01:50:17
I get the idea this event has pretty much *everything* nonspecific (e.g. Dream equipment), so the Xbox 360 newcomers can have a shot at everything that's been limited before.
But... at once per day, there is
chance of them being able to collect even half of this stuff.
Heck, even EU collector-type players are gonna find it insultingly difficult to continue a perfect streak. They need the Chocobo Rod, the Adventuring Certificate, and all three Moogle Belts, since the last time any of those showed up was a few months before EU release, two years ago.
This event really worries me.
From: Torious
Posted: 2006-05-14 02:22:40
i think the members of the party you're with when you talk to the person... is it just a moogle or is it an NPC? has an affect on your final prize from the moogle
last year i got a homing ring (later added as a conquest reward) teleports you to the outpost of the region you're in if your city has control of the area... have to be on same map? like if you are in the highlands you can't teleport to the dunes outpost? i never got the thing to work /shrug
all i remember is try for variety - race/sex/city/jobs?
From: Quest
Posted: 2006-05-14 05:23:02
Dude...this is stupid...It said I talked to about 600 NPCs. Says I have been in like 200 pts, died 118 times, been in 2 alliances, blah blah blah...I have rank 5 Sandy, done just about every quest there is to do.
And...I got...
A chocobo ticket...
If it is random, it is pointless to give our stats...
Because, we see the numbers and go, "W00t, awsome, those are big numbers..." Then...we get a chocobo ticket... -_-
How can a mule get a moogle belt and a real player get a chocobo ticket? <.<; They both suck, but at least the belt is like...wearable...or something...
From: Daba
Registered User
Posted: 2006-05-14 08:19:38
Hello minna, decided to register.
Anyway, regarding waiting, I personally think it was just random. I have 2 "main" charas, and a mule. I let them all wait. I came back after 1 RL day, but to check what I got, I made sure my inventory was full, so that if the Mogri gives me the item and I didn't like it, I'd wait.
Anyway, all 3 charas net me a Chocopass. Yeah, all 3 of em. Since my inventory was full, I didn't get the item. I talked to the Mogri again and chose to "wait" for a better gift. I'll go check tomolo again and inform you guys what happens. All I wanted was the Gold Moogle Belt and the Adventurer's Certificate. If the item I get tomolo is another "crappy" item, then I'll immediately accept the item, sell/throw it away and do the thing all over again, assuming that you can receive a gift from the Mogri every RL day that is.
From: Daba
Registered User
Posted: 2006-05-14 15:46:30
OK, here's a technique that may/may not prove useful. Do NOT ask for the gift with full inventory as what is said in other sites.
Instead, choose "let me think about it". Afterwards, talk to the Moogle again and get your gift now. I got a CHOCOBO WAND for my Taru, a HOMING RING for my main Hume and a Return Ring for my mule Hume.
Like my friends said, they think that choosing to think about it first, then claiming the gift will increase the quality of your gifts. My friends did that and they got the Bronze Moogle Belt in the 1st try. Since I got the coveted Chocobo Wand, it must mean something right? It may or may not be placebo, but it's up to you guys to decide.
From: Vyumaajohrluv
Posted: 2006-05-14 16:06:38
My name is Vyumaajohrluv. On Siren Server.
When I did this event the first time I recieved a Silver Moogle Belt. I had around 18+ points. They arent doing points this year but I am pretty sure I'll get the gold belt. It is primarily based on usr activity. I also think it may have some correlation to your Playtime vs Activity. Currently I am waiting for 3 days before the events ending to reap my rewards.
My standings as of now are:
Chat Frequency: 226102
Conversations with NPC's: 42344
Parties Joined: 1439
Aliances Joined: 206
Battles Fought: 37782
Times K.O'd: 1118
Enemies Defeated: 20116
G.M. Calls Made: 16
Note that my first full year playing I had absolutely no life or job. Since then I have been working full time with 3 kids and a wife. (Clifton also on Siren Server) This is info obtained on 5/12/06. I have been a registered player since 10/13/03.
I hope this helps anyone who is trying to learn more about how this works.
From: Kahan
Posted: 2006-05-14 17:38:20
Hey all-
I have 3 characters on FFXI and 2 of them recieved an Adventure Certificate and the 3rd one recieved a Republic Bronze Medal. Warp (Bastok Chocobo Stables) lvl. 15
From: Shinvaltos
Posted: 2006-05-14 17:42:04
I got Federation stables scarf, I waited one day and the second day I got that on my windy mule.
I got Return ring, I waited one day and the second day I got that on my bastok mule.
From: Miraglyth
Posted: 2006-05-15 03:16:01
FACT: If you try to claim with a full inventory, you'll ALWAYS be told "You cannot receive the free chocopass." Likely to prevent people being able to see what they'd get.
THEORY: If you wait, the game eliminates the Chocobo Ticket and the Chocopass from the prizes you can get the following day.
From: Nya
Posted: 2006-05-15 17:58:23
I got a Republic Bronze Medal, the one that teleports you to the chocobo stables. Here's my stats.
Chat Frequency: 480676
Conversations with NPCs: 53719
Parties Joined: 2564
Alliances Joined: 638
Battles Fought: 35323
Number of times KO'd: 1202
Enemies Defeated: 18966
GM Calls Made: 5
For other random info: I have max fame in all zones except Al'Zabhi and I have no clue how to get fame there. Or if there is even a fame system. Rank 10 San d'Oria. Zilart mission 17 done, CoP done. Though I think none of that factors into the item you get.
I'm a 75 WHM. And have been playing since NA PC release. And I chose to wait one day. And this reward is kinda good, kinda bad concidering I only sometimes go to bastok. But it's not wonderful. Maybe it'd have gotten better if I waited longer? I don't know. But I want a chocobo wand!!
From: Thuggles
Posted: 2006-05-15 18:41:05
I clicked wait twice, so after 3 days of waiting I got an Adventuring Certificate. Not what I was hoping for :\. Hopped over to the mule and snagged a bronze moogle belt. Not sure what to make of it, if anything, but I figured I'd throw my experiences out there.
From: Guest
Posted: 2006-05-16 05:19:10
I waited 2 days. On the 3rd day, I decided to take it, and I got a choco pass... Now, I had done the "trick" the day before, before waiting, so that might've messed it up. I wasn't too pleased to say the least...
From: Daba
Registered User
Posted: 2006-05-16 06:51:05
Update: last night I just chose to take my gift right away, and I got a
Silver Moogle Belt
. I didn't choose "Lemme think about it", and I definitely didn't choose "I'll wait". My other two characters got a Chocopass each.
My theory is that this is totally random. If this is the case, then you're better off getting a free gift from the Moogle everyday rather than wait. However I'll try one of my characters to wait for 3 RL days and see if I get the Adventurer's Certificate (which I really want ATM).
From: Karou Ka-Chan
Posted: 2006-05-16 12:11:52
I have 1 Main, A 2nd Main/Mule and a Mule (tarutaru)
my tarutaru mule got the adventuring certificate (lvl5 war no fame in basty and no subjob) the second day after he got silver moogle belt first day for just claiming it. that was both times immediate.
my backup main Kilalaa got a silver moogle belt day 1 w/o waiting the w/o waiting day 2 got a choco pass, now w/o waiting day 3 got a choco ticket >>
my main is endgame lvls 70war or getting there, silver moogle belt (waited day one then claimed 3 minutes later on JP Midnight) Then today and yesterday I got choco tickets. all i want is the adventuering certificate ; ; (need storage space in MH)
From: John
Posted: 2006-05-17 03:48:42
I woke up early this morning to talk to the moogle and to delay with the gift with both of my characters... One a 75 RDM, the other a unleveled mule. I came back on to accept the gift only to have my mule get a gold moogle belt and as for my 75 RDM, she wasn't even asked again whether or not she wanted a gift. Why is that?
Could it be the day? I'll keep track of it all and keep you all updated on the happenings... Sucks...
From: Firesped
Posted: 2006-05-18 08:29:54
I hope I don't get a Chocobo wand, I already have 2. first time I checked I got chocopass. all my mules so far have just got tickets. one mule who has only done some event stuff at easter got adventuring certificate
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