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News Item: Treasures of Aht Urhgan Site

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From: Mrreinhardt

Posted: 2005-11-30 19:43:32
I'm willing to bank on Phoenix and Bahamut being the next avatars after some thinking. And a little skeptical on Diabolos, Odin, alexander. First off I don't see them using Diabolos at all, Odin did not appear in FF since 9 and Alexander as cool as it would be would be too freakin huge, unless they make him(it?) like an angel or a cyber-avatar(use your imagination-Alexander was a city, why not make it like a human and machine?) Might be cool if you could summon either the Ultima Weapon or Omega one (from FF8 or the one's from 10). Just my thoughts.
From: Guest

Posted: 2005-11-30 21:21:44
For those wishing for Dancer..

As far as I can remember, when you were adding jobs to your players in the old FF's, if you chose the Bard line, males were Bards, females were called Dancers, so in effect, this support job is already in the game.
From: Edon

Posted: 2005-11-30 22:46:13
Alexander is basicly stationary too, not sure how the hell you coiuld summon up a winged castle (Although he was and still is my favorite avatar). Diabolos is almost a sure thing, he even has a summoning motion, move list, and he has a basic avatar body structure. Bahamut would be slightly tougher cuz he has no move set or summoning motion so they need to make all that, he does have the basic avatar body size/shape though (Hes not realy as big as they make him appear) also i would love to see a "Engineer" type job, one that uses guns as a primary weapon and gets things like "Leg Shot" and "Arm Shot" :)
From: Irma-vep
Registered User

Posted: 2005-12-01 05:50:23
I'm hoping for 2 tech based jobs.
Chemist (uses medicines at greater ranges and with more effect - possibily with a farming skill that allows more items to drop to help mke more meds)
Engineer (as the previous poster said all the aim/target gun skills from FFtactics and chest opening skills and some thief skills, open chest, treasure hunter - making it closer to rng/thf in one class)

On the avatar front - they need to bring in non-elemental and stay within keeping of the game so.....
I would love bahmut but he is a major big bad and just too damn big.
I think diablo (he was gravity - ff8) would be cool
Hades (yet another big dog - ff8) with the triple head attack
Odin (Guy on a horse with a sword - most FF games) he had that great slice attack but he had an amazing ability in FFA6(us 3) which was if he killed something with the slace they could turn into rare items. But I doubt they'll use that ability, summoners breaking the already broken economy
But I love Yojimbo (Big guy with a sword - FFX) Random bizare attacks
And how about some of the cuter ones Moogle or Chocobo ^^
Alexander - err NO.

there is a very interesting interview here about the solo/lowlevel content due out
From the horses mouth ^^ and the interview really annoyed the the HNMLS :)
From: John

Posted: 2005-12-01 10:38:12
Well some ideas my LS has had was Pirate, Necromancer, Geomancer, Dancer, Chemist, and Berserker but thats just what a few of us think since going back and looking at the Old FF games w/ job systems those were some of the choices were still missing also Sorcerer (Sword Mage) but thats kinda RDM now also Dancer is kinda BRD already sooo we'll have to see what comes out just throwin out a few ideas to think about looking forward to TAU
From: Pyro

Posted: 2005-12-01 11:08:18
Dancer wasnt only female, in FFV it was for both, but i fear that in the end it énds up like the dancer/bard combination in Ragnarok online. a support class with combination skills. Okay, i dream of "real" combo abilities, not skillchain, something that only two classes with the right skill can use
From: Hyjynx
Registered User

Posted: 2005-12-01 12:31:44
lol c'mon.. whats with the 'Oh they cant do that' posts.

They are S-E.. they can do whatever they want.
Alexander 'would be to big'? They can make him smaller if they want to.
Alexander 'would have to be stationary'? Says who? God? lol

S-E can do whatever they want. People said S-E couldnt change the DRG job to make 'call wyvern' a regular job ability because 'it wouldnt work because you would be able to call a wyvern with drg sub'. Remember S-E makes the rules... they can bend and break them, and even make up new ones as they see fit.

While I do agree that its unlikely that they will add Alexander as opposed to another avatar that is already in the story line of FFXI, I'm willing to bet that they would find a way to make Alexander work if they got enough requests from FFXI players.
From: Nighteagle

Posted: 2005-12-01 14:08:22
You guys are forgetting 1 thing. Why would they add another avatar to 1 element if they alrdy had one? I can see them assing a light and a dark simply because those r opposites, but if they added fire, wind, lightning avatars, that would unbalance the porportions of the avatars on the elemental wheel. I'm thinking there will be a non-elemental one and another light and dark avatar. The non-elemental one wont be doing ub3r dmg if you had an opposing one, but if u were to fight a mob that resists magic, maybe it wont resist the non-elemtnal one and it will be strong against mobs with magic resist. O.o Just a thought ^.^
From: Asriel
Registered User

Posted: 2005-12-01 18:00:10
The summoning magic might be exclusive to the new jobs added. For example if they're adding Necromancer, the summon would be a skeleton or other type of undead, taken the way they are summoned during a pirate ride on the ferry. Thus, nothing really new or amazing has to be added for them to do exactly what they said. After all, this *is* SE we're talking about. They're the masters of vague and unfulfilling promises.
From: Hyjynx
Registered User

Posted: 2005-12-02 00:49:55
Quote from: Nighteagle
You guys are forgetting 1 thing. Why would they add another avatar to 1 element if they alrdy had one?

Cuz then can :)
From: Edon

Posted: 2005-12-02 13:47:22
You forget from my previous posts, there are celestial and terestrial avatars, now ot even it out.


Now if you REALY wanted to even out the summoners magic tables there is room for oh say... 1 Light and 1 Dark Celestial avatar, and 1 Fire, Ice, Water, Earth, Wind, and thunder Terestrial avatar. And seeing as every single one of those elements has another avatar/aeon/eidolon/GF/ect to go with it its would be very possible. Also i dont think necromancy would be under summoning magic, maybe <Necromancy Skill> otherwise summoners around the world (Like myself) could switch to that job and have a foriegn skill thats completly leveled :) and although that would be good for me i just dont see it happening.
From: Asriel
Registered User

Posted: 2005-12-02 22:48:50
You forget, however, that they simply said Summons. It doesn't have to be the same skill. White magic, Dark magic, Elemental magic, it all falls under the magic catergory if they wanted to say something about it. They could simply add a second type of Summoning Skill. Like say, Dark Summoning, or whatever.
From: Edon

Posted: 2005-12-03 17:02:17
Yes Magic = White Magic, Enfeebling Magic, Enhancing Magic, Black Magic, Dark Magic, Songs, Ninjitsu, and "Summoning" Magic.

Magic in general yea they can add anything they want to anywhere so saying they are adding new magic is very general. But they said they will be adding new "Summoning Magic" VERY SPECIFIC. When SE says something its usualy vague so you have no idea of whats gonna happen but when they say specifics like "We will be adding new Summoning Magic" Its direct and to the point they arent gonna add "Dark Summoning Magic" because it doesnt match the job that will do it, if a necromancer is introduced into the game there will be a skill called "Necromancy Skill" Just like bluemage is gonna have "Blue Magic Skill" you have to think in specifics, the way a game maker usualy does. If you say your gonna add Summoning Magic and give a beastmaster a new pet there is gonna be alot of complaints and possibly LOST MONEY! no corporation wants LOST MONEY!
From: Opinions

Posted: 2005-12-03 17:50:19
Necromancer... eh. The obvious complaint here is that it isn't really a "Final Fantasy" job, but it would be kinda nice to see something unique to FFXI (even if it is a total ripoff of many many other RPGs out there). HOWEVER, Necro could be something we're all looking for - a new healing class. As I understand it, Necromancy is the art of death and life. I'd imagine their magic would be something like a Red Mage's WHM/BLM cross, except instead of focusing on Elemental and Healing, it would focus on Divine and Dark - with a decent skill in Healing, as they would get R2 (Yes, another class with Raise II!) as well as various other spells that deal with GIVING life to offset the spells that TAKE life. Necro would be interesting in this game. If not probably a blatant ripoff of Necros in, say, Warcraft.

PERSONALLY, I would love a true one-handed sword class - Paladins are more a shield-based class than a sword-based one, and Red Mages... well, OMGWTFBBQ j00 DOTN MEELE IN TEH PTZ... A swashbucker or something would be awesome. Maybe a Parry tank?

I would also really like to see a technological sort of class (ala Chemist, Engineer - one that uses items - but, it wouldnt exactly be our first class that relied on items to do stuff *coughNinjacough*). Main Healer, or possibly refresher? Fun.
However, with the way SE is playing the area of Aht Urhgan and the Near East, it sure doesn't sound like technology is a driving force.

A SWORDMASTER (friend of mine said they were called "Mystic Knights" in a previous FF?) would also be a nice addition. Great Sword main and En- spells? {Hmmm.} {That's interesting.} Although it would be another DD class... ...

Dancer... I doubt it. We have Bard.

Blue Mage will be strange... the mechanics of it just sound like it won't be very accessable, at least at first. I'm sure the truly uber moves will be learned off a level 100 mob in an Aht Urhgan area named "You thought Absolute Virtue was Impossible"...

I'm also wondering something about these new jobs... will their level cap just be 75? Will Maat magically learn them? Will there be a new level cap guy? Square hasn't added a new job since NA release, since level caps were raised, since everything that has happened in the last three(?) years.

/em ends rant. Have a nice day :D
From: Avynth

Posted: 2005-12-03 23:05:49
Here's my thought, and i think it's a pretty good one:

Engineer, or something to that name effect, basically, everything they have will be based off of magitech (magically enhanced machinery), what i'm getting at is, machinery is slowly being discovered possibly, like all the goblin machinery, and it's been discovered that you can "fuse" magic with machinery to enhance it's abilities and add some magical specs to it, they could use stuff like bombs and explosives, and kool stuffs like that! and also, assuming SE doesn't f^ the graphics like i feel like they have done with everything else, they could really do a kick ass graphics job here!

and you may be thinking this is just a take off of WoW's engineer-type peoples thingies, (i dunno, i've never played the game), and it kinda is, but with more of the magical twist to it, cause it's final fantasy, and everything is magical in final fantasy! haha
From: Guestyness

Posted: 2005-12-04 00:09:50
I personally think they will not add classes such as dancer, engeneer or anything else that would use the same /ja as an already established class. I mean seriously, thf has enuf competition from rng and w/ new classes that use the same /ja's as a previous class it would defeat the purpose of making the first ones in the first place.

Also, as weird as it sounds, I want to see the quest requirement lvl for the new jobs to go up to 40. It seems as though these new classes would need a bit more skill to master and be sucessful in a pt w/. So it would be nice to see a more seasoned character playing these jobs instead of someone that rushed to 30 w/ war.

That's about all I can think of to say...
From: Pickolo

Posted: 2005-12-04 11:18:39
blue mage:yes! finaly its out I wanted blue mage for ever for online Blue mage is maybe everyones favorate mage.

morpher: a morpher whold be cool transforming into
monsters and stofe like that

If a characters jobs could go to lvl 100 or higher peopel would not have to chang jobs so much to lvl up
From: geno3302

Posted: 2005-12-04 13:10:25
Quote from: Edon
You forget from my previous posts, there are celestial and terestrial avatars, now ot even it out.


Now if you REALY wanted to even out the summoners magic tables there is room for oh say... 1 Light and 1 Dark Celestial avatar, and 1 Fire, Ice, Water, Earth, Wind, and thunder Terestrial avatar. And seeing as every single one of those elements has another avatar/aeon/eidolon/GF/ect to go with it its would be very possible. Also i dont think necromancy would be under summoning magic, maybe <Necromancy Skill> otherwise summoners around the world (Like myself) could switch to that job and have a foriegn skill thats completly leveled :) and although that would be good for me i just dont see it happening.

Thats all true, 1 thing to add. The Celestial avatars can be found on the celestial map, those include Odin for the dark star and Alexander for the light star. As far as terestrial avatars, it was stated, in the story of CoP, that there are 5 of them. They include Fenrir Carbuncle Diabolos Bahamut and Pheonix. SE almost NEVER adds random things that goes against the already stated story. But, we still need an "ultimate" summon for this game: FF9-Ark, FF8-Eden FF7-Kights of the round, FFX- Anima and Magus sisters (Yojimbo was an Odin knock off, although very cool). As for the size argument....ALL the avatars are ALOT bigger when you fight them, then they are scaled down for summons.

Personally I'd love Diabolos and Bahamut, if you've fought Diabolos you know he has Phalanx II and an awsome AoE Sleep with poison attack(possible 2hr?) along with other attacks that could be made into blood pacts.
From: Gabriel

Posted: 2005-12-05 10:21:00
Bahamuth is character in the CoP story. Diabolos is a monster that wanna kill you (also in promathia) and phoenix ... well, for that i dunno.

They recently anounced that throug merit points we will be able to obtains new magic (can also include SMN magic). And i saw an interview with the developers (don't remember where) and they said they are planing to release new magic (with the expansion pack) that are awfully hard to get but, if you do then you're gonna be uber rock n roll.
From: Yoshi

Posted: 2005-12-05 20:13:36
Erm.. All of the avatars wanted to kill you.. remember fenrir? He was ~TRYING~ to kill you. :P

To get a avatar you have to "Prove" yourself to them by besting them in combat... and Diablos is the master of dreams, not just some random "monster" lol
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