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News Item: Treasures of Aht Urhgan Site

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From: kivyin

Posted: 2005-11-29 11:41:07
BLUE MAGE!!!!!!YEA!!!!! finally all that waitin....well hopefully ther will be another job as well....hopefully a time mage or even a morpher ^^/...o well i can still keep dreamin...
From: Nighteagle

Posted: 2005-11-29 12:17:55
just thought I'd ask a few questions, because I've heard that there are also going to be 1-3 new avatars coming out. Anyone else heard anything about this? Someone even said we could get Bahamut >.>
From: Edon

Posted: 2005-11-29 12:29:07
They deffinatly said new "Summoning Magic" will be added. Summoning Magic = Spirits and Avatars, and since they cant add anymore spirits since all of the elements have been used, that leaves with only avatars. Many people i know that hate the idea of me becoming anymore powerfull than i allready am (SMN75) Say its just gonna be new blood pacts for the allready existing avatars, but since SE states everything in a literal manner Summoning Magic IS NOT blood pacts, thats a job ability, but the creation of new avatars would lead to new blood pacts so they are not entirely wrong ;P
From: Nighteagle

Posted: 2005-11-29 14:02:06
What I think there gonna do is come out with new "magic". The "Non-elemental" magic that has been in almost or every FF game. Bahamut has been the non-elemental avatar on some of the games. Another type of avatar they might come out with might be "Holy" type. Like Alexander on the FFIX game lol. (imagine those huge wings). I know White magic is out, but White magic has never actually been considered "holy". And then the last one might be "shadow" or something to that affect. I'm just totally guessing on these but it would be so Freaking amazing to see what the avatars would look like.
From: evvare

Posted: 2005-11-29 16:14:42
I am kind of new to this FF series thing... in previous games, what type of magic did the Blue Mages use... i heard they only use spells that mobs cast on them and they survive; if that is the cass would they be like a black mage, or even drk class? some mobs cast AM and all mages have the standard nuking and enfeebl spells. i think i was hit w/ a few enspells as well... if what i heard about the Blue Mage class is worng... what magics would they use?
From: Mrreinhardt
Registered User

Posted: 2005-11-29 17:05:05
Most of the Blue Mages were pretty much between rdm and blm. In FFX Kimhari was more like a BLU/DRG. They might be more like RDM since their primary weapon will be a scimitar (:D) On another note, the new avatars? Shadow, Light and non-elemental would be cool, but isn't Fenrir shadow or darkness? How bout Hades for darkness? That'd be interesting.
From: Tyg

Posted: 2005-11-29 17:54:01
Well Carbuncle is light, Fenrir is dark. Only new avatars I could see are, Phoenix (not sure of the element), Diabolos, and Bahamut, since out of the big 5 Avatars we only have access to 2.
From: Magnumriver
Registered User

Posted: 2005-11-29 18:37:02
Someone asked about new jobs... it is 100% confirmed there will be more than just blue mage. I would guess 3 new jobs if I had to.

As for summons... there are actually Terrestrial and Astral avatars. All the summons so far are Astral except for Fenrir and Carby. That leaves room for 2 more Astral Avatars (one would probably be Odin) and 7 more Terrestrial ones. If Diabolos and Bahamat are intruduced as avatars, they would be terrestrial fire and wind perhaps. Instead of a protocrystal you go to a circle similar to Fenrir. I just hope you don't have to fight all the avatars again =).
From: Boosinicka

Posted: 2005-11-29 22:54:02
this is awesome, me and bud had a arguement that there wasn't anymore acceptable classes, but i knew they'd come, what i'm hopin for is a Sword Master like FFV, get some spells and effects on the weapons >=)
From: Lexington

Posted: 2005-11-29 23:54:12
if youve been following aloung with Eastern Related stuff currently in game play, youd know that Tenzan(NPC in COP), is from the east, around Urgan Region, and his sword has the flames of Phoenix. Conclusion has it that it would most likely be Phoenix. Also for some Clarification to some, Phoenix is light based, not fire. (Phoenix = Rebirth).

Also about the new jobs, the biggest rumars ive been hearing are for "Gambler", "Dancer", "Pirate", and even possibly "Necromancer".
From: Edon

Posted: 2005-11-30 01:13:29
first off, its Celestial not astral avatars :P and terestrial.

second off blue mage does not use the magic that monsters use on you, they use abilities like "Bomb Toss" "Balefull Gaze" and "Jetstream".
From: Pyro

Posted: 2005-11-30 05:07:23
Lately there were several non elementar summoning in the FFs. Anyone remember Siren or Doomtrain in FF8?
Siren caused sleep on the enemy, while Doomtrain caused any status down possible (exept death)
However, we allready have all elements covered, Fenrir = Darkness, Carbuncle = Light, Ifrit = Fire, Shiva = Ice, Ramuh = Thunder, Garuda = Wind, Leviathan = Water, Titan = Earth.
Exeptions would be status (lik said before), non-elemental (Mostly Bahamut in old titles, other were Odin, Tombery, Gilgamesh or one of the Great summons = Eden (FF8), Knights of the Round (FF7), Arch (FF9), Magus Sisters (FFX))
Another idea would be an support type of Avatar, someone like Phonix or Sylph in former ones
From: Hyjynx
Registered User

Posted: 2005-11-30 11:07:31
Quote from: Mrreinhardt
Most of the Blue Mages were pretty much between rdm and blm.

Not really....

Blue magic is simply 'spells or (and maybe more importantly) [b[SKILLS[/b]' the Blue mage learns from monsters (usually by having it used on them ). Based on the current setup of FFXI, its more likely that Blue Mages will used MONSTER SKILLS as opposed to actual 'spells'. The title of 'mage' is misleading but I think it's in place simply because they will use magic points to carry out those monster's skills.

Those types of spells could be anything like healing, buffing/debuffing, or damaging spells. Even though they might have the same effects as pre-existing spells, they probably will not have the same name.
I.E. White Wind (or Healing wind in some games) gave the effect of regen in some games, and the effect of a 'cure' spell in others.

On the ToA site S-E refferes to the type of magic a Blue Mage uses as 'fell' magic. I assume that means, that the Blue Mage will have to 'kill' the monster in order to learn the spells as has been the case in some Final Fantasy games.

In the past, Blue Mages have been given a special skill that they would use when a monster is very low on HP that would effectivly kill the monster but allow the blue mage to learn that monster's abilities. A good example of this is Quina Quen from FF IX. Quina Quen

Im happy they are adding the Blue Mage job but I cant really say I'm excited to see necromancers or geomancers...
I think the undead that roam Vanadiel are kinda lame lol. In fact the only one that is even remotely cool are Arch Corses but thats just 1 mob type (out of 4?)

I would have been happier to see something that had more to do with FFXI like Zilartan Acolyte lol or something like that, that maybe specialize in Zilartan Magic or technology. ( I guess Im just hoping for something new and fresh rather than same old bs :) )

You think that the new area will be unlocked right away or would you think that SE would make you earn it like the other areas as in Zilart and COP, where you have to complete missions in order to unlock the area; well im trying to say is; if the new area will be attached to zilart and the cop areas, so if in my case i havent completed most of the missions in both of them and have no areas unlocked, so u think ill be SOL if that is the case?

Even with CoP there were areas that were available the second you installed the expansion. (Bibiki Bay, Molvopolis, Carpenter's Landing, ect..)

With RoZ there were areas that required quests in order for you to gain access. (Mainly the Elshimo Island to which you gain access though completing the Kazham key quest)

I dont think there is any doubt that new areas will be accessable the second you install the expansion. It goes without saying. I think the question should be: How much of the new areas will be accessable right away?
S-E specifically said they are not going to go the route of CoP this time around, so that should be promising for some. I personally liked the fact that you had to defeat the promies in order to make it to Tavnazia... It stopped the area from becoming crowded too quickly.
From: Guest

Posted: 2005-11-30 11:24:58
This is my idea of how the jobs will work out.

1. Blue Mage: Use monster-only spells and most likely have a scan ability that gives weaknesses and stats for monsters. We all know this definately in.

2. Necromancer: Likely to summon a single undead pet and specialize in Dark Magic spells further than BLM or DRK. (Drainga, Drain II, Aspir II, Curse, Death, etc.) Lots of things point to this being added so I feel it's a safe bet.

3. Time Mage: Another support class with access to lots of useful things. Spells would likely include Haste I & II, Slow I & II, Break, Bindga, Gravity I & II, Reflect, Comet & Meteor. I feel strongly about SE adding Time Mage because alot of Monster-abilities in the other games required Reflect to obtain.

4. Geomancer: A Melee-based class with enhanced resistance to element and weather-based damage. This class would be better at dealing with magic users than current melees and have access to a small amount of elemental abilities dealing damage based the current envirnment. This would make a balance from the addition of so many mages.

5. Chemist: Finally another main healer class. Chemist would use tools/potions instead of MP to cure and maintain a party. They would have higher defense and different gear selection due to no MP. I'll be honest this is more of hope on this class, we need another healing main.

As far avatars, I would speculate Phoenix, Alexander, and Diablos. I would also expect SE to give new spells and abilities to the current classes although with Tanaka's recent interview stating they didn't want to raise the level cap it's very unlikely we'll see higher teir of current spells for most classes.
From: Bastokan_mm
Registered User

Posted: 2005-11-30 11:47:24
Noting on the "Dancer" thing. MAny times while I've been doing version updates and just sitting there watching it, hoping for it to finnish, a file named "Dancer"something has poped up in the last few updated. Not sure if it has to do with this but I though I would bring it up.
From: Ult

Posted: 2005-11-30 13:26:19
if you guys check out playonline.com, on the first announcement of the december update, there are pictures of diabolos and bahamut, i saw some sort of dark valkurmish place too and thought it was gonna be a new dynamis area (and i was right, Dynamis-Valkurm, so i think those 2 will be included in the december update. im 90% sure of it.
From: Bobepfd

Posted: 2005-11-30 14:01:54
I'm personaly hoping for a new tank job. With 4 soon to be 5 mage jobs and like 7 DD jobs we really could use another tank instead of just more DD lfp.

Also how about Anima for a new summon, that big dude w/ the chains, from FFIX possibly.
From: Akunin

Posted: 2005-11-30 15:53:18
I doubt they would add dioblos or bhamut
seeing that they are both fought in missions
From: Boosinicka

Posted: 2005-11-30 15:55:19
I agree with the Tank situation.....whichis why i'mhopin for a SWORDMASTER!!! ....it seems doubtful tho
From: Annnalise

Posted: 2005-11-30 17:39:50
Quote from: Bobepfd
Also how about Anima for a new summon, that big dude w/ the chains, from FFIX possibly.

Anima was a female...it was Seymour's mother. It wouldn't make much sense to put Anima in another game, sadly. Anima was my favorite Aeon in FFX, aside from Shiva.

And either way, anima is stationary so it probably wouldn't work.
From: Bastokan_mm
Registered User

Posted: 2005-11-30 19:03:50
Talking about new summons. I personally hope that they add Ark. That was a VERY cool summon and to me, the only good part of FFIX. When I think of Dark Element summons, that is the first one I think of... but what really sucks is that evryone called Fenrir dark. With not having it, I can't really add on to that... But I too hope that you can actually summon Bahamunt. That would make me level summoner again in a heartbeat. Bow before the great dragon god!
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