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Monsters of ToAU - Post here!
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From: Cuer
Posted: 2006-04-20 21:40:08
Post all information regarding the monsters in the ToAU areas here, so it can all be kept together. Be sure to include the zone that you found the mob in, along with any specific details.
Thanks much!
From: Dyens
Posted: 2006-04-21 00:28:49
just BTW imps are truesight
From: Ferine
Registered User
Posted: 2006-04-21 02:56:36
Fought a NM on the boat from white gate to that village. can't remember name
figure from xp gain around level 70 NM
Orobon. Fished up NM
droped Orobon Lure. no idea what it does. it just has a coment on it. make me think it's a fishing item.
From: Clandestine
Registered User
Posted: 2006-04-21 19:14:40
I missed this thread initially. I'll move all my other information here.
got 42 XP from one in Mount Zhayolm. It was an Even match to me at 75.
Got 27 XP from one (conned DC to me @ 75) with 4 members. Dropped Apkallu feather and Apkallu egg. I stole a Denizanasi from it.
Marids in Bhaflau Thickets are T and VT to me at 75. Chigoe come off them as you fight them. I got 112 Limit Points from a VT one with 4 75s in my party. Got a Maraid Tusk and Marid Hide from it and nothing from the Chigoes (they ranged from 24 -28 LP for me). I stole a Lesser Chigoe from them.
From: Birkietoo
Registered User
Posted: 2006-04-22 11:19:36
There are pink birds just outside the gate into the new Woodlands area. I will update with the name, but they were ep to me at lvl 73. They did not aggro by magic, sight, or sound (at my level anyway).
Fighting them, they use a tp move called "Snatch Morsel" and removed my 30 minute food >< and I think that same move was also able to remove any status effect, as they were able to remove my many buffs very easily and were using that move often. I will verify that (or perhaps others will), but the food was most definately removed from Snatch Morsel.
From: Kyrial
Registered User
Posted: 2006-04-22 13:38:16
Some info I've managed to collect without fighting anything yet. XD Some mobs might be in other zones I didn't list, but the ones listed are zones I personally saw them in.
Aht Urghan Attercop
Family: Spider
Level: Checked as EP to me at 75, so I'm figuring somewhere in the 60s.
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands, Bhaflau Thickets
Other: Non-aggro
Family: Morbol
Level: Ranged from EP to DC to me at 75, guessing high 60s to low 70s.
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands, Bhaflau Thickets
Family: Apkallu
Level: Checked TW to me, so all I can say is lower than 60.
Areas: Silver Sea Route to Nashmau
Other: Wasn't fished up, was just a normal mob. Spawned just before we docked though, so I didn't get to kill it. :/
Family: Chigoe
Level: Never had a chance to check one. Low 60s at the lowest, since they aggro at 75.
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands, Bhaflau Thickets, Caedarva Mire
Other: These are similar to Phuabos and Yovras in Al'Taieu, in that you can see them moving around, but they don't have a name above them and appear to be a part of the scenery until you aggro them, at which point they come at you and their name shows up. They aggro to sight. They're all over the place in these zones, and can be very annoying if you wander around without invis. They're also hard to spot most of the time, since they tend to blend in well with the ground and are small.
Family: Colibri
Level: Forgot to check this one. :/
Areas: Mamook
Cyan Deep Pugil
Family: Pugil
Level: Checked TW to me, so all I can say is lower than 60.
Areas: Silver Sea Route to Nashmau
Other: Was fished up.
Elder Treant
Family: Treant
Level: Forgot what this checked as. >.<
Areas: Caedarva Mire
Other: Non-aggro.
Gugru Orobon
Family: Orobon
Level: Checked Impossible to Gauge; 70+ for sure, judging by the trouble it gave people. Possibly even 75 or higher.
Areas: Open Sea Route to Al Zhabi
Other: 2 of them were fished up on the boat I took, so they're probably not to uncommon.
Lamia Dancer
Family: Lamia
Level: 70+ (was on my 63THF at the time, and everything in the zone pretty much checked as IT++ to me ><)
Areas: Arrapago Reef
Other: SMN type. Had a Dark Elemental pet.
Lamia Fatedealer
Family: Lamia
Level: 73-75? Most checked EM at 75, with a few DCs.
Areas: Caedarva Mire
Other: WAR type, maybe? Not sure, all I saw was that it had a scimitar-type sword.
Lamia Idolater
Family: Qutrub
Level: 70+
Areas: Arrapago Reef
Lesser Colibri
Family: Colibri
Level: Forgot whether these were EP or DC at 75. ><
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands, Bhaflau Thickets
Other: Non-aggro.
Mamool Ja Bounder
Family: Mamool Ja
Level: 71-74? Checked DC at 75.
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands, Mamook
Other: PLD, WAR, or THF type? Had a sword and shield, though I didn't see it cast any spells.
Mamool Ja Savant
Family: Mamool Ja
Level: 71-74? Checked DC at 75.
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands, Mamook
Other: WHM type. Had a staff, and I saw it cast Protect IV and Shell IV on itself.
Mamool Ja Sophist
Family: Mamool Ja
Level: 71-74? Checked DC at 75.
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands, Mamook
Other: BLM type. Carried an Ice Staff.
Mamool Ja Zenist
Family: Mamool Ja
Level: 71-74? Checked DC at 75.
Areas: Mamook
Other: MNK type.
Family: Marid
Level: 76-78? Checked T-VT at 75.
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands
Other: Non-aggro. People in my LS fought a few, said that Chigoes pop off it during the fight. It also used Voracious Trunk, one of the BLU spells.
Mature Treant
Family: Treant
Level: 71-74? Checked DC at 75.
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands, Bhaflau Thickets, Caedarva Mire
Other: Non-aggro.
Merrow Chantress
Family: Lamia
Level: I *think* it conned T-VT at 75 (don't remember too clearly), so I guess about 76-78.
Areas: Arrapago Reef
Other: BRD type. Saw it using a harp to play BRD songs, and it was using a dagger.
Family: Crab
Level: Unknown
Areas: Arrapago Reef
Other: Was on my 63THF when I saw these guys, and I forgot to check them. >.<;
Ocean Kraken
Family: Sea Monk
Level: Checked TW at 75, so below 60.
Areas: Open Sea Route to Al Zhabi
Other: Wasn't fished up, just a normal mob.
Family: Orobon
Level: Checked Impossible to Gauge, but guessing it's 75 or higher judging from the trouble it gave a 75THF.
Areas: Silver Sea Route to Nashmau
Other: Fished up.
Family: Puk
Level: 71-74? Checked DC at 75.
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands
Red Kisser
Family: Leech
Level: 71-74? Checked DC at 75.
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands, Bhaflau Thickets
Reserve Draugar (DRG)
Family: Skeleton
Level: 70+
Areas: Arrapago Reef
Other: DRG type mob. Was carrying a polearm, and had a wyvern (a black one, like the ones in Dynamis) out.
Reserve Draugar (THF)
Family: Skeleton
Level: 71-74? Checked DC at 75.
Areas: Caedarva Mire
Other: THF type mob. Carried a dagger, and had really high evasion for its level (actually tried to fight one of these, but the evasion and attack speed was too crazy so I zoned).
Slime Mold
Family: Slime
Level: 71-74? Checked DC at 75.
Areas: Aydeewa Subterrane
Treant Sapling
Family: Sapling
Level: Low to mid 60s; checked EP-- to me at 75.
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands, Bhaflau Thickets, Aydeewa Subterrane, Caedarva Mire
Wajaom Tiger
Family: Tiger
Level: 71-74? Checked DC at 75.
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands, Bhaflau Thickets
Other: Sight aggro.
Woodtroll Dark Knight
Family: Troll
Level: 71-74? Checked DC at 75.
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands
Other: DRK type mob (duh). Carried a Great Sword.
Woodtroll Monk
Family: Troll
Level: 71-74? Checked DC at 75.
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands
Other: MNK type mob (duh).
Woodtroll Ranger
Family: Troll
Level: 71-74? Checked DC at 75.
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands
Other: RNG type mob (duh).
Woodtroll Warrior
Family: Troll
Level: 71-74? Checked DC at 75.
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands
Other: WAR type mob (duh). Carried a Great Axe.
Also, I saw Fomors (THF, PLD, BRD, and BST w/triple bats pets are the ones I remember) at night in Bhaflau Thickets. Forgot what they con, though. >.< They were mostly wearing Homam and Nashira gear, with some AF2 mixed in on the BSTs.
From: Marid
Posted: 2006-04-22 13:40:43
They use abilities called as Stampede and Savage Trunk.
Stampede just did about 400 damage to me as MNK/WAR 75.I was counterstanced at that time
Savage trunk removed one of my stats randomly.
Also there are flies called Puk that use a move which removes your TP..
From: aurik
Posted: 2006-04-22 14:11:18
Marid "Savage trunk" drains a stat. I had blink up and I lost it, and the Marid suddenly had shadows.
From: Birkietoo
Registered User
Posted: 2006-04-22 16:02:38
Update on those pink birds..they are the lesser Colibri and they conned ep to my lvl 73 RDM, got 42-47 experience per mob, solo.
In addition to the "Snatch Morsel" move that removes your food effect, they also used some other moves:
Pecking Flurry - seems to be a physical attack only
Feather Tickle - removes your TP :(
I killed several of them, and so far only got 1 colibri feather as a drop.
From: Jikku
Posted: 2006-04-22 22:24:49
The Mamool Ja Bounders are THF mobs, and Zenists are NINs.
Mamool Ja Mimickers are BLUs, and their higher tier counterparts, Mamool Ja Mimers, are true sight, as are Mamool Ja Philosophers, Infiltrators, and uh...forgot the rest. ALL ARE TRUE SIGHT...tough mothers too. -_______-
From: Tristan Kain
Posted: 2006-04-23 00:56:40
Unfortunaetly, I'm only a 44 rdm, so eveything in the new areas is IT++ and there's no way I can kill any of them, but I do have some info.
I'm not altogether certain that the Mamool Ja are true sight, I managed to avoid aggro from the entire zone for a while until I got lost. Imps ARE True Sight, however. There are also Sahagin and Bugards inside Mamook as well as the new style lizardmen.
Halvung has Trolls, obviously, including Puppetmasters (can't remember the name) as well as Moblin Millionaires. There's also some crawlers and bombs in there. Interesting thing, though, is that these Magnetic Epace(?) crawlers seem to sleep at night, as all of the ones I passed had Zzz coming off of them until 06:00, at which point they started moving around again. I noticed similar behaviour with the Jnun (toads) in Caedarva Mire.
The Lamia summoners in Arrapago Reef are able to call Dark Elementals; watch out when the place gets gloomy. There are also some Merrow, Draugur, and Apkallu on the reef.
Aydeewa Subterrane has a large number of Diremites hiding in there, as well as some new, untrackable spider mobs that drop from the ceiling with little warning.
As I learned the hard way, the new red Morbol-class monsters have an auto-Blood Weapon ability to drain HP with standard attacks.
That's all I can remember, unfortunately. Most of my information comes from sneaking around trying not to be noticed, so I have very little combat data.
From: Jaybar
Registered User
Posted: 2006-04-23 08:06:46
Chigoe's (the little maggots that don't have names until aggresive, right?) have one (or two..second not confirmed) weakness(es):
Job abilities are near instant kill no matter how much damage (My Jump/HiJump killed). I hear "Over-the-Head" attacks also do the same thing. Not confirmed...but I think you get the picture.
All monsters that appear to be sleeping can be woken up other than by walking. For instance...bards playing music. When you wake them up, they aggro you.
From: Dead
Posted: 2006-04-23 21:30:18
quick note: Chigoe is sound not sight. the tucan birds are 63-65 con EM as lowest on 63 bst. the spiders in the same spot gave 160 xp each one. guessing 65-66 ish. also Chigoe's have like 900 hp's. thundaga III = instant kill
From: Calysto
Posted: 2006-04-24 07:40:07
Chigoe can be instant-killed by jump, maybe others damaging job abilities(weapon/shield bash, etc). if they are killed that way, they don't give any exp
From: Alvinhomid
Registered User
Posted: 2006-04-24 08:59:58
Chigoes actually aggro to both sight
From: Aurik
Posted: 2006-04-24 13:43:01
Confirming Lesser Colibri are 63-65 in Wajaom. They drop Colibri Beaks and Colibri Feathers.
From: Lorcas
Posted: 2006-04-24 23:53:21
Archaic Mirror (NM)
Doesn't attack, didn't give XP at 75 with a 59 in party and always drops Archaic Mirror (item) that can be traded to an NPC for IS (not verified so i'll need confirmation + NPC name and location).
Saw it spawn in Halvung and in Arrapago Reef. I think it's random spawn location in the area, killed it in prisonner room in Reef and then as we walked towards Dvucca Isle we encountered another one (possibly low respawn timer too as both encounters were 5-10 minutes appart).
Has around 2000 HP.
Possible link between the number of Archaic Mirror in the Besieged map and the ammount of Archaic Mirror spawned. Also not verified but I can tell you that
number on map =/= number Archaic Mirror killed
From: Aerroenu
Posted: 2006-04-25 04:10:23
Puk aggro on sight, as I found while harvesting right under its nose.
Also conned T for a WHM69.
From: Yourfavliltaruthf
Posted: 2006-04-25 10:21:26
Wamoura Prince (w something like that, cockroach things)
T - IT @75
Found by re-entering another part of Halvung from Mount Z. Then head west to far side of map past the 4person gates(toward Cerberus). They have really high defense, use blaze spikes that does around 60Dmg per hit with no shell/barfire up, decent amount of HP, and drop rate on cocoons is low.
T - IT @75
Found them first in Arropago(misspell?) reef. They argo to sight, link, and have really low defense to WSs. Didnt see any decent place to just camp these.. just happen to have to kill a few running through zone.
Qirin ~ xxx Job
DC - IT @75 (depends on zone)
As most beastmen, they can be found on just about every job there is. They are nothing exceptionally scary, they dont argo.. though they do link, but the worst part.. in some areas when they get low HP they will "call for help" and go running toward a bunch of other mobs lol. Also use an Anmesia skill that can be rather annoying.
Mamool Ja X "Mimer"
Beward of any "mimer"s, they are blue mage job.. and among other things can use stuff like Bad Breath, 1000 needles and can be a bit devistating if you are not in a decent PT.
These are kind of fun to fight, highest level ones i have found thus far was outside the mamool ja staging area while XPing on ITs. They conned T at 75, low def and average HP. Fair warnings, if you are fighting close to something that argos you will probably get argo =P. They use a knockback skill, its AoE, it removes shadows, does a small amount of damage (80ish) and throws you backward far enough that any further and you would be out of attack range. These do argo, they do link, but are nothing to really worry about more or less a "keep the 200+chain alive" mobs in burn parties, low xp.
From: Potbeast
Posted: 2006-04-25 14:31:41
Chigoes can be instantly killed with Shield Bash.
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