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From: Clandestine
Registered User

Posted: 2006-04-26 05:21:37
Careful with the Mamool Ja Blue Mage types at least. I had one use Vorpal Blade on me (looked just like the weaponskill). It was crazy to have a monster use that on me.

The Qutrub are extremely weak to light based attacks. To the EM and DC ones inside Arrapago Reef, the Lv. 75 Taru SMN we had in our party did Flame Crush with Ifrit and did 4664 to it. It took off about 50% of their HP, so I'd assume maybe these had over 10,000 HP. These guys are mean if they link. Just keep your HP up when fighting near them.

Also, Jnun type mobs seem to sleep during the day time, not at night like the other sleeping mobs. Just thought I'd share that.
From: ninesunz

Posted: 2006-04-26 07:02:41
Puks will regain HP if you cast any type of aero magic, or wind based SCs.
From: Fanguad

Posted: 2006-04-26 09:00:34
Quote from: Kyrial
Elder Treant
Family: Treant
Level: Forgot what this checked as. >.<
Areas: Caedarva Mire
Other: Non-aggro.

I don't know about in Caedarva, but the ones in Bhaflau Thickets are aggro to sound. I think they were T to my 75. My Sneak and Invis dropped after a D/C, but I saw several non-Invised people run by with no aggro.
From: Baiboi
Registered User

Posted: 2006-04-26 22:53:20
Was exploring Arrapago Reef (spelling?) and found a few decent looking spots to exp as well as some mobs:

On the third Arrapago Reef map (FFXI-atlas.com), has zones to H and C listed, the southwest caves have a decent number of triple bats (10~) that conned DC to a 70 SMN (Guestimating level not my strong suit). Just northeast of those caves (bats don't aggro, good camp is at entrance to each cave are a TON of Incredibly tough Lamias/Merrow (with corresponding names - I noted shadowdancer, chanter) and VT skeletons fomors. I realize undead aren't everyone's favorite exp mob but... Fomor were named by job - imperial sorcerer who has some NASTY magic but hits pretty weak - only 150~ on my SMN who normally takes 300~ from exp mob, imperial swordsman, imperial volunteer.

On to the real camp worth noting: On the way to the Dvucca Staging point (took the path there a little far to find the other mobs) found a bunch of IT Lamias (avoided because of rumor of true sight, didn't get mob name). Once you pass a clump of those you find.. Qutrubs.. lots and lots and lots of them. Looks like a great camp for an abusive party (take heavy damage from flame/light, my flaming crush was 2100 at level 70 with NQ staff when I played with them). There appears to be a ton of them, some safe camps. Did not check them to see if they aggro to low hp (are they undead?) but there is another post about them. Post isn't so much about mobs but finding a place to sanction party^^
From: Motenten

Posted: 2006-04-27 18:56:59
Quote from: Kyrial
Aht Urghan Attercop
Family: Spider
Level: Checked as EP to me at 75, so I'm figuring somewhere in the 60s.
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands, Bhaflau Thickets
Other: Non-aggro

For the ones in the Thickets, I peg them at levels 65-67. Exp from 26 to 28 with two people, one 73 (me), one 74.
From: Aerroenu

Posted: 2006-04-28 00:00:20
Wamoura Prince do not aggro. I've had one practically sitting right next to me as I was healing while my friends were not too far off beating the snot out of its brother.

They do link, but how is a bit undetermined. Might be sound, but it is a close-range.
From: Emperordragon
Registered User

Posted: 2006-04-29 21:02:57
I was at Mount Zhayolm, anyway me and my friend checked a ??? (L-6) and it poped a mob named Troll Speculator.

Checked as Impossable to gauge and was followed and assisted by a Troll's Automaton, which also checked as impossable to gauge.

Killed with 2 75s, no EXP, checked the ??? again and it said, there is nothing out of the ordinary here, so i dont know what it was for.

(BTW it was not an easy fight)
From: Vxsote
Registered User

Posted: 2006-05-02 02:04:39
Additional info on the Wamoura Princes: I did a manaburn on these tonight. They seem to have mostly been in the range of 4800-5100 HP, but errors due to drain/overkill make this only an approximate estimate. We killed 147 of them and had 20 Cocoons drop. (no TH in the party). Can be slept by BRD, RDM, and BLM, but resists of lullaby (and possibly sleep, I'm not sure) are not uncommon. Not sure on the respawn time either, but our chains were only limited by MP.
From: Valesti

Posted: 2006-05-02 03:38:41
Those Chigoe things die instantly from a shield bash but give zero exp. Also any Critical damage attack will kill them instantly regardless of the damage dealt on the crit.

Also regarding the Colibri (non-lesser), they are BLU type mobs as they will learn any spell you cast on them. Had our RDM Stone III one while exping on them and it Stone III'd our tank, it will learn any type of magic or song cast on it so don't go casting Thundaga III unless you want to die.

The Colibri (non-lesser, mind you) in Bhaflau Thickets gave us 98-110 exp apiece at level 67 as our highest in PT. We did however have Sanction and the EXP bonus from that, which I believe is a 5% bonus. Most conned VT with some ITs.
From: Clandestine
Registered User

Posted: 2006-05-02 07:51:58
Colibiri kind of just "Reflect" the spell back. I was exploring with a BLM friend of mine and he used Stun on one and it insantly hit him with it. Then he cast Thunder IV on one and it instantly recast it onto me. If you use Sleepga II > Thunder IV, he'll turn around and use that same combo - so manaburning them is probably not a real option without some on the ball mages. All of his spells are instant cast.
From: Melphina

Posted: 2006-05-02 16:39:19
Chicogoss are sight ONLY. Not sound...... not truesight..... normal sight. i avoided them with nothing more than invisible.
From: Nighteagle

Posted: 2006-05-02 20:48:48
Ok, thought I'd make a lengthy post about the mob everyone really wants to see: Cerberus. I know you can go to other sites to find tons of information on him, how to get to him and everything, but I'm going to try and post all of it here in this 1 thread, so bare with me.


First off, you will need a key item to get to this guy. Only 1 person will need the key item. The Key Item is a piece of glass of something. I got it from checking a "???" inside Mount Zhaylom (sp?). The "???" spawns pretty much anywhere. I went on a trip to staging point and found two. I'm not sure about the respawn on it but I'd say 5min-30min. Can't really pin it down. This key item will open the "Gates of Halvung" that guard Cerberus.

Getting to Cerberus is fun. There are trolls along the way that con IT-IT++ to 75. There are also little worm/crawler type things called Wamoura I believe. There are also a few cluster bombs. From what I've seen, all aggro sight (not true sight and not really sure about the Wamoura. They might be sneak.)

Cerberus is inside of a huge room with 1 Troll guarding it. You can easily fight Cerberus inside the room without aggroing the Troll, but be careful if Cerberus aggros mages and they run backwards or something and aggro the troll. Depending on how many people you have, we had people kite Cerberus until the Troll was taken out.

It knows some pretty sick moves. Some aren't that good, but they are all a pain in the butt. So here goes.

Moves of Cerberus:


This move is pretty much AoE Paralyze. And I don't care where you are fighting it, if you can see Cerberus, this is going to hit you. It has VERY far range. It's also 100% from what I've seen.

Magma Shield:

Not quite sure on the name, but this move gives it the effect of Stoneskin. This move isn't that big of a deal, but it can get annoying. Dispel doesn't remove, Neither does Finale. While it has this up, only melee damage can remove it. I've also seen it resist "Flash" with this up so I think it might resist magic. I had alliance filters off. No mages were in my Party so not QUITE sure.

Scurlling Breath:

Not really sure if I spelled it right here either, but you will know this attack when you see it. Does around 400dmg directional AoE with barfira up. It's definately fire based cause it did like 800 to me without barfira. Pretty nasty move if the PLD/NIN has been taking a beating.

Lava Spit:

I believe it started using this along with other moves when it hit 50%. This thing is the exact same as Scurlling Breath. There's one difference. This is AoE, not just directional AoE. Does about the same damage with Barfira. A good way of explaining this move is that it's like Cursed Sphere off of Damselflies. That's about how big the AoE range is.

The Ultimate Attac - "Gates of Hades":

This has got to be one of the most annoying moves in the game. The best way to describe it, think of Ifrit's Inferno, but more powerful. Looks kind of like the same animation too. This move also puts the effect of "Burn" on you. I forget the DoT but it's like 25 HP a tick. So yea, pretty wicked. -.-'' Anyways, this guy starts to spam this move @ 20%. And no joke, not once, not twice, not three times, not four, not.... you get the picture. He spams it, this range is about the Lava Spit range. Also, this move is NOT like Spike Flail, it WILL go off unless stunned.

That's about it on the moves.

As for drops:

Cerberus Meat
Cerberus Claw
Cerberus Hide


I believe it drops 1-3 claws, 1-3 meats, and 1 hide. I could be mistaken but I think that is correct.

Hope this helps in narrowing it down. (Rate up, lol)
From: Lobivopsis

Posted: 2006-05-03 08:12:42

Family: Apkallu
Level: Checked TW to me, so all I can say is lower than 60.
Areas: Silver Sea Route to Nashmau
Other: Wasn't fished up, was just a normal mob. Spawned just before we docked though, so I didn't get to kill it. :/

These have a "hate level" similar to Tonberries and Fomor. They become agro and as you kill more of them they get harder to kill. They do more damage to you, and you do less damage to them. They also begin to use more dangerous TP moves on you.
From: Clandestine
Registered User

Posted: 2006-05-06 13:44:17
I was just in Talacca Cove finishing up the Corsair quest and some Japanese players were fishing up mobs (my fishing skill is at like .1 I think, so I can't do that). Didn't fight a Talacca Clot, but I did fight an Arappago (sp?) Leech which was EM to me at 75. It dropped Fiend blood and Beastmen Blood. Then I teamed up temporarily with the 4 Japanese Players and took on a Doomed type called Llamhigyn Y Dwr. It was Very Tough and we got a dryad root from it and 115 XP. I'm not sure what kind of a bonus you get from Sanction while the Empire has the Candescence though, so pinning down their level might be a bit tough.
From: Inoiown

Posted: 2006-05-08 11:49:17
Quote from: Kyrial
Family: Marid
Level: 76-78? Checked T-VT at 75.
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands
Other: Non-aggro. People in my LS fought a few, said that Chigoes pop off it during the fight. It also used Voracious Trunk, one of the BLU spells.

Solo I get 250ish and 300ish exp from these (with sanction on) in the woodlands. So I would say from the exp tables on this site, that they are lvl 79-80.

Also pop a named monster "Grand Marid" from certain placeholders. So far I haven't gotten anything from it, they just seem higher lvl.
From: Tinuvael

Posted: 2006-05-10 14:03:28
Family: Bird
Level: 71-73? (read below)
Areas: Bhaflau Thickets
Other: Non-aggro, non-linking.

My guess on the level range is based on the following: at BST69 I saw some that were VT, but at BST70 they all /check as T. Exerience with Sanction tended to run from 150-230XP per kill without chains.

They are definitely classfied as Birds as the Red Kissers (leech type - amorphs) intimidated them.

The TP moves I saw:
* Feather Tickle: single target, reduces TP to 0.
* Pecking Flurry: single target, deals damage.
* Snatch Morsel: single target, steals food effect.

With Snatch Morsel, from the text I got when it was used on me I'm guessing it can also steal other beneficial statuses, but it always seems to steal food first. I never had it used more than once on me, so this is by no means solid proof.

Defoliate Treant
Family: Plantoid
Level: 71-73? (read below)
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands
Other: aggressive (sound only), non-linking.

Again, my guess on the level range is based on the fact that I saw VTs as a 69 and only Ts as a 70.

They intimidated my tiger pets (plantoids>beasts) and used the following TP moves:
* Pinecone Bomb: deals damage and puts target to sleep. (MysteryTour lists as single target)
* Drill Branch: deals damage; I think it may also blind, but I can't remember for sure. (MysteryTour lists as single target)
* Entangle: binds target. (MysteryTour lists as AOE, but it would have to be front line or cone because it never hit me)
* Leaf Storm: AOE circle damage (MysteryTour says it deals Wind elemental damage). Removes Blink but not Sneak or Invisible if it hits.

Final notes:
* Wajaom Tigers in both Wajaom Woodlands and Bhaflau Thickets /checked as DC to me at both 69 and 70
* Red Kissers (leeches) in Bhaflau also /checked as DC to me at 70
* Puks in Wajaom Woodlands /checked as DC-EM to me at 70. I didn't check extensively so it's possible I missed some Ts.
* Puks and Lizards (forget the names =( ) in Mamook /checked as EM-T to me at 70. Again, didn't check extensively, but I didn't come across any DCs.
From: Tinuvael

Posted: 2006-05-10 14:07:31
Also meant to add this:

In Wajaom Woodlands, I was camping in (F-7) with the Tigers and Treants. Occasionally, a Colorful Treant would spawn in place of the Defoliate Treants. It /checked as VT at both 69 and 70 and was a much tougher kill. Same TP attacks. I only killed one, and I'm pretty sure it didn't drop anything a NQ treant dropped. Perhaps the Colorful Treants in turn spawn some type of NM? I popped three Colorful Treants in the time I spent XPing there, but that was spread over two or three days.
From: Vail

Posted: 2006-05-12 11:35:24
Aht Urghan Attercop
Family: Spider
Level: 64-65
Areas: Wajaom Woodlands, Bhaflau Thickets
Other: Non-aggro, linking

Lesser Colibri
Family: Colibri
Level: 63-64
Other: Non-aggro

XP'd on these from 63-65 as BST easy to charm no down time.
From: Rydz

Posted: 2006-05-13 17:50:27
We did a standard XP pt on the Ziz in Mamook not too long ago, I can affirm that they drop Ziz Meat (of course), as well as Giant Bird Feathers. They have the standard 15 minute repop timer, and they have the very convenient trait that if they pop at night, they start off asleep, and do not wake up until you do something to them. During the day they aggro and link just like any other cockatrice. Good luck!
From: Xenthan

Posted: 2006-05-14 17:29:19
The Leeches in Bhaflau Thickets (Red Kissers I think) are level 68-69. Spent 20k xp there at level 68, didn't see a single DC the entire time.
From: Chibikawaiimei
Registered User

Posted: 2006-05-15 18:19:20
Chigoe seem to die with any crital hit, I used Mighty Strikes and tore through the 5 that were on me, one hit per Chigoe.
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