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Total: 407107850
Today: 42508
Yesterday: 71654

Items: 9505
Mobs: 4024
Recipes: 3285
NPCs: 2066
Quests: 570

Guild Recipes: Goldsmithing (Desynthesis)
Item CapOther CrystalIngredientsHQ Results
Brass Ingot23LightningMoblin HelmHQ1: Brass Ingot
HQ2: Brass Ingot
HQ3: Gold Ingot
Brass Ingot x324LightningMoblin MailHQ1: Brass Ingot x3
HQ2: Brass Ingot x3
HQ3: Gold Ingot
Bronze Ingot31LightningHeat RodHQ1: Iron Ingot
HQ2: Iron Ingot x2
HQ3: Amethyst
Sardonyx44LightningFlame BoomerangHQ1: Silver Ingot
HQ2: Mythril Ingot
HQ3: Garnet
Gold Ingot52LightningGold OrcmaskHQ1: Gold Ingot
HQ2: Gold Ingot
HQ3: Gold Ingot
Ram Horn64LightningLilith's RodHQ1: Ram Horn
HQ2: Painite
Amber--LightningAmber EarringHQ1: Amber
HQ2: Silver Ingot
HQ3: Silver Ingot x2
Amber--LightningAmber RingHQ1: Amber
HQ2: Silver Ingot
HQ3: Silver Ingot x2
Amethyst--LightningAmethyst RingHQ1: Amethyst
HQ2: Silver Ingot
HQ3: Silver Ingot x2
Amethyst--LightningAmethyst EarringHQ1: Amethyst
HQ2: Silver Ingot
HQ3: Silver Ingot x2
Ametrine--LightningAmetrine RingHQ1: Ametrine
HQ2: Mythril Ingot
HQ3: Mythril Ingot x2
Ash Lumber--LightningBrass AxeHQ1: Bronze Ingot
HQ2: Bronze Ingot x2
HQ3: Brass Ingot
Ash Lumber x2--LightningHeater ShieldHQ1: Iron Ingot x2
HQ2: Darksteel Nugget x6
Ash Lumber--LightningGolden SpearHQ1: Silver Thread
HQ2: Darksteel Nugget x6
HQ3: Gold Ingot
Beetle Jaw--LightningHydro ClawsHQ1: Beetle Jaw
HQ2: Steel Nugget x6
HQ3: Mythril Ingot
Black Pearl--LightningBlack RingHQ1: Black Pearl
HQ2: Mythril Ingot
HQ3: Mythril Ingot x2
Brass Ingot--LightningBrass RingHQ1: Brass Ingot
HQ2: Brass Ingot x2
Brass Ingot--LightningBrass MittensHQ1: Sheep Leather
HQ2: Bronze Ingot
Brass Ingot--LightningMuscle BeltHQ1: Manticore Leather
HQ2: Gold Ingot
Brass Ingot--LightningBastokan Leggings
Brass Ingot--LightningBrass HairpinHQ1: Brass Ingot
HQ2: Brass Ingot
Brass Ingot--LightningSaparaHQ1: Brass Ingot x2
HQ2: Silver Ingot
Brass Ingot--LightningBrass Mask
Bronze Ingot--LightningBrass HammerHQ1: Bronze Ingot x2
Bronze Ingot--LightningBrass RodHQ1: Bronze Ingot x2
HQ2: Copper Ingot
HQ3: Brass Ingot
Bronze Ingot--LightningGold PatasHQ1: Bronze Ingot x2
HQ2: Gold Ingot
Bronze Ingot x3--LightningBrass HarnessHQ1: Sheep Leather
HQ2: Brass Ingot x2
Bronze Ingot--LightningBrass CapHQ1: Brass Ingot
HQ2: Sheep Leather
HQ3: Sheep Leather x2
Bronze Ingot--LightningBrass LeggingsHQ1: Brass Ingot
HQ2: Sheep Leather
HQ3: Sheep Leather x2
Cermet Chunk--LightningCursed Handschuhs
Cermet Chunk--LightningCursed SchuhsHQ1: Cermet Chunk x2
Clear Topaz--LightningClear EarringHQ1: Clear Topaz
HQ2: Silver Ingot
HQ3: Silver Ingot x2
Clear Topaz--LightningClear RingHQ1: Clear Topaz
HQ2: Silver Ingot
HQ3: Silver Ingot x2
Copper Ingot--LightningCircletHQ1: Copper Ingot
HQ2: Brass Ingot
Copper Ingot--LightningCopper RingHQ1: Copper Ingot
HQ2: Copper Ingot x2
Copper Ingot--LightningPoet's CircletHQ1: Copper Ingot
HQ2: Mythril Ingot
Copper Ingot--LightningCursed SchallerHQ1: Cermet Chunk
HQ2: Gold Ingot
HQ3: Platinum Ingot
Copper Ingot--LightningSabiki RigHQ1: Copper Ingot x2
HQ2: Copper Ingot x3
HQ3: Cotton Thread x2
Copper Ingot--LightningCopper HairpinHQ1: Copper Ingot
Copper Ingot--LightningMythril SalletHQ1: Sheep Leather
HQ2: Mythril Ingot
Copper Ingot--LightningBanded HelmHQ1: Sheep Leather
Cotton Thread--LightningBrass Scale MailHQ1: Lizard Skin
HQ2: Sheep Leather x3
Cotton Thread--LightningWingedgeHQ1: Silver Ingot
HQ2: Mythril Ingot
Darksteel Nugget x6--LightningKoenig ShieldHQ1: Darksteel Nugget x12
HQ2: Adaman Nugget x6
Garnet--LightningGarnet RingHQ1: Garnet
HQ2: Mythril Ingot
HQ3: Mythril Ingot x2
Giant Femur--LightningHydro PatasHQ1: Carbon Fiber
HQ2: Crab Shell
HQ3: Mythril Ingot
Gold Ingot--LightningSun Ring
Gold Ingot--LightningGold HairpinHQ1: Gold Ingot
Goshenite--LightningGoshenite RingHQ1: Goshenite
HQ2: Mythril Ingot
HQ3: Mythril Ingot x2
Grass Thread x6--LightningMythril GauntletsHQ1: Sheep Leather x4
HQ2: Mythril Ingot
HQ3: Darksteel Nugget x6
Grass Thread x3--LightningBrass SubligarHQ1: Sheep Leather
HQ2: Bronze Ingot
HQ3: Brass Ingot
Iron Ingot--LightningGold BucklerHQ1: Holly Lumber
HQ2: Mercury
HQ3: Gold Ingot
Iron Ingot--LightningMythril DegenHQ1: Iron Ingot x2
HQ2: Mythril Ingot
HQ3: Mythril Ingot x2
Iron Nugget x6--LightningSpark BaselardHQ1: Steel Nugget x6
HQ2: Silver Ingot
Lapis Lazuli--LightningLapis Lazuli RingHQ1: Lapis Lazuli
HQ2: Silver Ingot
HQ3: Silver Ingot x2
Lapis Lazuli--LightningLapis Lazuli EarringHQ1: Lapis Lazuli
HQ2: Silver Ingot
HQ3: Silver Ingot x2
Light Opal--LightningOpal RingHQ1: Light Opal
HQ2: Silver Ingot
HQ3: Silver Ingot x2
Light Opal--LightningOpal EarringHQ1: Light Opal
HQ2: Silver Ingot
HQ3: Silver Ingot x2
Lizard Skin--LightningAshuraHQ1: Tama-Hagane
HQ2: Gold Thread
HQ3: Gold Ingot
Mercury--LightningChakramHQ1: Steel Ingot
HQ2: Steel Ingot
HQ3: Gold Ingot
Mercury--LightningGold CuissesHQ1: Ram Leather
HQ2: Cermet Chunk
HQ3: Gold Ingot
Mercury--LightningMoonring BladeHQ1: Iron Ingot
HQ2: Gold Ingot
HQ3: Tama-Hagane
Mythril Ingot--LightningMythril EarringHQ1: Mythril Ingot
HQ2: Mythril Ingot x2
Mythril Ingot--LightningMythril RingHQ1: Mythril Ingot
HQ2: Mythril Ingot x2
Mythril Ingot--LightningBuckler
Mythril Ingot--LightningReraise Earring
Mythril Ingot--LightningWing GorgetHQ1: Mythril Ingot
Mythril Nugget x8--LightningMythril MaceHQ1: Mythril Nugget x10
HQ2: Mythril Ingot x2
Onyx--LightningOnyx RingHQ1: Onyx
HQ2: Silver Ingot
HQ3: Silver Ingot x2
Onyx--LightningOnyx EarringHQ1: Onyx
HQ2: Silver Ingot
HQ3: Silver Ingot x2
Pearl--LightningPearl RingHQ1: Pearl
HQ2: Mythril Ingot
HQ3: Mythril Ingot x2
Pearl--LightningPearl EarringHQ1: Mythril Ingot
HQ2: Mythril Ingot x2
Peridot--LightningPeridot RingHQ1: Peridot
HQ2: Mythril Ingot
HQ3: Mythril Ingot x2
Platinum Ingot--LightningPlatinum RingHQ1: Platinum Ingot
HQ2: Platinum Ingot
HQ3: Platinum Ingot x2
Platinum Ingot--LightningRuby EarringHQ1: Platinum Ingot
HQ2: Platinum Ingot x2
HQ3: Ruby
Ram Leather--LightningSolleretsHQ1: Iron Ingot
HQ2: Iron Ingot x2
HQ3: Iron Ingot x3
Ram Leather--LightningCursed DiechlingsHQ1: Cermet Chunk x2
HQ2: Gold Ingot
Ram Leather--LightningMythril CuissesHQ1: Ram Leather
HQ2: Mythril Ingot
HQ3: Mythril Ingot x2
Ram Leather x2--LightningGold SabatonsHQ1: Cermet Chunk x3
Sardonyx--LightningSardonyx EarringHQ1: Sardonyx
HQ2: Silver Ingot
HQ3: Silver Ingot x2
Sardonyx--LightningSardonyx RingHQ1: Sardonyx
HQ2: Silver Ingot
HQ3: Silver Ingot x2
Sheep Leather x2--LightningGold GauntletsHQ1: Cermet Chunk x2
HQ2: Cermet Chunk x3
HQ3: Gold Ingot
Silver Ingot x2--LightningSilver HoseHQ1: Linen Thread x3
HQ2: Ram Leather x2
HQ3: Iron Ingot x4
Silver Ingot x4--LightningChain Belt +1HQ1: Silver Ingot x5
HQ2: Silver Ingot x6
Silver Ingot--LightningSilver EarringHQ1: Silver Ingot
HQ2: Silver Ingot x2
Silver Ingot--LightningPalmer's BanglesHQ1: Silver Ingot
HQ2: Silver Ingot x2
HQ3: Silver Ingot x3
Silver Ingot x2--LightningChain ChokerHQ2: Silver Ingot x4
Silver Ingot--LightningSilver GreavesHQ1: Mercury
HQ2: Ram Leather
HQ3: Iron Ingot x3
Silver Ingot--LightningSilver HairpinHQ1: Silver Ingot
HQ2: Silver Ingot
Silver Ingot--LightningSilver MittensHQ1: Iron Ingot x3
Silver Ingot--LightningSilver BanglesHQ1: Silver Ingot
HQ2: Silver Ingot x2
HQ3: Silver Ingot x3
Silver Ingot x3--LightningChain GorgetHQ1: Silver Ingot x4
HQ2: Silver Ingot x5
Silver Ingot--LightningMailbreakerHQ1: Silver Ingot
HQ2: Iron Ingot
HQ3: Gold Ingot
Silver Ingot x4--LightningChain BeltHQ1: Silver Ingot x5
HQ2: Silver Ingot x6
Silver Ingot--LightningSilver RingHQ1: Silver Ingot
HQ2: Silver Ingot x2
Sphene--LightningSphene RingHQ1: Sphene
HQ2: Mythril Ingot
HQ3: Mythril Ingot x2
Steel Ingot--LightningRapierHQ1: Steel Ingot x2
HQ2: Gold Ingot
HQ3: Fluorite
Steel Nugget x4--LightningShotelHQ1: Silver Ingot
Steel Nugget x6--LightningSpark DegenHQ1: Steel Nugget x9
Tourmaline--LightningTourmaline EarringHQ1: Tourmaline
HQ2: Silver Ingot
HQ3: Silver Ingot x2
Item CapOther CrystalIngredientsHQ Results
1 2 Next Page >>

Order: Final Fantasy XI Online: Wings of the Goddess Expansion Pack (PC)(PS2)(XBOX 360)
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