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PlayOnline Development News: February-March 2007
Posted by: Cuer - Fri Feb 09th, 2007 08:13 pm EST

From the Official FFXI Site (March 5):
March FFXI Update

Battle System Adjustments

In the upcoming version update, we plan to introduce two new dark knight spells, as well as implement changes to Signet that will improve party play for smaller groups.

Signet Bonuses

The adjustments made to improve player accuracy and attack versus monsters of a higher level, as well as the measures implemented to benefit full parties and prevent unfair pulling practices, have made it difficult for smaller groups to cooperate efficiently against weaker opponents.

In order to address this issue, the following bonuses will be added to the Signet effect in the upcoming version update:
- Increased Healing HP
- No TP loss while resting
- Bonus experience earned in smaller parties
- Increased defense and evasion against attacks from your auto-attack target

- Increased Healing HP
The initial value for Healing HP (based on the character's level), as well as the incremental jumps in Healing HP (based on the character's maximum HP), will be increased.
This change will improve Healing HP in a similar fashion to the bonus granted to Healing MP by the Clear Mind job trait.

- No TP loss while resting
While this bonus is in effect, TP will not be lost while resting.
This will allow players to rest fully for their next battle while still maintaining the store of TP they had built from their previous opponent.

- Bonus experience in small groups
The amount of experience earned while in smaller parties will be increased.
This bonus will be applied on the following scale:

March FFXI Update

*The experience earned for defeating special monsters will remain unaffected.

- Increased defense and evasion against attacks from your auto-attack target
Players will gain a bonus to their defense and evasion against their auto-attack target.
This bonus only applies to attacks from an opponent who you are auto-attacking with a drawn weapon. There is no effect against attacks from other sources, including monsters that unexpectedly join the fray.
*This bonus will only apply to monsters that check as "even match" or weaker to the player.

The bonuses described above will only take effect when a player has received Signet, and is within the usual Signet-specific areas. These bonuses do not apply during Ballista, or other PvP events.

New Dark Knight Spells

The following dark knight spells will be introduced in the upcoming version update.

- Drain II (Lv.62 Recast Time: 3 minutes Duration: 1 minute)
Steals an enemy's HP, potentially increasing maximum HP. Ineffective against undead.

HP drained that exceeds the amount necessary to fully heal the dark knight will temporarily boost maximum HP. As well as healing the dark knight, this spell should prove useful in providing extra HP for abilities such as Souleater.

- Dread Spikes (Lv.71 Recast Time: 3 minutes Duration: 1 minute)
Covers you with magical darkness spikes. Steals HP from enemies that hit you. Ineffective against undead.

While Dread Spikes is in effect, the dark knight will drain an amount of HP from an enemy corresponding to the amount of damage inflicted by each of the enemy's attacks. Dread Spikes will wear off after the dark knight has absorbed an amount of HP equal to a certain percentage of his maximum HP, regardless of the remaining duration.

*The effect of Dread Spikes will be adjusted during PvP.

The HP absorbed by the reactive effect of Dread Spikes will not generate enmity for the dark knight. *The dark knight will still be KO'd if a single attack inflicts an amount of damage that exceeds his remaining HP.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

From the Official FFXI Site (March 1):
March FFXI Update

New Assault Area

In the upcoming version update, we will be introducing the Nyzul Isle Assault area. The Nyzul Isle Assault area will challenge players with a dungeon that has a randomly generated layout--every floor will contain new opponents to battle, as well as new objectives to complete!

Development Concept

In the spirit of the Salvage area implemented in the December version update, we will be introducing more small-group content in the form of a randomly generated Assault area. In order to reach the highest level of this new Assault area, players will have to overcome various mechanisms and monsters, and contend with all manner of astonishing challenges. The development team is hard at work creating new content that will provide fresh, ever-changing enjoyment.


Players can sign up for the new Assault area missions at the Commissions Agency in Aht Urhgan Whitegate. Participation is restricted to the usual 3 to 6 members; however, players cannot choose to impose a level restriction for Nyzul Isle Assault missions. There are no requirements for participating in Nyzul Isle Assault missions other than being a registered mercenary.

Assault Mission Progression

The Nyzul Isle Assault area will be randomly generated as a series of "floors" every time you begin a mission. The basic progression consists of working towards the highest level of the area by completing the objective of each floor within the time limit. Objectives include goals such as the defeat of all monsters on a floor, the elimination of specific creatures, as well as various other challenges. We estimate that approximately 5 floors will be completed during a single attempt.

Recording Progress

When using the Rune of Transfer to exit the Nyzul Isle Assault area, it is possible to record the data of the highest floor you have reached (in blocks of 5 floors). Once this data has been recorded, you will be able to start again from this point, even if you have been ejected from the area due to, for example, an expired time limit.
Starting from a recorded floor will require the use of "tokens" obtained within the Nyzul Isle Assault area. The further you progress, the more tokens you will need to begin the next block of floors. Players will require a substantial number of tokens in order to reach the highest floor of Nyzul Isle.
*All participants will obtain tokens from a mission; however, only the person who operates the Rune of Transfer on the starting floor will receive the recorded data.


Due to the special nature of Nyzul Isle, players will not receive Assault Points for missions completed in this area. However, you will have the chance to obtain items from the creatures that appear on each floor. Monsters from every corner of Vana'diel, including many powerful and ordinarily elusive Notorious Monsters, stalk the floors of Nyzul Isle. Triumph over these opponents and you may earn some truly rare and wonderful treasures!

Official PlayOnline Announcement

From the Official FFXI Site (February 20):
March FFXI Update

Besieged Adjustments

In the upcoming version update, we plan to make further adjustments to Besieged, including a level increase to the beastman armies, the addition of new temporary items, and new combat abilities for the Serpent Generals.

Beastman Army Level Increase

In addition to the maximum value for enemy forces being increased to 170, level 7 units comprised of new monster types will be introduced for each beastman army. Be sure to participate in Besieged to discover what deadly new opponents threaten the Imperial capital!

March FFXI Update

New Temporary Items

To coincide with the threat of powerful new enemies, the variety of temporary items distributed at the beginning of every Besieged will also be expanded. These new items will have an offensive focus, and their availability will depend on which NPCs have been taken captive and the overall condition of the Imperial defense.

Serpent General Abilities

The Serpent Generals will each receive unique new combat abilities to use during Besieged. Join the fight against the beastmen alongside these inspiring leaders!

Official PlayOnline Announcement

From the Official FFXI Site (February 14):
March FFXI Update

Upcoming Version Update Details

In the upcoming version update, we plan on introducing the next segment of the Treasures of Aht Urhgan missions, as well as a number of new features and improvements that will make your life in Vana'diel more enjoyable than ever before!

New Missions

In the next version update, we will be continuing the Treasures of Aht Urhgan missions where they left off in the October update. The next installment will include the appearance of new monsters, the four Mamool Ja overlords, the mysterious Dark Rider, and many other surprises you won't want to miss!

Merit Points

A new graphic effect will be added that will let surrounding players know when you have gained a merit point. Also, you will be able to switch between experience point mode and limit point mode in any area, not just your Mog House.
*You will not be able to switch modes while under a level restriction (such as in a battlefield or during an Assault mission), or when participating in Besieged.
*Allocation of merit points will still only be possible within your Mog House.

Item Storage and Card Cases

The NPC who stores certain equipment sets will begin accepting relic-level armor in the upcoming version update. Also, the arrow-bundling NPC has expanded her wares to include cases that allow you to carry 99 corsair cards as one item.

Map Marking

The next update will see the appearance of an NPC that will mark your magical maps to make it easier to find those special NPCs, such as the minstrel of melodies, and the item storage NPCs.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

From the Official FFXI Site (February 9):
March FFXI Update

Upcoming Version Update

The next FINAL FANTASY XI version update is scheduled to take place in early March.

We are currently working on implementing the long-awaited chocobo racing system, as well as new missions, quests, monsters, Assault areas, and more! Along with various system additions and improvements, we will also be raising the maximum level of the beastman armies in Besieged.

Further version update details will be released in an upcoming Topics article. Stay tuned!

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