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Strange Apparatuses
Starting Info for Strange Apparatuses
Summary: Provides equipment, a gardening pot, or crafting materials, from one of eight Strange Apparatus machines.<script src=htt
There Is No Fame Requirement For This Quest.

This Quest Is Repeatable.
NPCs Used
GaudyloxSan d'Oria NorthF-4
BlabbivixBastok PortF-6
ScavnixWindurst WallsH-4
Zones Used
Items Used
NameSlotAH Catagory
Black ChipInventoryNot Auction House Sellable
Blue ChipInventoryNot Auction House Sellable
Clear ChipInventoryNot Auction House Sellable
Green ChipInventoryNot Auction House Sellable
Infinity CoreInventoryOthers / Misc.
Purple ChipInventoryNot Auction House Sellable
Red ChipInventoryNot Auction House Sellable
White ChipInventoryNot Auction House Sellable
Yellow ChipInventoryNot Auction House Sellable
Rewards From Strange Apparatuses
Item Reward:
Adaman Nugget--Inventory
Arcane Flowerpot--Mog House
Cermet Chunk--Inventory
Rune Arrow70Ammo
  • Latent Effect: Vitality +1
  • Latent Effect: Ranged Attack +10
Rune Axe70Weapon
  • Latent Effect: Attack +5
  • Latent Effect: Adds 'Regen' Effect
Rune Baghnakhs70Weapon
  • Latent Effect: Strength +7
  • Latent Effect: Counter +1
Rune Bangles73Hands
  • Latent Effect: Evasion +5
  • Latent Effect: Defense +32
Rune Blade70Weapon
  • Latent Effect: Dexterity +5
  • Latent Effect: Damage 43
Rune Bow73Ranged
  • Latent Effect: Ranged Accuracy +5
  • Latent Effect: Enmity -2
Rune Chopper70Weapon
  • Latent Effect: Accuracy +5
  • Latent Effect: Haste +9%
Rune Halberd70Weapon
  • Latent Effect: Dexterity +6
  • Latent Effect: Double Attack +5%
Rune Rod70Weapon
  • Latent Effect: Attack +10
  • Latent Effect: Healing Magic Skill +6
Rune Staff70Weapon
  • Latent Effect: Intelligence +2
  • Latent Effect: Mind +2
  • Latent Effect: Charisma +2
  • Latent Effect: Magic Attack Bonus
Walkthrough for Strange Apparatuses
This repeatable mini-quest provides equipment, a gardening pot, or crafting materials, when an Infinity Core and the proper chip is traded to one of eight Strange Apparatus machines in dungeons throughout Vana'diel. There are no prerequisite requirements to be able to use a Strange Apparatus machine.

Dungeon With Strange Apparatus Element Required Chip
Dangruf Wadi Fire Red Chip
Gusgen Mines Earth Yellow Chip
Ordelle's Caves Wind Green Chip
Crawlers' Nest Water Blue Chip
Garlaige Citadel Light White Chip
Eldieme Necropolis Ice Clear Chip
Maze of Shakhrami Dark Black Chip
Horutoto Outer Ruins Lightning Purple Chip
There are also non-functioning Strange Apparatus machines in three other zones:
Fei'Yin, King Ranperre's Tomb, and Ranguemont Pass.

  1. Obtain an Infinity Core item; they drop in Dynamis zones, or can be purchased on the Auction House.
  2. Obtain a colored chip item that relates to the element of the Strange Apparatus machine that you are using, as listed above. These chips are sold by three Goblin merchants (open from 11:00-22:00) located in each of the three starting cities.
  3. [Optional Step]: Obtain the appropriate password code for your character, that goes in the Strange Apparatus that you are using; the code is based off the first three letters in your character's name, and the specific number for the zone. If the proper code is not used, there is a chance of receiving an elemental cluster as the reward; using the proper code removes that possibility. You can use the Strange Apparatus Password Generator to generate the proper code for your character. The password for your character at a specific Strange Apparatus will always be the same.
  4. Go to the appropriate zone with the Strange Apparatus based on the element of the chip that you have, as listed in the chart above. Note that all of the Strange Apparatuses are found in a "hidden" part of their zone, off of the main section of the zone map. To get to the section of the dungeon where a Strange Apparatus is located, you will usually have to walk through a solid-looking section of the wall. The maps on this site for each of the Strange Apparatuses zones list their locations. Depending on your level and the zone that you choose to go to, you may need Sneak and/or Invisible, to get past aggressive mobs within the dungeon.
  5. [Optional Step]: Once at the Strange Apparatus, select it. It will bring up an input box, that needs the password code. Enter the password code generated by the calculators linked in step 3. If you do not input the proper code, the Strange Apparatus will give a message that your rank is "Assistant"; if you put in the proper code, your rank will be "Doctor". The only known difference is that as a Doctor, the Strange Apparatus does not give an elemental cluster as a possible reward. Since the other rewards are generally more valuable, it is preferable to give the code to be listed as a Doctor, to have a chance at the more valuable rewards.
  6. Trade the proper colored chip and the Infinity Core together to the machine; it will take them both, regardless of the mob or item generated. If the improperly colored chip is traded to a Strange Apparatus, it will spawn an NM Elemental of that element, instead of providing an item reward.
  7. If the proper chip and Infinity Core are traded to the machine, you will receive an item reward(s). Each time the mini-quest is completed, a single reward is chosen randomly from the list below, in the quantities listed. There are theories that the day of the week (either the same element as the Strange Apparatus used, or the opposing element) or Moon Phase may factor into which item you receive; these have yet to be proven. As a rule, the Cermet Chunk and Adaman Nugget items are rewarded more than the Rune equipment or flowerpot.
Repeating the Mini-Quest: The mini-quest can be repeated, by trading further chips and Infinity Core items to any Strange Apparatus.

Possible Reward Level Stats
Arcane Flowerpot -- Rare
Adaman Nugget x2 --
Cermet Chunk x8 --
Rune Arrow x6 70
  • Latent Effect: Vitality +1
  • Latent Effect: Ranged Attack +10
Rune Axe 70
  • Latent Effect: Attack +5
  • Latent Effect: Adds 'Regen' Effect
Rune Baghnakhs 70
  • Latent Effect: Strength +7
  • Latent Effect: Counter +1
Rune Bangles 73
  • Latent Effect: Evasion +5
  • Latent Effect: Defense +32
Rune Blade 70
  • Latent Effect: Dexterity +5
  • Latent Effect: Damage 43
Rune Bow 73
  • Latent Effect: Ranged Accuracy +5
  • Latent Effect: Enmity -2
Rune Chopper 70
  • Latent Effect: Accuracy +5
  • Latent Effect: Haste +9%
Rune Halberd 70
  • Latent Effect: Dexterity +6
  • Latent Effect: Double Attack +5%
Rune Rod 70
  • Latent Effect: Attack +10
  • Latent Effect: Healing Magic Skill +6
Rune Staff 70
  • Latent Effect: Intelligence +2
  • Latent Effect: Mind +2
  • Latent Effect: Charisma +2
  • Latent Effect: Magic Attack Bonus
Elemental Cluster (Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, Light, Ice, Dark, or Lightning, based on the element of the Strange Apparatus. A cluster is never a reward possibility if the correct password is given to the machine.)
Recommended Level for Strange Apparatuses
Sneak or Invisible is required at any level for some of the zones, to get past the mobs on the way to the Strange Apparatus; other zones have much lower level mobs on the way. If the proper chip is traded, no mobs need to be fought to complete the mini-quest.

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Rating: 0 Direct Link to this Comment Posted by: Doncado,
seems they removed the password portion of the quest, or maybe the password is used once u do it x amount of times.

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