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Final Fantasy XI Discussion BoardDiscussion Boards -> Quest and Missions

Feb. 20 Patch - Quests

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From: Cuer

Posted: 2006-02-20 13:54:05
Post any details here that you find regarding the quests added in the February 20 patch. Basic information about all the new quests can be seen here.
From: Plight
Registered User

Posted: 2006-02-20 16:46:47
The "Waking the Beast" quest uses a BCNM of the same name within Full Moon Fountain. Ifrit plays some significance in the events that take place there. After the fight, you obtain two items (possibly key items).
From: Plight
Registered User

Posted: 2006-02-20 17:40:30
More specifics: It's kinda like the "Moonlit Path;" BCNM in each of the Cloisters, then yet another at the Full Moon Fountain. Instead of using tuning forks for each fight, you need a "Rainbow resonator," gained during the CS that initiates the quest in La Theine. As of yet, I have no idea what the reward is.
From: ssss

Posted: 2006-02-20 19:53:04
Where do you get rainbow resonator?
From: Shir

Posted: 2006-02-20 20:04:40
Uncofirmed worldwide, but a few friends of mine brought this to my attention.

The new CoP quests require Storms of Fate to be done, in addition to completion of Rise of the Zilart Mission Set.

I've only heard this from a few peoople who got the C/S already. Some confirmation would rock :P
From: Plight
Registered User

Posted: 2006-02-20 21:42:54
Well so far, I've wiped to the new Titan uncapped 18-man BC three times. Is that confirmation?
From: Plight
Registered User

Posted: 2006-02-20 21:45:02
Whoops, mistook CoP for ZM. Sorry. Two of my friends who have completed Storms of Fate tried to get the new CoP quest, but only one of them was successful, so I dunno what the prerequisites are.
From: Elfi Wolfe

Posted: 2006-02-21 00:17:55
Quote from: ssss
Where do you get rainbow resonator?

go to where you first met Carbuncle
From: Doommagus

Posted: 2006-02-21 03:17:20
Ok so far i am working on quest following storms of fate from Bahamut , had to go back and finish ZM17 for this, did that, activated quest in jeuno, went to holla mea and dem prom zones got key item and went back to jeuno. Quest from here stopped and made mention of fighting both arch duke and the kid from ZM17 together again, and said i must wait so this is as far as the quest allows me to go up till this point.
From: Shrimppunk

Posted: 2006-02-21 03:32:59
Got a new quest that seems related to the Fellowship stuff.

Quest: A Bait and Switch
NPC: Salim, Bastok Metalworks

Couldn't complete the quest. I have to find switches and press them, without being caught by some guards. I've pressed several switches and the quest never seems to end. Even weirder, I got stuck twice in a CS when i get caught in the Cermet Refinery ( had to alt+tab to get out :( ).

Anyone has any info on this?
From: Riddler

Posted: 2006-02-21 07:18:07
Bait and Switch is now active (it was added with previous update but not available). Without giving away spoilers you need to deactivate the switches in order to release the trap. There is a specific order based on which item you choose to take. I took Guardsman ID and there were 6 switches, a Hi-Potion was my only reward. My friends both used Snare and there were 7 switches, a Hi-Ether was their reward. Ask around the Metalworks after you start the quest. 4 or 5 NPCs give you clues to the order set. Going to check today whether this is repeatable so you can use each item, maybe get each reward.
From: Kaia9
Registered User

Posted: 2006-02-21 14:19:26
there was a POL unannounced update this morning of only a few files, that fixed the getting stuck in this quest bug.

- An issue where the character would become stuck under certain circumstances in the "Bait and Switch" quest.
From: Khrno

Posted: 2006-02-21 20:55:54
Just something i found a while before, you need to have the 6 normal avatars to get the Carbuncle quest, it doesn't matter if you have beaten the avatars and used the whispers to get a Moon Bauble, if you don't have those avatars you can't get the quest.

I know this because i went with my friend, who has beaten all 8 avatar fights, for whispers, fenrir stone and diabolos earring, and he couldn not get the quest.

While i did get the quest and i have all the 6 normal avatars, and carby of course.

I don't have either Fenrir or Diabolos, i've just beaten them to get the Earrings, mind you.
From: Sparik
Registered User

Posted: 2006-02-22 10:09:05
Quest: “Waking the Beast”
Prerequisites: Must be able to summon the 6 terrestrial (elemental) avatars.
Quest Starter: Carbuncle at the ??? in La Theine Plateau (G-6)

Talk to carbuncle and receive the Rainbow Resonator.
Defeat the 6 terrestrial at the 6 cloisters. The avatars are supported by 4 elementals that share hate with the avatar. The elementals cure the avatar and respawn after death. Each BCNM will drop a few elemental clusters of the respective after the win and each person will receive a key item: Eye of “Cloister Name”. Once you have all 6 key items, proceed to Full Moon Fountain for the final BCNM and one kick butt cut scene.

Once you defeat this final BCNM, sometimes random avatar weapons (i.e. Ifrit's Bow) will drop upon exit; you will also receive a Faded Ruby key item. Return the Faded Ruby to Carbuncle to finish the quest and receive a Carbuncle's Pole. He will remove all key items you gained from this quest at this time. This BCNM is very doable until the last few percents of life on the final mob, then… it goes crazy and kills everyone with AoE.

Carbuncle hints at a follow up quest which makes sense because you don’t actually “wake the beast”.
From: guest

Posted: 2006-02-22 13:16:28
i went to la thein plateu and checked the ??? where carbuncle is and i didn't get anything. i couldn't start the quest. anyone know what i have to do before i can start the quest to fight these. last night when i was at the ??? wondering what was going on a bunch of JP showed up with Carbuncles pole so i know they did something right to do this what do i have to do.
From: blah

Posted: 2006-02-22 15:39:48
1. CoP must be complete all cs.
2. #1 Bahmut must be done (looks like you have to wait till after conquest tally for this to count towards requirement).
3. Zilart must be complete all cs (norg and aldo).
4. Divine Might must be completed.
(5.) May or may not have to beat Diablos avatar battle.

After all these requirements are done wait till after Japanese midnight and Zone into Ru'lude Gardens Palace.

Obtain Note wirtten by Esha'ntarl
The note key item says:

J-10 Holla
K-4 Dem
K-6 Mea

These are the unused memory fluxes in the Proms.
"Slivers" are obtained by touching the memory Flux's on the 4th floor at the corrosponding POS listed in the note in the Proms.

After you turn them in you have to wait till after JP midnight and get another CS in Ru'lude Gardens Palace. Then more cs in Sealion's Den, Gate of the Gods, and Empyereal Paradox.

Then the BC in the Empyreal Paradox:
6 person BC vs Eald'Narche (2nd form from BC) and Kam'Lanaut at the same time.

So far what i've read is PLD or RDM kite Kam'Lanaut and everyone unload on the boy Eald'Narche the kite/kill Kam'Lanaut. Eald'Narche spams Aga III/Sleepga II/ Enfeeblegas and Vortex (AOE terrorize/bind). Nin didn't seem to do well on him because of aga III spam by the boy.

After you win norg cs then have to wait till after JP midnight again for your reward.


Static Earring
Lvl 72 Rare/Ex
Mind +2
Magic Defense Bonus +2
Bonus Damage Added To Magic Burst
All Ear

Magnetic Earring
Lvl 72 Rare/Ex
MP +20
Conserve MP +5
Spell Interruption Rate -8%
MP Regeneration While Healing +1
All Ear

Hollow Earring
Lvl 72 Rare/Ex
Dexterity +2
Accuracy +3
Ranged Accuracy +3
Sword Enhancement Spell Damage +3
All Ear

Ethereal Earring
Lvl 72 Rare/Ex
HP +15
Attack +5
Evasion +5
Converts 3% of Damage Taken to MP
All Ear
From: Perim

Posted: 2006-02-22 20:11:37
did the "Bait and Switch" quest, i chose Bard's Harp 4 switches my reward was 1 prism powder i am currently waiting to see if it is possible to redo the quest as the reward for using Lucky Charm is a Key Ring Belt (Steal +1 Dex+1 Skeleton key drop 5 charges)

If anyone knows how to redo the quest please tell me(like an you NPC gotta talk to to reset it, or if just waiting like i'm doing)

Also collected all 4 of the Key Item Salaheem's Sentinels Invite Cards can't wait to go to Aht Urhgan for my reward ^^ (hope it's good ^^)
From: Lurka

Posted: 2006-02-23 00:54:25
Quote from: Perim
did the "Bait and Switch" quest, i chose Bard's Harp 4 switches my reward was 1 prism powder i am currently waiting to see if it is possible to redo the quest as the reward for using Lucky Charm is a Key Ring Belt (Steal +1 Dex+1 Skeleton key drop 5 charges)

If anyone knows how to redo the quest please tell me(like an you NPC gotta talk to to reset it, or if just waiting like i'm doing)

Also collected all 4 of the Key Item Salaheem's Sentinels Invite Cards can't wait to go to Aht Urhgan for my reward ^^ (hope it's good ^^)

What is the bait and switch quest? where is it? any prereqs?
From: Perim

Posted: 2006-02-23 06:07:29
Talk to Salim on the 2nd floor of the Bastok Metal Works, he will tell you to shoo away a friar in the Goddess Temple on 1st floor. Examine the ??? to get a cutscene Luto will appear and reveal that the friar is a friend in disguise. Salim is taking bribes from a merchant and Luto (being a good upstanding citizen) wants to rob him for all he's got ^^. The ??? is a trap placed on the stash, during the CS you are asked to help, select yes, (if redoing the quest just bash the "ok" button and you'll select the yes option anyway ^^... i failed this quest how many times? >.>) After that you will be offered a choice of items to help you with the guards that are places at the switches (gaurds appear in a CS by examining the switches) items i can remember are:

Scope - detect plain clothes guards
Bard's Harp - recall someone's past in song (a freak who talks to himself appears in CSs)
Lucky Charm - Handy in a pinch (choose this for the belt suppsedly)
??? - You're not ready for this yet (the ??? isnt a typo it's called that)

there are 7 items but those are all i can remember, sorry.

Talking to some NPCs will reviel the switch order (or part of it, I had to guess last bit). Known NPCs to talk to are Helmut (outside Black Smiths guild), Dahma (sp?)(Outside BlackSmith's Guild) and Hungry Wolf (Eatery). With the scope as your item a CS will happen when you talk to someone and you'll see them change or stay the same, also Bimimi will show in the CS and accuse you of Taru-watching ^^.

The switch order changes mine was Medium Small Medium Large. The switches are located at:

Medium - near the entrance zone to the Metalworks
Small - Inside the Cermet Refinery, under some shelves
Large - By the BlackSmith's Guild near Dark Clouds

Also should you get caught (after 3rd capture you have to start over by talking to Salim) to free the caught member of the group talk to an NPC in the Eatery, name begins with F, he's next to Hungry Wolf. Then talk to the boy Galka near Dark Clouds at the Blacksmith's guild name begins with Z, he will say he found the cell key but Salim scares him... the member not captured will automatically release the caught member.

Hope that helped and if someone can add to the item list and the rewards it would be appretiated ^^.
From: Perim

Posted: 2006-02-23 06:32:16
Corrections >.>

Boy with cell key is Folzen (there was a Z in it but not at the start ^^)
NPC with switch info is Darha (i spelt it slightly wrong)
and the NPC next to Hungry Wolf is Ferghus (to bust someone when you get caught)

enjiy the quest and the endless annoyance and frustration it brings ^^

btw it's been nearly 12 RL hours and i still cant redo this quest ;_; i want that belt... and to find out what the ??? is
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