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Final Fantasy XI Discussion BoardDiscussion Boards -> Quest and Missions

Beastmen Headgear Quests

From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-08-11 01:25:42
All four of the quests added last month that provide the Beastmen Headgear have been added. These are:

You can see pictures of the final items worn in the amusing Vana'diel Tribune Article on these masks.

The basic steps for each of them are the same; read any of the walkthroughs to get an idea of how they work. There are a number of questions about these, though, that I haven't found the answers to; any help from people who have gotten through them, or links to other discussions them, is certainly appreciated.

1) Can any of them be repeated? They don't seem repeatable, but it's clear that you get one shot per weekly Conquest Ranking to start one. You do get a chance to get another Cutting-type item (for 300k gil); is that only for the level 61 helm, or can you go through the process again?
2) Is Chains of Promathia required for all of them, or just the Goblin one?
3) Can you do more than one of these four quests? You can't have more than one active at a time, but it's unclear if you can complete one, and then do another after the next Conquest Ranking (i.e., one per week.)
4) What are the jobs of all the NMs involved? Some of them are listed already, but it'd be nice to have them verified and the rest filled in.
5) What are those fights like? Supposedly you can sleep the NMs to pick off just the main one, but that is unverified.
6) A big question: is the main NM that has the same name as three current NMs actually that NM, or a different copy of the same name? For example, is the Orcish Overlord really the same one that spawns every day normally, or not?
7) What are the name/description of the key item that you get during the quest?
8) Last, but certainly not least: what are the buffs/actions done by the beastmen when you call them?

Thanks in advance for any and all help along these lines, or any other info for these quests!
From: Krish
Registered User

Posted: 2005-09-09 22:19:06
Quote from: Cuer
All four of the quests added last month that provide the Beastmen Headgear have been added. These are:

5) What are those fights like? Supposedly you can sleep the NMs to pick off just the main one, but that is unverified.

I did the Orc fight for a friend. We used sleep on the mob of mobs. Our WHM landed Elemental Seal Sleepga and they kited the main NM away. I watched for the mobs to wake up and used Elemental Seal Sleepga II. By the time I got back to the PT, the NM was dead.

My big question is: is there any way to cancle the quest? I got the Quadav quest by mistake but I want the Yag one. ; ;

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