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A Generous General?
Starting Info for A Generous General?
Realm: Other
Type: General
Starting Zone: Oldton Movalpolos
There Is No Fame Requirement For This Quest.
Minimum Character Level: 60

This Quest Is Not Repeatable.
Related Quests

Related Quests:
NPCs Used
FaulpieSan d'Oria SouthE-8
Mobs Spawned
Goblin PreceptorUnknownRed Mage
Grimoire Guru GrimogekUnknownBlack Mage
Dread Dealing DredodakUnknownDark Knight
Bugbear PortermanUnknown
Zones Used
Items Used
NameSlotAH Catagory
Buffalo HideInventoryMaterials / Leathercraft
Goblin CoifHeadArmor / Head
Goblin CuttingInventoryNot Auction House Sellable
Sheep LeatherInventoryMaterials / Leathercraft
Rewards From A Generous General?
Title Obtained: Moblin Kinsman
Item Reward:
Choplix's Coif75HeadRare/Ex
  • Resist vs. Fire +10
  • Resist vs. Ice +10
  • Resist vs. Wind +10
  • Resist vs. Earth +10
  • Resist vs. Lightning +10
  • Resist vs. Water +10
  • Resist vs. Light -50
  • Resist vs. Dark +10
  • Enchantment: Calls Choplix
    <Max Charges: 30 / Equip Delay: 30s / Reuse Timer: 20h>
Gold Beastcoin--Inventory
Game Details for A Generous General?
Client: Gu'Zhu Thunderblade (Oldton Movalpolos)

Summary: Gu'Zho has traveled to Movalpolos to become a mercenary. However, he cannot find the box to submit his application. Your job is to take Gu'Zho's letter to the box and lead the Goblin serjeant back to where Thunderblade will be waiting.
Walkthrough for A Generous General?
Requirements: A character must be level 61+ to start the quest, without any of the three other related Beastmen Headgear quests active, as listed above. The Chains of Promathia expansion is required to access this zone.
  1. Enter Oldton Movalpolos through the K-6 entrance in Gustaberg North, for a cut-scene with Gu'Zhu Thunderblade to start the quest. You will be given the option of whether or not to begin the quest; if you choose to not take the quest, you will not be given the chance to start it again, until the Conquest Ranking on Sunday of the following week.
  2. Go to San d'Oria South, to the Tanners' Guild and talk with Faulpie, the Leathercraft Guildmaster, for a cut-scene. Faulpie will need a Buffalo Hide, Sheep Leather, and 20,000 gil to help out.
  3. Trade the requested items and gil to Faulpie at the same time. Zone and wait until at least the next day (after 0:00 Vana'diel time) to talk to Faulpie again for a cut-scene, at which point you will receive a Goblin Cutting item, and the recipe of the Goblin Coif that requires it. (Note: If you wish to receive another Goblin Cutting, you can get more from Faulpie for 300,000 gil each.)
  4. The Goblin Cutting item is used in a high skill Leathercraft recipe to craft the level 61 headwear Goblin Coif, which is required for the rest of the quest. Neither the Goblin Coif nor the Goblin Cutting can be sold via the Auction House.
  5. Return to Oldton Movalpolos through the K-6 entrance in Gustaberg North while wearing the Goblin Coif, for another cut-scene and to receive a key item.
  6. Go to G-8 in Oldton Movalpolos and select the Iron Box while wearing the coif. The key item will disappear and 7 angry Notorious Monsters will arrive! These include a single Goblin Preceptor, one Grimoire Guru Grimogek (Moblin), one Dread Dealing Dredodak (Goblin), and four Bugbear Porterman (Moblin).
  7. The main NM that needs to be killed here is the Goblin Preceptor that appears; once it is killed, the other NMs will disappear. It may be possible to Sleep/Lullaby the rest of the NMs and kill the Goblin Preceptor, to make the fight easier.
  8. Once the Goblin Preceptor is defeated, select the Iron Box again for a cut-scene.
  9. Trade the Goblin Coif to the Iron Box; there will be another cut-scene and that coif will be replaced by Choplix's Coif.
  10. Zone out and back into the Oldton Movalpolos, for a cut-scene that ends the quest, and a Gold Beastcoin reward.
Recommended Level for A Generous General?
The fight in this quest is quite difficult; if all the NMs are killed, it will take close to a full alliance of level 75 characters to handle it safely. It may be possible to sleep the NMs and just kill the Goblin Preceptor, which would allow a smaller number of characters to complete it.

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