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News Item: Treasures of Aht Urhgan News

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From: darkkit

Posted: 2006-01-29 13:08:57
I am actually thinling you will learn the abilities and the Hexgun is the way you will actually proform these abilities. So you will not actually have to have a gun equiped to use them. but it will always be avalible to you. so a WHM/Corsair could use the abilities cause a WHM cannot equip a gun. Just my 2 cents.
From: Cidsama

Posted: 2006-01-29 19:03:42
no I think you have it wrong, I think it'll be like a Bard, where you don't really want to sub it, due to the fact a subbed BRD can't use a horn or a harp, so you pretty much Gimp yourself >.>;
From: Jaken

Posted: 2006-01-30 15:48:57
Quote from: Shadowangel
Quote from: guest
Anyone consider maybe "Hex" actually means curse in this case? All the images show the Corsair useing standard current guns available in game.

well...its called hexagun, not hex, and either way, hexe = witch in german (hexe is pronounced like hexa in german, and SE is known for using a lot of german words for names, but i still think the 6barrels for 6party members is the most likely outcome.

Well, just to mention that hexe means witch in german, more the magic thing ^^
and you spell it like it´s written.
i know about a hexagon, but that´s more for the math people
From: privatehuff

Posted: 2006-01-30 21:35:56
no I think you have it wrong, I think it'll be like a Bard, where you don't really want to sub it, due to the fact a subbed BRD can't use a horn or a harp, so you pretty much Gimp yourself >.>;

That was what he was saying... if the abilities required a gun in some way, it would limit the effectiveness of a corsair sub.

Personally I think they can just make some COR-only guns that will more or less fill the instrument role, but it would be even more interesting if they let RNG use some as well, for RNG/COR or to let RNG (or other jobs even) use whatever COR ammo becomes available.
From: Pyro

Posted: 2006-01-31 05:02:50
Another Idea...
How about a gun that has enough weigh to serve as an ckose combat weapon. A gun that fills the main attack slot and the range. The bullets only used when the corsair uses his skills.
It´s only an idea, something like a knife attached on the weapon (i don´t think of FF8 here, just the possibility)
Since you said that the guns, that were shown all in the game, some new weren´t that irrational
From: Xineohp

Posted: 2006-01-31 13:29:37
I agree with the idea of the slot reels. Its possibly similar to Wakka in FFX. The different reels could be for attack, enhancements, elemental damage, or status effects. Probably aquired at different lvls like Job Abilities, or possibly like the avatar's by fighting groups of pirates instead of the avatars. The prefix "hex" almost certainly means 6 and that could mean the different numbers of wheels on each slot reel.
From: Tristan Kain

Posted: 2006-01-31 13:42:22
Not to throw the whole Corsair train off track, but there's something else that should be mentioned.

On no less than 3 screenshots now, there is a fighter with a really strange combat stance. One is part of the Fan Festival (bottom shot of the Moogle Wand), one with the Mamool Ja monster entry, and I believe the third is with the Qutrub monster entry.

I have never seen a character with a combat stance like that, period. I imagine it's an unannounced class.

Any theories?
From: Beastrader

Posted: 2006-02-02 01:16:44
Quote from: Tristan Kain
Not to throw the whole Corsair train off track, but there's something else that should be mentioned.

On no less than 3 screenshots now, there is a fighter with a really strange combat stance. One is part of the Fan Festival (bottom shot of the Moogle Wand), one with the Mamool Ja monster entry, and I believe the third is with the Qutrub monster entry.

I have never seen a character with a combat stance like that, period. I imagine it's an unannounced class.

Any theories?

The picture on the Mamool Ja is just a warrior in AF using a WS... and i dont know about the Qutrub one if u are refering to the taru mage on the side?? bc i see a nin and a mnk. and not sure about the fan festival one though.

anyways, i dont think those images gave any jobs away, what u guys think?
From: Ludanat

Posted: 2006-02-02 16:31:33
How about this for a wrinkle. So far, Blue Mage (magic user according to SE) has been seen as a Taru. Corsair (support/whatever, via SE) has been seen as Hume/Elvaan. What job could there be for Galka? Don't see too many Galkans running around in their hulking forms. Got the HP and Vit to tank, but aren't really being used too much due to lack of MP as a PLD and low evasion as NIN. Could there be a job coming that may be geared towards the Galka race a little more than the others? Could a Geomancer use elemental abilities without MP to enhance their defense/eva/agi/whatever to make for a kind of pseudo-tank? What about a Necromancer that can transform themselves into undead so any dark casting mob magic will have reverse effect (regen or something)? Could there be a job on the horizon that we as a community can't foresee? Perhaps a True Knight that has a form of party drain, taking abilities/MP/status effects from party members and using them as their own? All completely random thoughts, not really worthy of anything, just examples to illustrate my point. There could be another job or two coming, and again, there may not be. What I wonder is if there is a new job, doesn't it make sense to gear it towards the Galkan strength, meat shield? Might help balance out the races of Vana'Diel a bit.
From: Raydemort
Registered User

Posted: 2006-02-03 08:46:58
Dunno what to say about all the...ehhh...blabbering. :P But yes, aiming a job at the Galka race would make perfect sense. Hopefully some tank-job.
From: Beastrader

Posted: 2006-02-04 13:39:53
ic ic, true. SE put alot of emphasis on galkan in developing the original story of shadowdlord. It will be cool to see a tank job that is best done by galkan; preferably a meat shield without mp and some hate generating move or abilities to get HP without using mp (like chakra) or spikes of mini invincible (could be a job trait, randomly invicinble for 5 seconds or soemthing) or stoneskin (geomancer type move, maybe) type moves, but with enough 'tricks' to last till the end of battle hopefully.
From: PseudoSX

Posted: 2006-02-07 02:33:20
Quote from: Jaken
Quote from: Shadowangel
Quote from: guest
Anyone consider maybe "Hex" actually means curse in this case? All the images show the Corsair useing standard current guns available in game.

well...its called hexagun, not hex, and either way, hexe = witch in german (hexe is pronounced like hexa in german, and SE is known for using a lot of german words for names, but i still think the 6barrels for 6party members is the most likely outcome.

Well, just to mention that hexe means witch in german, more the magic thing ^^
and you spell it like it´s written.
i know about a hexagon, but that´s more for the math people

On a more circular note, the term hex came from the old references to 666, the number of the beast, the devil's call. Hex came from that, not the other way around. In other words, "hex" as a curse is in reference to its reference to 666.
From: Elli

Posted: 2006-02-10 03:44:42
Quote from: Ludanat
How about this for a wrinkle. So far, Blue Mage (magic user according to SE) has been seen as a Taru. Corsair (support/whatever, via SE) has been seen as Hume/Elvaan.

I understand that your point is about Galka, but just a quick note about this part. Blue Mage is also shown as Hume, and Corsair is also shown as Mithra. We already know that Blue Mage is a magic user, so that doesn't help Galka. But, we don't know much about Corsair other than that it uses "luck" (whether it's literal luck or a new skill called Luck) and that it's party support --assuming that interview is real-- so perhaps Corsair is a new job Galkas can participate in equally. I wouldn't put too much stock in what is shown in pictures as far as race goes. It's just the random guy that is using his character in testing.
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