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News Item: Site Updates - Dec 14, 2005

From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-12-14 16:45:28
Site Updates - December 14, 2005

The changes and additions in this site update are primarily from the December 12 patch. All the known info about them can be found in the December 2005 FFXI Patch Compilation of Info, which is regularly updated with further data.

Items Added: Stewpot Mastery, Patissier, Charm Wand +1, Charm Wand, Diabolos's Pole, Bahamut's Staff, Dragon Staff, Bahamut's Zaghnal, Summoner's Cape, Bard's Cape, Valor Cape, Assassin's Cape, Abyss Cape, Melee Cape, Pelican Ring, Diabolos's Ring, Diabolos's Earring, Diabolos's Torque, Saotome Koshi-Ate, Wyrm Belt, Koga Sarashi, Scout's Belt, Monster Belt, Sorcerer's Belt, Duelist's Belt, Cleric's Belt, Warrior's Stone, Key Ring Belt, Dream Robe +1, Dream Robe, Bahamut's Hose, Bahamut's Mask, Cleric's Pantaloons +1, Cleric's Mitts +1, Cleric's Duckbills +1, Cleric's Cap +1, Cleric's Briault +1, Warrior's Mufflers +1, Warrior's Mask +1, Warrior's Lorica +1, Warrior's Cuisses +1, Warrior's Calligae +1, Assassin's Vest +1, Assassin's Poulaines +1, Assassin's Culotte +1, Assassin's Bonnet +1, Assassin's Armlets +1, Summoner's Spats +1, Summoner's Pigaches +1, Summoner's Horn +1, Summoner's Doublet +1, Summoner's Bracers +1, Saotome Sune-Ate +1, Saotome Kote +1, Saotome Kabuto +1, Saotome Haidate +1, Saotome Domaru +1, Scout's Socks +1, Scout's Jerkin +1, Scout's Bracers +1, Scout's Braccae +1, Scout's Beret +1, Duelist's Tights +1, Duelist's Tabard +1, Duelist's Gloves +1, Duelist's Chapeau +1, Duelist's Boots +1, Valor Surcoat +1, Valor Leggings +1, Valor Gauntlets +1, Valor Coronet +1, Valor Breeches +1, Koga Tekko +1, Koga Kyahan +1, Koga Hatsuburi +1, Koga Hakama +1, Koga Chainmail +1, Melee Hose +1, Melee Gloves +1, Melee Gaiters +1, Melee Cyclas +1, Melee Crown +1, Wyrm Mail +1, Wyrm Greaves +1, Wyrm Finger Gauntlets +1, Wyrm Brais +1, Wyrm Armet +1, Abyss Sollerets +1, Abyss Gauntlets +1, Abyss Flanchard +1, Abyss Cuirass +1, Abyss Burgeonet +1, Monster Trousers +1, Monster Jackcoat +1, Monster Helm +1, Monster Gloves +1, Monster Gaiters +1, Sorcerer's Tonban +1, Sorcerer's Sabots +1, Sorcerer's Petasos +1, Sorcerer's Gloves +1, Sorcerer's Coat +1, Bard's Slippers +1, Bard's Roundlet +1, Bard's Justacorps +1, Bard's Cuffs +1, Bard Cannions +1, Seraph's Kiss, Flurry Courante, Squirrel's Delight, Dusky Indulgence, Black Pudding, Sylvan Excursion, Buche au Chocolat, Prized Beef Stewpot, Prime Beef Stewpot, Beef Stewpot, Prized Crab Stewpot, Prime Crab Stewpot, Crab Stewpot, Midwinter Dream, Gateau aux Fraises, Royal Grape, Romance Potion, Prized Seafood Stewpot, Prime Seafood Stewpot, Seafood Stewpot, Shirataki, Shungiku, Napa, Cibol, Cotton Tofu, Soy Milk, Truelove Chocolate, Love Chocolate, Homemade Risotto, Homemade Bread, Homemade Salad, Homemade Steak, Homemade Cheese, Homemade Rice Ball, Homemade Gelato, Homemade Stew, Homemade Herbal Tea, Orpiment, Yellow Mouton, Catoblepas Leather, Catoblepas Hide, Ovinnik Leather, Ovinnik Hide, Betelgeuse Card, Aldebaran Card, Capella Card, Canopus Card, Sirius Card, Rigel Card, Pleiades Card, Baking Soda, Vanilla, Soy Stock, Fish Stock, Bittern, Monarch's Orb, Summoner's Pigaches -1, Summoner's Spats -1, Summoner's Bracers -1, Summoner's Doublet -1, Summoner's Horn -1, Wyrm Greaves -1, Wyrm Brais -1, Wyrm Finger Gauntlets -1, Wyrm Mail -1, Wyrm Armet -1, Koga Kyahan -1, Koga Hakama -1, Koga Tekko -1, Koga Chainmail -1, Koga Hatsuburi -1, Saotome Sune-ate -1, Saotome Haidate -1, Saotome Kote -1, Saotome Domaru -1, Saotome Kabuto -1, Scout's Socks -1, Scout's Braccae -1, Scout's Bracers -1, Scout's Jerkin -1, Scout's Beret -1, Bard's Slippers -1, Bard's Cannions -1, Bard's Cuffs -1, Bard's Justaucorps -1, Bard's Roundlet -1, Monster Gaiters -1, Monster Trousers -1, Monster Gloves -1, Monster Jackcoat -1, Monster Helm -1, Abyss Sollerets -1, Abyss Flanchard -1, Abyss Gauntlets -1, Abyss Cuirass -1, Abyss Burgeonet -1, Valor Leggings -1, Valor Breeches -1, Valor Gauntlets -1, Valor Surcoat -1, Valor Coronet -1, Assassin's Poulaines -1, Assassin's Culotte -1, Assassin's Armlets -1, Assassin's Vest -1, Assassin's Bonnet -1, Duelist's Boots -1, Duelist's Tights -1, Duelist's Gloves -1, Duelist's Tabard -1, Duelist's Chapeau -1, Sorcerer's Sabots -1, Sorcerer's Tonban -1, Sorcerer's Gloves -1, Sorcerer's Coat -1, Sorcerer's Petasos -1, Cleric's Duckbills -1, Cleric's Pantaloons -1, Cleric's Mitts -1, Cleric's Briault -1, Cleric's Cap -1, Melee Gaiters -1, Melee Hose -1, Melee Gloves -1, Melee Cyclas -1, Melee Crown -1, Warrior's Calligae -1, Warrior's Cuisses -1, Warrior's Mufflers -1, Warrior's Lorica -1, Warrior's Mask -1, Attraction Chocolate, Desire Chocolate, Romance Chocolate, Amour Chocolate, Attraction Chocolate: Right Piece, Attraction Chocolate: Right Piece, Desire Chocolate: Right Piece, Desire Chocolate: Right Piece, Romance Chocolate: Right Piece, Romance Chocolate: Right Piece, Amour Chocolate: Right Piece, Amour Chocolate: Right Piece, Attraction Chocolate: Left Piece, Desire Chocolate: Left Piece, Romance Chocolate: Left Piece, Amour Chocolate: Left Piece

Items Updated: Monster Gaiters, Melee Crown, Cleric's Pantaloons, Cleric's Mitts, Gold Arrowhead, Mushroom Locust, Dark Adaman Sheet

NPCs Updated: Amalasanda, Jabbar, Shilah, Chomo Jinjahl, Kopopo, Benaige

Recipes Added: Catoblepas Leather, Ovinnik Leather, Yellow Mouton, Snoll Gelato, Icecap Rolanberry, Buche au Chocolat, Cotton Tofu, Soy Milk, Baking Soda, Bittern, Seafood Stewpot, Love Chocolate, Black Pudding, Marron Glace, Beef Stewpot, Crab Stewpot, Gateau aux Fraises

Recipes Updated: Wing Earring, Blessed Pumps

Desynthesis Recipes Updated: Tiger Trousers
From: Kalya

Posted: 2005-12-19 15:52:33
What i do not understand is where on earth the Homemade items come into play.

They are EX. Which seems odd cause they are for someone else. Will these require synths? Or will these be some sort of Event items?

Being a high level cook....i wish i knew
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-12-19 15:57:49
All the Homemade food items are rewards from a NPC Fellowship quest. There will (hopefully) be details about it put up later this evening.

The actual stats look pretty weak, so you don't have to worry about these replacing the need for actual Cooking food items. :>

Order: Final Fantasy XI Online: Wings of the Goddess Expansion Pack (PC)(PS2)(XBOX 360)
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