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News Item: The Starlight Celebration!

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From: Aliria
Registered User

Posted: 2005-12-18 20:59:06
Quote from: Crawlerbasher
...(might need to travil to another city)

You don't need to do so to start the quest for the Dream Robe +1, you can start it in the same nation you began the Dream Robe quest, you may however need to do so in order to find a suitable character for the card requirement and who has a Dream Robe.

Quote from: Crawlerbasher
Please note to be able to trade the presents to the Child NPC you need to be wereing the dream robe and the dream hat.

Nope, just the Dream Hat will do fine to trade fireworks to the kiddies, I got the Dream Hat +1 before I'd gotten the Dream Robe.

Also, in spite of TrueDarkFire's post, your job will be the 4th trade not the fifth, you are the 4th card that must be delivered. In fact:
Quote from: TrueDarkFire
This guide is taken from Allakhazam. It was written by *Prose*
**You get your robe by being the FOURTH person to trade an individual card in, it doesnt matter if it is your first trade, as long as it is the cards fourth***
Robe on Taru, Elvaan, Mithra, Hume

You will get four cards from the moogle, before you start over. Like the summer event, there are no penalties for having to start over.
From: Mirriam
Staff Member

Posted: 2005-12-18 23:23:17
I did actually get one card that was for a specific job level. Only that one, and I've yet to see any others, but I did get a WHM card for a level 39 WHM, which I remember well because my WHM is 38, so I was frustrated I couldn't use it. (I received the card while playing a friend's PLD trying to get cards for myself. ;)

Also, it is possible to receive the Dream Robe on the first card you turn in. Which, in my mind, means that this event is rather random. On the other hand, a RDM I know tried for 12 hours to get hers, including following the listed and other methods.
From: Aliria
Registered User

Posted: 2005-12-19 04:08:15
Quote from: Mirriam
I did actually get one card that was for a specific job level. Only that one, and I've yet to see any others, but I did get a WHM card for a level 39 WHM, which I remember well because my WHM is 38, so I was frustrated I couldn't use it. (I received the card while playing a friend's PLD trying to get cards for myself. ;)

Must've been some sort of error with the game as this i the only such instance I've heard of, everyone else has been getting requests for characters with a certain job in the 10's/20's/etc.... Perhaps it was due to the fact that you were playing someone else's character, some sort or code to prevent people trying such (doubtful)?
Quote from: Mirriam
Also, it is possible to receive the Dream Robe on the first card you turn in. Which, in my mind, means that this event is rather random. On the other hand, a RDM I know tried for 12 hours to get hers, including following the listed and other methods.

Since the moogles specifically state that there are four cards to be given out are you certain that this was your card to begin with (you probably got it from someone else with the first 3 trades completed)? Perhaps the fact that you personally only trade the card to the moogle once out of the four trades you make is confusing you?
From: Martay

Posted: 2005-12-19 05:23:48
Ive been trying for bloody ages! Still no robe - My friend however got his on the first try. He traded someone the card that he recieved then got a card from some random guy, got it on his first go!

The moogle hates me, it's always preparing my present :(
From: Shinvaltos

Posted: 2005-12-19 08:21:38
Is this possible to get max fame for dream hat +1, trading for example air rider only at the same kid npc?, and kiddie present every game still at the same kid npc >.<
From: Runek
Registered User

Posted: 2005-12-19 10:04:50
I find it odd that even after all this time (And all these excellent guides!) that people are still having trouble. There is nothing random about this event, despite how incredibly frustrating it is. And yes, it does take a fair amount of time. I would suggest that if anyone is still having difficulties that they contact someone on their server who is wearing a Dream Robe + 1 for help. Also, the tell function and the warp function that is currently available through the Dream Hat + 1 quest are very useful. Just pop between cities and search for the job/level range you're looking for, eventually you'll find one.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm pretty afraid of what SE will think up for next year.. ^^ Merry Christmas!
From: Kalya

Posted: 2005-12-19 16:29:22
Bringing a present from Bastok to Jeuno to see what would happen when I presented them to a kid....

The kid says that he/she cannot accept it and has no room for it.

No joy can be brought to the Jeuno children I guess. How sad.
From: Xiola

Posted: 2005-12-22 16:51:56
I just want to say that everyone seems to think this is so straightforward but it took me way more than 4 trades of cards, even with getting them back, to get my robe. One of the most frustrating parts was when I got a card for a 70's DRG. I looked for a couple of hours, logged, then came back on later. I saw a friend of mine who is a 75 DRG in Jeuno and asked him very nicely if he would mind coming to Windy for this event so I could give him a card. He had no idea what the event was even about. Finally after over an hour he came, I gave him his card, he traded it to the moogle and he got a freaking robe. And, by the way, if the person you trade a card to gets a robe, the moogle doesn't give him a card back to give back to you. So you have to get a new one. I finally got a robe and traded many more times to people with robes as well and have still never gotten a robe+1. Supposedly you will get a card for a job and level that you, yourself, have, but I haven't so far and so I gave up.
From: Tristan Kain

Posted: 2005-12-27 02:48:37
Might I take this opportunity to point out that the "4th card in the string" theory posted a while ago was published in the Vana'diel Tribune today, so I would think that it would probably be as close to official as we can get.

SE hasn't gotten any walkthrough-like things wrong in that magazine yet, I might add. And I would also imagine that it got published early largely to stem these sorts of disaster issues with convoluted events. Normal publication would be right when the festival ends, right?
From: Kel

Posted: 2005-12-27 19:20:38
I have done everything just like I did to get NQ Dream Robe and still no Dream Robe +1. I'm on the verge of wanting to give up, but yet it's so frustrating I want to beat the moogle at his own game.
From: Riflemage@Asura

Posted: 2005-12-30 09:30:20
I second the Version from:

From: Kylea
Registered User
Posted: 2005-12-16 19:01:51 Reply

from Page 1.
It worked perfectly for me.
(+1 robe & +1 hat /cheer&/dance!)

I want to add 1 thing though:
There are a nubmer of types of cards
(also being isten on Page 1 by somone else).

When talking to the moogle you ALWAYS get the same type of card.
So it is of NO use for you to have somone else helping you out with a card he/she got
(unless its coincidentially the same type).
Friends CAN help you out however if you trade them your card and have them search the ppl and make you r friend make the others trade.

(That can safe you a lot of time, in case you are unlucky with the jobs
[which, as we all know: tends to happen..^^].
It's mainly 2+ ppl doing the same job and if 1 is finished, the job is done
[and then repeat the process WITH the Robe.. at the end
of the festival it was increasingly hard to get ppl with
robes & get them to cooperate].)

If this , by any chance, helps somebody, it was worth the effort writing..

Greetings and happy playing
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