Quote from: Edgymage007 ... In Addition to what I have heard, the FFX1 Team, has also looked back on past games for new jobs, the top five on their lists are Blue Mage, Elementalist, Berserker, Fighter, and Morpher. ...
Community: I realize you can't talk about the next expansion, but if there are any possibilities for new jobs, what kind of jobs have been considered? Yasu Kurosawa: You're right, I can't talk about that. But I can ask you what you want! Geomancer Blue Mage New tank Gambler New refresh job Mime Pirates
Quote from: Jesus Quote from: Noze8 SE said in a (somewhat) recent interview: The Black Mages have been way too strong and ever since we released the game, and we've been trying to make them weaker. Taken from this link: 1up.com interview look, that interview is BS, a company doesn't say things like that about their own games.. BLM is not way too powerful, if they pull hate, they'll most likey die, it all works out. if they "nerf" BLM like they have RNG in the past, EVEN MORE people will leave the game which SE really doesn't want. when will they learn they need to make the game more enjoyable and not screw more people over every update?
Quote from: Noze8 SE said in a (somewhat) recent interview: The Black Mages have been way too strong and ever since we released the game, and we've been trying to make them weaker. Taken from this link: 1up.com interview
The Black Mages have been way too strong and ever since we released the game, and we've been trying to make them weaker.
Quote from: Nevil Quote from: Jesus Quote from: Noze8 SE said in a (somewhat) recent interview: The Black Mages have been way too strong and ever since we released the game, and we've been trying to make them weaker. Taken from this link: 1up.com interview look, that interview is BS, a company doesn't say things like that about their own games.. BLM is not way too powerful, if they pull hate, they'll most likey die, it all works out. if they "nerf" BLM like they have RNG in the past, EVEN MORE people will leave the game which SE really doesn't want. when will they learn they need to make the game more enjoyable and not screw more people over every update? Mana burn pts (especially those that wipe a bunch of mobs at once with multiple -aga spells), Divine Might & other BCNM/KS battles, and HMN/God strategies. All of those things I mention fall under the "if it's too hard, just add more BLMs" strategy. What SE is trying to do is give EVERYONE (MNK, WAR, DRK, DRG, SAM, THF, etc.) a fair shot at participating in the game's activities. See, you might think that your complains are justified, and that all SE is trying to do is ruin "people's" fun, but BLM are not the only people who play this game. You might say, "well quit bitching, and just lvl BLM". Well, what if you don't like BLM? And are you really OK with the idea of having half the population in the servers be BLM? So yeah BLM need to be nerfed in some way. BLM get to be the "uber leet" DD, not because of dedication or skills, but because that's the nature of the job. When a half decent BLM, who mana burn their way to 75, is chosen for a pt spot or HMNLS over a really dedicated DRK, then their is something wrong with that. The time and effort you put into this game should be rewarded. The more time and the more effort you put into this game, the greater your reward at the end should be. That's sounds fair. But that's not the case. So, I don't think SE is gonna nerf BLM damage, they just want to stop this "just add more BLM" strategy. Maybe we'll see a nerf similar to this: Any time you have MORE than 2 of the same job in a PT, or 6 of the same job in an alliance, your XP and drop ratios will be penalized. Whenever you have a PT where every job is unique, or an alliance that house all 15 jobs your XP and drop ratios will be increased.
Quote from: Cuer Let's keep this discussion on the next update, not speculation about what may or may not be modified someday for certain jobs. In that vein, another new teaser from the main site: -------------------------------------------------------- New Storage Options! A new option allowing adventurers to store equipment and furnishings obtained from special events will be introduced in the October version update. Storable equipment will be limited to those items that are displayed on a character when equipped. Adventurers will be able to store both normal and high-quality items, but will not receive a key item in exchange as in other equipment storage services. Look for this new service in the upcoming version update!
Quote from: Cuer New Storage Options! A new option allowing adventurers to store equipment and furnishings obtained from special events will be introduced in the October version update. Storable equipment will be limited to those items that are displayed on a character when equipped. Adventurers will be able to store both normal and high-quality items, but will not receive a key item in exchange as in other equipment storage services. Look for this new service in the upcoming version update!
Quote from: Ronwe Under normal circumstances I would be ecstatic about this, but note that you won't receive a key item. Which means you'll receive an inv item. How, exactly, does this save us any space?
Quote from: Dagoth Actually, in the Dragoon Artifact Quest for the Armet, the Dark Knight that ran from San d'Oria was a necromancer, and brung The Last Dragoon back to life for a brief period of time.