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News Item: October Version Update

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From: Ghlin

Posted: 2005-09-04 02:54:24
Quote from: Edgymage007
... In Addition to what I have heard, the FFX1 Team, has also looked back on past games for new jobs, the top five on their lists are Blue Mage, Elementalist, Berserker, Fighter, and Morpher. ...

I'm providing way too long of a post, but I just thought that I'd share a quick comparison of FFXI's jobs to FFV's. SE didn't look at past FF titles as a whole, they pretty much _just_ used FFV as the Model for their "Job" based game system. True FFIII (not 3 or VI) had a "Job" based system, but no where near the scale of V or XI. (FF Tactics is also worth mentioning, but I have never played it, so I cannot say exact examples.)

FFXI's Jobs are pretty much taken straight from the FFV. Almost all the jobs' AF looks almost exactly as the sprite based game's "Jobs." Most notable are Beastmaster and Summoner. On the other hand, a few jobs in FFV look nothing like the AF. Ninja and Bard are examples.

Also, some jobs in FFXI are absent in FFV, but have jobs that are similar. For example, Knight in FF5 lacks magical abilities, but if you allow him to cast White magic, he acts identical to a PLD. Dark Knight isn't present in FFV. To note, a Knight in FFV with the power to cast Black magic would not be like a DRK in FFXI.

The Job abilities are even similar. Redmage in FF5 gets the power to cast Two spells at once (similar to Fast Cast from XI.) The Hunter in FFV has a power called "Sshot" which is basically Ranger's Barrage. Mentioning Knight again, he has the ability "Cover" which functions similarly to the PLD's cover. Ninja in FFV has "Twin" which allows him to gain Three Shadows. (On that same note, FFIV's Ninja, Edge, has "Image" which does the same thing.)

Then again, some job abilities are completely different for some jobs. Samurai in FF5 has a power called "$Toss," which quite literally throws GP at the monster for massive damage. This is nothing like FFXI SAM.

You mentioned 5 jobs that are on a list of priorities. Fighter is Warrior. I don't think SE would make a Figther job. Berserker is Warrior. I dont think SE would make a Berserker job.

I mentioned that jobs in FFXI exist that dont in V. Well, there are jobs in V that don't exist in XI. They are Sorcerer, Time Mage, Blue Mage, Geomancer(Elementalist), Dancer, Chemist, Berserker, Knight (sort of), Berserker (sort of), and Mime.

Time Mage + Sorcerer + Red Mage = FFXI's RDM.

Blue Mage has association with monsters, but he is nothing like BST. He learns monster's special abilities. I think if Blue Mage entered FFXI he would have Wide Scan and his Powers would be governed by the BST's monster vs. monster chart. He might have a "Circle" effect that enhances resistance to all monsters. Abbr: BLU

Knight + White Mage = PLD

Chemist != FFXI's Alchemist. Chemist had the ability to get extra mileage from items by doubling their potency. Also, they had powers to Raise an entire party at once and to completely erase all status effects from the party. They also could use "Drink" to empower themself greatly. If Chemist entered FFXI, I believe he would have the power to use Medicines on a target as a lvl1 ability. I also believe the "Mix" power from FFV would be a way for Chemsists to create a Medicine w/o doing Crystal Synthesis. Mind you, the NPCs in FFXI never do Crystal Synthesis. All Chemist "Mix"ed items would be EX or Rare/EX. If FFXI's Chemist had the "Drink" power, it might be an amazing SJ for DDs. Abbr: CHM

Berserker isn't really a Job, per se. It would never be seen in FFXI because it's already present in a way. All DDs in FFXI are like Berserkers from V in that they turn attack on, and they keep attacking til the monster or themself is dead.

Dancer is nothing like BRD. In FFV Dancers entered a dance trance (eh...) which could do one of a few things: drain HP, drain MP, or deal Massive Damage. There were a few items in FFV that allowed Dancer's to have the Massive Damage kick in more often. If Dancer entered FFXI, it would be a very unusual damage dealer. Abbr: DNC

Geomancer had the power to deal with damaging terrain. They fought with Bells. If it entered FFXI, I believe it would have awesome powers. There would be a new Ranged weapon type of Bell. I'm guessing he would swap Bells like a Bard to enhance terrain style spells/powers. He could probably control the weather. Abbr: GMN

Mime is a job from FFV and FFVI. In both games they were represented by a very unusually dressed character named Gogo. Mime had the ability to directly copy the last action done by a party member. If Mime entered FFXI, it would be a very unusual support. Abbr: MME

In my opinion, If SE added jobs. It would be a small chunk. I'm going to say Three jobs. We have potentially 5 to be added; BLU, GMN, DNC, CHM, MME.

I don't think DNC would make the cut because the game already has too many DD. GMN is out because "damaging terrain" isn't present in FFXI, and that was mostly his gig. Also, if GMN had the power to alter/control weather that would be too amazing. That leaves three very interesting Job additions.

CHM-The power to actually create potions through Mix. The ability to use items on another Player. CHM would quickly be very expensive, and coupled with the fact that players have, overall, a lack of interest in Support role style jobs this will make CHMs rare. SE likes to make new ways for "destroying" gil, so it is not totally unrealistic to guess CHM may eventually be added.

BLU-Another Wide Scan job. I'm guessing BLU will only be able to learn new Monster Spells from NMs. This will make a Good BLU very rare. Due to the popularity of BLU, it is not completely unlikely it will be added.

MME-In FFV and VI, the Battle Mime proved to be one of the most powerful characters. It's hard to say how it would work as a Job in FFXI. To unluck MME, players will have to have several levels in several jobs, so Mimes will be ultra rare. Also, the sheer finality of MME in V and VI forces me to say with good conviction that Mime must be added as a job at some point during FFXI's life span.
From: Anonymous

Posted: 2005-09-04 06:29:36
So, you think that it's fair for BLMs to create Manaburn parties gaining EXP Chains 7 and 8's. What about the BLM/RDM soloing KS30 "Desert Swarm"? BLM imho...needs a slight adjustment. Don't get me wrong, some jobs are a bit too strong/weak, but... If someone can figure out how to accomplish the so-called impossible, more power to them. The wonderful randomness of FFXI will eventually catch up with them in the most dire of times, such as when your 25 exp from leveling solo and a EP whoops your ass... I still can't figure that one out.
From: Reniik
Registered User

Posted: 2005-09-04 11:02:25
One other job possibility that has been mentioned by SE themselves and has been made an apparent possibility by game content is Necromancer.

The reason I think there is a pretty good chance of this is from the hints dropped in the mannequin quest. Upon partaking in the third and final mannequin quest (to unlock mannequin poses) your character comes in contact with a necromancer that reanimates the soul of a dead woman within a mannequin (that you must fight in a *very* odd battle). Anyhow, after the battle and overall story conclusion the necromancer gives a short speech to your character ending with the elusive "I am sure our paths will cross again." Now, best I can tell, there is currently no other quest with this NPC who can only be found by initiating this quest in the first place, furthermore, this character is one of the jobs we do not have available (yet) and yet he is already in the game in an NPC manifestation. Finally, the following excerpt is taken from an interview with SE where they specifically mention necromancer:

Community: I realize you can't talk about the next expansion, but if there are any possibilities for new jobs, what kind of jobs have been considered?
Yasu Kurosawa: You're right, I can't talk about that. But I can ask you what you want!

Blue Mage
New tank
New refresh job

-Src: http://na.square-enix.com/events/ffxi/tour2005/ny/transcript.html

Just some thoughts, but I think it's safe to say that this evidence is pretty suggestive.
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-09-04 13:32:30
It should be pointed out that the jobs listed in that interview were from the audience, when they were asked "what do you want?" Square-Enix has never officially said what job(s) they're going to introduce with the next expansion; the closest they came is mentioning a while back that it will be "unlike any current jobs".

I'm just happy that it appears they learned from the mistake of Chains of Promathia, in that it does sound like they're going to be introducing some sort of new job at all. Regardless of what the job turns out to be, at least it will be providing players a new way of interacting with the game, which is an area where Promathia was woefully lacking.

The little that we know so far about the new expansion, given that it hasn't been officially announced, mainly comes from the previously reported Famitsu article. It's hard to take that information as completely reliable, however, given that they combined information on the X360 FFXI version along with info about the actual expansion. Which is why, only time (possibly from the game festival later this month in Japan) will tell...
From: Dagoth

Posted: 2005-09-04 16:49:57
Actually, in the Dragoon Artifact Quest for the Armet, the Dark Knight that ran from San d'Oria was a necromancer, and brung The Last Dragoon back to life for a brief period of time.
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-09-05 15:03:24
Additions to the Fellowship System

The version update in early October will bring the following changes to the Fellowship system:

-Several Fellowship quests will be added, including one that raises the NPC's level restriction.
-There will be an increase in the variety of equipment worn by the NPC.
-Extra conversational options will be available at the Rendezvous Point.
-There will be more fighting styles to choose from.
-More information will be displayed on screen, such as the NPC's hit points.

These changes and more will be included in the upcoming version update. Details may be found on the FINAL FANTASY XI main page as soon as they are released.

FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (9/5/2005)


This is terrific news; it looks like they're really expanding the NPC Fellow setup into a nice buddy system, to have a little charmie that helps out. From the picture that accompanies the news, they show a character with his Fellow inside of Movalpolos, so presumably one of the changes/quests will allow players to take their Fellows inside dungeons, at least certain ones. Looks like fun!
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-09-07 15:54:12
As updated in the news:

Changes Coming in the Version Update

The following changes will be made in early October. The version update will bring several other adjustments and new material, so keep checking the main page for more information.

-Lost Chocobo Game
During the lost chocobo game, the time spent riding will be displayed after entering a new area.

-Synthesis Recipes
In the past, guild craftsmen distributed new recipes one at a time. However, following the October version update, craftsmen will present a list to the player depending on that player's skill level.


The recipe display is a terrific change, and will help immensely when it comes to figuring out the exact caps of recipes.
From: Nevil

Posted: 2005-09-08 08:39:05
Quote from: Jesus
Quote from: Noze8
SE said in a (somewhat) recent interview:

The Black Mages have been way too strong and ever since we released the game, and we've been trying to make them weaker.

Taken from this link:

1up.com interview

look, that interview is BS, a company doesn't say things like that about their own games.. BLM is not way too powerful, if they pull hate, they'll most likey die, it all works out. if they "nerf" BLM like they have RNG in the past, EVEN MORE people will leave the game which SE really doesn't want. when will they learn they need to make the game more enjoyable and not screw more people over every update?

Mana burn pts (especially those that wipe a bunch of mobs at once with multiple -aga spells), Divine Might & other BCNM/KS battles, and HMN/God strategies. All of those things I mention fall under the "if it's too hard, just add more BLMs" strategy. What SE is trying to do is give EVERYONE (MNK, WAR, DRK, DRG, SAM, THF, etc.) a fair shot at participating in the game's activities.

See, you might think that your complains are justified, and that all SE is trying to do is ruin "people's" fun, but BLM are not the only people who play this game. You might say, "well quit bitching, and just lvl BLM". Well, what if you don't like BLM? And are you really OK with the idea of having half the population in the servers be BLM?

So yeah BLM need to be nerfed in some way. BLM get to be the "uber leet" DD, not because of dedication or skills, but because that's the nature of the job. When a half decent BLM, who mana burn their way to 75, is chosen for a pt spot or HMNLS over a really dedicated DRK, then their is something wrong with that. The time and effort you put into this game should be rewarded. The more time and the more effort you put into this game, the greater your reward at the end should be. That's sounds fair. But that's not the case.

So, I don't think SE is gonna nerf BLM damage, they just want to stop this "just add more BLM" strategy.

Maybe we'll see a nerf similar to this:

Any time you have MORE than 2 of the same job in a PT, or 6 of the same job in an alliance, your XP and drop ratios will be penalized.

Whenever you have a PT where every job is unique, or an alliance that house all 15 jobs your XP and drop ratios will be increased.
From: guest

Posted: 2005-09-08 16:23:36
Quote from: Nevil
Quote from: Jesus
Quote from: Noze8
SE said in a (somewhat) recent interview:

The Black Mages have been way too strong and ever since we released the game, and we've been trying to make them weaker.

Taken from this link:

1up.com interview

look, that interview is BS, a company doesn't say things like that about their own games.. BLM is not way too powerful, if they pull hate, they'll most likey die, it all works out. if they "nerf" BLM like they have RNG in the past, EVEN MORE people will leave the game which SE really doesn't want. when will they learn they need to make the game more enjoyable and not screw more people over every update?

Mana burn pts (especially those that wipe a bunch of mobs at once with multiple -aga spells), Divine Might & other BCNM/KS battles, and HMN/God strategies. All of those things I mention fall under the "if it's too hard, just add more BLMs" strategy. What SE is trying to do is give EVERYONE (MNK, WAR, DRK, DRG, SAM, THF, etc.) a fair shot at participating in the game's activities.

See, you might think that your complains are justified, and that all SE is trying to do is ruin "people's" fun, but BLM are not the only people who play this game. You might say, "well quit bitching, and just lvl BLM". Well, what if you don't like BLM? And are you really OK with the idea of having half the population in the servers be BLM?

So yeah BLM need to be nerfed in some way. BLM get to be the "uber leet" DD, not because of dedication or skills, but because that's the nature of the job. When a half decent BLM, who mana burn their way to 75, is chosen for a pt spot or HMNLS over a really dedicated DRK, then their is something wrong with that. The time and effort you put into this game should be rewarded. The more time and the more effort you put into this game, the greater your reward at the end should be. That's sounds fair. But that's not the case.

So, I don't think SE is gonna nerf BLM damage, they just want to stop this "just add more BLM" strategy.

Maybe we'll see a nerf similar to this:

Any time you have MORE than 2 of the same job in a PT, or 6 of the same job in an alliance, your XP and drop ratios will be penalized.

Whenever you have a PT where every job is unique, or an alliance that house all 15 jobs your XP and drop ratios will be increased.

Going around and looking jobs to nerf isn't really the right approach. Shouldn't SE be focusing more on fixing jobs that suck? They are taking a right step on THF's, DRG's are still broken since the penta nerf. BLM manaburning all the way to 75 (not all people have that option)? A really dedicated and properly equipped DRK have their places in HNM s, but in reality a lot of people playing DRKs are little kids that don't properly equip themselves. I've seen many DRKs that refused to have both GSword and Scythe leveled up, won't eat SUSHI and wear nothing but AF.

As far as BLM/SMN strats for HNMs go, it's still a team effort with many jobs, you can't drop in an alliance of BLMs and expect to defeat Tiamat. Want to stop the BLM/SMN adding strategy? Make other jobs work better... Let me see you beat Fafnir in less than 30min without any BLM/SMNs (eom)
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-09-09 11:11:45
Let's keep this discussion on the next update, not speculation about what may or may not be modified someday for certain jobs. In that vein, another new teaser from the main site:


New Storage Options!

A new option allowing adventurers to store equipment and furnishings obtained from special events will be introduced in the October version update. Storable equipment will be limited to those items that are displayed on a character when equipped. Adventurers will be able to store both normal and high-quality items, but will not receive a key item in exchange as in other equipment storage services.
Look for this new service in the upcoming version update!
From: Ichthyos
Registered User

Posted: 2005-09-09 12:12:39
More NPC storage! Yes!!
From: Twigs
Registered User

Posted: 2005-09-09 13:17:51
Quote from: Cuer
Let's keep this discussion on the next update, not speculation about what may or may not be modified someday for certain jobs. In that vein, another new teaser from the main site:


New Storage Options!

A new option allowing adventurers to store equipment and furnishings obtained from special events will be introduced in the October version update. Storable equipment will be limited to those items that are displayed on a character when equipped. Adventurers will be able to store both normal and high-quality items, but will not receive a key item in exchange as in other equipment storage services.
Look for this new service in the upcoming version update!

{All Right!} my mog safe is filled with that junk...
From: Uberfuzzy
Registered User

Posted: 2005-09-10 21:25:08
Quote from: Cuer
New Storage Options!

A new option allowing adventurers to store equipment and furnishings obtained from special events will be introduced in the October version update. Storable equipment will be limited to those items that are displayed on a character when equipped. Adventurers will be able to store both normal and high-quality items, but will not receive a key item in exchange as in other equipment storage services.
Look for this new service in the upcoming version update!

{um...} i know the update hasnt happened, and no one knows for sure, but anyone wanna try to explain that?

and also, what about things like the new sash's... those arent displayed
From: Ghlin

Posted: 2005-09-12 05:04:44
Maybe you Dress the NPC in event gear?
From: Ronwe

Posted: 2005-09-13 01:49:38
Quote from: Cuer
Let's keep this discussion on the next update, not speculation about what may or may not be modified someday for certain jobs. In that vein, another new teaser from the main site:


New Storage Options!

A new option allowing adventurers to store equipment and furnishings obtained from special events will be introduced in the October version update. Storable equipment will be limited to those items that are displayed on a character when equipped. Adventurers will be able to store both normal and high-quality items, but will not receive a key item in exchange as in other equipment storage services.
Look for this new service in the upcoming version update!

Under normal circumstances I would be ecstatic about this, but note that you won't receive a key item. Which means you'll receive an inv item. How, exactly, does this save us any space?
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-09-13 01:59:15
Quote from: Ronwe
Under normal circumstances I would be ecstatic about this, but note that you won't receive a key item. Which means you'll receive an inv item. How, exactly, does this save us any space?

Nobody knows this will work for certain except S-E, and it looks like they won't tell until the day of the patch. If I had to hazard a guess, though, I imagine that when you turn in one of these event items, it will just give you a message, instead of a key item; presumably, making a key item for each individual event item would be quite a hassle.

One thing to keep in mind is that with this patch, they are introducing lists from NPCs that can be made on the fly: the new recipe lists shown by Guild NPCs will presumably be generated on the server and sent to the client, based on the character's skill level. This is a change, because up until this point all lists of options that you saw in the game from an NPC were fixed in the data files. It's possible that they're using this addition to also allow an Armor Storer NPC to list all the individual event items that a character has stored. So, instead of having to give a key item, they can have the NPC just list all your items that you have stored, and you can get them out individually.

Of course, this is all speculation... we should know exactly how it works within a month. As for why it has to be items that can be seen, I have no idea, except that there are very odd rules in the game regarding items that can or can't be seen. There seems to be a fundamental design structure that requires that they act in different ways.
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-09-13 12:22:28
News Item: PlayOnline Development News: October Version Update

From the Official FFXI Site (September 13):

Chart the Unknown!

Navigational charts will be added in the October version update. Each chart displays the location of a secret point where adventurers will find a surprise awaiting! Charts may be obtained by completing the quest "Inside the Belly."

More information will be reported on this page at the time of the version update.
From: Vivi from pandy

Posted: 2005-09-14 21:06:21
Quote from: Dagoth
Actually, in the Dragoon Artifact Quest for the Armet, the Dark Knight that ran from San d'Oria was a necromancer, and brung The Last Dragoon back to life for a brief period of time.

Surprisingly if anyone of the mages noticed from doing the Mannequin Boots quest the person you speak to is a NECROMANCER, another one that deals with life. While this may hint at something again, but how will you go raising the dead and creating a bunch of ghosts and corses to fight for you or whatever....sounds like a lot of Necropolis time! XD
From: Jonas
Registered User

Posted: 2005-09-15 11:35:36
Charts unknow looks like it could be fun, but I really don't want to level fishing to 30. Another great idea shot down the drain.
From: Melphina

Posted: 2005-09-15 21:25:45
I agree with the previous poster. I hate fishing with a passion. If I hafta lvl fishing to do this then I probably will be one of many who never get the benefit of this addition.

NOTE: I LIKE the idea of adding drop rates, or hell even making exclusive drops for having all 15 jobs in an alliance..... A LOT! Where would I be able to go to suggest this to SE personally?
From: Melphina

Posted: 2005-09-15 21:28:31
Edit to my last post:

However I don't know how feasible it would be to take down HNM's with that setup. My main is only 45 so I don't know if its possible with that setup for most HNM's, but by all means they should think of something to this extent. Problem I see is lack of healers and tanks but wed hafta see..... iunno.
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