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Final Fantasy XI Discussion BoardDiscussion Boards -> General

News Item: July 18, 2005 FFXI Patch Note

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From: Ichthyos
Registered User

Posted: 2005-07-18 22:33:10
Quote from: Thufir
This is Astral Ring again, and that backfied (at least on Ragnarok, the price nearly doubled).

It does seem like S-E is doing the same thing with these items that they did with Astral Rings. However, their intent (to the best of my knowledge) is not to reduce the price of these highly desirable items.

With the Astral Rings, they were making it so that people couldn't just camp a time-based limited resource (the coffers), which people needed for other things too (Artifact Armor). By moving it to a BC, people are now limited not by how many characters they could camp at coffers, but by the number of seals they can throw at the BCNMs.

By making NM drops Ex and moving sellables to BCNM/ENM etc, I think S-E is mainly trying to reduce griefing, rather than affect the server economy.
From: Yorlan
Registered User

Posted: 2005-07-18 22:51:23
It's been to death before but I'll say it again: Ranger needed this nerf. How can one job have the best accuracy and damage than any other DD? Now they're levelling the playing field a bit (from my understanding anyway): you either go all out on accuracy or damage. Can't have the best of both worlds, just like the other DD jobs.

I play RNG. No other job can do flamingoes in sky from 60-66 like my arrowburn static did and get those six levels in just 2-3 days. It was sick doing 1.5k Sidewinder, followed by another 1.5k Sidewinder and ending with a 50-600 Reverberation. I'd say we were killing those birds at 60-62 faster than a standard party does at 64-66. It ended up getting to the point where the only thing ending our chains were the lack of mobs.

It was nice, I'll admit, but it made all of us clearly see how powerful RNG is. I, unlike 95% of the RNG out there, think this update is a good thing as I'd like to see balance in this game. =)

We'll just have to see how it really is in a couple of hours.
From: Manis
Registered User

Posted: 2005-07-18 23:09:07
this update is the worst and possibly the best.

Simple, to the point
From: Wicket

Posted: 2005-07-19 00:07:20
Quote from: Thufir
This is Astral Ring again, and that backfied (at least on Ragnarok, the price nearly doubled).

Actually didn't it triple? I though they used to be like 200k and now they're about 800k. I remember the day of the update when everyone was on it was still 200k then no one could figure out where to get them and they went to 400k... now I dont know what happened, Gil seller bcnm?
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-07-19 00:38:40
Quote from: Ichthyos
It does seem like S-E is doing the same thing with these items that they did with Astral Rings. However, their intent (to the best of my knowledge) is not to reduce the price of these highly desirable items.

By making NM drops Ex and moving sellables to BCNM/ENM etc, I think S-E is mainly trying to reduce griefing, rather than affect the server economy.

To my mind, this is entirely correct. The changes they're making are designed to allow a wider range of characters to have a shot at getting these items; they aren't necessarily designed to reduce the price of the regular (non-Exclusive) copy of the items. To do that, there would need to be more alternative items added.

The item changes mentioned in the patch notes are certainly a step in the right direction, and hopefully just one of many that will be coming (or that is already in this patch, and just wasn't mentioned directly in the patch.) The top 20 highly-camped over-powered items like the ones mentioned in the patch notes should all be given higher level options so that there isn't the massive demand for a specific item. It's insane that players end up using the same item for 50+ levels; that type of demand is what causes both the high prices and the monopolization of resources.

Thankfully, Square-Enix does realize this, as can be seen with the alternatives added to the Archer/Sniper Rings. Since the start of the CoP patches, we have seen 5 new Accuracy rings that provide an alternative, to one degree or another. (The overall desperate need for +Accuracy items was also ameliorated by the addition of sushi food.) These same sort of additions need to be made with alternative items for the other highly sought items, specifically higher level versions that are more powerful. Giving players a real choice when it comes to equipment is the best way of fixing the intense demand for those specific items.
From: Ed

Posted: 2005-07-19 02:54:59
Rangers didnt deserve this nerf. Yes we were very powerful, but to be that way we need to spend tons on good ammo and equip, while if we were EVEN with other DD what would be the point of wasting all that gil when war or drg can equal our dmg? Personally im hoping the update is only a slight change, and we can still do comparable damage like before because if we cant, whats the point of being a ranger?
From: France

Posted: 2005-07-19 08:47:26
well i was ltl woried about this add about shadows
but i think SE want have less noob level a nin

if they reduce the amount of hate they also add
a good thing alow you get more tool and spam elemental tool!
isn't the rigth way for do our job?
in my idea a good nin will be able evade enough
for lost not too much hate and spam tool for got hate back
also peraps its where the nin will finaly start use the expenssive shuriken for helping on hate.
ninja =the expenssive job ever^^
From: Erren Of Fairy

Posted: 2005-07-19 10:04:53
i am all for stoping the gil sellers by useing r/ex items in place of the real ones.... but i am kinda sick of my Mog House being full of R/ex stuff. SE needs to help out with the space a bit more with another mog expansion.
From: Case

Posted: 2005-07-19 13:49:01
Quote from: Wicket
Quote from: Thufir
This is Astral Ring again, and that backfied (at least on Ragnarok, the price nearly doubled).

Actually didn't it triple? I though they used to be like 200k and now they're about 800k. I remember the day of the update when everyone was on it was still 200k then no one could figure out where to get them and they went to 400k... now I dont know what happened, Gil seller bcnm?

is everything that goes wrong with item inflation gilseller's? some people may just be tired of selling their otems at regular price and others selling higher ... when gilsellers inflate other people dont stop the trend ... it just goes on because people want that kind of money too. Telepo on my server is going up and people are complaining about it .. yet they make more farming than when they used to do it .. but whats the difference? WHM pay more for equip and noone feels whm should be payed more for telepo (farming for WHMs)
From: Scratchbiskutz

Posted: 2005-07-19 14:09:53
Before the update, a player who fought a monster without using auto-attack would retain his claim on the monster, even if he was KO’d in battle due to poison, etc. This has been fixed so that when the player dies, the monster becomes unclaimed.

ive read this post a couple times over, and what i can get from it, is this is SE's way of getin rid of low lev bottin that high level players make so they dont lose their own acct's. This wont get rid of bottin but force people to use their own accounts. nice try SE
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