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Final Fantasy XI Discussion BoardDiscussion Boards -> General

News Item: The Harvest Festival!

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From: Cuer

Posted: 2006-10-16 06:53:33
The Harvest Festival!

The Harvest Festival will begin on October 19, and a new event named The Dark Lilies will be introduced along with the usual costumed fun!
Bring your friends and join the festivities!

Event Details
This event is scheduled to commence on October 19th at 17:00, and will last until November 1st, 0:00 (PST).

Event Locations
The Harvest Festival will take place in the following areas:

Southern San d'Oria/Northern San d'Oria
Bastok Mines/Bastok Markets
Windurst Waters/Windurst Woods

Event Stalls
Special stalls selling Harvest Festival goods will be available in the following locations:

Northern San d'Oria (D-8)
Port Bastok (L-8)
Windurst Waters (G-10)

Special Event: The Dark Lilies
Talk to the exorcist NPCs in the following areas, and help them discover the secrets of the spirits terrorizing the towns.

Northern San d'Oria (D-8) Gertrude
Bastok Markets (G-8) Brian
Windurst Waters (F-5) Roger

*Please note that after completing a request from one of the exorcists, you will be unable to undertake another request until one Vana'diel day has passed.

Costumed NPCs
Trade treats to the NPCs in monster costumes and see what happens!
You might be transformed into a beastman, or even receive a special item!

*In general, reats are any sweets that can be made with cooking. Please note that there are some types of sweets that NPCs will not accept.
*While in costume, you will be unable to use items or magic, or open doors.
*To take off a costume, simply cancel the costume status icon or change areas.

Bomb Decorations
During the Harvest Festival, you will see decorations resembling the bomb monster.
See what happens when you approach these decorations in a party of two people wearing a certain combination of costumes...

*Try talking to the Moogles that appear in town during the event. They might have some clues for you!

Official PlayOnline Announcement
From: Lukahn
Registered User

Posted: 2006-10-16 10:34:44
I look forward to these events as ever. THis time, there seems to be a new piece of headgear (the halloween hat) and possibly new body gear.

Details of last years event can be found here:

With a guide to it here:

Good luck everyone, I look forward to hearing how to get the hat (perhaps it dispenses Jack-o-lanterns ^^)
From: P.

Posted: 2006-10-17 06:44:58
Jack O Lanterns, yeah... that would be really good.
But what are they used for though?
From: Kieba

Posted: 2006-10-17 18:12:35
Quote from: P.
Jack O Lanterns, yeah... that would be really good.
But what are they used for though?

From: Dobber12
Registered User

Posted: 2006-10-19 19:01:14
Is that 1700 PST that this starts? So that would be 8pm Est?
From: Dobber12
Registered User

Posted: 2006-10-20 08:11:14
So does anyone know what Tricksters we are supposed to talk to and what sweets we are supposed to give them? I gave a Gob Chocolate to a tall skeleton that looks like the NM silver hook and got Pumpkin Head II. I also gave a Gob chocolate to one that looked like a phantom. He gave me Horror Head II. I am unsure who i give sweets to in order to get the pitchfork, or if i have to talk to selma or whatever. Also I have followed around Selma and the ghost NPC who's name ends in Heart and nothing ever happens... Do i need to have the pitchfork along with a costume the NPC gives me or is it just a matter of chance that they talk? Ok enough rambling if anyone has info on this that would be great. Thanks
From: Daba
Registered User

Posted: 2006-10-20 11:17:56
OK to get the Witch Hat/Coven Hat in Sandy:

1. Talk to Gertrude @ D-8 North Sandy, say you haven't head of Ghosts, then accept her favor
2. Go to the fountain @ North Sandy, the town square. Poseaulle will walk around the fountain. Trade a treat to a costumed NPC to get costumed, and follow her around. MAKE SURE YOU ARE BEHIND HER AND WHEN SHE STOPS TO TURN AROUND, MOVE FAR AWAY OR KEEP STAYING BEHIND HER. DON'T LET HER SEE YOU OR YOU WILL LOSE YOUR COSTUME AND YOU'LL BE FORCED TO GET ANOTHER COSTUME TO AN NPC AGAIN. When she finally says "Ah, I know you're there, but to have someone hear my pain has lightened my soul, if only a little", then you may or may not lose your costume (but you most likely will).
3. Go back to Gertrude to get the Witch Hat. Wait for the next Vana'diel Day.
4. On the next Vana'diel Day, talk to Gertrude again and accept her next favor. Go to a costumed NPC, trade a treat, get costumed. Go to the watery part of North Sandy where you can find the Woodworking Guild and entrance to Carpenter's Landing. The ghost Maryse will be the next ghost you need to follow around. She will be a challenge because she can detect you even if you're in a distance. The rules apply like in the previous ghost, only this one is more annoying and challenging since you have to walk up and down a lot of stairs. When she says "I see you there, I should curse you, but I will forgive you as my brother would", she may remove your costume or detect you as not being a monster.
5. Go back to Gertrude to get your Coven Hat.
6. Go to the Moogle vendors WEARING YOUR COVEN HAT. They will sell you the 3 Halloween furnishings, the Bomb Lantern, Mandragora Lantern and Pumpkin Lantern. If you wear the Witch Hat, they'll only sell you the Pumpkin Lantern (because it's Sandy's lantern). They are 10,000 each.

From: Katella

Posted: 2006-10-20 11:58:02
This may be useful in answering some questions:

From: Sphero
Registered User

Posted: 2006-10-20 12:59:54
You need to talk to the Event NPC 1st. Then you need to get a costume and follow one of the Ghost (the one the NPC mentioned to be followed first and practice on). The Ghost will tell you a story why he appears in the city. Follow him until he says that he knows that you are there. Return to the Quest NPC and you get the Witch Hat as a reward.

You have to wait now for the next ingame day to do the quest again with the other Ghost. The reward is the Coven Hat then.

You can get random Event Items such as Horror Head, Pumpkin Head, Horror Head II, Pumpkin Head II, Trick Staff, Treat Staff, Trick Staff II, Treat Staff II while trading as many as diffrent sweets as possible to as many as diffrent NPC's as possible.

Note that you only can trade the same sweet once per ingame day! If you trade the same over and over again, the NPC's will only say "Thank you..."

There is one more Miniquest, if you have a Partner in party and having a Costume on while nearing the Bomb decoration. But atm i havent figured aut this... im on it^^
From: Zade

Posted: 2006-10-20 14:14:35
Quote from: Dobber12
Also I have followed around Selma and the ghost NPC who's name ends in Heart and nothing ever happens... Do i need to have the pitchfork along with a costume the NPC gives me or is it just a matter of chance that they talk? Ok enough rambling if anyone has info on this that would be great. Thanks

talk to the NPC exorcist in town (Bastok Markets NPC= Brian) agree to help him learn what the ghosts are thinking, get a costume and then follow Selma 1st. Stay behind her with the costume on, she will stop every so often to turn around, you must stay behind them, if they see you you lose your costume and have to get another costume to continue the mini-quest. Do the same with Pretty Heart, but you have to wait for the day to change to do it again. Goodluck~
From: Rainelle

Posted: 2006-10-20 14:24:57
The event this is year is rather boring. I did it in Sandy and it took all of two game days.

Talk to the exorcist in North Sandy near the exit to Ronfaure. Pick the option "Ghosts?!?!?" She talks about something, then you agree to help her. Go up with treats to a random walking ghost, get your costume on, then go and look for the 1st ghost she mentioned. (Her name begins with a P, she's wandering around in a circle in front of the Chateau in North Sandy). Stay behind her, listen to all she has to say, click on her when she stops if you cannot hear her talking. Also, if she turns and sees you in the costume, she will remove it and you will have to get a new costume to continue. Once she makes the full circle and you listen to all she has to say, you go back to the exorcist and she gives you the witch hat.

Wait a game day, wash, rinse and repeat. The new ghost can be found in the upper section of North Sandy, walking around in a circle from the smithing guild, past the armour shop, then down the stairs and back up again to where the guy who is afraid of the dark stands. She is a little harder because she really turns around fast and you get caught a little easier wearing your costume, however, if you stay far enough out of her view and only approach her to hear her speak, you should be ok. Go back after you've heard everything she has to say and you get the coven hat.

As for the other event where two people run around in costumes near the bomb tree things... I havent done it, though it looks like it was last yrs event for the pitchfork? I'm not sure.

Oh and if you are looking for the new furniture (lanterns), they are more then easy to get. Check moogles in North Sandy while wearing your witch hat to be able to buy the Pumpkin Lantern. When you wear the coven hat, you are able to buy all 3 of the lanterns (they are all 10k each).

Hope this helps!
From: Daba
Registered User

Posted: 2006-10-21 01:28:26
I completely disagree. I think the Halloween event this year is more awesome and not boring compared to last year. Finally SE gave us a headgear or item that we can actually USE other than showing off. Heck I'm using my Coven Hat while EXPing using my SMN awhile ago.

About the Pitchforks, do the same rules apply like the one last year?
From: Terahnee
Registered User

Posted: 2006-10-21 06:01:08
So... Had Pumpkin Head from last year, got Pumpkin Head II, Treat Staff, Trick Staff, Witch Hat and Coven Hat... What else is there?

Horror Head right? Anything else so far?
From: chupakabra

Posted: 2006-10-21 11:13:16
im just curious if there is a trick to getting certain items by trading sweets i have gotten pumpkin head, pumpkin head ii, horror head, trick staff, treat staff, and trick staff ii , pitchfork +1 and coven hat yet when i try trading sweets in bastok 4 times since i have gotten these items i have " failed to obtain trick staff ii " which i already have a cant get them to drop horror head ii, or treat staff ii any help?
From: Newbie #1

Posted: 2006-10-21 13:44:42
This is my first time doing this event. I was told that the pitchfork can only be gotten through a balloon gift. The combo of skeleton and hound costumes outside the cullinary guild in Windy Waters gave me my pitchfork. However, I was told it would be a pitchfork +2... Anyone know if this is also random or if I can get a pitchfork by trading treats?
From: jeegee

Posted: 2006-10-21 18:21:35
pitchfork is bomb dec event only i think
From: Grencye

Posted: 2006-10-21 19:48:09
This post is to reply to chupakabra. I had the same problem the first time I did the Halloween event, but the second year I found some info that helped me. It's believed that depending on what you're currently wearing, you will recieve the appropriate item. This is not 100% accurate, but it worked for me:

"To get:

Treat staff, wear the trick staff
Treat staff II, wear Trick staff II
Horror Head, wear Pumpkinhead
Horror Head II, wear Pumpkinhead II

Trick Staff - wear non halloween weapon or nothing
Trick Staff II - non halloween weapon/nothing
Pumpkinhead - non Halloween hat/nothing
Pumpkinhead II - non Halloween hat/nothing

Of course if you have the hat you want, but are still stuck on staves, you can equip either the Horror Head or Horror Head 2. They should stop giving you hats at that point, and only pass out Lanterns or staves. Same should work the other way, wear a Treat I or II staff and only get hats and lanterns."

Info taken from allakhazam by FrostAdora. This really helped me out though. Hope it helps you too.

As for the partner quest and the bomb baloons, that quest is for the Pitchfork and Pitchfork +1.
From: Grencye

Posted: 2006-10-22 12:04:18
I'm havin' trouble! Every year I've attended the Harvest Festival, I get a brand new Trick Staff II, to recharge the charges. Unfortunately, I did it again this year, and I can't seem to get any items out of those damn NPCs, only costumes! Can anyone recommend a good NPC to trade to for the items? Please?
From: Demigoddess
Registered User

Posted: 2006-10-22 14:20:57
Ok well here is what i did hope it helps someone (all done in Sandy and got all this trying to get turned into a costume lol)

wild cookie to Pirvidiaunce (next to Gertrude) n got a Pumpkin Head II

Cinna-cookie to Pirvidiaunce n got a Treat Staff

Wild Cookie to Antonian (next to the fountain in north) n got a Pumpkin Head.

Not sure if this helps but I got these items in this order. But i got the Pumpkin Head after I put the Pumpkin Head II in my storage.

Havent done the Pitchforks yet but was told by a couple people that the Dog/Shade combination works and that you get the
Dog by trading to the Trick Skeleton
Shade by trading to the Trick Phantom

And a friend got one of the Horror Heads (i think it was II I Forgot to write it down) by trading to a Trick Spirit but he couldnt remember which treat he traded all he could remember was that it was a cookie he traded and it wasnt a HQ cookie.

Well thats all i have for now I hope this helps
From: ubermitch

Posted: 2006-10-23 12:00:22
aight.. This is for Bastok pitchfork. Bastok Markets

Get in a party of two. Get this combonation of costumes:

trade to Trick Bones for Banshee Costume
trade to Trick Ghost for Dog Costume

1. both of you in party stand next to bomb deocration with moogles acroos from hp for 5-10sec.

2. go to the bomb decoration buy the fountain and wait.

3. go to the bomb decoration down the stairs by selma.

and now you have pitchfork, YAY ^^
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