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Final Fantasy XI Discussion BoardDiscussion Boards -> Site Comments, Updates, and Corrections

Selene's Bow

From: Shadida

Posted: 2005-08-06 06:17:13
I just obtained Selene's Bow, and found that in addition to all the listed information on this site about it (which is all accurate) it also has a STR+2 effect. A pleasant surprise, but also a necessary correction. ^^;

Also about the Black Coney NM, he spawns during *new* moon (I believe there is a typo in the description.) About Black Coney:

He used only offensive TP abilities, unlike his counterpart White Coney who only uses defensive/curative TP abilities. Foot Kick and Whirl Claws were the two I saw, and over the course of a 2 minute battle he must have used them at least 7 times.

Can't say exactly how much HP he has, but I'm guessing 5-7k HP. As we arrived at the spawn location we watched a NIN75 effortlessly solo it, and I suspect that any 2 or 3 Lv75 characters could take it down given they had enough healing magic to withstand the frequent special attacks.

Now time to experiment with this bow, I've heard good things. :)

- Shadida
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-08-06 16:18:34
Excellent info, thanks much for it. Good catch on the bow there. The specifics on the Black Coney, White Coney, and Selene's Bow have all been updated.

If you find the details on how the bow works in relationship to the moon phase, that would be interesting to hear as well!
From: Shadida

Posted: 2005-08-07 06:20:47
Don't forget to update the Patch Complation too. ^^

By the way, I'm very pleased with the bow, even if I dont understand it yet. Selene's Bow performed as well as Master Caster's Bow (if not better, I think accuracy was actually better though I'm not Windurstan), so I just sold my old bow. :D Fight vs. Kirin tomorrow will prove to be the real test though... we'll see!

- Shadida
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-08-08 03:31:38
The July 2005 Patch Compilation of Info was updated, and so all these entities have been updated there as well. It sounds like that's a great bow; definitely one of the better new Rare/Ex items put in, to save needing so much gil for powerful equipment.
From: Lurka of Garuda

Posted: 2005-08-08 04:25:17
Just killed White Coney with my two friends 75RNG and 73WAR [i`m 75BRD] and recieved 25 EXP, if that helps determine level
From: Shadida

Posted: 2005-08-08 07:23:19
OK, although I haven't witnessed a whole moon cycle yet, I do have some substantial observations to offer:

I was in an EXP PT as RNG73 yesterday in Kuftal Tunnel, fighting the Greater Cockatrices and Ovinniks in the area beyond the shifting rock. The moon phase was about 35-50% and the monsters were mostly VT, and accuracy and attack were both very good (accuracy especially, I think I was even using Coeurl Subs which offer no accuracy bonus).

Later as RNG74, I had another EXP PT this time on Aura Weapons on the first floor of Shrine of Ru'Avitau. The moon phase was now around 55-60%, and the monsters were IT. Accuracy was a lot less than before, but I still managed to nearly keep up with the damage of a RNG75 wearing Kirin's Osode and using Hellfire +1 (and sometimes even exceed him). Same race, same foods used (Sole Sushi), almost the same remaining gear (and I suspect that he has countless merits, just from knowing him). My Sidewinders did about 700 damage average, ranging from 650 to 800. (Rather respectable damage, all things considered.)

Today, I fought against two Kirins, one at about 80-85% moon phase, and another at 90-95%. I must say this is where I noticed the first big change. During the first Kirin (Waxing Gibbous) my accuracy must have been 80-90% with Sole Sushi, and I only missed 3 Sidewinders over the course of a 2 hour 20 minute fight. Ranged Attacks did about 30-40 damage (Ice Arrows) while in the optimal range, and Sidewinders averaged about 250 with Kabura Arrows.

During the second Kirin, which started after Full Moon did, my accuracy was very, very diminished from where it was the last fight. Damage was modestly better, the same arrows did about 35-45 damage this go around, and Sidewinders, while very, very inaccurate at the same TP levels, were doing about 50-100 damage than they were before.

To my knowledge Kirin's level is always the same, so this led met to believe that Full Moon meant maximum attack, least accuracy. I still couldn't be sure though.

However, later tonight, I believe I confirmed this. I joined another EXP PT, in which we fought the exact same Aura Weapons I had the other day. Moon phase was now 98-95%, and this time the damage was much, much better than before... Sidewinders averaged more like 800, ranging from 750 to nearly 900 (wow, huh?). I hate to say it, but I put my friend who was using Hellfire +1 and some more STR gear than myself to shame in this PT (his Slug Shots were averaging around 600-700, and even the damage on normal Ranged Attacks came within single digits).

Now, all of this information has to be taken with a grain of salt, because I still haven't tried the bow out in EXP during the New Moon phase. If the Ranged Accuracy bonus is anything like the Ranged Attack bonus, then I expect fantastic results. I'll resist the temptation to start using full-fledged attack foods in the interest of this experiment, but I suspect that RNGs will be able to eat things like Coeurl Subs or Yellow Curry without any worries during the New Moon phase.

Please, any other RNGs who may have obtained this bow offer your testimonies and either back me up or prove me wrong, I still really want to get to know this bow!

- Shadida
From: Shadida

Posted: 2005-08-08 23:51:52
Just a few corrections, it seems my memory failed me a few times. Since I can't edit the post myself, I'll just note the innacuracies.

Quote from: Shadida
I was in an EXP PT as RNG73 yesterday in Kuftal Tunnel, fighting the Greater Cockatrices and Ovinniks in the area beyond the shifting rock. The moon phase was about 35-50% ...

The moon phase was actually more like 25-35%.

Quote from: Shadida
Later as RNG74, I had another EXP PT this time on Aura Weapons on the first floor of Shrine of Ru'Avitau. The moon phase was now around 55-60%, and the monsters were IT.

Not 55-60%, but 40-50% instead.

Just trying to post as close to accurate info as I can. ^^

- Shadida
From: jack

Posted: 2005-08-24 04:34:09
not sure what moon phase was like (could easily be looked up for someone with the right resources though, this past saturday, aug 20th at around 5-6pm PST), but the last kirin we did, two of our rangers with this bow hit in the range of 450-600ish sidewinders (631 i recall being the highest; yes, 631 post-patch sidewinder on kirin).

Maybe it was the combination of uber bards and moon phase, but something was definitely working, as previously slug shots/sidewinders fell into the 200-350 range for the most part. Also saw some regular ranged attacks hit over 70 (or maybe 80, not too positive on that, was more shocked at the full damage sidewinders than anything) This bow is definitely a keeper.
From: Guest

Posted: 2006-06-27 01:32:17
What is the drop rate on the bow from the rabbits?

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