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Final Fantasy XI Discussion BoardDiscussion Boards -> Crafting, Chocobo Digging, and Fishing


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From: Trendy

Posted: 2005-06-02 21:38:00
Anyone know how far above the level cap u need to be in order to make alot of +1 on a regular basis?
From: Maudib

Posted: 2005-06-03 11:37:38
HQ Rates are based on how many level you are over the level cap of the target item you synth:

11 over cap 1/12
31 over cap 4/12
51 over cap 6/12
71 over cap 8/12

Remember that you can push your level with Advanced Synth support to get over the cap. These are just approximates, you may aswell break a synth at 51 over but it happens not very often.

From: Arne
Registered User

Posted: 2005-06-07 12:33:43
Quote from: Maudib

71 over cap 8/12

Where did you get this information? I have only seen reliable info for HQ tiers up to 51+ but not an additional one at 71 nor have I even read a discussion about it.

Not trying to say it doesn't exist, but just want to know more.
From: Dora-from-pandy
Registered User

Posted: 2005-06-07 22:57:59
Ahh... this makes sense now and seems to hold true from what little I've seen. For the longest time (till now basically) I was perplexed as to how a person could be getting 70% HQ rate on Shihei. I've seen him HQ much higher than 50% rate many many times and the 2 times I actually kept track it averaged about 65% or so (not far off from the 2/3rd's rate). Now this makes sense. Shihei is a level 29 synth, this taru had both pieces of GP gear to up his skill and I'd imagine he could have had some woodworking moghancement to boot. Even without the moghancement he could have been at 101 skill and getting the 8/12 HQ rate. I'll have to test this out with some low level cooking recipes as I have 96.6 cooking skill now, I should be able to 2/3 any level 25 or lower recipe.
From: Arne
Registered User

Posted: 2005-06-08 10:35:16
With all the variables involved in synthing and (in my case cooking), I can tell you you can break 60%+ consistently on a 51+/50% HQ cap.

I can consistantly hit a 66% - 72% HQ rate on one particular synth and I am only 54 levels above the cap. That rate is based on the unconfirmed theories of direction, day and moon phase.

I'd love to see data that shows an increase in HQ at 71+ cap.
From: Muadib

Posted: 2005-06-09 13:54:48
For the 71 Tier i can only reference discussions i had with other crafters. Some said it is there some others mentioned that the further you are above the 51 Tier the more HQ you see and it increases very slow. Also HQ2/HQ3 are more frequent the further you are above the 51 Tier.

This has to be tested to get a 100% confirmation. So for now treat it as unconfirmed.

From: Muadib

Posted: 2005-06-09 14:03:07
One other thing i like to add is the discussions about the crystal you use for the synth. This refers to the crystal you receive when you join the guild. I have got hints that the HQ rate on these synths are noticable higher than for other crystals used for the same guild.

How you treat that information is up to you. I am not saying this is true and i will not argue over it. I am just passing this on and you can test it yourself.

From: Arne
Registered User

Posted: 2005-06-09 17:26:34
Quote from: Muadib
For the 71 Tier i can only reference discussions i had with other crafters. Some said it is there some others mentioned that the further you are above the 51 Tier the more HQ you see and it increases very slow. Also HQ2/HQ3 are more frequent the further you are above the 51 Tier.

This has to be tested to get a 100% confirmation. So for now treat it as unconfirmed.

Obviously I'm not trying to argue either. Any unknown info is worth looking into until proven otherwise.

I'm actually trying a 71+ set of synths tracking HQ1/HQ2/HQ3 to see if I can get some data to share. At least it's cheap!
Unfortunately I've only done 12 synths to date with really horrible results (my 51+ synth has a better rate over any random pick of 12 consecutive synths) so I can't share anything of worth.

There is something that has been fairly decently documented in that, if you get a few more points beyond the 31/51/etc. cap, your incidence of HQ seems to go up a little bit more, but not significantly.
From: Muadib

Posted: 2005-06-10 09:20:28
The only thing i can definately confirm is that Day/Moon Phase do affect synths. In fact, those two affect almost everything in the game, spells, drop rates, fishing, mob strength even clamming.

I did some clamming, fishing and Uragnite hunting in Purgonorgo Isle recently. On a Full Moon (98%) Earthday every second item i clammed was a Igneous Rock, the rest was pebbles and a few jacknife. The next day (Watersday still Full Moon) i suddenly got only bibiki slugs, jacknife, fishscales, broken rods and assorted other sea creature items. Makes you think...

We did a BCNM40 (Flayer Franz - Worms) yesterday. We started end of Darksday, 1 run, chest was awefull. Firesday 3 Runs, 2 times crap, 1 time Erase + Ni. Earthsday, 2 runs, suddenly RNG did 20 less damage and we got Erase + Utsusemi: Ni and Erase. I know this is not enough data to proof anything. I wish we would had another Orb to do a third run on Earthsday. We will do this BCNM again starting on Earthsday and i will post details here.

I am currently looking into the Crystal-Guild relation idea. I will post as soon as i have some data. Looking forward to see your results.

From: Shinseth

Posted: 2005-07-02 13:10:35
OK i heard that if you face a certain direction while using a crystal the chance of HQing it will be higher. for example and this is not correct just to show what im tring to say: if u face north while using a earth crag. or south while using a fire crag, something like that. can anybody tell me if they heard that that is true?
From: Mooni

Posted: 2005-07-07 02:27:34
Quote from: Shinseth
OK i heard that if you face a certain direction while using a crystal the chance of HQing it will be higher. for example and this is not correct just to show what im tring to say: if u face north while using a earth crag. or south while using a fire crag, something like that. can anybody tell me if they heard that that is true?

Yes this is true. I face west when synthing with a fire crystal, east with wind, etc.
From: Aurik

Posted: 2005-07-07 03:56:50
Quote from: Shinseth
OK i heard that if you face a certain direction while using a crystal the chance of HQing it will be higher. for example and this is not correct just to show what im tring to say: if u face north while using a earth crag. or south while using a fire crag, something like that. can anybody tell me if they heard that that is true?

There is no conclusive evidence whether it is true or not.
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-07-07 06:27:54
Just to toss in my thoughts on the subject:

As mentioned above, it has yet to be proven whether or not facing a certain direction helps with crafting (whether it be skillups, HQ, etc.) I tend to believe that it does not help in any way, for three reasons:

1) No serious proof -- People love to see patterns where they don't exist, so they devise "proof" off of happenstance. We know that 95% of the results from crafting are derived from two variables: skill, and random luck. The other variables that have been shown to make some marginal improvements (moon phase and Vana'diel day) have been tested over a very long time, and even they mainly change things at the margins. Anyone who puts forth the idea that facing a certain direction helps with crafting (or anything else) has to show serious proof before being given any credibility.

2) It isn't on the Japanese boards/sites -- Most of the theories that turn out to be true have been beaten to death on the Japanese sites long before they show up on the English ones. It's just the way FFXI is, and probably will always be, given the extra official information available in Japanese. That's not to say that other players can't figure things out on their own, but new ideas are verified there, if they didn't originate there. I have yet to see Japanese crafting sites that talk about the direction that a crafter faces.

3) It's too easy to fake -- Everything known about crafting in FFXI so far is controlled on the server. The client knows absolutely nothing; you can stick in any item you want as ingredients in a recipe in the client, and it doesn't check or care. Only when it goes to the server does it decide if that's a valid recipe, and whether or not the crafting attempt was successful. All the known variables are controlled directly by the server (moon phase, day, crafting skill, Moghancement key items, etc.) Given all that, it would be odd if one could tweak the results of crafting just by facing a certain way in the client. (Going back to the earlier point, if this were the case we could expect to see Japanese windowers/tools that made the character face an exact direction, for crafting.) Now, S-E left far too much of the game open to hacking; the recent speed hacks have shown that. But it seems likely that all the variables involving crafting stay on the server, given what we know so far.

So, I don't think facing a direction helps a whit. Having said all that, this is a game that people play to enjoy: if you want to craft while facing a certain direction, or wearing a lucky ring, or waiting until the sun is directly overhead, go for it. People enjoy superstitions in real life, and there's no reason that they can't apply to MMOG as well. Just don't put theories out there as definite fact until they've met some semblance of testing.

On a related note, something mentioned earlier in the thread: the crystal you receive when you join a guild is exactly the same as any other crystal of that type. If it wasn't, you couldn't stack them together; there is also only one copy of a "Fire Crystal", for example, in the data files. So, I would chalk that up to myth as well.

-- Cuer
From: Uberfuzzy
Registered User

Posted: 2005-07-12 22:31:37
i'm going to have to dissagree with you mr admin.
thre IS "something" with the direction.
i'm not sure what it is, or when/if it always applies
(reference to the cryptic SE answer at the hawaaii thing)
i cant explain it, but i do see some difference based on direction.
it isnt always the same.
and like you said, some of it is just plain luck.
i can get 10 hq3's in a row and then fail, all on something i'm ALOT over the cap on.
or i can HQ something i'm still skilling on,
a chunk of it IS random.
but there IS something that is affected based on direction, there are just too many things tied to elements in this game.

fyi, i go based on the ingame star chart,
i face the same color for +success.
and rotate one notch counterclockwise for +HQ/Skill (skip over the light/dark slots, they dont count)

and just as a side note:
not to start a rumor, but i've noticed it, and a other major crafters have too, SE did SOMETHING to crafting.
i dont remember failing this much at all, let alone on things i'm a good chunk over the cap on.
maybe its a subtle attempt at nickle/diming inflation down by taking product/parts out of the system.
From: Cristan

Posted: 2005-08-03 12:07:20
Here's something interesting... I was currently 52.4 in goldsmithing when this occurred.

Yesterday i was working on skill ups by crafting pearl rings. When i entered the guild shop, there was a high level goldsmith there already, complete with shades and apron, and he was crafting the same item i was: pearl rings. I dont have the shades or apron, so i just got the advanced support and began. My first synth was a pearl ring. On my second attempt, the high level goldsmith and i began to craft a pearl ring simultaneously. And we both got loyalty rings!! And im only 52!!! I thought you had to be at least 11 levels over the cap.

This occurred on watersday, (New Moon 5%). We were both facing the same direction if that matters at all. Im not sure if the other goldsmith was a factor in the HQ or if it was because of the new moon. It may have just been pure luck, but i thought it was pretty interesting and wanted to share with you all.
From: Sheeny

Posted: 2005-08-03 14:22:46
HQ's while skilling are extremely rare, but certainly possible.

I literally have over 1,000 crafting skills across my main character + crafting mules, and I've HQ'd while skilling maybe 12 times total. Half of those while skilling with GP +1 items which put me over the cap. (Not that the chance of HQ is the same under-cap or GP-over-cap, I obviously synthed 500 times as much without GP items as I did with.) So yeah, you might see an HQ while skilling a time or three during a crafting career, but it's a shooting star.
From: Melphina

Posted: 2005-08-03 15:59:28
Personally I believe that direction faced DOES in fact affect crafting results, however to what degree the influence is im not certain. I craft by the star chart, so when I want a wind crystal synth to HQ i face the direction of ice -east. For fire HQ i face water direction- west, etc etc. Absolutely everything in this game is affected by elements/day/moon and crafting is shown to be affected greatly by various tests.

I don't believe that direction faced affects the synthsis AS MUCH as the day of the week and elemental moon phase, but I believe it does somewhat affect results.

Also here is a thought for you people. If elemental day and direction affect synth results, what about weather effects? There is some speculation but no hard proof that weather (and double weather) affects synthing results. Just a lil bone to throw at ya to knaw at so to say.

I know a lot more about crafting than this but it would take pages to give all the info I know on ideal skillup/hq and what affects it all. So I'll leave it at this.

Happy Crafting =^..^= Meow.
From: cristan

Posted: 2005-08-03 20:28:59
What is all this about a star chart? Is there a link to page where i could see that?
From: Imitarate
Registered User

Posted: 2005-08-04 17:30:43
The star chart can be seen by visiting one of the tarutaru atop the Opistery in Windurst Waters. There are a bunch of telescopes, and on the southern side is a taru who will offer to show it to you. It will pop up like a normal map (it even has the same faux-parchment background), and will show the constellations. Each of the major constelations is in a particular direction in the sky, and has a star color-coded to the elements. The constellations are named after the elemental avatars (noting that Alexander and Odin take the place of Light and Darkness, not Carbuncle and Fenrir).

As for directions... I can't be sure that it matters. I think I've seen it matter, but it could very well have been happenstance and bias (seeing what I think I should see). However, facing the directions based on the elements of the star chart doesn't hurt, and might very well help. Since it's not really difficult to face a given direction while synthing, or even burdensome, I do it. If it doesn't help, then the factors remain as they are. If it does, then I have a slight bonus to whatever it is I'm trying to do. Only if direction does matter, and I face the wrong one, does it impede me. Those sound like good odds to me.
From: Guest

Posted: 2006-06-21 15:46:44
I have to agree with admin. crafting is all about luck and skill lvl. i've made hq items on days where ppl wouldn't normally craft on and face different directions. i've done 6 amemet+1 in a row on icesday facing dark(north, wax cresent at 19%-between 2:00-12:00 game time), i've hq'ed those wise pigaches on watersday facing east(ice, LQM at 52%-6:23), 2 panther mask+1 ligthingsday facing dark(north, WXG at 60%-15:42 and 16:01)....now these are just some of many i've done. i personally gave up on the supposely "HQ theory" along time ago. basicaly just craft where and whenever you want and hope for the best.
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