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April 20 Patch: New ENMs

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From: Johny

Posted: 2005-04-20 14:40:59
Seems very interesting ! please share info as soon as you get some on the "how/what" of these ENMs !!!

I may finnally have a reel good use for my Sidewinder Meiko Senshui as SAM/RNG with that SOLO ENM60...!!! ^^
From: Nyn

Posted: 2005-04-21 02:42:22
did Like the Wind

its against an eft that likes to run around....it is aptly named "Road Runner".

PLD THF/NIN RDM/WHM, easy enough fight.

it also casts wind spells (aeroga3, aero 4, gravity, blink were noted), and I dont think any debuffs landed.
From: Venoseth

Posted: 2005-04-21 05:48:21
I also did the "Like the Wind" ENM, I went w/ PLD/WAR 71 (me), RNG/NIN74, and RDM/WHM75. We were defeated. As previously stated the mob is an Eft type named "Road Runner". The NM seems to run at random, possibly stopped by Provoke. There is no real tank required as the mob doesn't seek someone to "stop at", and only seems to run when the person who has hate is standing next to him. He casts spells like Aeroga 3, Aero 4, Blink, and Gravity. As for the battle our RNG said that he had trouble hitting, or at least doing damage while the mob was running. While it was still damage was moderate. I could melee it OK using Byrne, but WSs were landing for low damage. While I held hate and was meleeing the mob would hit me as if Hundred Fists were active, non-stop except for when he would cast a spell or use his Stun ability. At one point I took 4 hits for about 100 each, then an Aeroga 3, I died, no time to cure even. In conclusion as for a strategy, NO tank required. Melee OK, but can't keep hate because of non-stop attacks and it seems to make the mob run. Maybe a party of 3 BLMs or RDM/BLM could do it easily. Keep Blink up and spam nukes. Stand far apart to avoid any spells that get cast AoE, and try to Stun them. The only thing I didn't get to see was if spells did much damage. I would assume anything Wind is weak to would do good damage tho'. Fun ENM, too bad we had the exact wrong party. xD Good luck!
From: Dora from Pandy

Posted: 2005-04-21 06:26:01
Could people please post about how this ENM is activated and where it is fought? This info would help some of us out great.
From: Johny

Posted: 2005-04-21 07:25:43
cool Nyn....

and what were the drops ?
From: johny

Posted: 2005-04-21 09:21:39
From what I read, all new ENMs are in areas where there was already at least 1 ENM... And you flag them the same way. When you get to the Arena, you'll just have more battle choices.

And to know which one is in which area, just visit the homepage of somepage; scroll down a little bit and you'll find the name/level/area of each new ENM...

flag the new ENMs from Monarch Linn as you were flagging Bad Seed ENM40 before
flag the new Mine Shaft ENMs as you were flagging the old Mine Shaft ENM

And also, if I got it well, there's no party member number limit anymore. a ENM that usually had 6 member cap can now be done with 18 members... but you will suffer some EXP penality (and you'll have the share the drop(if any) between all 18 members ^^)...... please confirm...
From: Nyn

Posted: 2005-04-21 13:56:12
dropped 2k xp and POS 35k urushi >.>

you do need a tank though, the last thing you want is that eft thing running around smacking mages seeing as how they hit my pld for 65-85 with tacos. it didnt seem like a hundred fists effect, but more of triple attack.
From: nyn

Posted: 2005-04-21 13:58:55
(forgot to add this, maybe you can merge my two posts together XD)

The eft very rarely casted spells while we were meleeing it, seemingly was run away then cast 99% of the time. There is very little reason for anyone to get hit by spells in this case, since the eft running never reset hate. So have the tank keep hate, when the eft runs then starts casting Aeroga3 / Aero4...just have the tank run out of range. canceled spell, no dmg taken.
From: nyn

Posted: 2005-04-21 17:44:02
I have a theory on the drops for the solo ENM.

my friend, a bst, beat it, and got that Worm Mulch thing. Another person on VN said they beat it as PLD and got Refresh Musk (lv60 PLD JSE rare/ex gear).

Perhaps this is where those items drop, seeing as how its a solo ENM, and those gears are all lv60 rare/ex.

All jobs have a piece of lv60 JSE rare/ex like that...
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-04-22 02:09:29
Great info all around; this is stickied now, to get more attention. Keep posting anything seen for these new ENMs, and we can get them into the ENM Guide.
From: Runic

Posted: 2005-04-22 02:52:36
I just finished the "Pulling the Strings" ENM60 Solo battle in Mine Shaft as BLM.

Quest Starting NPC is Twinkbrix @ E-13

Trade him upto 10,000g for him to roll two 50-sided dice, you must beat him by rolling between 2 and X.

X is based on how much you trade him. First trade was 2,000g and it was between 2 and 10. I traded him 10,000g and it was 2-50, and I won. Pay 2000 more gil and he will warp you to the BC.

This fight was not easy, but not too bad. I treated it like a mini Maat fight. There is a goblin puppet master, and a hume puppet (names i dont remember). The puppet is what I fought (i havent heard any success stories of winning against the goblin). Your SUBJOB will be -disabled- for this fight.

Started with Ice Spikes, which seemed to paralyze the puppet -alot- and I highly recommend it. Bind / Sleep do not work on him, and I recommend against using -ga spells. If you use a -ga spell and hit the goblin, then he will attack you, otherwise he just rolls dice which give you or the puppet a random buff.

The puppet melee'd me for the most part although he did cast Firaga2 on me once, and it hurt pretty bad. Also got Brainshaker used on me for little damage. The goblin kept rolling dice which caused the puppet to recover about 465hp a pop, which wasnt pleasant. I got a defense boost from the gob once, which lasted all of 15 seconds.

Drain / Aspir work great, and Bio2/Stone3/Aero3/Water3 are pretty much all I used. Manafont was necessary, as the goblin kept rolling dice which caused the puppet to recover 465 HP a pop.

BLM! Stay away from -GA spells! This is your warning, as a BLM friend went in before me and got raped.

Items used were 3 Hi-Potions.
Obtained 2000xp and a Sack of Little Worm Mulch >.>

A very fun challenge:)

Runic - Lakshmi
From: Johny

Posted: 2005-04-22 07:57:36
two ppl I know tried it:

he got surprised for he was waiting for an easy fight. There's a lot of things he said he should have done, but didn't. He failed.

He insist on the fact that the NM will, just like Maat, have the same job has you, and apparently have a comparable strengh as yours. The puppet didn't have a wyvern, but still used jumps. He atacked it regularly, doing jumps and penta Thrust every time he could. Mob was only doing Leg Sweep and Vorpal Thrust as WS. They were hitting each others for about same amount of damage, even if the guy had Tavnazian Taco on. When he got low on HP (about 20%), he did his best jump to reset hate and let his wyvern tank while he retreated for a bit. When Wyvern was almost dead(20%) he used a hi-potion and returned to the fight. He won...

he got 2,000 exp and a Bag of Wyvern Feed.
From: Ramses

Posted: 2005-04-22 10:28:07
One of the first things I did after the patch was the solo enm. For me it was the easiest thing I've done in a long time. I think mages are having trouble because they need to melee for this and their weapon skill is usually nowhere near maxed. I went in not knowing what to expect and I had 700 hp left at the end and used no potions. I think dd's will have a very easy time with this, just make sure to not wear equipment with negative stats. For example I used my af body and NOT my haubergeon. -20 evasion is not good in a solo fight. I did have other great 60 gear like assault earring, master belt, RG collar. Otherwise used mostly af. As a drk my drops were:

2k exp
Tactical Ring
Worm Mulch

From: Hank

Posted: 2005-04-22 12:59:45
Runic forgot to mention, we've done the alliance ENM.

Main boss is a Corse, Gwyn App Knud. He stands in the same general spot as the Shikaree Mithra fight in CoP. As you run to him, you'll notice that there are many ghost and skeleton type mobs "dead" on the ground. As the fight progresses, they raise themselves and begin attacking your group.

Gwyn himself wasn't "too" hard. He used Firaga 3 and almost blew us all up, haha. It didn't seem like we were able to stun him. He also had a quick cast time, that may be a factor on stunning him.

PT setup:
1 NIN, Blisk
1 PLD, Xenaximus
3 MNK, Zeroalpha/Junyi/Kyubi
2 RNG, Naramaska/Gregzee
1 SAM, Haitou
2 WHM, Demitrius/Zikikki
1 SMN, Kitrinx
2 BRD, Winnie/Hank
4 BLM, Muffins/Runic/Flesheater/Azael
1 RDM, Circan

And now, the important part... drops.

3500 EXP

2x Unicorn Horn
1x Viridian Urushi
1x Eltoro Leather
1x Raise II Rod
1x Blau Dolch
1x Cloud Evoker

We've got a video, but... no place to hide it :/

(Moderator, please add this post instead of the previous. I failed to include the Cloud Evoker in the first.)
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-04-22 20:19:35
Thanks to everyone for the great info so far; it has been quite helpful.

The new ENMs are now detailed in the new ENM section of the patch compilation of info. If any info does not look accurate, or if you have more info for these ENMs, keep posting it and I'll update it further!
From: Venoseth

Posted: 2005-04-22 21:13:41
In my experience, he didn't even move twords the tank, he just runs around at random. If you have hate, he can attack you repeatedly and do some massive damage. I was only PLD71 but 110 damage per attack w/ the ability to tripple attack quite often is not somthing to scoff at. Considering the mob doesn't actually run if no one is near it, and it has strong attacks/aoe spells I don't really see the point of having a tank. After I died from the combo of what was 3-4 very quick attacks then an aeroga 3 the RNG and RDM stayed very far away and he never ran again the entire (about 5 minutes) rest of the battle.
From: Vaseka

Posted: 2005-04-23 09:33:07
Quote from: Hank
Runic forgot to mention, we've done the alliance ENM.

Main boss is a Corse, Gwyn App Knud. He stands in the same general spot as the Shikaree Mithra fight in CoP. As you run to him, you'll notice that there are many ghost and skeleton type mobs "dead" on the ground. As the fight progresses, they raise themselves and begin attacking your group.

Gwyn himself wasn't "too" hard. He used Firaga 3 and almost blew us all up, haha. It didn't seem like we were able to stun him. He also had a quick cast time, that may be a factor on stunning him.

PT setup:
1 NIN, Blisk
1 PLD, Xenaximus
3 MNK, Zeroalpha/Junyi/Kyubi
2 RNG, Naramaska/Gregzee
1 SAM, Haitou
2 WHM, Demitrius/Zikikki
1 SMN, Kitrinx
2 BRD, Winnie/Hank
4 BLM, Muffins/Runic/Flesheater/Azael
1 RDM, Circan

And now, the important part... drops.

3500 EXP

2x Unicorn Horn
1x Viridian Urushi
1x Eltoro Leather
1x Raise II Rod
1x Blau Dolch
1x Cloud Evoker

We've got a video, but... no place to hide it :/

(Moderator, please add this post instead of the previous. I failed to include the Cloud Evoker in the first.)

Has anyone tried to remove the latent on the Blau Dolch yet? as with it removed it's an incredibly tasty dagger it would appear.
From: Qoh

Posted: 2005-04-23 20:12:14
Something i am curious about.... the lcl 60 solo ENM would someone in their 50s be able 2 do it. I read about how he sems 2 mimic ur job and all so does lvl apply to that as well? If anyone has tried with a lower job and have any info post it up ^^
From: Qoh

Posted: 2005-04-23 22:54:28
ok well i tried with my 52 drk for fun and well.... lol lets say it didnt go well. i was taking just under 200 dmg a swing (was around 180s-190s) and thats while using def food. If that wasnt bad enough that gob rolled and gave him 113 tp like 1 swing into the fight. So I died and fairly quick lol At least i tried right? lol
From: Johny

Posted: 2005-04-24 17:00:55
We triied Pulling the Plug in Vahzl.

We got 2 MR and their NM down.

We died on the NM poped on the 3rd MR(Repiner).

Neoingurgitator didn't pop. Only Ingurgitator. They may have changed that.

to be confirmed...
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