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In the Name of Science
Starting Info for In the Name of Science
Realm: Other
Type: General
Starting Zone: Tavnazian Safehold
Starting NPC: Yurim [J-8]
There Is No Fame Requirement For This Quest.

This Quest Requires Chains of Promathia.
This Quest Is Repeatable.
Zones Used
Items Used
NameSlotAH Catagory
Aern OrganInventoryNot Auction House Sellable
Apple PieInventoryFood / Meals / Sweets
Euvhi OrganInventoryNot Auction House Sellable
GorgetNeckArmor / Neck
Hpemde OrganInventoryNot Auction House Sellable
Luminian TissueInventoryNot Auction House Sellable
Phuabo OrganInventoryNot Auction House Sellable
Silver EarringEarArmor / Earrings
Silver ObiWaistArmor / Waist
Xzomit OrganInventoryNot Auction House Sellable
Yovra OrganInventoryNot Auction House Sellable
Rewards From In the Name of Science
Reward Details: One of the level 72 Gorgets, or level 71 Obi, or one of the two earrings, each time the quest is completed.
Item Reward:
Anrin Obi71WaistRare/Ex
  • Gain Full Benefit of Darksday/Dark Weather Bonuses
Aqua Gorget72NeckRare/Ex
  • Increases Weapon Skill Accuracy and Damage
Breeze Gorget72NeckRare/Ex
  • Increases Weapon Skill Accuracy and Damage
Dorin Obi71WaistRare/Ex
  • Gain Full Benefit of Earthsday/Earth Weather Bonuses
Flame Gorget72NeckRare/Ex
  • Increases Weapon Skill Accuracy and Damage
Furin Obi71WaistRare/Ex
  • Gain Full Benefit of Windsday/Wind Weather Bonuses
Hyorin Obi71WaistRare/Ex
  • Gain Full Benefit of Iceday/Ice Weather Bonuses
Karin Obi71WaistRare/Ex
  • Gain Full Benefit of Firesday/Fire Weather Bonuses
Korin Obi71WaistRare/Ex
  • Gain Full Benefit of Lightsday/Light Weather Bonuses
Rairin Obi71WaistRare/Ex
  • Gain Full Benefit of Lightningday/Lightning Weather Bonuses
Relaxing Earring65EarRare/Ex
  • MP Regeneration While Healing +2
Sanative Earring65EarRare/Ex
  • HP Regeneration While Healing +4
Soil Gorget72NeckRare/Ex
  • Increases Weapon Skill Accuracy and Damage
Suirin Obi71WaistRare/Ex
  • Gain Full Benefit of Watersday/Water Weather Bonuses
Game Details for In the Name of Science
Client: Yurim (Upper Floor, Tavnazia)

Summary: Yurim wants to show you the fruits of her research, but lacks the materials to begin the final stage of the experiment.

You know what you have to do!
Walkthrough for In the Name of Science
Requirements: Must have reached chapter 8 of the Chains of Promathia missions, with access to Al'Taieu.
  1. Talk with Yurim to start the quest.
  2. Decide which of the final rewards you wish to obtain (listed in the chart below.) You can receive one of the following: a level 72 Gorget, a level 71 Obi, or one of the Relaxing Earring or Sanative Earring, each time the quest is completed.
  3. Trade the proper colored chip that relates to the item that you wish to receive, and the proper "base" item, to Yurim. You will need: a Gorget for a gorget reward, Silver Obi for an obi reward, or a Silver Earring for one of the earring rewards. Once the selection is made, you must obtain the proper items to get the reward, so choose carefully.
  4. Talk further with Yurim, for information on her research.
  5. (Optional Step) Obtain an Apple Pie and trade it to Yurim, for more hints on how to finish the research steps.
  6. Go to Al'Taieu and farm the mobs there for the necessary items, to receive the reward that you wish to have. For each completion of the quest you will need the items listed in the charts below.
  7. Return to the Tavnazian Safehold and trade all the organ and tissue items at once to Yurim to receive your reward, and complete the quest.

Required Items for an Obi: The chart below lists the required chips and organs that must be traded to Yurim to receive an elemental obi. The chip is traded at the start of the quest along with a Silver Obi, to select which obi is desired. The 10 organs are traded together, along with 3 Luminian Tissue, to complete the quest and receive the obi reward.

Element Chip Requires 7 Requires 3 Final Reward
Fire Red Chip Phuabo Organ Xzomit Organ Karin Obi
Earth Yellow Chip Hpemde Organ Aern Organ Dorin Obi
Water Blue Chip Hpemde Organ Phuabo Organ Suirin Obi
Wind Green Chip Aern Organ Hpemde Organ Furin Obi
Ice Clear Chip Xzomit Organ Phuabo Organ Hyorin Obi
Thunder Purple Chip Phuabo Organ Hpemde Organ Rairin Obi
Light White Chip Xzomit Organ Aern Organ Korin Obi
Dark Black Chip Aern Organ Xzomit Organ Anrin Obi

Required Items for a Gorget: The chart below lists the required chips and organs that must be traded to Yurim to receive an elemental gorget. The chip is traded at the start of the quest along with a Gorget, to select which gorget is desired. The organs are traded together, to complete the quest and receive the gorget reward.

Element Chip Required Organs Final Reward
Fire Red Chip 10 Phuabo Organ
5 Xzomit Organ
1 Yovra Organ
Flame Gorget
Earth Yellow Chip 10 Xzomit Organ
5 Aern Organ
1 Yovra Organ
Soil Gorget
Water Blue Chip 10 Aern Organ
5 Hpemde Organ
1 Yovra Organ
Aqua Gorget
Wind Green Chip 10 Phuabo Organ
5 Hpemde Organ
1 Yovra Organ
Breeze Gorget
Ice Clear Chip 10 Phuabo Organ
5 Aern Organ
1 Yovra Organ
Snow Gorget
Thunder Purple Chip 10 Xzomit Organ
5 Hpemde Organ
1 Yovra Organ
Thunder Gorget
Light White Chip 3 Phuabo Organ
7 Aern Organ
3 Hpemde Organ
2 Yovra Organ
Light Gorget
Dark Black Chip 3 Phuabo Organ
3 Aern Organ
7 Hpemde Organ
2 Yovra Organ
Shadow Gorget

Required Items for an Earring: The chart below lists the required chips and organs that must be traded to Yurim to receive an earring. The chip is traded at the start of the quest along with a Silver Earring, to select which earring is desired. The organs are traded together, to complete the quest and receive the earring reward.

Chip Required Organs Final Reward
Black Chip 5 Luminian Tissue
5 Euvhi Organ
Relaxing Earring
White Chip 5 Luminian Tissue
5 Euvhi Organ
Sanative Earring

Quest Notes: This quest is repeatable, allowing characters to receive the obi and gorget items for as many elements as they wish, as well as both earrings. The obi items provide a 10% boost to elemental magic, during the appropriate weather or day. For example, Fire spells receive a 10% boost on Firesday, or for each of the fire elements that show up in fire weather, when a Karin Obi is worn. Note that this effect is cumulative; the obi items can provide up to +30% damage on the appropriate day, with double strength weather. The gorget items provide bonuses only to the weaponskills that are based on the element of the gorget; they do not provide any bonuses from weather or days of the week.
Recommended Level for In the Name of Science
A group of level 70+ characters is required, both to get through the necessary missions into Al'Taieu, and to farm most of the items in the quest. Some of the easier mobs for this can be soloed by level 75 jobs such as Black Mages.

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Rating: 0 Direct Link to this Comment Posted by: Xellith,
"Some of the easier mobs for this can be soloed by level 75 jobs such as Black Mages."<br /> <br /> lol<br /> <br /> By easier mobs it means every mob in sea apart from UFOs. A blm with decent gear and skill can kill any mob capable of dropping organs that are required. UFO NMs in al'tieu are the only exception. (damn hp regen and shitloads of HP o.o;;)

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