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Final Fantasy XI Gardening Recipe List
Pot Seed Crystal #1 Crystal #2 Possible Results
Brass Flowerpot Tree SaplingsFireFire Ice Cluster 3
Brass Flowerpot Tree SaplingsEarthEarth Kitron 11
Brass Flowerpot Tree SaplingsWaterWater Fire Cluster 2
Mythril Leaf 12-19
Brass Flowerpot Tree SaplingsWindWind Wind Ore 1
Earth Cluster 2
Windurstian Tea Leaves 42
Brass Flowerpot Tree SaplingsIceIce Wind Cluster 2-3
Platinum Leaf 7-9
Brass Flowerpot Tree SaplingsLightningLightning Silver Leaf 12-18
Brass Flowerpot Tree SaplingsLightLight Gold Leaf 12
Brass Flowerpot Tree SaplingsDarkDark Dark Ore 1
Light Cluster 3
Rock Salt 15-17
Persikos 2-5
Earthen Flowerpot Tree SaplingsNoneNone Gold Leaf 11-12
Earthen Flowerpot Tree SaplingsFireFire Cinnamon 40
Earthen Flowerpot Tree SaplingsEarthEarth Lightning Cluster 3
Kitron 14
Earthen Flowerpot Tree SaplingsWaterWater Mythril Leaf 14-16
Earthen Flowerpot Tree SaplingsWindWind Earth Cluster 2
Windurstian Tea Leaves 50-51
Earthen Flowerpot Tree SaplingsIceIce Wind Cluster 2
Platinum Leaf 7-12
Earthen Flowerpot Tree SaplingsLightningLightning Water Cluster 3
Silver Leaf 13
Earthen Flowerpot Tree SaplingsLightLight Shell Bug 48
Earthen Flowerpot Tree SaplingsDarkDark Dark Ore 1
Rock Salt 17
Persikos 4
Ceramic Flowerpot Tree SaplingsNoneNone Gold Leaf 9
Reishi Mushroom 1
Ceramic Flowerpot Tree SaplingsFireFire Ice Cluster 2
Ceramic Flowerpot Tree SaplingsEarthEarth Kitron 14-15
Ceramic Flowerpot Tree SaplingsWaterWater Fire Cluster 2
Mythril Leaf 12-16
Ceramic Flowerpot Tree SaplingsWindWind Earth Cluster 2-3
Windurstian Tea 40
Ceramic Flowerpot Tree SaplingsIceIce Ice Ore 1
Wind Cluster 2-3
Platinum Leaf 12-13
Ceramic Flowerpot Tree SaplingsLightningLightning Lightning Ore 1
Water Cluster 2-3
Silver Leaf 13
Ceramic Flowerpot Tree SaplingsLightLight Gold Leaf 6-13
Ceramic Flowerpot Tree SaplingsDarkDark Dark Ore 1
Light Cluster 2-3
Rock Salt 17
Persikos 2-7
Porcelain Flowerpot Tree SaplingsNoneNone Light Ore 1
Reishi Mushroom 1-3
Porcelain Flowerpot Tree SaplingsFireFire Fire Ore 1
Ice Cluster 3
Cinnamon 32-49
Porcelain Flowerpot Tree SaplingsEarthEarth Lightning Cluster 2
Kitron 8-18
Porcelain Flowerpot Tree SaplingsWaterWater Water Ore 1
Fire Cluster 2
Mythril Leaf 17
Porcelain Flowerpot Tree SaplingsWindWind Wind Ore 1
Earth Cluster 2-3
Windurstian Tea Leaves 33-48
Porcelain Flowerpot Tree SaplingsIceIce Ice Ore 1
Wind Cluster 2-3
Platinum Leaf 7-15
Porcelain Flowerpot Tree SaplingsLightningLightning Lightning Ore 1
Water Cluster 2
Silver Leaf 13-16
Porcelain Flowerpot Tree SaplingsLightLight Shell Bug 36-44
Dark Crystal 11
Gold Leaf 7-14
Porcelain Flowerpot Tree SaplingsDarkDark Dark Ore 1
Ice Cluster 3
Rock Salt 15-17
Persikos 5-9
Arcane Flowerpot Tree SaplingsNoneNone Reishi Mushroom 3
Arcane Flowerpot Tree SaplingsFireFire Cinnamon 44-60
Arcane Flowerpot Tree SaplingsEarthEarth Lightning Cluster 4
Kitron 14
Arcane Flowerpot Tree SaplingsWaterWater Fire Cluster 4
Mythril Leaf 16
Arcane Flowerpot Tree SaplingsWindWind Windurstian Tea Leaves 53
Arcane Flowerpot Tree SaplingsIceIce Wind Cluster 4
Arcane Flowerpot Tree SaplingsLightningLightning Lightning Ore 2
Water Cluster 4-5
Silver Leaf 15-19
Arcane Flowerpot Tree SaplingsLightLight Gold Leaf 17
Arcane Flowerpot Tree SaplingsDarkDark Rock Salt 18
Persikos 5-9
Wooden Flowerpot Tree SaplingsNoneNone Light Ore 1
Reishi Mushroom 1
Wooden Flowerpot Tree SaplingsFireFire Cinnamon 48-56
Wooden Flowerpot Tree SaplingsEarthEarth Kitron 17-18
Wooden Flowerpot Tree SaplingsWaterWater Mythril Leaf 13-16
Wooden Flowerpot Tree SaplingsWindWind Windurstian Tea Leaves 51-58
Wooden Flowerpot Tree SaplingsIceIce Ice Ore 1
Platinum Leaf 9-12
Wooden Flowerpot Tree SaplingsLightningLightning Silver Leaf 17-18
Wooden Flowerpot Tree SaplingsLightLight Shell Bug 44
Dark Crystal 10
Gold Leaf 7
Wooden Flowerpot Tree SaplingsDarkDark Rock Salt 20
Persikos 7-8
Pot Seed Crystal #1 Crystal #2 Possible Results

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Order: Final Fantasy XI Online: Wings of the Goddess Expansion Pack (PC)(PS2)(XBOX 360)
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