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Stragey for your standard 20 Cap smns
From: Cael
Posted: 2006-06-14 12:43:17
Easy way to Kill Avatars in the Solo 20Cap fights!
Being Planned is key to this, first you will need some items and at least 50~60k Gil (you'll need to adjust on your world's AH prices) and your 2hr Astral Flow needs to be usable!! you only have a 15Min time limit!!!
Also you need to Cap or be close to capping Your Summoner Magic skill seeing as your going after an avatar and can only have Carbuncle!
you will at least want in gear the whole "Trader's Set" ( Hat: Trader's Chapeau Hands: Trader's cuffs Feet: Trader's Pigaches Body: Trader's Saio
Legs: Trader's Slops ) as they are the best stuff you can get on a budget for smn (if you don't already prepare to spend a good 250 to 450k as prices are going wacko for this set) if you have Gil to burn like its nothing, Grab the Barron gear (+1 versions w/ some parts have + INT or + MND)
as for a Weapon NORMALLY people say the Mercenary's Pole is bets NOT!! you want to bring with you the Hermits wand because of its Spell interruption rate down ( This is key w/ Shiva and Ifrit as they like to try to hit you as much as they can)
Medicines and Foods needed!
1: 4 Ethers or 8 Muslums (it has to be normal ethers not high ones!!)
2: Some Defense Food (Boiled or steamed crab will do)
3: 2 Yagudo Drink's
4: at least 2 Hi-Potions maybe 3
yes i know from the Start, it sounds too expensive, trust me the gear and wand make it worth it in Quifim Island, but after your geared up the other trips are only at the cost of the food and medicines (Ethers and potions)
Now that we're prepared we're ready for the avatar!! make sure you have your Mini tuning fork for the requested avatar. talk to the elvaan, galka,hume etc thats usually standing next to the Prime smn avatar and they will warp you to the Protocrystal.
Now plan this ahead!!
First and foremost!: Go on the avitar's opposite day/weakest day. going to say Shiva on iceday is a <Death> wish (lol)
heres a List of days and opposite days and what the avatar is:
Firesday (Ifrit): Strong to: ICE Weak to: Water
Earthsday (Titan): Strong to: Lighting Weak to: Wind
Watersday (Leviathan): Strong to: Fire Weak to: Lighting
Windsday (Garuda): Strong to: Earth Weak to: Ice
Iceday (Shiva): Strong to: Wind Weak to: Fire
Lightingday (Ramuh): Strong to: Water Weak to: Earth
(Extra days related to Fenrir and Diablos)
Lightsday (Carbuncle) Opposes Darksday
Darksday: (Fenrir and Diablos) Opposes Lightsday
(to get Fenrir you need to beat all primes and keep their whispers and diablos you ,must complete CoP 3-5 Darkness Named Diablos)
you want to cast Protect and shell on yourself (better off if you have a high lv whm give you shell IV and protect IV be4 you go.
go over in your mind "Am i ready?" , " do i have everything i need?" " and am i all set?"
once your sure your ready, have your protect and shell, trade the mini tuning fork o of the correct smn to the proto crystal and you'll get a CS! and then after your in
"OK lets kill!!" NO wait this is where you need to have the Strategy in hand
1: your 2hr must be ready to use or you are seriously Boned! (because you haveto wait 1 RL Japanese new day be4 going back in same protocrystal)
2: Once in come to the bend (just as you can start seeing the avatar) Eat Crab, Consume a Yag Drink and Summon Carbuncle.
3: Have him attack the avatar AND ASAP Use your 2hr "Astral Flow" and have Carbuncle use Searing Light.
4: After he uses it run to other side... consume an ether and heal and TRY for atleast 56 or 61 MP because thats how much you need to get Searing light to go off if it dips under that somehow use an ether.
Repeat this till its dead. this is also known as "Multiple Astral Flow Trick"
NOW for Ramuh this trick is basically the same EXCEPT for one thing!, dont go on the avatar's Opposite day. yes i know "What's he thinking??" trust me Go on Lightsday because of 1: Carby and you have a Better resistance to Paralyze and 2: its Carbuncle's strongest day just adjust this w/ an extra hi-potion and maybe some medicine to cure paralysis and if carby gets hit w/ it release and summon him quick..
"is there cap fights for Diablos and Fenrir?" (as much as we do for fenrir) NO there isnt some sites say yes but thats a bunch of bull**** Fenrir is your reward for Prime fights and Diablos is a CoP mission
a lengthy guide BUT this has all the information you will need Good luck and Enjoy the job of Summoner! (trust me its Kick ass in higher lvs it starts paying off around lv 30)
From: Gord
Posted: 2006-06-15 11:05:52
What about the Carbuncle Mitts? Would they not be better to use if you have them?
From: Cael
Posted: 2006-06-16 14:56:13
Quote from: Gord
What about the Carbuncle Mitts? Would they not be better to use if you have them?
yes but not everyone at that time will have them
From: Murzade-Ramuh
Posted: 2006-06-20 13:43:59
if they had carby mitts, they'd just go pwn the primes, as its alot easier to do primes then do the mitts
From: Zack
Posted: 2006-08-21 12:49:16
If you have money to burn, get the Trump Crown for the fight. what is the best subjob for this. i think poss. /thf for the decent evasion bonus.
From: joelskates
Posted: 2006-12-08 06:23:45
Everyone says that you need heaps of items, i dont. When i was doing them, i had roughly 5-10k to spend on each battle. My smn skill was almost capped, and all i bought was 1-2 Hi-Potions, 3 Hi-Ethers (everyone says the use time is crap, which it is, but if you do it all properly, these are better), two juices, and i had crappy gear.
Ok, once your in, run up to this point, so you can see maybe just the avatars head, use a juice, use carby and run up. as soon as your up you use astral flow- searing light then while carby starts glowing run for it! once you get far enough use a hi-ether and re-summon carby (heres where hermits wands, you will probably be interuppted and dead if you dont have them at this point), then wait for searing light to be ready again. use it, run! again, hi-ether, carby, a juice if you need it, and searing light. battle over.
now then, what i actually did for a few of them was use /blu. people will say ohh /blu gay! so gimped! blah blah blah. well when i use metallic body (stoneskin) as soon as i run up to the avatar, they will use a blood pact, on themselves or on you, depends on avatar. but if its on you, close to 0 dmg! allows you to bust out searing light that FIRST TIME ONLY easier.
oh and people will say fight on the avatars weak day. i tried plenty of times, lost on most of them. What i do to win is fight on lightsday so carby will take about 6 damage on a normal hit and searing lights will do 210dmg.
/end guide
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