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Final Fantasy XI Discussion BoardDiscussion Boards -> Quest and Missions

Lure of the Wildcat

From: Tazz

Posted: 2006-03-01 15:03:29
I recieved a key item called "blue sentinel badge" in Bastok. Does anyone know what this is for? the npc who gave it to me mentioned Aht Urghan... What could this be for. When you look at the item Description: A list of characters are visible on the surface of the badge.

Mi: H6, I7, H5, I6, H9
Ma: I9, J10, K10, E11, E10
P: F6, J5, F8, E6, F5
Me: G7, G8, K7, I8, G8

There are also other color badges for other towns as well.

Quest Name: Lure of the Wildcat (Bastok)
Client: Client: Alib-Mufalib (Beligen Square, Port Bastok)
Summary: The mercenary company "Salaheem's Sentinels" has asked you to help recruit new members.

Quest Name: Lure of the Wildcat (Jeuno)
Client: Ajithaam (Artisan Bridge, Upper Jeuno)
Summary: The mercenary company "Salaheem's Sentinels" has asked you to help recruit new members.

Quest Name: Lure of the Wildcat (San d'Oria)
Client: Client: Amutiyaal (Lion Square, Southern San d'Oria)
Summary: The mercenary company "Salaheem's Sentinels" has asked you to help recruit new members.

Quest Name: Lure of the Wildcat (Windurst)
Client: Client: Ibwam (Bomingo Round, Windurst Woods)
Summary: The mercenary company "Salaheem's Sentinels" has asked you to help recruit new members.

Any help as to what this is for would be great! I will also try to figure out what to do and stuff as well.
From: Tazz

Posted: 2006-03-01 18:18:30
Apparently if you check each badge you can get the coordinates for each npc to talk with. After talking to all npc's go talk to starter npc again. He will take back the badge and give you an invitation. Does anyone have any speculation as to what these are for?
From: Jonas
Registered User

Posted: 2006-03-02 13:40:22
This appears to be a precursor to the next expansion set. If you check the Playonline website and the updates on the expansion, you will see a section on Mercenary fighters and separate fights involving them. How this ties in is anyone's guess at this point.
From: Azaezel

Posted: 2006-04-16 14:35:30
i have heard that you have to do each of them to be able to access certain areas in the new expansion. i do not know how much validity there is that, but can assume it is pertinent to the new areas. i have also heard rumor that it is to unlock one of the new jobs when they are released this Tues. again, anyone's guess...
From: Crayola of Shiva

Posted: 2006-04-19 12:34:33
Lure of the Wildcat (Bastok)

Talk to Alib-Mufalib (K-7 Port Bastok) and he will pin the Blue Sentinel Badge key item to you and request that you talk to various people in Bastok.

Bastok Mines
H-6 - Deidogg
I-7 - Echo Hawk
H-5 - Griselda
I-6 - Goraow
H-9 - Vaghron

Bastok Markets
I-9 - Horatius
J-10 - Arawn (also flashes a badge)
K-10 - Harmodio
E-11 - Pavel
E-10 - Ken

Port Bastok
F-6 - Paujean
J-5 - Kaede
F-8 - Tilian
E-6 - Hilda
F-5 - Patient Wheel

G-7 - Manilam
G-8 - Invincible Shield
K-7 - Ayame
I-8 - Kaela
G-8 - Raibaht

After talking to each individual, return to Alib-Mufalib and he will take the Badge from you and reward you with a Blue Invitation Card key item.

Lure of the Wildcat (Windurst)

Speak to Ibwam (G-10 Windurst Woods), who is standing at the fountain in Windurst Woods, and he will pin a key item "Green Sentinel Badge" onto you and ask you to recruit people for Salaheem's Sentinels. Speak to the following people in each zone:

Windurst Waters:
(G-4) Npopo
(G-9) Amagusa-Chigarusa
(F-9) Funpo-Shipo
(F-10) Kyume-Romeh
(F-8) Lago-Charago

Windurst Walls:
(J-11) Yoriri
(J-6) Moan-Maon
(K-7) Shantotto
(H-3) Chomomo (CS, Badge)
(F-5) Naih Arihmepp

Port Windurst:
(M-6) Yujuju
(F-6) Choyi Totlihpa
(E-7) Yaman-Hachuman
(E-7) Kunchichi (Badge)
(G-7) Three of Clubs

Windurst Woods:
(I-5) Umumu
(I-10) Cayu Pensharhumi
(J-3) Nanaa Mihgo
(J-13) Etsa Rhuyuli
(H-10) Soni-Muni

Once you have talked to all of them, go back and talk to Ibwam again. He will take your faded badge and award you with a key item Green Invitation Card. If you have an open Lure of the Wildcat quest in another city you cannot finish the others.

Lure of the Wildcat (Jeuno)

Talk to Amutiyaal (L-6), who gives you a red sentinel badge and asks you to find new recruits for a mercenary group in Aht Urgan named Saleem's Sentinels. Check the badge to get coordinates for the people you should talk to in each area. You know you've found the right person because you get an emote message: "[ ]'s badge flashes brightly.

South Sand'Oria
(G-8) Deraquien
(J-9) Authere
(I-8) Rouva
(I-8) Femitte
(K-5) Daggao

North Sand'Oria:
(E-4) Bertenont
(J-8) Anilla
(J-8) Maloquedil
(I-9) Giaunne
(H-8) Phairupegiont

Port Sand'Oria:
(J-8) Rugiette
(H-8) Charlodeau
(H-10) Parcarin
(H-9) Pomilla
(G-7) Perdiouvilet

Chateau d'Oraguille:
(I-9) Halver
(H-9) Rahal
(I-9) Curilla
(F-7) Chalvatot
(H-7) Perfaumand

After you talk to all of the people for that city, return to Amutiyaal to receive a Red Invitation Card.


Lure of the Wildcat (Jeuno)

Speak to Ajithaam (F-5) in Upper Jeuno and he will give you a badge (key item) and ask you to find new recruits for a mercenary group in Aht Urgan. Check the badge to get coordinates for the people you should talk to in each area. You know you've found the right person because you get an emote message: "[ ]'s badge flashes brightly. After you talk to all of the people for that city, return to the quest giver to receive a colored badge and further instructions. No idea on rewards yet, but this is a very interesting quest set given the near release of Treasures of Aht Urhgan.

Jeuno Client: Ajithaam (F-5) Upper Jeuno

Ru'Lude Gardens:
(H-9) Albiona
(G-8) Crooked Arrow
(G-7) Adolie
(I-6) Yavoraile
(H-7) Muhoho

Upper Jeuno:
(G-7) Sibila-Mobla
(G-8) Shiroro
(G-8) Luto-Mewrilah
(H-9) Renik
(H-9) Hinda

Lower Jeuno:
(J-7) Sutarara
(H-9) Bluffnix
(H-10) Naruru
(G-10) Gurdern
(I-7) Saprut

Port Jeuno:
(G-8) Red Ghost
(H-8) Karl (all three kids show badges)
(H-8) Shami
(I-8) Rinzei
(I-8) Sagheera

When you are done speak to Ajithaan again and he will give you another key item, White Invitation Card.
From: Cantoncomic
Registered User

Posted: 2006-04-22 08:43:15
has anyone discovered what the invitation is for yet?
From: Nhon
Registered User

Posted: 2006-04-23 02:39:42
Used to get currency in the new expansion.

You use it right after you do your 2nd mission by talking to Nala Salaheem. After you finish delivering the supplies to a stage point, go back and talk to her about the invitation card. I chose yes to show her my cards. Not sure what happens if you say no.

NOTE! Once you show her your invitation cards, she will take it and give you an equivalent amount of currency. I'm pretty sure you wont be able to do the other Lure of the Wildcats once this happens, because you will automatically become a mercenary; thus invitation is not required anymore.

I haven't tried to do any other Lure of the Wildcats quest in other areas yet.

I managed to get a bronze piece for 1 invitation XD
From: Gord

Posted: 2006-04-24 11:49:34
I have done all 4 cities and when i traded all 4 cards to her, she gave me a mithral currancy coin.
From: Nurion

Posted: 2007-05-31 21:13:38
Quote from: Tazz
Apparently if you check each badge you can get the coordinates for each npc to talk with. After talking to all npc's go talk to starter npc again. He will take back the badge and give you an invitation. Does anyone have any speculation as to what these are for?

The card you get after you flash the badge to all the people at each position and then turn into the client is used to join the Aht Urghan Mercenaries and you need it to get the cutscene. As to who you talk to I don't know as of yet.
From: Cantoncomic
Registered User

Posted: 2007-06-11 11:07:54

cut and paste that link it will give you all the details you need to know about the badges

Order: Final Fantasy XI Online: Wings of the Goddess Expansion Pack (PC)(PS2)(XBOX 360)
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