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Final Fantasy XI Discussion BoardDiscussion Boards -> General

? about SATA

From: EvilJayden

Posted: 2006-04-26 13:52:32
I understand how this works but I see posts with people talking about using it with your tank/trick partner during the battle and I have a question.

After the inital SATA the MOB should be focused on my partner. If the MOB is "facing" your trick partner, does the Sneak Attack portion of SATA still work? Or are you better off using just Trick Attack, moving behind the MOB, hitting Sneak Attack and then running back behind your trick partner for the next Trick Attack.

Or are the THF's that are using SATA switching trick partners when it's ready?

I need a little more clarification on effectively using my SATA.
From: Eluazel

Posted: 2006-04-26 16:54:08
SATA is sneak attack and trick attack are used together to get lots of damage done. OK first you sneak attack then trick attack wait until someone else has hate maybe a WAR or mostly PLD at high levels. But then use them then go to the back of the monster and ask someone to SATA you they should know what it means but get behind the Monster, and behind a person that is helping you fight and attack with sneak attack and trick attack most people use Sneak Attack Trick Attack SATA someone then Viper Bite the Monster's ass and you will do huge damage. Thats it for SATA there maybe more to it but I'm only a Rdm so.

Good Luck
From: Penweaver
Registered User

Posted: 2006-04-26 17:12:09

My Main is a lvl 60 mnk, and I static party with a Pal, Whm, and Rdm. When we have a Thf in the party, we usually do one of two things for SATA.

If the tank has the hate very well, the Thf can SATA off of me, and the mob wont turn around. If that is the case, then they usually fire it as frequently as possible (or as part of a SC).

If the tank cannot keep the hate, then as the backup tank, I will Provoke or WS when SATA is ready. The mob briefly turns to me and the Thf can then SATA off of the tank again.

Also, whenever possible, we try to use SC's that the Thf closes and stacks with SATA.

So in short, if you have a good tank that is holding the hate well, SATA off of whoever is lined up correctly. If the tank is not holding hate, have the backup tank voke or ws so the mob turns to them, then SATA off of the tank again.

I feel I should warn you though. From alot of the chatter I see from other parties and what not, it is clear that quite a few people are ignorant of what SATA is, or how to help a Thf with it. I hate to say it, but if you are taking Thf to higher levels, you may be forced to educate your party on when and how to do things for SATA. It can be an exceedingly frustrating thing for you to put up with.

Personally, I applaud all thf's. Good thf's help manage hate better than virtually any other job in the game. Between hate management, SATA ViperBite (or other WS), and SCing, any party I am in with a Thf just opens up the heavens and lets the exp pour from the skies!

Thank You very much!

From: Arcadian

Posted: 2006-04-26 19:33:31
SATA is comprised of Sneak Attack and Trick attack. Sneak Attack amplifies damage if and only if the mob is facing directly away from you. Trick attack amplifies damage if and only if there is a PC directly in between the mob and yourself. Furthermore, Trick attack transfers the hate from that damage towards the person in between the mob and yourself.

So, by stacking SA and TA (SATA), you can amplify your damage to a great extent (More if you use a WS with SATA charged). To do this, you have 2 options.

1- In the middle of a battle, when tank needs quick hate. A warrior or /warrior provokes the mob, so it is facing directly away from the tank. You then go behind the tank, SATA, and WS. Tank gets hat. This is also effective in a Skillchain. The warrior, /warrior provokes, uses a WS (Shoud be able to grab hate), and then you SATA and complete the SC behind the tank.

2- As you pull, the warrior, /warrior provokes first, the tank gets in position behind the mob, you SATA behind the tank, and tank gets hate and provokes for additional hate.

Visually, it should look like this:
THF = Thief, Tank = Tank, WAR= Provoker, > = Facing right, < = facing left, Mob = Mob.

THF> Tank><Mob < WAR
WAR Provokes
THF> Tank> Mob> <WAR
THF SATA's onto tank.
THF> Tank> <<Mob < War.

Hope this helps. Sorry for the long post, incredibly bored in class, this is the onl thing to do.

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