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News Item: The Feast of Swords

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From: Yurimi

Posted: 2006-04-28 13:57:22
Does anyone know if the lotus katana upgrades like the wooden katana did last year and if so how because it has changed I have delt the final blow numorous times to all the armours and have been in parties that have defeated and (I personally) have scored the finishing blow to the mithra armor. I try to trade my katana to a moogle like what you did last year but to no avail, nothing happens. >_<
From: SPEH

Posted: 2006-04-28 15:12:38
lol omg listen up.
buffs stay on when u recive the lvl cap and they stayon for the duration they would normally stay on u. for example. im a rdm. so i stoneskin blink protect IV haste phalanx and recived cap. subbed rng and widescan the mithra armor. called everyone to help me DD it. she hit me for 0 until my buffs wore. i used sharpshot to keep hate. once she hit me i lost hat but did not die so another rdm proceeded to attack and use sharpshot to keep hate and tank until we finally took her down. and yea. iono some ppl talkin bout some GK called boboko or sumthin but meh iono. anyway yea. those armors are ez mithra is just the HQ of them all kinda like Toro and Muria in the sash event
From: lemmon

Posted: 2006-04-28 16:55:32
im guessin no one has figured out how to get the hardwood katana. i no it there is one the walkthrough says there is. it says to trade with the moogle but when i trade with him he wont take it am i doin something wrong. Has anyone got the HARDWOOD KATANA????
From: Thuggles

Posted: 2006-04-28 19:51:15
Any of them can 1 hit kill, I'm not sure exactly how it works though. I really don't care for this event.. wish it was like last years. Anyway, at least I got a nice TP builder for learning blu skills XD
From: lemmon

Posted: 2006-04-29 04:22:26
well i got the belt but i haven't used it yet does anyone know if u can recharge it like and empress band? and im still wondering about the katana.
From: Anonymous

Posted: 2006-04-29 05:14:21
anyone tryed using the wooden katana instead of the lotus? I tryed talking to mr moogle with the hardwood equiped, then he said that I was stupid and had to use a lotus or wooden katana.
From: usukane slayer

Posted: 2006-04-29 05:41:12
Quote from: SPEH
lol omg listen up.
buffs stay on when u recive the lvl cap and they stayon for the duration they would normally stay on u. for example. im a rdm. so i stoneskin blink protect IV haste phalanx and recived cap. subbed rng and widescan the mithra armor. called everyone to help me DD it. she hit me for 0 until my buffs wore. i used sharpshot to keep hate. once she hit me i lost hat but did not die so another rdm proceeded to attack and use sharpshot to keep hate and tank until we finally took her down. and yea. iono some ppl talkin bout some GK called boboko or sumthin but meh iono. anyway yea. those armors are ez mithra is just the HQ of them all kinda like Toro and Muria in the sash event

Indeed prot4+stoneskin+phalanx is awesome for tanking this.

I was one of 2 rdm/sam (for grt katana skill to help hit) tanks (3rd was also puller, rdm/rng) in alliance that killed 5 of these last night. We just swapped a party in every time one was almost all dead, and deads HP'ed and came back out and rebuffed. Earthen ward from summoner helps the melees last longer for the ocassional hate loss. The sucky thing is if someone from outside your party/alliance gets the killing blow, you get no drops at all, which happened to us 3 times >.<

This event should have had the drops be on a ??? that pops after the NM death, like they did with the bulls awhile back, since effectivly there is no "claim" on these.
From: Sword

Posted: 2006-04-29 11:12:35
I messed around with this for a little while tonight. Theres alot of differences from last years event.

1. For starters the armors don't run away from you after you get hate/claim.
2. Second you can keep up with the armors with the permanent flee adjustment.
3. The armors also have tp moves this time around "Edge of Death" which brings any unbuffed level 1 person to 1hp (does not kill) and a AoE Diaga move "Aetheral Toxin".
4. Instead of the mogs giving out mochi like last year they drop off the armors when theyre killed, but the spoils only go to the person/party/alliance that deals the death blow.
5. Instead of just mochi the Armors also drop occasionally drop color drops (red, blue, green, clear, ect) and on very rare occasions drop a belt that allows you to warp to whatever designated chocobo stable it says (I think what reigon your in will affect which one drops.)
6. One armor the Usukane Armor (Mithra) is very agressive and attacks anyone under the level restriction on sight. It can 1 shot most unbuffed people.

There is a little bug to exploit however and can be easily used to your advantage if your a high level WHM,RDM, or PLD by using Protect IV, Stoneskin, and Phalanx before you go under the level restriction. You can hold out on the Usukane armor for a while without fear of being 1 shotted as easily usually holding out for 4-6 min depending on how fast it takes for you to find the Usukane armor.

As far as other katanas go. I'm unsure if an upgraded katana drops/quested like last year. This guide is pretty incomplete but it pretty much covers most of the event.

-Sword of Asura-
From: lorddragoonxvi

Posted: 2006-04-29 12:29:27
when fighting all but mithra: they have 100 hp you can not do any damge to them the only way they get hurt is a 1pt dmg of additional affect from your lotus katana so you need to hit these things 100 times to kill it. any one can atack it even only the the people in the alliance or pt or solo person who gets last hit on it gets the drop items. they have a tp aoe that will take evry one down to 1 hp (not sure if this can be blocked by shadows, stoneskin, ect.) normal atackes from these guys will do 1-2 dmg on a whm/mnk tarutaru with no buffs they also can cast dia.

mithra is a 1 shoot KO if it hits pld 2hr thf 2hr are good ways to survive and Run away! mithra is the only one that will agro people

I suggest ppl to go as whm/mnk you get a couple of cures incase of tp atack and hp bonus from mnk if no tp atack

From: Twyleth
Registered User

Posted: 2006-04-29 14:22:38
The collar looks like the ones we got for the '05 New Years Event ... which means there should be some for Windy & Bastok in addition to the Sandy one everyone seems to be getting. Where are you fighting when you get them (is the Sandy collar actually dropping around the other countries?)? If they are the same (and they look identical to my memory) then they do NOT recharge ... I actually just recently used up my Sandy collar, like literally a few weeks ago, and I still have windy & bastok collars with like 2 or 3 charges on them. They're very handy when you need to get to town quicker than waiting on the airship.
From: TsukiakariUsagi

Posted: 2006-04-29 23:09:56
Quote from: gold carp?
can gold carp b obtained any other way? if not maby its used for the next part of the event?

Gold Carp can be fished up in the cities and it's been this way for a while.
From: TsukiakariUsagi

Posted: 2006-04-29 23:25:21
Avoid the Mithra! It took all of the area to take on the Mithra and we had to drag her all the way up to the zone to kill it and we died over and over and over and over... as for the Collar - depending on what zone you kill the armour depends on what collar you get - if you are killing in Sandy, you'll get the Kingdom one, Windy, Federation, etc.
From: Bokken*

Posted: 2006-04-30 06:52:39
Quote from: SPEH
and yea. iono some ppl talkin bout some GK called boboko or sumthin but meh iono. anyway yea. those armors are ez mithra is just the HQ of them all kinda like Toro and Muria in the sash event

the "wooden katana" is traditionaly known as a bokken it is used in kendo practice when u ar practicing form alone bcus it better resembles the weight and balance of a live blade another practice sword more commonly knows is the shanie or fencing foil... at any rate the boboko u speak of is more than liekly some one misprounouncing bokken or trying to look snart by calling it a bokken instead of wooden/lotus katana there were no +1 versions of this katana in the .dats so dont expect to b able to upgrade it like last year
From: McMirror

Posted: 2006-05-05 09:16:52
I got the 3 collars. Here my hints:

- Collars are not rechargable (like the ones from the previous event)
- Bastok collar is dropped from Bastok's area
- Windy collar is dropped from Windy's area
- Doria collar is dropped from Doria's area
- you need to drop the collar from the last year event (I used all of them for half of their charges) or you won't get the new one
- buff up before you speak with moogle
- wooden katana will hit but won't do additional damage to Armors (and the additional effect is all what you need to deal damages to Armors)
- Use Selbina Milk to regen your HP (maybe while wearing Dream Robe +1) and you will be able to solo them
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