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News Item: Valentione Day is Coming!

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From: Matt

Posted: 2006-02-10 09:52:38
hi, maybe it works differently on other servers, but on Hades anyway, your walkthrough will get you a "decent" rating almost every time. I did this quest 3 times tonight(4 times total). The first two I tried doing it your way and only got a "Decent", and then I just matched up all my left pieces with the right pieces given to me by my partner and got a "Perfect". That is:

Amour Right + Amour Left
Desire Right + Desire Left
Attraction Right + Attraction Left
Romance Right + Romance Left

If you do that you will get a perfect every time. If you match it by what the NPC tells you you will only get a decent(unless you just happen to get lucky with what they randomly say). Just ignore what the NPC's tell you because they're either lying or the game code just doesn't know how to differentiate. Each race of NPC will always give you the same kind of chocolate though. In Bastok the Mithra/Galka are Attraction, the Tarutaru are Desire, the Elvaan are Romance and the Humes are Amour.

I dunno if that changes on a day-to-day basis, but I'm willing to bet it doesn't.

I wish I had bet gil with the guy I was doing this quest with. He swore by this site's walkthrough and I would have won that bet.
From: K0D3R

Posted: 2006-02-10 23:30:48
You have to match up the peices of chocolote to make a single heart:

Here's an Example:

[Spoke -> Wants -> Choclote]
Male Side:
Galka -> Mithra -> Attraction
Taru -> Elvaan -> Desire
Hume -> Taru -> Amour
Elvaan -> Hume -> Romance
Female Side:
Mithra -> Hume -> Attraction
Hume -> Elvaan -> Amour
Taru -> Galka -> Desire
Elvaan -> Taru -> Romance

Galka: Attraction/Desire = Attraction
Taru: Desire/Romance = Desire
Hume: Amour/Attraction = Amour
Elvaan: Romance/Amour = Romance
Mithra: Attraction/Attraction = Attraction
Hume: Amour/Romance = Amour
Taru: Desire/Amour = Desire
Elvaan: Romance/Desire = Romance

The first chocolote (the left side) is what the chocolote will be. You need to trade all 4 right sides with your partner then create the full chocolote heart with the correct peices. Trade them to the NPC's & Talk to the Moogle!
From: Skiewalker

Posted: 2006-02-13 07:52:46
By the way, here's an important thing to remember:

You cannot get a signed +1 Charm Wand if your partner does not have a Charm Wand +1 (or is ineligible to get it at that time).

I tested this out on two of my mules and it happened. Dropped the Charm wand +1 and did it again (once more so my partner would be eligible to recieve one from the Moogle) and we recieved them signed.

Hope this helps out. (I know it's a tad late but I just started doing this on Saturday night.) Good luck getting your +1s signed with your honey's name on it! ^,~
From: Wolfen

Posted: 2006-02-13 14:07:25
Quote from: Matt
hi, maybe it works differently on other servers, but on Hades anyway, your walkthrough will get you a "decent" rating almost every time. I did this quest 3 times tonight(4 times total). The first two I tried doing it your way and only got a "Decent", and then I just matched up all my left pieces with the right pieces given to me by my partner and got a "Perfect". That is:

Amour Right + Amour Left
Desire Right + Desire Left
Attraction Right + Attraction Left
Romance Right + Romance Left

If you do that you will get a perfect every time. If you match it by what the NPC tells you you will only get a decent(unless you just happen to get lucky with what they randomly say). Just ignore what the NPC's tell you because they're either lying or the game code just doesn't know how to differentiate. Each race of NPC will always give you the same kind of chocolate though. In Bastok the Mithra/Galka are Attraction, the Tarutaru are Desire, the Elvaan are Romance and the Humes are Amour.

I dunno if that changes on a day-to-day basis, but I'm willing to bet it doesn't.

I wish I had bet gil with the guy I was doing this quest with. He swore by this site's walkthrough and I would have won that bet.
The funny thing is this is the same thing that happens to me, but it's worked the other way as well when I did it with another character... I'm gonna try this later on hopefully this will work for me ^..^
From: Nibbs

Posted: 2006-02-14 07:54:10
Another tip I can give to this...

If you sub Ranger, you can see exactly where all the Valentione Singles are on your map, with Wide Scan ^^

Made my life so much easier
From: tyrique

Posted: 2006-02-15 00:19:18
for some reason i couldnt get my wand signed i compleated 2X both with excelent rating first time i grabed all the chocolates and used good memory to complete it
second time i did them one at a time
all trades was with the same person {mithra} and me {MHume}
we were both offerd wands but they were not signed
second time we were offered all items except +1 or wand
is this a valentines glitch or am i missing something
From: ValeforAnon

Posted: 2008-02-07 03:31:17
If your partner\'s wand is already signed by someone else, you\'ll never get his/her signature anymore. Taken in short :P
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