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Final Fantasy XI Discussion BoardDiscussion Boards -> General

News Item: Goldfishies Return!

From: Mirriam
Staff Member

Posted: 2005-07-24 00:54:02
Goldfishies Return!

Come armed with your Yukata and some spare gil for scoops, and get ready to scoop, scoop, scoop! Head to the area of your choice and talk to the NPC. There, you will receive a free Goldfish Bowl (last option when you talk to them), and have the opportunity to purchase super scoops at 100 gil apiece (they stack to 12). Equip the Goldfish Bowl (range) and the Super Scoop (ammo), then go wading into the water.

Don't have your Yukata from last year? That's not a problem, there are moogles in every town that are selling the Yukatas as well as assorted fireworks. You can find the moogles at these locations:

Northern San d'Oria (D-8)
Port Bastok (L-8)
Windurst Waters (G-10)

NPC to get started:
East Sarutabaruta, Kesha Shopehllok, (H-8) (sitting on the bridge)
Rabao, Mei, (F-7) (sitting against water pump)
South Gustaberg, Fish Eyes, (E-8) (by Fumaroles, sitting against a rock)
West Ronfaure, Saradorial, (G-10) (at Knightwell, by fence)

This pretty much works just like fishing. You even type /fish (or fish from your menu) to scoop. However, the wait time in between scooping is much shorter (and the animation more amusing).

When you attempt to scoop a fish, you will get one of these four messages:
A tiny goldfish has approached!
A plump, black goldfish has approached!
A fat, juicy goldfish has approached!
There are no goldfish to be found...

If a fish approaches, you must press enter in order to catch the goldfish. After you've pressed enter, you'll have one of these four messages:

Obtained: (fish)
You lost your catch.
The paper on your super scoop ripped.
The goldfish slipped off your scoop...

After you've acquired some goldfish, bring them back to the NPC and trade them. They will count up your fishies, and award you the allotted points.

Tiny Goldfish: 1 point
Black Bubble-Eye: 2 points
Lionhead: 10 points

5 points: a Super Scoop
15 points: a bag of fireworks
25 points: large fans
30 points: a colored drop
50 points: a mystery box (12 Spirit Masque)
80 points: another mystery box (Goldfish Set)

Event Specifics
Official Announcement: The Sunbreeze Festival
Event Item Rewards: Spirit Masque, Goldfish Set, Super Scoop, Black Drop, Blue Drop, Clear Drop, Green Drop, Purple Drop, Red Drop, White Drop.
Other Items Used in Event: Goldfish Bowl, Tiny Goldfish, Black Bubble-Eye, Lionhead, Lord's Yukata, Lady's Yukata.
From: Tristan Kain

Posted: 2005-07-24 18:18:00
Okay, so one of the items for the Goldfish Bowl is Exclusive. Does anyone know how high Smithing and Alchemy need to be for that? I can just see the price of those bowls being insane if the average player can't make them themselves.
From: Uberfuzzy
Registered User

Posted: 2005-07-24 19:51:41
Quote from: Tristan Kain
Okay, so one of the items for the Goldfish Bowl is Exclusive. Does anyone know how high Smithing and Alchemy need to be for that? I can just see the price of those bowls being insane if the average player can't make them themselves.

it may be a ploy to get people to work together. *gasp*
since the fish are normarl items, a group can all scoop athe same time, and give all the fish to the person with the required crafting levels to turn in for points to get the EX goldfish set
From: Mirriam
Staff Member

Posted: 2005-07-25 01:58:09
The only synth that requires any real level of skill is the glass sheet, which consequently is probably the hardest to acquire on most servers. The glass sheet requires 6 silica from the pugils in Phomina Aquaducts. It is a 52 alchemy synth.

Actually crafting the goldfish bowl is only a level 10 woodworking skill.
From: Ichthyos
Registered User

Posted: 2005-07-25 03:43:16
Quote from: Uberfuzzy
it may be a ploy to get people to work together. *gasp*
since the fish are normarl items, a group can all scoop athe same time, and give all the fish to the person with the required crafting levels to turn in for points to get the EX goldfish set

Ugh. I should have thought of this before turning in all my fishies. Hmm... to scoop another 80 points of fish, or to level my crafts to make the bowl... :(
From: Tristan Kain

Posted: 2005-07-26 00:54:30
Quote from: Mirriam
Actually crafting the goldfish bowl is only a level 10 woodworking skill.

My worry was the other two skills. Woodworking to 10 is rather easy in general. Smithing I have some minor skill in, but my Alchemy is 0 and I -really- don't want to waste a goldfish set if the bowl itself needs something semi-respectable.

I suppose a better question would be: Is Woodworking the dominant skill for the Goldfish Bowl?
From: Huckster

Posted: 2005-07-29 10:54:25
Goldfish Bowl gives Moghancement: Water.

Checkit myself (synthesized + put in storage is the only furniture)
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-07-29 14:55:25
Thanks for the info; the Goldfish Bowl has been updated accordingly.

We're still missing all the other info, if you have any of that as well: how much storage it has; the listed Element on the item (is that Water as well?); the size of the furniture, etc. All details are greatly appreciated!
From: Ichthyos
Registered User

Posted: 2005-07-29 17:03:53
The goldfish bowl furnishing has the following properties:

- 1 storage
- Water element moghancement listed on the item
- 1x1 size, can sit on the floor or on a flat piece of furniture.

Here's a screenshot of the item description and the item in my Mog House.
From: Ichthyos
Registered User

Posted: 2005-07-29 17:04:49
Oh, and the two fish in the bowl don't swim around but they do wave their fins at you. XD
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-07-29 17:54:31
Hah, nice! Thanks for the info, the Goldfish Bowl has been updated. If anyone wants to take the time to compare the Element Strength to other 1 Strength furuniture, we can figure out the last bit of data for that furniture.

And then, it's getting the same for those aquariums...
From: Ichthyos
Registered User

Posted: 2005-08-03 21:57:17
Here's some info on the freshwater aquarium:

- 1 storage
- Water element moghancement listed on the item
- 3x1, can sit on the floor or on a flat piece of furniture.

Here's a screenshot of the item description and the item in my Mog House.

Two of the fish swim around! :)
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-08-06 17:01:15
Quote from: Ichthyos
Here's some info on the freshwater aquarium:

- 1 storage
- Water element moghancement listed on the item
- 3x1, can sit on the floor or on a flat piece of furniture.

Here's a screenshot of the item description and the item in my Mog House.

Two of the fish swim around! :)

Cute aquarium! Thanks for the info; the Freshwater Aquarium has been updated accordingly. The Element listed (Water) is now on the item, although we still need two other pieces of info:

1) What Moghancement does it give? (i.e., if it's the only furniture item in a Mog House, what do you get with it?) This could be water, or it could be something else.

2) How strong is the Element Strength? This can only be figured out by putting other furniture items that have only 1 element strength in the MH along with the aquarium, and seeing how many it takes to over-ride the aquarium's strength.

Thanks to any and all have helped and can can assist further in getting the details of all these new furniture items.
From: Malraune

Posted: 2006-07-26 03:24:54
What I'm wondering is... does anyone have any tips for getting the bubble-eye and lionhead goldfish? As in, how long to wait? All I can seem to get is the tiny goldish, the others consistently rip my scoop. XD
From: Guest

Posted: 2006-07-27 15:27:46
It seems this year you can also get the Fighting Fish tank.

Needs higher skill than the goldfish tank but still needs the goldfish set to create.

Here is formula according to Somepage:
Main Skill: Woodworking (20 - Recruit)
Sub-Skills: Smithing (? - Unknown), Alchemy (? - Unknown)
Crystal: Light
Ingredients: Bronze Ingot, Lauan Lumber, Crawler Calculus, Sieglinde Putty, Glass Sheet, Goldfish Set, Lamp Marimo, Betta
Result: Fighting Fish Tank
HQ Results the Same

Now the Lamp Marimo can be fished up, but I have no clue about the betta. My fear is that betta is like the goldfish, only avilible during event through scouping. Anyone know where to get a betta at?
From: Devious

Posted: 2006-07-28 21:15:12
Another sight listed the Betta as being fished from one of the Aht areas. The big thing to keep in mind is the Goldfish Set is only avaliable during the event. I know on remoria, you could find the goldfish on the AH cheap long after the event, but without the EX set it's just expensive Mithra food.

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