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Final Fantasy XI Discussion BoardDiscussion Boards -> Crafting, Chocobo Digging, and Fishing

General Desynthesis Experiment

From: Tristan Kain

Posted: 2006-03-04 22:46:26
I'm about to be conducting some detailed experiments regarding desynthesis and the various factors that can affect it. I was wondering if anyone who reads these boards wanted to share some insights into their own desynthing observations or if there was something unusual that would be worth testing that I might not have thought of.

I'm looking at checking impact of Moon Phase and Day first of all, and also trying to put to rest the whole Direction debate (I've got 8 trials planned on direction alone). My primary concern is on the quality of the results, not for skillups, so I'm not going to be looking at desynth skillup opportunities with this experiment.
From: Coren

Posted: 2006-03-06 02:40:11
It seemed to me that the higher above the cap you got, the less success you had. I did marginally well with desynthing moblin crap with goldsmithing, then I lvled 20 lvls, and never got another hq3 and gave up on it.

Also, whatever testing you do, you'd better do a LOT of it for it to be remotely accurate.
From: Tristan Kain

Posted: 2006-03-06 18:40:00
I hadn't heard that one before, so I'll keep it in mind for future attempts. I'm keeping my crafting skills constant for the experiment for issues just like that one, but since I'll be trying some of the trials later to check on level influence, I'll pay especially close attention to that.
From: Wirving

Posted: 2006-03-18 02:39:50
I agree. I have a woodworking mule level 1, who desynths flutes to parchment with about 80% success rate, while my main character, woodworking level 26, has a success rate of about 20%. I have also noticed that this desynth has a much lower rate of success on a Lightning day, even though using a lightening crystal, and much higher success rate on earth day-the opposite of normal synthing results.
From: Whyrl
Registered User

Posted: 2006-03-22 21:20:54
I've done a fair amount of desynthing (easily more than 2000 desynths, but I wasn't counting, could be a lot higher by now, I know in one day alone I went through over 400 lightning crystals, and doing 60-100 desynths at a time is pretty normal for me), and I haven't found too much consistancy. Desynthing is very highly random. I know enough about probability and statistics (had a roommate who majored in that who did a thesis on "hot streaks" in sports and was able to mathematically show that they fall within normal deviation ranges) to know that until we get provided with a LARGE data set, we can't draw any valuable conclusions about desynths.

So due to that high random nature of desynthesis, you would need an extremely large number (literally 1000s per Moonphase&Day combination) to provide any useful numbers.

In my experience, it seems that being in the range of 5 to 1 under the desynthesis cap is in your favor, and you won't have that kind of "advantage" again until you are decently over the cap. However, I know from my experience that once you are over the cap (no set number, seems roughly 25) that you can once again desynth "just fine". It's right around the cap and for a little while above it where desynthing seems worse. It could have been (bad) luck though, I haven't tried to test that in depth. (I haven't wanted to risk the investment if it were to prove that desynthing just over a cap is bad)

Moon Phase in my experience has had absolutely no noticeable effect on success OR HQ rate on desynthing. The best run I ever had on desynths was at Moon Phase of 66% (was a little lower when I started, was desynthing for 2-3 hours that run). But that doesn't mean I normally have a good or bad moon phase time.

Days of the week seem to affect desynthesis more noticeably than any other factor, but even saying that, it's not enough to make me really care what day of the week is unless I have a really important desynth.

My experience on days:
Icesday is the best day for results (no idea why, but it's happened so consistantly I can say it). It's no guarantee you'll get good results though, but it's been the best day 9 out of 10 times. HQ1 and HQ2 often on ices, HQ3 as much as NQ.
Darksday is 2nd best. Tended to get HQ1 more often than any other. Also had the most fail/loss going on typically.
Earthsday was an oddball (possibly from earth being strong to lightning?) I had a very high rate of HQ3 and NQ, rarely got HQ1 or HQ2.

The other days of the week seemed about the same, except Lightsday, which was generally the worst.

Most common desynths used back when I was "researching" this (don't have my numbers anymore and didn't do any real official write-ups or anything): robe (clothcraft), quadav backplate (smithing), leather vest (leather), leather belt (leather), copper ring (gold), and a few others less often.
I also had anectodal info from a goldsmither friend who was desynthing silver earrings (or rings, I forget), and another who was desynthing some low level weapons as well as stuff he was skilling alchemy on. They both saw similar results to mine related to day, but both also saw the extreme randomness to desynthing.

The only numbers I remember, roughly were on leather vests
When I was exactly 5 below the cap in leather ages ago, I would desynth 60 vests in a run. I was coming out with 66-80 sheep leather and 1-6 lizard skins. I then used the sheep leather to skill leather to 11 (which happened to be 1 over the cap for the vest desynth). I went back to try to desynth more sheep leather and for 60 vests was coming up with 45-60 sheep leather and 0-1 lizard skins. It was frustrating, because back then, getting 60 leather for 60 vests was barely breaking even compared to the AH, to get less I was losing money (though depending on how many crystals I had to burn to do it all affected that price too).
Last time I went to do leather vests I was at 41 in leather, and I got results basically the same as what I'd gotten when I was just under the cap.

Oh, and I have extreme doubts on direction faced affecting desynths. It has had no noticeable affect for me (by any of the 3 main guides that are all different over which direction is the "right" one to face and how much they even matter). Now I just face the shopkeeper and blow their wares up in their faces ;)
From: pita

Posted: 2006-04-05 11:20:56
i think mog enhancement will have a huge factor on your desynth results as well.

i find deynthing on watersday, firesday and lightsday are best days for me to get successful desynths with water mog enhancement.

of course full moon is always good too.
From: sky

Posted: 2006-05-03 16:05:13
I second the comment regarding beeing below cap on desynth. It does give alot better results. I also do the Flute synth on occasion and i get alot better results on a level 1 Mule than on my level 60 Main. I do however get more HQ (lumber in this case) with the level 60 Main, but we don't want that in this case.

My speculation is that if you are lower or +/- 5 levels of synth you get more success. If you are higher your success goes down but your HQ rate goes up. This does make sense to me to some extend.

If you are close to the cap you are better at breaking stuff than making stuff. :)

From: Guest

Posted: 2006-08-05 18:02:47
I also have noticed after thousands of desynths (mainly gobby helm/mail and quadav backplates) that I had much better results at a slightly lower level than the desynth cap and that it picked up again far over the cap.

At lvl 78 smithing I fail much more often on backplates than I did at lvl 50 smithing but atleast I get steel quite a bit from gobby parts again where at ~50-65 I mainly lost the goblin stuff.

Also about the weather effects in zones making a difference for success... most definately. Lately I've been spending a considerable amount of time farming antican pauldrons and desynthing to support further smithing skill ups (god is it expensive) and I consistently get far more darksteel from the pauldrons while desynthing with double earth element in altepa. This isn't just a lucky streak on a few pauldrons. This is a very noticeable change across hundreds of desynths between breaking and losing almost every pauldron one minute to getting half a stack of darksteel from 8-10 pauldrons 2 minutes later after a double earth storm kicks up.
From: Cantoncomic
Registered User

Posted: 2006-08-07 15:33:12
wouldnt it make more sense to have moghancment - desynthing?
to have better desynth results?
From: Dora-from-pandy
Registered User

Posted: 2006-08-07 20:30:03
From minimal personal experience but from years of reading through forums and quizzing friends and complete strangers that synth I have come to few solid conclusions, however they are useful conclusions. The only one that I will state as a fact that is pertinent to this topic is that double weather when it is what is strong against the crystal you are using increases HQ results. I say this only for double weather as few comments have been made about single and those comments over the years have been mixed though favorable in general. As I am a cook by trade and do NO desynthing I will forgoe further comment.

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