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Final Fantasy XI Discussion BoardDiscussion Boards -> Crafting, Chocobo Digging, and Fishing

Crafting for dummies

From: Asdilo

Posted: 2006-02-01 14:03:36
Sorry for asking something like that but I'm german and I never found a german explanation for crafting so I will ask it here.

I'm to stupid for crafting and everybody says different things to me. That makes me very confused and dosn't help me.

So can someone try to explain me how crafting works. If possible in words that you think that a german would understand.

Someone said I have to go to guilds that they learn me all. Others said I need items and just convert them into other items. Also others said I need recepts that will learn me the crafting.

Which one is true and how does it really work?

THANX for all the people that are answering. Asdilo
From: Xanderu

Posted: 2006-02-02 01:03:21
First you have to start by joining a guild. After you have joined a guild then you can start using crystals and items to make things. For example, I have joint the Tanners guild in Southern Sandoria, I can use the following items:

1 Dark Crystal + 1 sheep skin + 1 clump of windurstian tea leaves + 1 flask of distilled water = 1 square of sheep leather

That is just one of many receipes I can do. There are a lot more on this site. All you have to do is choose which guild you want to join and then start with receipes for level 0 and work your way up.

I hope this has helped you and good luck
From: Myo

Posted: 2006-03-18 22:06:44
OK I have alot of simple questions about crafts.
how do you know whether you've joined the guild/where are they all?
bastok markets: only 1 I have actually got to raize at all is goldsmithing.
I've tried smithing a couple of times but have not got up even .1
what is ment by skill cap? my guess: once you are above that level it is imposible to increase your skill by making that item.
From: wirving

Posted: 2006-03-19 14:12:36
Craft is not hard to start. Join all the guilds, by speaking with NPC either in the guild or just outside the guilds. You will know when you have joined, because each guild will give you a crystal for signing up.

Sandy- Tanner's guild (leathercraft) S Sandy
Woodworking guild N Sandy
Smithing guild N Sandy

Windy- Cooking Guild-windy Waters
Clothcraft Guild -windy Woods
Bonecraft Guild - Windy Woods

Bastok Alchemy Guild- B. Mines
Goldsmith Guild - B. Markets

Once you join a guild (and you can join them all) there are NPCs that will give you directions on what materials you can craft.

Crystals are the needed items to combine ingredients. From your items list select a crystal to use it. You will then get a window-that looks just like delivery box/trade window. Enter the items you wish to synth/craft, press ok, and off you go. Character will begin the synth/craft process, if the required items are all present, and you have enough skill level to make the item.

Each guild will offer you synth support-a little support is free, a little more support will cost some gil. Support temporarily raises your ability in that particular craft helping you craft something a little beyond your current skill level. Support does not last for long. If you plan to craft something beyond your current level (i get support if trying anything over 6 levels higher) make sure you have all the necessary materials with you. Support does not last long enough to run to the AH/shops for supplies.

This website has an excellent recipe guide per guild. I strongly suggest you take a look at it. It will tell you what type of crystal you need and what materials you need to make something, and most importantly what level the item you are making will cap. Cap means, for example, sheep leather (recipe given in previous message) caps at level 2. This means, that once your leathercraft reaches level 2, you can continue to make this item, but you will no longer skill up from making it. Skilling up takes some time, but the rewards are worth the effort. The higher your craft level, the better the product you can craft. Also check the status of the craft...menu/stats/craftskills (just like you check your job levels, weapons skills, etc). If your craft skill is capped (blue on my computer) this means you can no longer level it up. Just like your weapon skills-once capped you need to level to raise the cap. When you see a craft capped, go to the guild. At each guild there is an NPC who will tell you it is time to learn more. This NPC will ask that you craft a particular item. You then craft this item, trade it to the NPC and your cap will be removed, allowing you to skill up that craft some more! You will receive a new title- recruit, apprentice, etc as you level up.

Synth/Crafting is not always successful. You will break the crystal and sometimes lose the ingredients. Dont be discouraged. You will succeed much more often then fail, if you try to craft items within you skill range. For me this is 5-6 levels. For example, if my leathercraft is level 5...i can usually craft something that caps at level 10-11.

Crafting is fun, can be financially rewarding, and also very addictive. I hope this helps you get started, and when you get to level 100 Alchemy, i need some items crafted!
From: Myo

Posted: 2006-03-19 20:52:02
Excellent information, does the title justice.
thank you very much, this was exactly the type of things I needed to know.
From: Wirving

Posted: 2006-03-20 09:44:18
Thank you, your are very welcomed. If you have any other questions, I'd be glad to answer, if I can.
From: Rose

Posted: 2006-03-20 19:23:09
Quote from: wirving
Sandy- Tanner's guild (leathercraft) S Sandy
Woodworking guild N Sandy
Smithing guild N Sandy

Windy- Cooking Guild-windy Waters
Clothcraft Guild -windy Woods
Bonecraft Guild - Windy Woods

Bastok Alchemy Guild- B. Mines
Goldsmith Guild - B. Markets

You can also join the Fishing Guild in Port Windurst, though fishing is a different kind of craft. It does not require crystals or recepies, you just have to fish in different places with different rods/bait for different fish in order to skill up. It is probably the cheapest craft you can do, so if you need money right away, this may be a good place to start. Just like every other craft, you have to raise your skill cap every 10 levels (you can break your cap as early as level -8, but once you hit -0 [10, 20, 30, etc.] you will no longer be able to skill up) by trading the appropriate item. Unfortunately I can't give any good websites for fishing, but I'm sure references have been posted in these forums before.

Good luck.
From: pita

Posted: 2006-04-05 11:33:53
this is the best site i've found for fishing so far


it hasnt been updated for a while, but still good information.

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