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Final Fantasy XI Discussion BoardDiscussion Boards -> Crafting, Chocobo Digging, and Fishing

Chocobo Digging

From: ajimix

Posted: 2005-09-01 17:17:02
Anyone can explain me something about chocobo digging??? I have passed hours and hours digging but the delay time its always the same :S Also I have read that there are cap exams but wich him you need to trade the items???

I want to lvl up my chocobo digging (secret) skill but I dont know how to do it :'(
From: Midnightcalm

Posted: 2005-09-02 08:54:47
It takes ffffffffoooooorrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeevvvveerrrr to lvl chocobo digging up, I finally got to lvl 3. Took me like 2 or 3 months to get from lvl 2-3(but then again I would only dig for like 2 hours a day mostly).

If you are just starting chocobo digging go to one of the beginner zones, I would suggest east or west Sarutabaruta, those zone are not usually over digged.
From: ajimix

Posted: 2005-09-02 14:00:21
but I need to start necessary in low level areas like sarutabaruta???

And did you need to do any tipy of skill cap exam??
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-09-03 14:58:19
You can start in whatever zone you feel like; you're unlikely to get very good results when you start Chocobo Digging, regardless of which zone you choose. And no, there are no specific tests in Chocobo Digging, that anyone has ever been able to verify. To read up on it, see the Chocobo Digging Guide for more info.
From: Anon

Posted: 2005-09-07 15:00:47
I was wondering, since I didn't see any mention of it (or maybe I wasn't looking hard enough, who knows) aside from how long it takes to dig, either from zoning or since the last dig, does the level of your digging add any noticable change in how often the rarer items are dug up? Does each additional lvl after the 0 time between digs act as a +1? I know this is all unknown but I was wondering if there was a general understanding of how that worked floating around.

This whole digging thing seems fun, lol
From: Twyleth
Registered User

Posted: 2005-09-08 14:30:35
Most stuff about digging is either a closely-held secret, or total spectualtion ... for the best of both, I'd recommend this thread:


Towards the end of the thread is also a link to the archive of the thead that preceded that one.
From: skydough

Posted: 2006-01-10 22:09:24
let me lay somethings out for you diging go up like this
-rank 1 takes 100 stacks to bring wait to 11 roughtly
-rank 2 takes 220ish to bring wait to 6
-rank 3 to bring wait to 0 is around 430ish
-rank 4 brings your area wait down to 45 and i foget the number of stacks now i say 100ish is as in stacks not as in digs, after you rank up more items become avalible, eventuwaly you can dig up elemental ore well and dig realy nice things <keeping to myself at a 90% dig rate you can make it to A10 A means Area wait at as i am told Ever rank brings your dig rate up 10% at A10 witch is the last rank 10 your at 90% dig rate You can lvl any any zone at any time skill ups thire is non thire is no test item at all either, you can did non stop 220 times and get nothing and make your wait from 11-6 it, another thing it will jump you wont see wait 11,10,9 ect a good place to dig is jugner forest iv notices ranking up atlest becase you get an occational Oak log going 10-15k on my srver and a nice dig rate being its not always dug out

i started digging with 100k in the jungle during american time so i ended up diging up 50x what i spent and made money so fare iv spent 340k on greens and i still am running around 100k with a good 60k on the ah so even lvling up thire is a potiental of gil i will take my digging to A10 bring thire isent much compation on my server i relay suggest digging to anyone but even one Diggerin just one rank over yours can kill your digging complety becase digging isent about the spot it is about the pool of items and the higher lvl digging you got the better chance of diggin that item out of the pool no matter how many people are in the zone if thire is one A10 digger and all the rest say at rank 3 then that one A10 digger is going to end up with all the good items /elemental ore and dig them in half the time that you could now about that thire is a respawn time as iv notices i can dig in the same zone for alot time as an A10 digger and get nothing except on a sertant time i will scop up about 2 items <being crapy> but then another long wait around the same time and again 2-3 items right in a row that will go on and on if thire is an A10 digger so items respawn into the pool after awhil

ok i will repost later read over this if youre into digging
From: Bosloh -Ragnarok-

Posted: 2006-02-14 06:20:37

Digging for fun thats how you are going to level it up !
If you love to explore and like to find new places ... then digging is suitable for you !
i started digging to level it up and to explore Vanadiel you might find interesting things while digging , really !
I encountered an NM by accident while digging in jugner forset . iknow that sites have located the NMs Positions but its more fun to encounter them by your self and especially by accident !
some times just for fun to look around places that i don't dare to get close to or places i never been to on foot because it takes alot of time on foot !
i have dug up alot of things from Ratten lumber to Gold and darksteel ore !
but don't be too excited because they are awfully rare !
but it really makes my satisfied when i find a rare item once in a while .... !
and Unlike stories i heared about losing tons of gils on green stacks . I was able to cover my lost gils or - invested - gils on green by the items i was digging really

Again unlike theories about digging near nation i started digging in yutunga forest and was getting a fair a mount of bones that i was selling for 5k / stack , last 2 stacks of bones were sold @ 7k . may be i was lucky back then (didn't focus on weather)... anyway kept on digging there till i got my first rare item a Rose Log sold for 5k after that by a short time i digged in gust berg to find my self that i have leveled up ^^ . then Digging up rates really began to be noticeable i was digging more bones and sell them eventually and dig up rose Logs once in a while - jugner forest - after that i stopped using the air ship and use chocobo to travel around (to dig ) of course and to get where i want to go - but becarful of doing this if you are a low level cuz chocobo might kick you any time !
any way digging from area to another is a good idea to do because some time you'll see your self not digging anything 10 times in a row thats possible because may be the land was dugged before you came and the items did not fully spawned yet , BUT don't stop digging - that rare item might be next - ^^ ( thats what happened to me ) !
i was digging in gust berg and was about to zone to konchtat highlands and had about 20 times "you dig and dig ,but dod not find anything " THEN VOILLA i digged a Darksteel Ore ! which covered the money of 100 Stacks of greens in one dig . I think few days later i got my rank 2 . NOW when you are rank 2 the story is much different !
you can finish up your stacks before even zoning from area to another ! now you have to stop your random digging and start taking notes or observe and remeber . because from now on it will start to consume your gils if you just randomly . Now you'll have to do it in more orgnized way - it's kind of random thing but, with more observations -
because you have better possiblities to dig up better items that covers your digging process .before every thing.

#1 have a map next to you and see what is the main attribute of the land you are digging in fire,water..etc
#2 see the current Element of the weather !
#3 see the moon phase .
#4 Observe your digging rate : observe how many successful digs in a stack .

Now you have a choice of remembering the Observations or writting them down - i recommend writing - though i am remebering :P , thats why i am giving approximate data ..

But, What to Observe to write ?

1 successful digs out of 12 or all your stacks which need writing down for example if you got 2 stacks of bones out of 5 stacks of greens 24/60 ... thats a good rate now
2 what weather was is in what land ?
3 moon phase ?

once you get to rank 2 you'll automatilcally be doing this with out writing anything down , But writing down will alway be a good reference for later use !

once you hang of it : Do it for Rare Items ONLY !

that's where you will start to unfold secrets of digging one by one ( and keep them for your self ) i just taught you how to know the secrets of digging i know i did not say much , and i hope it helps you even a little or to clear the idea of digging to you and the starting step for it :P ^^ "i wish you a happy and fruitfull digging"

things to keep in mind :
- there will be times that you'll get poor income out of 30 stacks ( even if you did not get a profit you 'll get skill and knowledge of places that are poor to give in a certain time and place )
- some times you are in a good place and a good time but no income ?? may be higher digger cleared the area !
"don't be discouarged " try other zones or do something else .
- keep a stack or 2 with you for double elemnts weather (to dig up clusters )
- if you are low-mid levels carful where you dig , you might get kicked by chocobo and die by mobs (time your digging) level 20- = 15 minutes, level 20+ = 30 minutes
- get chocobo gears if you are planning to travel alot and far; Extra minutes might save your life (if possible) recommended though
- /BLM17 for warp (if possible)
- Dig when : waiting for party , have nothing to do ..etc.
not necessary to take alot of stacks when doing nothing
1-3 stacks are goodies .

Words of encouragement:
"i am on rank 2 -i think- i can finish up a stack in a minutes ! i bought 3 stacks of greens and went to dig while waiting for party in jeuno , i digged up 1 gold beast coin and 2 ebony Logs out of the 3 stacks thats 45k out of 2k " I did not pay attention to the weather because i am digging 3 stacks only and was just for fun ...!

If you reaches that point of my post then you are a truly seeker of digging and looking for fun and adventure " I thank you from the bottom of my heart "

If you find this information useful give Credits Please

BTW i am from Ragnarok , if you are there /tell me or give me a hi . if you need any help with digging and if i was free i might come to dig with you :) ...

I hope i did not bore you ; ;

From: Bosloh -Ragnarok-

Posted: 2006-02-20 01:14:59
hello again ,

I have been digging about digging in the game .

And trying to observe the results of my digs.

Some said in other sites that Black Chocobo Feather can not be dug un less you are very high in digging skill .

Well i am here to confirm counter wise that theory becuase yesterday i dug up a Black Chocobo feather ! Which is claimed and considered to be very rare it is very rare

but i dug it up and i am only rank 2 = delay 5 seconds !
theory of frighting people of digging collapsed . i am not going to say how did i get it . í let you to find out how

i think i know how to raise my chances to dig it up. So i am only going to give you a hint : When do i dig ?

that's my hint :P .

Another discovery in digging , though it might be a coinsidence ! please send your comments if somthing similar happens !

couple of days ago i digged a Purple Rock my second rare item in that area , later i digged 2 of them. anyway I marked where i got my Purple Rock , then later that day or the day after - i don't remember - I came and dug at the same spot i marked ; Guess what ? i dug a rare item !
this time it wasn't a Purple Rock It was a Red Jar !
Neat huh ? So the question is raised !

#1 Are Rare Items Have certain points ? - no one will say -:P

#2 If not Certain Points , May be Certain Radius ?

#3 Are items Random or Shuffled ? meaning :is a certain number and certain types of items scattered around the zone ? or certain types and randomized around the zone .

For example , 10 ratten lumber , 35 bone chips , 5 rose logs ,? total of 50 items

or for example , random 50 items : Ratten lumber : random
bone chips: random , rose logs random,? total of 50 items

The third Question is impossible to answer because you have to know the code or seal off the area and have diggers dig the zone till its dug up ! and see the results... !

any way i hope you find my findings interesting and worth reading , I don't see any digger say how he discovered something but if threads keep going atleast we will narrow the possiblities and theories to come up with some thing conventional , which will result in a very hot competetion Later on ! i might spoil my earning but i am glad to share it with all deceant players !

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