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Final Fantasy XI Discussion BoardDiscussion Boards -> Crafting, Chocobo Digging, and Fishing

Crafting level Cap?

From: Kuponut
Registered User

Posted: 2005-08-28 13:55:54
Just wondering How many Crafts/fishing/cooking etc. we can get to 100 and such, because i usually see people with 100 in one craft, then 60 in other crafts that they use as their subcraft for their main. But i have been told different things by other people, so I am confused =P
From: Qoh

Posted: 2005-08-29 01:37:57
I am not positive on this but this is what i was told awhile back... You can take all crafts to 60 no penalty but after 60 you get 40 lvls to put where you want. So if you take one to 100 that uses up your 40 lvls after 60 and cant take others up. Another option would be having 2 crafts up to 80 or something but like i said this is just something i was told and i cant prove.

Now for what i DO know. I had my woodworking at lvl 66 then decided i would rather take clothcraft up so i started taking it past 60. When time came for my lvl 70 cap the npc started talking about "dipping your hands into to many cookie jars" lol and how its hard to focus on more than one craft at that mark. She gave me the option to lower my woodworking back to journeyman (capped at 60) so i accepted that and went on. My wood was dropped 6 lvls. I didnt think to try saying no to dropping woodworking and seeing if i could continue. I also noticed that when i got past 60 on cloth (while wood was at 66) that skill ups were very hard 2 get and went through a ton of gil to get past the 60s. It could just have been that way but it could be that what the npc said is true and that its harder to try and focus on more than one over 60. As soon as i agreed to drop woodworking back down skill and everything came much easier but that could have been just the fact that i went up in rank so i cant say for sure.

Hope some of this helps and if anyone else knows for sure how it works i wouldnt mind some more info myself.
From: Cuer

Posted: 2005-08-29 01:46:48
Quote from: Qoh
I am not positive on this but this is what i was told awhile back... You can take all crafts to 60 no penalty but after 60 you get 40 lvls to put where you want. So if you take one to 100 that uses up your 40 lvls after 60 and cant take others up. Another option would be having 2 crafts up to 80 or something but like i said this is just something i was told and i cant prove.

That is correct; you can take all crafting skills to 60, and then have another 40 points to allocate as you wish (and skill up.) So you can have one skill at 100 and the rest at 60, or one at 90 and another at 70, etc. Most crafters take one skill all the way up to 100 (or try to, at least), since that is where the most powerful items are available, and where the most profitable crafting is done.

Note that Fishing is not part of this equation; it can be taken to 100 apart from any crafting skills that the character may or may not have.
From: Sheeny
Registered User

Posted: 2005-08-29 11:50:09
Additionally, you don't have to use the option to force another craft back to Journeyman. Here's what will happen when you have multiple crafts over 60 and start to exceed your 40 bonus levels.

Clothcraft 94
Woodworking 66
40 bonus levels used. After this point, every .1 in Clothcraft will automatically reduce Woodworking by .1 to maintain the 40 bonus level balance.
Your clothcrafting skill rises .1 points.
Your woodworking skill decreases .1 points.
Clothcraft 94.1
Woodworking 65.9

Typically it's better to have the guild cap the other skill so you don't have to worry about unintentionally skilling up your lesser skill, as it works both ways. In the above scenario, a .1 to Woodworking would sadly take .1 away from Clothcraft. But when your 60 skills are capped, you can't skillup, and thereby can't interfere with your 'main' craft. This is primarily for people wanting just a single craft to 100, which is the majority.
From: Mav

Posted: 2006-10-12 14:39:49
Question. If you have a 60 basic and additional 40 to add to which ever I want...

According to a guide I have a Dresser requires WW85, GS85 and CC85, which is a +75 .. is the guide i've got incorrect, or is there a way of increasing more? I currently have two crafts at 60 and worried about the next options.
From: Demigoddess
Registered User

Posted: 2006-10-12 15:26:52
Tell you the truth I'm sorta confused still and here's why...

A couple days ago I was leveling my Cooking (currently 38.6) when i saw a whole bunch of ppl with bazaars sitting around n decided to see what everyone had to sell. As i was checking I ran across someone with the bazaar comment
(not completely word for word cause he had a little phrase there too but the craft n levels are exact)

Cook 94.1 Alch 91.3 Wood 73.3 Smith 54.7 and Cloth 60.6

I wasnt sure if he was afk or not but i was very curious about whether he meant all those crafts were one this character or spread out through mules so I sent him a tell. Luckily he spoke english so i was able to talk with him and he told me all those crafts levels were on one character. He eventually went on to HQ Wild Stew (NQ is Dhamel Stew n caps at 70 cooking) and then HQ Hi-Ether +2 (NQ Hi-Ether n caps at 69 alchemy)

So idk maybe he's hacked into the game or theres actaully a way to do it (he wouldnt tell me how he was able to do it) Has anyone else been able to do this? (I just want to get two crafts to 100 ^^ but it looks as though it will never happen >.<)

One last thing - Why did SE make it this way?
From: Dora-from-pandy
Registered User

Posted: 2006-10-12 17:53:39
Your guide is wrong. This is the link to the recipe from this site.

From: Dora-from-pandy
Registered User

Posted: 2006-10-15 11:06:44
Note: the comment about the guide being wrong is for the dresser recipe.

Why would SE make it this way? There are several possible reasons for this.

1: it makes HQing certain things that much more difficult and thusly keeps these items rarer and more influential.

2: in a sense it is more accurate. Artisans have typically always had to focus on one thing and one thing only to be really good at it and it would often take a lifetime to reach the top levels of a craft. When considering game time it coincides rather well that taking one craft to 100 and other's to 60.

3: most importantly to Square this means if you want to have multiple L100 crafts you'll have to have them on multiple characters. At the very least this means an extra dollar a month. When considering the time it takes to level one craft to 100 and the appropriate subcrafts this can keep someone occupied for months and months even if they have a steady supply of gil and this means money more money for SE.

4: being that these crafts will be on other characters that also means limited capabilities even with the 100 +3 or whatever skill. It's debatable but many crafters believe certain weather conditions effect HQ results and if you have a L1 crafting mule it's not likely you're going to make your way to Valkurm Dunes to find the weather you want for crafting which leads back to point #1.
From: Nidhogg

Posted: 2006-10-17 16:20:05
5. As the game is originally designed for party, Square-Enix' intention may be to have us interact with eachother in order to gain access to certain items(Hktk eye cluster for example). If everyone have crafting 100, it'd reduce player-player interaction. Sorta like how a BLM can do good damage, but has no HP/DEF, while a PLD has low attack but good defense, it's just so that we have to work with different people to get things done.
From: Littledarc
Registered User

Posted: 2007-02-03 12:21:46
they didnt have level caps the first year the game was out in japan, or so my japanese friends tell me. so that could be why that person has skill points over +40 that everyone else gets

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