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Feast of Swords
Posted by: Cuer - Sat Apr 28th, 2007 08:32 am EDT

Feast of Swords

It's almost that time again! That's right, it's almost time for the Feast of Swords!

Normally, this Far Eastern festival is a time to honor the growth of young boys by dressing them up in armor and having them parry back and forth in mock battles. Oh, and let us not forget all the tasty treats that accompany the festivities.

However, this year there seems to be a little problem...

Yes, those adventurers who participated in the last feast know all too well what transpired--the robbery of the legendary Genji armor lent to the M.H.M.U. by our allies in the Far East. For the past two festivals, ruthless bands of brigands have thwarted Mog House Management Union security and lifted the treasure right out from under the moogles' cute button noses. But, thanks to the cooperation of thousands of brave adventurers from around Vana'diel, the M.H.M.U. have been able to retrieve the stolen items and return them safely to their proper owner without creating an international crisis.

After two complete and utter failures, one would think that the M.H.M.U. had learned its lesson and would abandon any plans for holding another feast. However, as we all know, the moogles can be stubborn little creatures, and recently sent a secret envoy to the Far East to persuade their leaders to lend them the fabled armor once more. But why on Vana'diel would the Far Eastern nation allow the M.H.M.U. to borrow the items again, knowing full well that lightning is likely to strike a third time?

The answer lies in the ingenious plan offered by the envoy leader, Coupaul Couprale. Instead of attempting to transport the armor back to Quon by ferry, Couprale proposed that the M.H.M.U. station representatives in strategic locations starting in the Far East, stretching across Aradjiah and the Guguru Blue, to the union headquarters back in the Middle Lands. Then, by using powerful Moogle teleportation magic, the armor would be transported from one representative to another, until it safely reached the shores of Quon. By using this advanced "relay" method to move the equipment, it would be impossible for brigands, pirates, ruffians, and other doers of no good to track its exact location, thus ensuring maximum security. "A flawless plan, kupo"...or at least according to Coupaul Couprale.

And so the Moogles warped to their secret locations and the plan was set into motion. Three hours was all it would take for the Genji armor to arrive in the San d'Orian workshop of master woodcarver, Kupelcian, where it would be placed in an ornate ark. From there, the ark would be carried by an elite group of royal knights and stored in a treasure vault deep beneath Chateau d'Oraguille, where it would be guarded day and night until the Feast of Swords began.

And things would have gone as planned, if not for one tiny blunder...
When the armor arrived in Kupelcian's busy workshop, it was placed in its newly built receptacle and moved to the shipping terminal where it was set on top of a special order of wooden katana bound for the guards working in the Bostaunieux Oubliette. Oh, and I bet you can guess what happened next...

"There is a goddess!" cheered brigand leader Barracuda Myu as a beautifully decorated coffer slowly materialized within the confines of her tiny cell in San d'Oria's infamous Bostaunieux Oubliette. Left with the choice to either call for a guard and return the armor, or use its power to free her companions and wreak havoc on the moogles that threw her in this dark pit to rot for the rest of eternity... Well, you try to figure out which option she chose.

And so, once again the brigands are loose and gallivanting about the continent! The M.H.M.U. have ordered a brand new batch of wooden katana and are waiting for volunteers to help fish the organization out of the sea of trouble it finds itself in...again.

The dignity of the M.H.M.U.--no, of the Middle Lands--can only be preserved by your actions!

How to Participate

1. Receive a special wooden katana from a Moogle in any of the following areas: Southern San d'Oria / Northern San d'Oria / Bastok Mines / Bastok Markets / Windurst Waters / Windurst Woods

2. Equip the wooden katana (or lotus katana) and speak to one of the Nomad Moogles in the following areas to receive a Moogle Magic enchantment:
West Ronfaure / East Ronfaure / La Theine Plateau / Jugner Forest / Batallia Downs / North Gustaberg / South Gustaberg / Konschtat Highlands / Passhow Marshlands / Rolanberry Fields / West Sarutabaruta / East Sarutabaruta / Tahrongi Canyon / Meriphataud Mountains / Sauromogue Champaign

3. Team up with other adventurers and beat the living daylights out of those thieving brigands!

4. After knocking one unconscious, thrust (trade) your wooden or lotus katana into the ground near the body. Who knows? Your deeds may just earn you a rare relic!

Moogle Magic

Heed the four rules of Moogle Magic...
1. Moogle magic will increase your movement speed, but lower your level to 1.
2. All equipment higher than level 2 will automatically be removed at this time.
3. While under the moogles' spell, you will not be able to attack regular monsters, but they will not be able to attack you as well.
4. The magic will wear off the instant you leave the area or log out.

Festival Schedule

The festivities begin at the stroke of midnight on April 27, 2007 (PDT) and are scheduled to continue until midnight on May 11.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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Egg Hunt Egg-stravagana!
Posted by: Cuer - Mon Apr 02nd, 2007 07:22 am EDT

Apr. 2, 2007 01:00 [PDT]

Egg Hunt Egg-stravagana!

The Egg Hunt Egg-stravagana is a yearly event where adventurers collect special items known as "initial eggs" and try to form various combinations of letters.

Every port of Vana'diel is abuzz with rumors of the new prizes being offered during this year's event. One of these prizes is the curious "egg helm." Crafted by the finest goldsmiths, these helmets were commissioned by renowned gourmand Royaulais Chalaimbille II, Twelfth King of San d'Oria. They were created for the sole purpose of properly equipping his "Soft-boiled Knights" as they quested for the most delectable eggs in the kingdom.
The second prize is rumored to be the exquisite "jeweled egg," a scintillating masterpiece crafted with the most advanced refraction techniques the Grand Duchy of Jeuno has to offer.

Recreate the egg hunts of the past with your own band of soft-boiled knights and see how many letter combinations you can make!

Before you know it, you too could be standing proud--or at least standing--with your very own egg helm!

How to Play

1. Collect Initial Eggs!
During the Egg Hunt, adventurers can receive a random initial egg from the festival moogles once every Vana'diel day. If you are in a party when speaking with a moogle, it is possible to choose an initial egg inscribed with the first letter of a party member's name. And if that party member happens to be wearing an egg helm...

*Newly created characters must wait at least one Vana'diel day before they can receive an initial egg.

And for those who just can't get enough...
Try trading any type of "egg" to a moogle. Once every Vana'diel day, you might find that the moogles will gift you with an initial egg in exchange for a "normal" egg.

2. Make a "First 3" Combination!
First of all, try collecting the initial eggs required to make a "First 3" combination. Once you have the eggs you need, trade them to a moogle to receive your prize!

First 3: Collect the first three letters of your character's name
For egg-sample, a character with the name of "Moogle" would need to collect one [M], and two [O] initial eggs.

3. Take it to the Next Level!
Once you've made a First 3, why not try something more difficult, like an "Initial Straight 8", or a "7 of a Kind"?
And for those of you who are looking for a real challenge, try discovering different, more egg-citing combinations. Maybe you'll find the right combination to take home the coveted "jeweled egg"!
*Don't forget that you'll have to trade in a "First 3" before you can trade in any other combos. Think of it as a sort of preliminary test!

Initial Straight 8: The first letter of your character's name, followed by the next seven letters in the alphabet
For egg-sample, a character with the name of "Moogle" would need an [M], as well as an [N], [O], [P], [Q], [R], [S], and [T].

7 of a Kind: Seven initial eggs with the same letter
For egg-sample, you could choose to collect seven [A] initial eggs.

The moogles are usually egg-stremely reluctant to give out any of their classified information, but maybe if you are persistent enough, one will let you in on a secret or two! Make it a point to talk to them as often as possible!

Event Details
This event is scheduled to commence on April 2, 2007 at 1:00,and will last until April 16, 2007 at 1:00 (PDT).

Event Locations
You will be able to find the moogles and all the festival fun for the Egg Hunt Egg-stravaganza in the following areas:

Southern San d'Oria
Northern San d'Oria
Bastok Mines
Bastok Markets
Windurst Woods
Windurst Waters

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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Chocobo Racing
Posted by: Cuer - Tue Mar 27th, 2007 01:54 pm EDT
The version update scheduled for Thursday, March 29th will finally unlock the gates to the exciting world of chocobo racing! Now, players from across the globe will have the opportunity to test their chocobo's abilities on the racetrack against some of Vana'diel's most skilled riders.

Development Concept

Last summer and fall, several surveys regarding chocobo racing were conducted from premiere FINAL FANTASY XI sites in Japan, North America, and Europe. The development team then took these valuable opinions and used them to create exciting new content that focused on what the players wanted most.

Due to the fact that chocobo racing is completely new to FINAL FANTASY XI, much time has been necessary for development and testing. Because of this, we have determined that rather than delaying the release of the content, it is better to release portions of it at a time, thus allowing players to experience some of the features right away.

Then, in future patches, a variety of new features will be added to turn up the excitement. The following is a tentative schedule of the updates and their content:

Summer, 2007: Player vs. player races, betting
Fall/Winter, 2007: New official races, practice races (player vs. player)
2008: Final official races

Basic Information

- What is Chocobo Racing?
The newly added racetracks are the perfect place to test out and show off your very own chocobo's skills. These automated races will require you to piece together a picture-perfect plan based on variables such as chocobo condition and the weather, using options consisting of orders given to your jockey and items to be utilized on the track. But that's not all. Performing well in these races will earn you gil or VCS-mint chocobucks, which can be used to purchase items or services that will assist you in breeding.

- How to Participate
First, you must be raising an adult chocobo or have one out to pasture and possess its VCS registration card. Next, you must visit one of the CRA's (Chocobo Racing Association) branches located in San d'Oria, Bastok, and Windurst, and register your chocobo to race.

- What are Chocobucks?
Chocobucks are a special type of currency for use at CRA-sanctioned establishments. Chocobucks can be earned by winning special races and can be exchanged for items and services used in chocobo breeding. Chocobucks are also required to participate in certain official races.

- Types of Races
The following are the two types of races available at this time:

Official Race
By successfully completing the objectives of these "mission-style" races, more challenging races will be unlocked. Can you clear them all?

Free Run
Free runs are "practice" races that may be run at any time (for a small gil fee). By placing in these races, you will receive chocobucks that can be used to purchase items or participate in higher-level official races. Use these practice races to hone your skills and save up funds.

Click here to download exclusive footage of the races!

Official PlayOnline Announcement

FINAL FANTASY XI Update - March 28
Posted by: Cuer - Sun Mar 25th, 2007 06:16 pm EDT

FFXI Patch Note Details

Mar. 29, 2007 (JST) Update Details
*Japan Standard Time


The exciting new Chocobo Racing feature has been introduced!
Related Information>>


New monsters known as “Goblin Bounty Hunters” will now appear along the coastlines of the following areas:
Valkurm Dunes/Batallia Downs/Buburimu Peninsula/Qufim Island

The names of certain monsters appearing in Nyzul Isle have been changed.
Cannonball -> Friar's Lantern
Bifrons -> Friar's Lantern


Several new synthesis recipes have been added.

[Resolved Issues]

An event during the quest “Promotion: Chief Sergeant” progressing in an incorrect manner under certain circumstances.

An incorrect message being displayed when talking to the NPC Shahayl in the Nyzul Isle staging point.

An incorrect message being displayed when talking to the Chocobo Racing Association NPCs in San d’Oria, Bastok, and Windurst.

The inability to correctly exit from Assault and Salvage areas when under the effect of the Poroggo ability “Frog Song.”

The effect of the monster ability “Granite Skin” not functioning as intended.

The physical blue magic spell “Disseverment” being incorrectly classified as a magical effect and being usable with the “Burst Affinity” ability.

The inability to place other furnishings on top of the “wardrobe” item when using the Layout function in your Mog House.

The item help text for “gil” not being displayed.

The top Auto-Translate Dictionary entry under Text Commands in the French and German versions being blank. If this entry was selected, only the red and green brackets would be displayed.

The game occasionally freezing when displaying a message in the Friend List.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Mar. 23, 2007 08:00 [PDT]

All Worlds Maintenance (Mar. 28)

At the following time, we will be performing FINAL FANTASY XI maintenance on all worlds. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XI will be unavailable.

Thank you for your patience.

* The client software will also be updated at this time. Once this maintenance is completed, the client update will start automatically after logging back into FINAL FANTASY XI. Please follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

* You may receive errors such as "POL-1160" or "POL-0010" during the download process due to heavy server traffic. If you are unable to access the update, we ask that you please wait a while and then try again. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in making this a smooth version update.

* For the update details, please refer to "Topics" on the official PlayOnline.com web site or PlayOnline Viewer which will be available on Wednesday, Mar. 28, 2007.

[Date & Time]
Mar. 28, 2007 from 10:00 to 16:00 (PDT)
* Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

[Affected Services]

[Important Update Details]
- Addition of Chocobo Racing system.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Site Updates - March 12, 2007
Posted by: Cuer - Mon Mar 12th, 2007 02:53 am EDT
The many new items and recipes from the March 6 FFXI patch are found in this site update, along with other changes and additions. These are detailed fully in the March 2007 FFXI Patch Compilation of Info.

Items Added: Wivre Horn, Thunderguard Dart, Angelwing, Scapegoat, Dawn Mulsum, Virtue Stone Pouch, Dark Card Case, Light Card Case, Water Card Case, Thunder Card Case, Earth Card Case, Wind Card Case, Ice Card Case, Fire Card Case, Sprinter's Drink, Dread Spikes, Scroll of Drain II, Wivre Hide, Wivre Maul, Humidified Velvet, Incombustible Wool, Frigid Skin, Mythril Mesh Sheet, Spirit Shell, Luminous Shell, Aht Urhgan Brass Sheet, Aht Urhgan Brass Ingot, Aht Urhgan Brass Ore, Ice Maker, Flame Holder, CRA Racing Form, Chocobo Hood, Shadow Roll, Chocobo Blinkers, Chocobo Taping, Foulweather Frog, Fairweather Fetish, Spore Bomb, Gysahl Bomb, Fire Biscuit, Pepper Biscuit, Shadow Apple, Stamina Apple, Speed Apple, Diorite, Flickering Lantern, Hoary Battle Horn, Moldy Buckler, Smoky Flask, Black Chocobo Dye, Green Chocobo Dye, Blue Chocobo Dye, Red Chocobo Dye, Yellow Chocobo Dye, Deluxe Worm, Deluxe Carrot, Gysahl Slop, Bronze Trophy, Dark Lamp, Light Lamp, Water Lamp, Lightning Lamp, Earth Lamp, Wind Lamp, Ice Lamp, Fire Lamp, Jeweled Egg, Console, Falsiam Vase, Wardrobe, Athenienne, Amir Bed, Wivre Gorget +1, Wivre Gorget, Beak Necklace +1, Beak Necklace, Mohbwa Scarf +1, Mohbwa Scarf, Persikos Tank, Pamama Tank, Pear Tank, Apple Tank, Orange Tank, Plain Cap, Egg Helm, Qiqirn Sash +1, Qiqirn Sash, Mohbwa Sash +1, Mohbwa Sash, Velocious Belt, Epsilon Ring, Pi Ring, Psi Ring, Tau Ring, Omicron Ring, Anniversary Ring, Sarutobi Kyahan, Trotter Boots, Blaze Hose, Ice Trousers, Shock Subligar, Orochi Nodowa +1, Orochi Nodowa, Phi Necklace, Tabin Beret +1, Tabin Beret, Tabin Boots +1, Tabin Boots, Tabin Hose +1, Tabin Hose, Tabin Bracers +1, Tabin Bracers, Water Mitts, Fire Bracers, Blizzard Gloves, Aero Mufflers, Stone Bangles, Thunder Mittens, Ochimusha Kote, Tabin Jupon +1, Death Sickle, Perdu Sickle, Octave Club, Werebuster, Perdu Wand, Brass Jadagna +1, Brass Jadagna, Inferno Claws, Burning Fists, Retaliators, Quicksilver, Killer Bow, Perdu Bow, Mars's Hexagun +1, Mars's Hexagun, Vali's Bow, Scepter Staff, Mage's Staff, Dryad Staff, Sturdy Axe, Windslicer, Shinai, Sasuke Katana, Izayoi +1, Izayoi, Radiant Lance, Dancing Dagger, Swordbreaker, Double Axe, Plain Pick, Brave Blade, Wightslayer, Vorpal Sword, Perdu Hanger, Steel Kilij +1, Steel Kilij, Plain Sword, Kappa Necklace, Rho Necklace, Chi Necklace, Mu Necklace, Goliard Chapeau, Denali Bonnet, Askar Zucchetto, Goliard Clogs, Denali Gamashes, Askar Gambieras, Goliard Trews, Denali Kecks, Askar Dirs, Goliard Cuffs, Denali Wristbands, Askar Manopolas, Tabin Jupon, Denali Jacket, Goliard Saio, Askar Korazin, Yasha Jinpachi, Hamayumi, Trout Ball, Kenpogi +1, Kenpogi

Items Updated: Siren's Hair, Bronze Axe, Rasetsu Sune-Ate, Marksman's Oil, Zesty Zoni, Zoni, Khimaira Horn, Khimaira Mane, Viper Dust, Khimaira Tail, Cirrocumulus Cell, Stratus Cell, Schurzen, Tranquilizer, Dark Card, Light Card, Water Card, Thunder Card, Earth Card, Wind Card, Ice Card, Fire Card, Cursed Sollerets -1, Cursed Sollerets, Cursed Breeches -1, Cursed Breeches, Cursed Mufflers -1, Cursed Mufflers, Cursed Hauberk -1, Cursed Hauberk, Cursed Celata -1, Cursed Celata, Reef Aquarium, Bay Aquarium, River Aquarium

Mobs Added: Wivre

Mobs Updated: Lord of Onzozo, Worr the Clawfisted, Pahh the Gullcaller, Voll the Sharkfinned, Eastern Shadow, Roc, Simurgh, Mee Deggi the Punisher, Quu Domi the Gallant, King Arthro, Sabotender Bailarina, Vodyanoi, Goblin Wolfman, Antican Praefectus, Orcish Warlord, Orcish Hexspinner, Stygian Demon, Mimic, Demon's Elemental, Zuug the Shoreleaper, Novv the Whitehearted, Seww the Squidlimbed

Recipes Added: Plain Pick, Plain Sword, Plain Cap, Sliced Sardine, Persikos Tank, Pamama Tank, Pear Tank, Apple Tank, Orange Tank, Ice Maker, Flame Holder, Orochi Nodowa, Wivre Gorget, Scapegoat, Beak Necklace, Stone Bangles, Spirit Shell, Shock Subligar, Thunder Mittens, Luminous Shell, Tabin Hose, Tabin Boots, Blizzard Gloves, Ice Trousers, Frigid Skin, Wardrobe, Console, Tabin Jupon, Tabin Beret, Tabin Bracers, Water Mitts, Qiqirn Sash, Mohbwa Scarf, Blaze Hose, Humidified Velvet, Mohbwa Sash, Incombustible Wool, Dark Lamp, Light Lamp, Water Lamp, Lightning Lamp, Earth Lamp, Wind Lamp, Ice Lamp, Fire Lamp, Brass Jadagna, Amir Bed, Aero Mufflers, Mythril Mesh Sheet, Aht Urhgan Brass Sheet, Aht Urhgan Brass Ingot, Izayoi, Falsiam Vase, Steel Kilij, Mars's Hexagun, Athenienne

Recipes Updated: Loudspeaker II, Pet Food Epsilon Biscuit, Meat Mithkabob, Mezraq, Apkallu Fletchings, Bronze Axe, Tuna Sushi, Bream Sushi, Nero di Seppia, Tentacle Sushi, Rasetsu Sune-Ate, Cermet Kukri, Cursed Cuirass, Marksman's Oil, Karni Yarik, Fish Broth, Roast Trout, Arrabbiato, Khimaira Jambiya, Goblin Drink, Viper Potion, Accelerator II

Desynthesis Recipes Updated: Macuahuitl

Items Drops/Obtained Added: Octave Club, Wivre Maul, Wivre Horn, Wivre Hide

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FINAL FANTASY XI Updates - March 9-20
Posted by: Cuer - Fri Mar 09th, 2007 04:38 pm EST
Mar. 20, 2007 01:00 [PDT]

FINAL FANTASY XI Update (Mar. 20)

At the following time, we performed a version update of FINAL FANTASY XI for the Windows version.

* This update consists of a version upgrade of the client program. When you press the play button after the time stated below, the version upgrade will begin automatically. Please follow the instructions on the screen.

[Affected Period]
Mar. 20, 2007 1:00 (PDT)

[Affected Services]
FINAL FANTASY XI (Windows version only)

[Important Update Details]
- Addressed an issue where the FINAL FANTASY XI shortcut icon was not functioning.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Mar. 15, 2007 04:00 [PDT]

FINAL FANTASY XI Update (Mar. 15)

At the following time, we performed a version update of FINAL FANTASY XI.

[Affected Period]
Mar. 15, 2007 4:00 (PDT)

[Affected Services]

[Important Update Details]
- An issue wherein players were unable to attack nor cast spells during the "Azure Experiments" assault has been addressed.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Mar. 13, 2007 13:00 [PDT]

FINAL FANTASY XI Update (Mar. 13)

At the following time, we performed a version update of FINAL FANTASY XI.

* This update consists of a version upgrade of the client program. When you press the play button after the time stated below, the version upgrade will begin automatically. Please follow the instructions on the screen.

[Affected Period]
Mar. 13, 2007 13:00 (PDT)

[Affected Services]

[Important Update Details]
- Notorious Monster "Pallas" will now summon pets to aid him during combat.

The following issues have been addressed:

- The wrong World would be selected during the character creation.

- Level requirement for the item Warrior's Mufflers was changed from 72 to 75.

- An issue where an incorrect recast timer would be displayed when the "Drain II," "Dread Spikes," or "Magic Hammer" spells are cast by a player who has Samurai as a support job, under the "Seigan" and "Hasso" effects.

- An issue with the "Azure Experiments" assault wherein cancelled an NPC conversation event would prevent players from advancing the assault.

- Players could receive the "Inspector's Gadget!" quest before completing the "Know One's Onions" quest.

- When performing an area change with the "Autogroup" icon turned on, it would not be displayed upon entering the next area. (Windows and Xbox 360 versions only)

- Map of Quicksand Caves and several other areas is not displayed properly. ("PlayStation 2" version only)

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Mar. 12, 2007 01:15 [PDT]

FINAL FANTASY XI Update (Mar. 12)

At the following time, we performed a version update of FINAL FANTASY XI.

* This update consists of a version upgrade of the client program. When you press the play button after the time stated below, the version upgrade will begin automatically. Please follow the instructions on the screen.

[Affected Period]
Mar. 12, 2007 1:15 (PDT)

[Affected Services]

[Important Update Details]
The following issues have been addressed:

- Thief's job ability, "Aura Steal" may sometimes cause a forced termination on both the ability user and nearby players.

- A program issue that caused "gil" to be displayed as "gils" in auction house-related messages.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Mar. 12, 2007 06:00 [PDT]

FINAL FANTASY XI Update (Mar. 12)

At the following time, we performed a version update of FINAL FANTASY XI.

[Affected Period]
Mar. 12, 2007 6:00 (PDT)

[Affected Services]

[Important Update Details]
- Addressed a Chocobo Hot and Cold game issue wherein obtaining a certain chocograph before the Mar. 8 2007 version update would prevent the players from obtaining other chocographs.

* If you have obtained any of these chocographs without fulfilling the requirements, please talk to the NPCs who are issuing them to have them be removed from your key item list.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Mar. 9, 2007 06:30 [PST]

FINAL FANTASY XI Update (Mar. 9)

At the following time, we performed a version update of FINAL FANTASY XI.

[Affected Period]
Mar. 9, 2007 6:30 (PST)

[Affected Services]

[Important Update Details]
- An issue was addressed where players were able to obtain a certain license in the Chocobo Hot and Cold Game without fulfilling all the requirements.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Mar. 9, 2007 00:00 [PST]

FINAL FANTASY XI Update (Mar. 9)

At the following time, we have performed a version update of FINAL FANTASY XI.

[Affected Period]
Mar. 9, 2007 0:00 (PST)

[Affected Services]

[Important Update Details]
-We addressed an issue, where the notorious monster "Pallas" would spawn unclaimed.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

March 2007 FFXI Patch Compilation of Info
Posted by: Cuer - Thu Mar 08th, 2007 10:20 pm EST
The March 6, 2007 FFXI update brought changes including new Aht Urhgan missions, new sets of weapons and armor, new Rare/Ex versions of older items, and more. This compilation of info reflects the additions and changes from the March 6 patch, and the following March mini-updates.

Original Post: Thursday, March 8, 2007
Last Updated: Friday, March 16, 2007 at 5:30PM EDT

Latest Update:
  • More new recipes have been added, and others updated to the known recipe data.
  • All of the icons are now in for the new items. The item icons have been updated for all items, new and old, reflecting the Updated Items that had their icons changed.
  • The new Furniture has been updated, with furniture stats and sizes for most of those items.
  • This Compilation of Info will be updated as further data is available.

Compilation of Info Index Related Links

Forum Patch Discussions
Please post in the appropriate posts below, with any new information from the patch.

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FFXI Patch Notes and PlayOnline Update (March 7, 2007)
Posted by: Cuer - Wed Mar 07th, 2007 02:27 pm EST

FFXI Patch Note Details

Mar. 8, 2007 (JST) Update Details
*Japan Standard Time


New Aht Urhgan missions have been added.

The following changes have been made to Besieged:

- Level 7 Besieged has now been released. Accordingly, the maximum value for enemy forces has increased to 170.

- New Notorious Monsters and Level 7 units comprised of new creatures will now appear during Besieged.

- The variety of temporary items distributed at the beginning of every Besieged has been expanded. The availability of these items will depend on which NPCs have been taken captive and the overall condition of the Imperial defense.

- The Serpent Generals have each received unique new combat abilities to use during Besieged.

The following changes have been made to the Chocobo Hot and Cold Game:

- There are now new chocograph areas available in which to play the Chocobo Hot and Cold Game.
*To obtain the new chocographs, players must first succeed a number of times in discovering treasure in the existing areas.
*Players will find the number of times they can dig in the new chocograph areas will be less than existing areas.

- When digging with a tired chocobo in a location where treasure is buried, there is a chance that you will “hit the jackpot.” If this happens, it will be possible to discover the treasure chest in your next digging attempt.
*After “hitting the jackpot,” the subsequent digging attempt does not count towards the maximum number allowed.

- Items obtainable in the prairie chocograph and bush chocograph areas have been adjusted.

- Your chocobo’s general digging ability will now be improved when successfully discovering treasure.
*The amount the ability improves varies with the chocograph area.
*The exact value of the ability increase will not be displayed.

The new mercenary rank “Chief Sergeant” is now attainable.
Players with the rank of Chief Sergeant will have access to new items in exchange for Imperial Standing credits.

The following changes have been made to Assault:

- Five new Assault missions have been added for players with the rank of Chief Sergeant.

- The new Assault area “Nyzul Isle” has been released.
A reception counter for Nyzul Isle Assault missions has been opened within the Commissions Agency in Aht Urhgan Whitegate.

Mission Flow

1. Sign up at the Commissions Agency as you would for a normal Assault mission, then enter the Assault area from the Nyzul Isle staging point.
*Players cannot impose a level restriction on Nyzul Isle Assault missions.
*Players do not earn Assault Points for missions completed within the Nyzul Isle Assault area.

2. The Nyzul Isle Assault area will be randomly generated as a series of "floors" every time you begin a mission. After entering the area, you will be required to use the Rune of Transfer to select a floor.

3. After being transported to the destination floor, your mission objective will be relayed to you through the Rune of Transfer.

4. After completing the mission objective for a particular floor, the Rune of Transfer will be activated. You will then have the choice to proceed to the next floor, or end the mission and exit the Assault area.
Your mission will be considered a success when you exit the Assault area in this manner. At this point, you will be able to record the number of “tokens” (the equivalent of Assault Points for Nyzul Isle) you are entitled to, as well as the highest floor you have reached.
*Only the person who operates the Rune of Transfer on the starting floor will receive the recorded floor data.
*All participants will obtain tokens from a successful mission.

Recording Progress

When using the Rune of Transfer to exit the Nyzul Isle Assault area, it is possible to record the data of the highest floor you have reached (in blocks of 5 floors). Once this data has been recorded, you will be able to start again from this point.
The player with command of the mission must decide whether it is possible to record a new highest floor within the time remaining, or choose to exit the area and collect the spoils for a successful mission. Players that are forced to leave the Assault area due to an expired time limit, or leave the area using other transportation magic will not be eligible to record floor data or receive tokens.
*Starting from a recorded floor will require the use of "tokens" obtained within the Nyzul Isle Assault area. The further you progress, the more tokens you will need to begin the next block of floors.

A new mini game called “Venture Roll” is now playable on “Game Tables” found in the areas listed below. Two to four people can play Venture Roll, with the winner walking away with the combined participation fee.

Nashmau/Southern San d’Oria/Northern San d’Oria/Port Bastok/Windurst Waters/Windurst Woods/Upper Jeuno/Lower Jeuno/Port Jeuno
*The participation fee varies from 300 gil to 10,000 gil, depending on the area.

The NPC that extends Mog Locker leases will now accept more than one Imperial bronze piece at a time.

New quests have been added to the Treasures of Aht Urhgan areas.

The following quest changes have been made:

- A job level requirement has been added to the quests listed below. The required level varies from quest to quest.

The Rumor/Intermediate Teamwork/Healing the Land/Altana's Sorrow/Making the Grade/Curses, Foiled A-Golem!?/Know One's Onions/Acting in Good Faith/ Stop Your Whining/Secret of the Damp Scroll/The Sahagin's Stash/It's Not Your Vault

-A new level requirement has been added to the quest “An Explorer's Footsteps,” and the once-a-day offer restriction has been removed.

-Supply quests can now be undertaken only once a day (Earth time).
*Players must wait until 0:00 JST before attempting to retake the quest.

It is now possible to check which item was first traded to the NPC in the quest “In the Name of Science.”

A Chocobo Racing Association NPC has been placed in each of the three main nations.

An NPC who will mark important locations on your map can be found in the areas listed below.

Aht Urhgan Whitegate/Southern San d’Oria/Port Bastok/Windurst Waters/Ru’Lude Gardens

An NPC with airship and ferry arrival/departure times has been placed in the areas listed below.

Art Urhgan Whitegate/Nashmau/Port San d’Oria/Port Bastok/Port Windurst/Kazham

Players will no longer lose experience points when KO’d in Chain of Promathia mission battlefields.

There is now a smaller chance for the “Large Apparatus” to malfunction when traveling to Tu'Lia via the Hall of Transference.

It is now possible to seal memories and reset Promyvion missions using the “Shattered Telepoint” found at the crags.

It is now possible to speak to your Fellow and find out how many enemies you have defeated since your Fellow was summoned.


New monsters have been placed in the Treasures of Aht Urhgan areas.

The location of certain monsters in the Bhaflau Thickets has been changed.

An issue where the “Aht Urhgan Attercop” in the Wajaom Woodlands would not link with other monsters of the same type in combat has been addressed.

The strength of certain monsters in the Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi and the Garden of Ru'Hmet has been adjusted.

The following bonuses have been added to the Signet effect.

- Increased Healing HP while resting
The initial value for Healing HP (based on the character’s level), as well as the incremental jumps in Healing HP (based on the character’s maximum HP), will be increased.

- No TP loss while resting
While this bonus is in effect, TP will not be lost while resting.

- Bonus experience in small groups
The amount of experience earned while in smaller parties will be increased.
This bonus will be applied in the following manner:

*This bonus does not apply to select monsters, such as the Flesh Eaters in Attohwa Chasm or the Hippogryphs in Riverne - Site #A01.

- Increased defense and evasion against attacks from your auto-attack target
If an auto-attack target is an “even match” or weaker, players will gain a bonus to their defense and evasion against the monster.
This bonus only applies to attacks from an opponent who you are auto-attacking with a drawn weapon. No bonus will be obtained when attacking in a manner other than auto-attack, or when being attacked by monsters that unexpectedly join the fray.

*The bonuses described above will only take effect when a player has received Signet, and is within the usual Signet-specific areas.
*These bonuses do not apply during Ballista, or other PvP events.

The following adjustments have been made to the merit point system.

- A graphic effect visible to other players will now be displayed when a character obtains a merit point.

- It is now possible to switch from experience point mode to limit point mode outside of your Mog House.
*Players cannot switch modes while under a level restriction, or when participating in Besieged.
*It is still only possible to allocate merit points while in your Mog House or Rent-a-Room.

The following changes have been made to paladin job abilities.

- The message displayed when using “Sentinel” has been revised.

- “Rampart” will no longer overwrite other effects such as “Stoneskin.”

The following new spells have been added.

Dark Magic
Drain II Lv.62
Steals an enemy's HP, potentially increasing maximum HP. Ineffective against undead.
Dread Spikes Lv.71
Covers you with magical darkness spikes. Steals HP from enemies that hit you. Ineffective against undead.

*The effect of Dread Spikes will be adjusted during PvP.
*The dark knight will still be KO’d if a single attack inflicts an amount of damage that exceeds his remaining HP.

The enmity gained when using “Chocobo Mazurka” or “Raptor Mazurka” has been reduced.

A dragoon’s wyvern will now perform the following emotes along with its master:


The incorrect range for the blue magic spells “Wild Carrot” and “Magic Fruit” has been adjusted.

Several new automaton attachments have been added.

The following changes have been made to Conflict (Ballista, Brenner):

- The diminishing probability for the samurai job ability “Seigan” to maintain the effect of “Third Eye” has been adjusted.

- Player resistance built up towards the continued use of spells and abilities with the “Bind” effect has been enhanced.


New equipment has been added.

New synthesis recipes have been introduced.

The synthesis recipes listed below were temporarily removed in the February 2007 version update. These recipes will now create different items.

rusty cap/rusty greatsword/rusty pick

The equipment storage NPC will now accept sets of relic armor.

Players will now be able to obtain “Card Cases” for carrying up to 99 corsair cards as one item.

Players can now obtain a “virtue stone pouch” containing 99 virtue stones from the relevant NPC.

The conditions for certain Notorious Monsters to appear, as well as certain treasure drops, have been adjusted in the following manner:

- The method for obtaining the items listed below has been adjusted.
The monsters that dropped these items now have a chance of dropping an EX/Rare item with the exact same attributes.

Fuma Kyahan/Speed Belt/Ochiudo's Kote/Strider Boots/Healing Staff/Eurytos' Bow/Cross-Counters

- The Notorious Monsters listed below now require a certain item to be traded in a certain location in order to appear.

Big Bomb/Alkyoneus/Pallas/Sozu Rogberry/Ullikummi

- The items listed below can now be obtained through different methods.

Cassie Earring/Serket Ring/Juggernaut
*The Juggernaut will still also drop from the usual monster, but at a lower probability.

- The “Lock of Siren's Hair” will be removed from the treasure dropped by the following Notorious Monsters.

Voll the Sharkfinned/Zuug the Shoreleaper/Pahh the Gullcaller/Worr the Clawfisted
*In accordance with this change, the drop rate of this item from monsters other than the four mentioned above will be increased.

- An item to replace the “Kraken Club” has been added to the treasure dropped by the “Lord of Onzozo.”

- Certain items obtained from the Notorious Monsters holding the “Virtues” in Lumoria will now drop with 100% probability.

The message displayed with the Physical damage: "Curse" effect of the Igqira set has been revised.

The following item change has been made to mining in Halvung:

Mithril Ore -> Aht Urhgan Brass


The system that required a “World Pass” to choose the world on which to create a character has been removed from the game. It is now possible to freely choose the world on which you wish to begin your adventures.
*You will also be able to choose the World in which you wish to create subsequent characters.
*World Pass NPCs in the three main nations will now only deal with Gold World Passes.
*The Gold World Passes used in the New Adventurer system will still be issued.
Related Information>>

The following scenes have been added to the title screen:

Pashhow Marshlands/Beaucedine Glacier

- Rise of the Zilart:
Ru'Aun Gardens

- Treasures of Aht Urhgan:
Aydeewa Subterrane

To avoid congestion, players will now appear in a slightly different location when exiting their Mog House into Aht Urhgan Whitegate.

The probability for fishing up items other than fish has been adjusted.

The location of the “Downloading data” message in the help window has been adjusted.

Several new terms have been added to the auto-translate feature.

Category Term
Game Terms Support Job
Game Terms Sanction
Game Terms Chocobo Racing
Game Terms Chocobucks
Game Terms Healing Breath
Titles Private First Class
Titles Sergeant
Titles Corporal
Titles Superior Private
Titles Sergeant Major
Titles Chief Sergeant
Titles Private Second Class
Titles Mercenary
Titles Lance Corporal
Languages German
Languages Can you speak German?
Languages French
Languages Can you speak French?
Languages I don't speak any German.
Languages I don't speak any French.
Spells Dread Spikes

[Current Known Issue]

At the character creation screen, choosing Mithra face 6 may cause the
game to freeze. This issue is only present in the PlayStation(r)2 version.

Currently, the top Auto-Translate Dictionary entry under Text Commands
is blank. If this entry is selected, only the red and green brackets
will be displayed. This issue is only present in the French and German versions.

The Chocobo Racing system announced on the FINAL FANTASY XI official homepage is scheduled for release towards the end of March.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Mar. 7, 2007 09:00 [PST]
From: PlayOnline

PlayOnline Viewer Update (Mar. 7)

At the following time, we have performed a version update of the PlayOnline Viewer.

* The client software has also been updated at this time. The version update process will automatically begin upon login after the time stated below. Please follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

[Affected Period]
Mar. 7, 2007 9:00 (PST)

[Affected Services]

[Important Update Details]
- The Friend Search screen's layout has been drastically changed.

- The PlayOnline Chat Room Search screen's layout has been drastically changed.

- Several items have been added to the Interests section in Handle Profile.

- The graphics representing Group Masters and Group Sub-Masters on the Friend List have been changed. Also, a display of a group friend's rights has been added to the menu displayed when clicking on a group friend.

- The graphics on the bottom right side of the screen that read "Online" or "Now Loading" have been unified into one graphic.

- Various graphics and screen layouts have been changed.

- The "Disconnect automatically after version update" checkbox on the version update top screen has been deleted.

- A viewable registry has been added to the PlayOnline Viewer Config's system information. (Windows version)

- The PlayOnline Viewer Config's Help section has been updated with the latest information. (Windows version)

- An issue was addressed where handles could not be created when trying to create a handle while offline.

- An issue was addressed where selecting "Log out" after sending a group invitation to a friend already in 4 groups would cause the Viewer to freeze.

- An issue was addressed where, when sending or receiving mail under certain circumstances, an error occurs but does not appear.

- An issue was addressed where sorting files on the File Manager screen would use different criteria than the ones entered.

- An issue was addressed where displaying the Friend List for several minutes under certain conditions and then trying to move to a different screen would cause the Viewer to freeze. (PlayStation 2 version)

- An issue was addressed where in Windows XP the window size of the PlayOnline Viewer in windowed mode could be expanded and reduced irregardless of aspect ratio. (Windows version)

- An issue was addressed where, if FINAL FANTASY XI was installed and one tried to uninstall the PlayOnline Viewer, FINAL FANTASY XI Config would also be deleted. (Windows version)

- The graphic representing a member signed in to Xbox Live on the login top screen was changed. Also, a feature was added where this graphic can be used to determine which controller is associated with it. (Xbox 360 version)

- An issue was addressed where sending mails from an Xbox 360 with specific settings would cause the mail to be delivered with the subject, body, and date left blank. (Xbox 360 version)

Other minor issues were addressed.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

PlayOnline: All Worlds Maintenance & FFXI Update March 7
Posted by: Cuer - Fri Mar 02nd, 2007 12:43 pm EST
Mar. 2, 2007 00:00 [PST]

All Worlds Maintenance (Mar. 7)

At the following time, we will be performing maintenance on all Worlds. During this period, FINAL FANTASY XI will be unavailable.

Thank you for your patience.

* The client software will also be updated at this time. Once this maintenance is completed, the client update will start automatically after logging back into FINAL FANTASY XI. Please follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

* You may receive errors such as "POL-1160" or "POL-0010" during the download process due to heavy server traffic. If you are unable to access the update, we ask that you please wait a while and then try again. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in making this a smooth version update.

* We will be making a change to the "World Pass" system. After the maintenance, you will be able to select the designated World for your new characters. For those of who are considering being issued a "World Pass" prior to the maintenance, we recommend that you use the "World Pass" before the maintenance goes into effect. You will still be able to be issued a "Gold World Pass" even after the maintenance.

* For the update details, please refer to "Topics" on the official PlayOnline.com web site or PlayOnline Viewer which will be available on Mar. 7, 2007.

* Also, chocobo racing has been excluded from this version update for further testing, and is scheduled to be implemented at end of March. More details will be announced when they become available. We apologize for the inconvenience.

[Date & Time]
Mar. 7, 2007 from 9:00 to 16:00 (PST)
* Maintenance completion time may be subject to change.

[Affected Services]

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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PlayOnline: World Selection Made Easier!
Posted by: Cuer - Fri Mar 02nd, 2007 12:36 pm EST
World Selection Made Easier!

Starting March 8, 2007, players will be able to create new characters on the World of their choice. Up until now, Worlds would be randomly assigned to characters upon their creation, while only players with World Passes could join their friends. However, with this new adjustment, all players, even ones without World Passes, will have the option to select their realm at the character selection screen.

Originally, the World Pass system was introduced to maintain a balance among all the Worlds and prevent overpopulation. However, with the continued stablization of each World's adventurer community and recent technical advances in server technology, it has been determined that allowing players to create new characters on Worlds of their choice would not greatly affect the current population balance.

In conjunction with this change, we have updated the character creation screen to include a new pull-down window from which players can select the World of their choice. Also, additional characters added to an account will no longer be automatically assigned to the same World as the first character. Players will be free to choose where they wish that new character to reside, be it the same World, or a completely different one.

Finally, the development team is continuing their work on World selection by making preparations for a new service that will allow players to move their characters to different Worlds. Please keep a close watch on the Topics page for further updates on this exciting feature.

World Selection

*While all World Passes will become void after March 8, 2007, Gold World Passes will continue to be distributed to players who wish to purchase them. Any adventurers who would like to invite their friends to Vana'diel can still utilize the Gold World Pass feature and take advantage of the special benefits this unique system has to offer.

Official PlayOnline Announcement

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