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Chains of Promathia Arrives! - September 20, 2004
Posted by: Cuer - September 20, 2004
The Chains of Promathia expansion pack is released in North America tomorrow, on September 21. The following notice from PlayOnline details the steps necessary to get it up and running.

FINAL FANTASY XI: Chains of Promathia Info Update!

The following article contains the latest information on the FINAL FANTASY XI: Chains of Promathia expansion pack!

You must enter a registration code in order to use the Chains of Promathia expansion pack. You must also enter your PlayOnline ID and password, so be sure to have them readily available. If you are unsure of your PlayOnline ID and/or password, we recommend you confirm them ahead of time.

If you do not know your PlayOnline ID...

Start up the PlayOnline Viewer. Your PlayOnline ID should be displayed on the login screen in one of your member list entries.

If you do not know your PlayOnline password...

Please call the PlayOnline Information Center as indicated below.

The PlayOnline Information Center will discuss PlayOnline ID and password issues with the account owner only. It will not disclose such information to any third party for any reason.

The PlayOnline Information Center cannot retrieve lost or forgotten passwords. If you lose your password, a new one will be issued to you.

PlayOnline Information Center
(858) 790-7529
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time

Official PlayOnline Announcement

Site Updates - September 19, 2004
Posted by: Cuer - September 19, 2004
Updates and additions here to various NPCs and items; some are new from the patch, and some are just being filled in. For full information on all the new additions to the game, be sure to check out the updated September 13 Patch Compilation of Info.

Items Added: Map of Bibiki Bay, Map of Carpenters' Landing

Items Updated: Marbled Steak, Grass Thread, Black Ink, Hachimaki, Mizu-Deppo, Makibishi, Uchitake, Bibiki Slug, Ground Wasabi, Photoanima, Fire Anima, Ice Anima, Wind Anima, Earth Anima, Lightning Anima, Water Anima, Light Anima, Dark Anima, Armored Arrowheads

NPCs Added: Deguerendars, Emaliveulaux, Alizabe, Eugballion, Millerovieunet, Takiyah, Vendavoq, Bagnobrok, Prestapiq, Pursuivant, Wobke, Tilian, Marin, Ken, Meldivon, Keshab-Menjab, Five of Spades, Sorutoto, Npopo, Jatan-Paratan, Ranpi-Monpi, Hobibi, Imasuke, Jaipal, Tautorie, Jhuo Halmanzoh, Najib, Funono, Rachocho, Gaura, Nikki, Gatita, Avijit, Moulloie, Haubijoux, Honorine, Harith

-- Cuer

Site Updates - September 17, 2004
Posted by: Cuer - September 17, 2004
The first round of recipes for all the new items is in, along with updates to practically every item that went in with the last patch. The new recipes are listed below, along with a handful of straggler new items from the patch.

For full details on the September 13 patch with all of these items and recipes included, be sure to check out the updated September 13 Patch Compilation of Info, which has everything sorted in an easy to read format.

Items Added: Shade Spats +1, Shade Spats, Shade Tiara +1, Shade Tiara, Shade Mittens +1, Shade Mittens, Shade Harness +1, Shade Harness, Shade Tights +1, Shade Tights, Pet Food Zeta Biscuit, Cursepaper

Recipes Added: Shade Spats, Shade Tights, Shade Mittens, Shade Harness, Shade Tiara, Mist Pumps, Mist Slacks, Mist Mitts, Mist Tunic, Mist Crown, Garish Pumps, Garish Slacks, Garish Mitts, Garish Tunic, Eisenschuhs, Eisendiechlings, Eisenhentzes, Eisenbrust, Eisenschaller, Seer's Pumps, Seer's Slacks, Seer's Mitts, Seer's Tunic, Seer's Crown, Noct Gaiters, Noct Brais, Noct Gloves, Noct Doublet, Noct Beret, Bison Gamashes, Bison Kecks, Bison Wristbands, Bison Jacket, Bison Warbonnet, Dispel Couse, Couse, Bolt Belt, Warp Cudgel, Coated Shield, Bodkin Arrow, Gendawa, Steel Ingot, Paktong Ingot, Pellet Belt, Falx, Tomahawk, Twicer, Voulge, Buffalo Leather, Buffalo Leather, Bugard Leather, Bugard Leather, Leather Pouch, Haste Belt, Invisible Mantle, Powder Boots, Stoneskin Torque, Messhikimaru, Poiseden's Ring, Brass Tank, Rhodonite, Poisona Ring, Palmer's Bangles, Roast Carp, Blackened Newt, Crimson Jelly, Pet Food Zeta Biscuit, Fish & Chips, Hedgehog Pie, Snoll Gelato, Bison Steak, Moblinweave, Mandibular Sickle, Armored Arrowheads, Hermes Quencher, Hyper Ether, Hyper Potion, Ether Tank, Potion Tank, Water Tank, Black Ink, Riot Grenade, Quake Grenade, Carbon Fiber, Firesand, Blink Band

-- Cuer

Chains of Promathia Item & NPC Compilation of Info - September 13, 2004
Posted by: Cuer - September 13, 2004
The following information details the item, recipe, guild and NPC changes that went in with the Chains of Promathia expansion. These changes primarily can be accessed even if someone does not own the exapansion; the raw materials can be sold on the Auction House and crafted by anyone. These are from the patches that set up the expansion: the main one on September 13, and a fixing patch on October 6. Every item added in those patches is listed below, along with NPC changes. This news item will be updated regularly as more information becomes available.

  • Direct link to this news item
  • New regional merchants were added with the September 13 patch, and are all listed below.
  • More than 150 new items list below have recipes, including the new ingredients that require crafting tools to be synthesized. Over a dozen new sales are available at NPC merchants, including both new and old items.
  • All the items listed below are from the September 13 patch. Any item marked with an asterisk (*) has a recipe in the database (recipes cover both standard and HQ results,) or other information about how it's obtained. Any food items marked with a plus (+) have their stats listed.
  • Last updated on January 31, 2005 at 4:15PM EDT; this news was fixed up to reflect information gained in the months since this patch went in.

Click on More to read the rest of this news item.


Site Updates (Second Batch) - September 14, 2004
Posted by: Cuer - September 14, 2004
These are the rest of the changes and additions from yesterday's patch; all of the items added to the game with the patch are now in the item database. A lot of other information for these items is still missing, such as the recipes to craft them. Most of that should show up within the next week or so. Enjoy, and be sure to check out the description on the Porcupine Pie!

Spells Updated: Bio, Bio II, Dia II, Raise

Items Added: Shu'Meyo Salt, Blackened Siredon, Mistmelt, Yellow Liquid, Terroanima, Hysteroanima, Psychoanima, Regain Feather, Rebirth Feather, Revive Feather, Blaze Feather, Fire Feather, Hyper Ether, Hyper Potion, Hermes Quencher, Barwater Ointment, Barthunder Ointment, Barstone Ointment, Baraero Ointment, Barblizzard Ointment, Barfire Ointment, Drachenessence, Celestial Incense, Spiritual Incense, Carnal Incense, Wizard's Drink, Giant's Drink, Movalpolos Water, Ground Wasabi, Leadafry, Friture Misareaux, Vermillion Jelly, Marbled Steak, Porcupine Pie, Sub-Zero Gelato, Tavnazian Liver, Fatty Tuna Sushi, Buffalo Meat, Urchin Sushi +1, Urchin Sushi, Sole Sushi +1, Sole Sushi, Tuna Sushi, Squid Sushi +1, Squid Sushi, Snoll Gelato, Hedgehog Pie, Fish & Chips, Crimson Jelly, Goblin Stir-Fry, Bison Steak, Muddy Siredon, Phanaeut Newt, Tropical Clam, Jacknife, Bibiki Slug, Moorish Idol, Titanic Sawfish, Tricorn, Bibiki Urchin, Trilobite, Armored Pisces, Lungfish, Bibikibo, Blindfish, Druid's Slops, Bravo's Subligar, Magic Slacks, Darksteel Codpiece, Sable Cuisses, Aikido Koshita, War Hose, Falconer's Hose, Caitiff's Socks, Cure Clogs, Herald's Gaiters, Powder Boots, Kampfschuhs, Eisenschuhs, Seer's Pumps +1, Seer's Pumps, Rubious Pumps, Garish Pumps, Mist Pumps, Noct Gaiters, Genie Hauraches, Igqira Hauraches, Brave's Gamashes, Bison Gamashes, Conte Gambieras, Barone Gambieras, Sheikh Crackows, Sha'ir Crackows, Hojutsu Belt, Haste Belt, Bolt Belt, Pellet Belt, Horror Head II, Pumpkin Head II, Reviler's Helm, Frenzy Sallet, Kosshin, Blink Band, Kampfschaller, Eisenschaller, Seer's Crown +1, Seer's Crown, Rubious Crown, Garish Crown, Mist Crown, Noct Beret +1, Noct Beret, Genie Tiara, Igqira Tiara, Brave's Warbonnet, Bison Warbonnet, Conte Zucchetto, Barone Zucchetto, Sheikh Turban, Sha'ir Turban, Noritsune Kote, Magical Mitts, Concealing Cuffs, Palmer's Bangles, Kampfhentzes, Eisenhentzes, Seer's Mitts +1, Seer's Mitts, Rubious Mitts, Garish Mitts, Mist Mitts, Noct Gloves +1, Noct Gloves, Genie Manillas, Igqira Manillas, Brave Wristbands, Bison Wristbands, Conte Manopolas, Barone Manopolas, Sheikh Gages, Sha'ir Gages, Curaga Earring, Knightly Earring, Hercules' Ring, Atlaua's Ring, Ducal Guard's Ring, Poiseden's Ring, Poisona Ring, Kampfbrust, Eisenbrust, Federation Aketon, Republic Aketon, Kingdom Aketon, Seer's Tunic +1, Seer's Tunic, Rubious Tunic, Garish Tunic, Mist Tunic, Noct Doublet +1, Noct Doublet, Genie Weskit, Igqira Weskit, Brave's Jacket, Bison Jacket, Conte Corazza, Barone Corazza, Sheikh Manteel, Sha'ir Manteel, Nokizaru Hakama, Shinimusha Haidate, Noct Brais +1, Rubious Slacks, Kampfdiechlings, Eisendiechlings, Seer's Slacks +1, Seer's Slacks, Garish Slacks, Mist Slacks, Noct Brais, Genie Lappa, Igqira Lappa, Brave's Kecks, Bison Kecks, Conte Cosciales, Barone Cosciales

Items Updated: Daedalus Wing

-- Cuer

Site Updates - September 14, 2004
Posted by: Cuer - September 14, 2004
The first group of item additions and changes from the patch yesterday went in. The only notable alteration of items already in is with a handful of Thrown items now being usable by Dragoons; most of updates are simple description changes. Many of the new items are already available in the game, while others look to be part of the upcoming expansion.

Items Added: Light Ram Leather, Tough Dhalmel Leather, Caliginous Wolf Hide, Smooth Sheep Leather, Molybdenum Sheet, Orichalcum Sheet, Molybdenum Ore, Moblin Hotrok, Ordrynite, Garhada Teak Lumber, Egret Fishing Rod, Snow Lily, White Memosphere, Indigo Memosphere, Beryl Memosphere, Teal Memosphere, Harajnite Shell, Megalobugard Tusk, Photoanima, Smooth Beetle Jaw, Vivified Coral, Cashmere Cloth, Cashmere Thread, Cashmere Wool, Molybdenum Ingot, Fernan's Diaries, Naphille Pochette, Counterfeit Gil, Eastern Paper, Nyumomo Doll, Smooth Velvet, Fine Linen Cloth, Bloodthread, Scarlet Linen, Extra-Fine File, Spruce Lumber, Magicked Steel, Habaneros, Gray Chip, Cyanogen Chip, Carmine Chip, Giant Scale, Hippogryph Tailfeather, Recollection Of Guilt, Recollection Of Pain, Recollection Of Fear, Soiled Letter, Warding Oil, Gold Key, Light Steel Ingot, High Quality Bugard Skin, Bewitched Gold Ingot, Rogue's Platinum Ingot, Aqueous Orichalcum Ingot, Neutralizing Platinum Ingot, Indurated Gold Ingot, Ethereal Oak Lumber, Exorcismal Oak Lumber, Bewitched Ash Lumber, Hoary Bomb Ash, Cleanly Snapped Rod, Cluster Core, Chameleon Diamond, Bronze Key, Coral Crest Key, Sealion Crest Key, Bundling Twine, Brass Tank, Leather Pouch, Igneous Rock, Rice Vinegar, Moblin Thread, Kopparnickel Ore, Scarlet Stone, Dark Anima, Light Anima, Water Anima, Lightning Anima, Earth Anima, Wind Anima, Ice Anima, Fire Anima, Bugard Skin, Corse Robe, Kaiserin Cosmetics, Moblin Mask, Bugard Leather, Moblinweave, Paktong Ingot, Rhodonite, Clot Plasma, Moblin Mail, Moblin Armor, Cluster Ash, Buffalo Leather, Buffalo Hide, Armored Arrowheads, Avatar Blood, Moblin Helm, Bugbear Mask, Eft Skin, Bugard Tusk, Taurus Wing, Taurus Horn, Hippogryph Feather, Uragnite Shell, Flytrap Leaf, Antlion Jaw, Buffalo Horn, Corse Bracelet, Malevolent Memory, Radiant Memory, Somber Memory, Startling Memory, Profane Memory, Fleeting Memory, Bitter Memory, Burning Memory, Apple Mint, Pso'Xja Chest Key, Newton Chest Key, Oldton Chest Key, Sacrarium Chest Key, Sheikh Seraweels, Sha'ir Seraweels, Noct Gaiters +1, Invisible Mantle, Potion Tank, Water Tank, Ether Tank, Pachamac's Collar, Reraise Gorget, Stoneskin Torque, Yinyang Lorgnette, Coated Shield, Mercurial Sword, Falx +1, Falx, Twicer, Voulge +1, Voulge, Bodkin Arrow, Heavy Lance, Dispel Couse, Couse +1, Couse, Tredecim Scythe, Antlion Sickle, Mandibular Sickle, Perseus' Harpe, Harpe, Tomahawk +1, Tomahawk, Messhikimaru, Nikkariaoe, Treat Staff II, Trick Staff II, Mercurial Pole, Federal Signet Staff, Republic Signet Staff, Kingdom Signet Staff, Healing Mace, Snoll Arm, Cluster Arm, Rikonodo, Gendawa +1, Gendawa, Warp Cudgel, Lufaise Fly

Items Updated: Rye Flour, Goblin Helm, Goblin Mail, Tukuku Whiteshell, Chocobo Bedding, Roshi Jinpachi, Gavial Mail +1, Astragalos, Tathlum, Pebble

-- Cuer

Site Updates - September 13, 2004
Posted by: Cuer - September 13, 2004
More updates to various items, to fix some previously inaccurate item information.

Items Added: Beast Collar, Mellow Bird Broth, Cunning Brain Broth, Grapnel, Skirnir's Wand

Items Updated: Giant Sheep Meat, Pluto's Ring, Rice Dumpling, Koga Tekko, Koga Hatsuburi, Koga Hatsuburi, Shadow Ring, Fenrir's Stone, Schwarz Axt, Burnite Shell Stone, Aspir Knife, Worker Boots

September 13 FFXI Patch Notes - Sept 13, 2004
Posted by: Cuer - September 13, 2004
The rather large set of changes from the patch going in today has been posted on PlayOnline. Among other things, it includes raising the experience cap per kill, new quests (including a new Gobbiebag quest), the new clamming activity, and much more! The full details are available in the link below:

Final Fantasy XI September 13, 2004 Patch Notes

Site Updates - September 7, 2004
Posted by: Cuer - September 7, 2004
More busy work by the opo-opo crew, who have covered the vast underground Somepage.com headquarters with reams of paper as they try to figure out just how to catagorize the odds and ends they find in their daily excursions into Vana'diel. Here's what they've turned up lately:

Items Added: Rancor Handle, Rancor Tank, Rancor Globe, 1 Byne Bill, Rimilala Stripeshell, Illuminink, Bee Larvae, Tonberry Rattle, Ancients' Key, Desert Light, Eye of Nept, Egil's Torch, Sahagin Key, Ro'Maeve Water, Rattling Egg, Uggalepih Whistle, Goobbue Humus, Wind Pendulum, Lightning Pendulum, Ice Pendulum, Earth Pendulum, Frag Rock, Sacred Branch, Snobby Letter, Star Spinel, Ancient Salt, Tonberry Board, Rafflesia Nectar, Cursed Key, Judgment Key, Blue Rancor, Crimson Rancor, Rancor Flame, Unlit Lantern, Prelate Key, Old Earring, Orcish Mail Scales, Glittersand, Glowstone, Davoi Storage Key, Xalmo Feather, Well Weight

Items Updated: Foul Blood Broth, Lucky Carrot Broth, Koga Tekko, Montiont Silverpiece, Ranperre Goldpiece, Ordelle Bronzepiece, Lungo-Nango Jadeshell, Uggalepih Offering, Atropos Orb, Lachesis Orb, Clotho Orb, Shoalweed

New and Updated Recipes: Silk Pumps, Pigaches, Dragon Mail +1

-- Cuer

Summoner bloodpacts were added to the spell database.
Summoner Spells

-- Palos

PlayOnline: Sep 2004 Announcements - September 7, 2004
Posted by: Cuer - September 7, 2004
From the Developers' Room in PlayOnline (note that the first update has been rescheduled for September 7):

In preparation for the release of FINAL FANTASY XI: Chains of Promathia on September 21, there is a preliminary update scheduled for September 6, from 10:00AM (PDT). There will be no server maintenance accompanying this preliminary update, and its contents will not affect gameplay in any way.

After this preliminary update, a version update for the release of Chains of Promathia is scheduled for September 13, from 10:00AM to 4:00PM (PDT). All of the changes and additions outlined in the July-August Developer's Room announcement will be implemented in this update.

To access the new areas and other features of the Chains of Promathia expansion pack, it will be necessary to first install the contents of the Chains of Promathia expansin pack disc, or the 2004 European All-in-One pack, and then complete the Expanded Services registration process.

There will be a separate update when logging in for the first time following installation of the Chains of Promathia expansion pack disc, or the 2004 European All-in-One pack. Details of the September 13th version update will be announced on the day of the update.

The development team is currently working on additional content to follow up on the release of Chains of Promathia. Details regarding these new features will be announced as they become available.

Never before seen images from Chains of Promathia are scheduled to be shown at the TOKYO GAME SHOW 2004. We'd love to see you there!

Best regards,

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Order: Final Fantasy XI Online: Wings of the Goddess Expansion Pack (PC)(PS2)(XBOX 360)
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